January 31, 2003
Let each become all that he was created capable of being.” - - - Thomas Carlyle (Scottish Philosopher)


Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.

1. Budget: The budget news from Albany is not good. Under the governor’s proposal we would lose approximately $485,000. We also have New York State retirement cost increases of $148,000 and health cost increases of $350,000. If we add no staff or programs but simply carry this year forward it would take an 11% tax increase.

The governor has also proposed that schools not be allowed to increase spending more than 4%. In doing this he has sent a pretty clear message to schools and communities. I met with our county superintendents yesterday. They expect their budgets and tax increases to be at contingency levels. Under the State formula that means spending (less debt service) could rise a maximum of 1.92%. That would translate into a 6.28% tax increase. Obviously something would have to change in order to make this happen. All of these numbers are very preliminary and will change as we continue to analyze them. Greg, Larry and I will be working on numbers this weekend and will keep you abreast of where we are. I have enclosed an email I sent to staff today and some other assorted information on the budget.

2. High School Chem./Biology: On Wednesday we asked for and received the resignation of one of our first year science teachers. We had been monitoring the situation all year. Wednesday was the last straw. Diane Page is our new science teacher who tentatively began today. I will be recommending her for appointment at our next meeting. She is a graduate of SUNY Oswego. This is her first teaching assignment and she will need support from both her fellow teachers and administration in order to have our students prepared for the June regents. I will give more details at our next executive session.


3. Teacher Union Paper: Enclosed are copies of the most recent union newsletter. Although union newsletters aren’t always the place administrators and Boards go for encouraging news I was struck by the article found on the second page. We may be in a serious budget struggle but the article is a very positive statement. We have come many miles over the last three years. It was one of three goals (along with student achievement and facilities) that you expressed concern about when I first came to Wayne. This is an area we always have to monitor and one that will ebb and flow. However you should take some pleasure in where we are now.


4. Wrestling Bus:  Following our wrestling teams participation in their last tournament there were complaints from parents, coaches and students about the bus driver’s performance. Transportation director Fred Prince met with the driver to discuss the issues and had our two bus trainers test the driver. In addition Fred rode with the driver yesterday. All three individuals feel the man is safe to drive. He did use a bus that he was unfamiliar with which may have contributed to the problem. The team leaves this afternoon for another tournament. You guessed it….. The only driver available/willing to take the trip is this same person. Fred is certain he is fine as is the coach. I don’t believe all parents will be. I wish there was another driver but I trust Fred’s judgment.


5. Spain Trip: In two weeks 75 students and 12 chaperones are scheduled to go to Spain. In light of recent events I have been reviewing my decision to allow the trip. To gather information, I have contacted the State department, the travel agent and met with high school staff. I have enclosed a CNN article that I recently obtained. The agent and the insurance carrier have both said that there is no travel advisory and thus there would not be any refund. The chaperones aren’t concerned at this point and there have not been any concerns expressed by parents. However I do remain concerned and will continue to monitor international events. It will not be a popular decision if I pull the trip but it may be the right decision. As of this point it is still on. I will contact you immediately if I cancel.


6. Events –

Feb. 6 – Four County Mtg. – Presidents’, Vice-Presidents’ & Superintendents’ Round Table
   “Budgeting In Difficult Times” Phelps Hotel, Route 96, Phelps
    Registration- 5:30, Dinner-6:30, Discussion-7:30
Dinner selections: NY Strip Steak, Char-Grilled Chicken Breast, Herb Grilled Whitefish
    Please Let Lori know if you are interested in attending.
March 4 – WFL BOCES Regional Budget Mtg. – Eisenhower Bldg, Newark – 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Please let Lori know if you plan to attend
March 9-11 – NYSSBA “State Legislative Network” – Albany Mariott, Albany
 Topics: Fiancial Crisis/ Assessments/ No Child Left Behind/ Charter Schools
Costs: $165 Tuition + lodging, etc.
 Please Let Lori know if you are interested in attending.
Athletics: (home games)
2/3 – Girls Freshman BB vs. Fairport – 4:15 p.m.
2/4 – Girls JV & V BB vs. Bloomfield – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
2/5 – Boys Freshman BB vs. Honeoye Falls/Lima – 4:15 p.m.
2/6 – JV & V Wrestling vs. Penfield – 6:00 p.m.
2/7 – Boys JV & V BB vs. Midlakes – 6:00 & 7:30
2/8 – Girls JV & V BB vs. Victor – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.

7. Attachments:


a) Email to staff
b) Budget information
c) Capital Project Drainage Meeting Minutes – 1/23/03
d) CNN article
e) Walworth Town Board Meeting Minutes – 1/16/03
f) Ontario Town Board Meeting Minutes - 1/13/03
g) Governor’s Budget Analysis


Att. a

  -----Original Message-----

From: Havens, Michael
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 6:20 AM
To: Staff, Administrators
Subject: Budget

Please review and use your English skills to suggest changes. I'd like to send it out around 11:00 today.
Dear Staff,
As most of you are aware, on Wednesday Governor Pataki unveiled his proposed budget for next year. The aid to education numbers provided to us by the governor’s budget proposal do not bode well for any New York State school including Wayne. For the first time in my twenty-six years as an educator there is an actual decrease in aid. Preliminary estimates of that decrease amount to $485,000. That State decrease is in addition to increases from the New York State retirement system totaling $148,000.
When we combine those costs with increased health care rates ($358,000) and salary contract obligations, we have a sizeable gap between the revenues available to us and our projected expenses. Administrators are meeting to look at ways to close this gap. Our number 1 priority will be to maintain programs for our students. As a first step in meeting this challenge I have placed a freeze on all non-essential spending for the remainder of the year. Every dollar we save this year is a dollar we do not have to cut in next year’s budget. I ask that you work with your principals to look for ways we can be even more efficient in how we are using our resources.
We have good programs here at Wayne Central and a wonderful staff that runs them. I believe that if we work together we can creatively solve this crisis.

Att. b


January 28, 2003

Dear Board President,


The Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services has been working with component superintendents for the past several months on the development of its 2003-2004 administrative and program budgets.

Again this year we will host one regional meeting for board members and superintendents to review the 2003-04 tentative administrative budget, which boards of education will be asked to vote upon on Wednesday, April 23, 2003. We will also highlight other major program budgets.

The meeting scheduled for Monday, February 10, has been changed to Tuesday, March 4, 2003. Like our component districts, the development of budgets this year is very challenging. Proposed budgets are going through more reviews and drafts as we respond to news out of Albany, the impact of reduced state aid, and, in light of this, reset with superintendents the customer requirements for our programs and services. It is causing an increase in the time necessary to develop them. The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM at our Newark campus in the Eisenhower Building, 131 Drumlin Court.


We will use about 45 minutes for presentation and then questions and answers on the budget. A copy of the latest draft of the proposed administrative budget will be sent to you at the end of the month for your review. We will devote the remaining time to an open dialogue on any issues or concerns regarding BOCES programs and services.
I would like to extend an invitation to you, your board members, and superintendent to attend the regional budget meeting. It is our hope that each board will be able to send at least one representative to the budget meeting. Please contact your superintendent if you plan to attend this meeting. A registration form has been sent to each superintendent to complete and return to Carolyn Robinson, BOCES Board Clerk, by Wednesday, February 26 with the name and phone number of attendees from your district.
We strongly encourage component board member attendance and participation. We hope to see you and your board members and superintendent at the regional meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (315) 462-3414 or Carolyn Robinson, BOCES Board Clerk, at (315-332-7284) if you have any questions regarding the meeting.



Mary Lue Mueller
Board President

Component Board Members
BOCES Board          

Superintendent of Schools

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