Backyard Fun, by Ann Dillon

Past Issues

Not everyone needs to leave their backyard to have a vacation this summer…. I remember as a child, my mom was the travel and activities coordinator for the entire neighborhood! She would plan so many projects that we were seldom bored. How could she afford to provide activities for all of us? My mother used her resources!! Here are some resources to use for planning backyard summer fun:

Travel suggestions and tips in NY region:

Quick road trips in NY including state parks, golf, and historical locations:

Camping in New York:

Additional day trip ideas and travel tips with abundant resources:

If your summer routine leaves little time to travel, examine these sites to inspire backyard fun….

After dinner diversions:

Lazy, crazy summer ideas, backyard science projects, and other hot weather ideas just for kids:


I hope you enjoy the sites! If you have a project or backyard summer family fun idea and want to share it, contact me at or share it on the Parent-Talk listserve.