1. To:   EIP/ Life Skills Student

To:   EIP/ Life Skills Student

To:     EIP/ Life Skills Student
From:   K. Polyn  
Subject:   Job Shadowing
Date:   Sept 16, 2004
As part of Graduation requirements 11th grade students are expected to have a job shadow experience. This is to be completed while taking the Electronic Information Processing class/ Life Skills. Below are the requirements that were discussed in class with your child. If you have any questions please contact me at school ext 2236 or email kpolyn@lyonscsd.org

Lyons High School Job Shadow Requirement

The purpose of this requirement is to provide students with the opportunity to observe someone in a chosen career in which they have an interest. Allowing students to spend time in the workplace will increase their awareness and understanding of job requirements and opportunities as they leave high school and go into the work force or on to more education. Students are to be accountable for making their shadowing worthwhile by being prepared to learn from this experience. In addition they must agree to the following conditions and responsibilities:
1.  Students are responsible to set up their own shadowing. They are to schedule this shadowing during non-school time which means, after school, weekends or during a day when school is not in session., Oct. 11th, Nov. 11th, Nov. 24th-26th and week of Dec. 24th-31stThe job shadowing must consist of a minimum of 4 hours. Four to six hours is recommended.
2.  Students must behave in a professional manner, being courteous and using appropriate language.
3.  Students should dress in clean, neat and professional style clothing. Generally, clothing that is acceptable in school is not appropriate in the workplace.
4.  All information learned from the job site, whether an office, a health facility, or a school is confidential. This means those persons seen or knowledge of events other than learning activities is not to be shared with anyone.
5.  The instructor must approve all job shadows.
6.  Every student must complete a job shadow to earn a ½ credit for graduation requirements.
7.  Job shadowing is 30% of your EIP/Life Skills grade.
8.  A packet of forms and guidelines will be provided to the students to assist them in completing this requirement.
9.     Students are required to hand in a written report on their job shadow experience one week before the end of this semester - Due Date January 10th. It can also be handed in prior to this date. Guidelines and a rubrics will be given to the students discussing in detail what should be included in this report. Some class time will be allotted to students to write this report.


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