1. The year’s at the Spring, And day’s at the morn
  1. 3. Attachments:
  2. Lory Morrin Principal        Fax (315) 524-8575       
  3. DATE:  May 9, 2002

May 10, 2002

The year’s at the Spring, And day’s at the morn
Morning’s at seven; The hill-side’s dew-pearled;
The lark’s on the wing; The snail’s on the thorn;
God’s in his heaven—All’s right with the world!
           ….Robert Browning
Greetings from Wayne Central School District.
Below are some items of interest.
Board Meeting:

1. Public Forum Budget Hearing – The meeting will begin at 7:00 with the budget hearing and public comment. Our regular meeting will begin at 7:30.


2. Student Award – 8th grade student, Erik Larson (and family) will be in attendance to receive Board recognition for his Water Science Project. The Board will be presenting him with an Excellence Award. Would someone who hasn’t yet given an award like to do the honors?


3. Attendance Committee Update - Joyce Lyke will comment on the progress of the attendance committee. Please let Joyce know if you have any feedback so she can take it back to the committee.


4. State Budget Report - The news as of today is that bills are being prepared for the budget deal. There are many rumors out there. I will give you the most up to date information I have.


5. Ginna Update- I will fill you in on our proposal to meet with Ginna to discuss a possible PILOT project. Frank Robusto has agreed to work with Greg and I on this project. Tim Ratcliffe has agreed to be the alternate.


6. Three Board Meeting- We will have our three Board meeting on May 20th. I will be asking for any items you wish to have placed on the agenda. Ontario is hosting this year.


7. Consensus Agenda - We have the March Treasurer’s Report, 2002-2003 private and parochial transportation requests, Gifts to the District, Health contracts for students attending non-public schools in the Brighton and Pittsford school districts, award bids and appoint election personnel. I recommend approval of these items.


8. Policy - There are second readings of policies for your review and approval.


9. Executive Session - There is no anticipated executive session.



1. Lori Smith- Lori’s Dad is gravely ill. I will let the Board know if anything should happen. Errors and typos in this newsletter are my fault (Lori don’t make mistakes).


2. Resource Officer – I met with NYS Trooper, Lt. Hennessey regarding the possibility of having a resource officer at Wayne Central. WEE will be working together to secure an officer for the 2003-2004 school year. Lt. Hennessey is a resident of our community with children in our district. I will keep you posted on our progress.


3. Coca-Cola – Marc Blankenberg, Greg Atseff and I met with Coca Cola on Friday to discuss the final contract and transfer of machines. Our attorney, Wayne Vanderbyl, will be reviewing the contract. Once he is satisfied we will make the switch. All pouring rights money will be placed in our capital reserve account in anticipation of our building project. I discussed the pricing increases which had been a question from board members. Prices can only be increased with mutual consent of school district.


4. Parent Letter – Attached is a letter that Marc sent to a parent regarding his conduct at an athletic event. Marc handled this unfortunate situation extremely well.


5. Events -

May 29 - Four County School Boards Meeting – Board Development Committee
   Phelps Hotel, Route 96, Phelps 5:30 social; 6:30 dinner; 7:30 meeting (planning for next year)
Dinner selections: Prime Rib, Baked Chicken, Vegetarian Lasagna
Please let Lori know if you are interested in attending
June 6 - Four County School BoardsAnnual Dinner and Business Meeting
   Belhurst Castle, Route 14 South, Geneva 5:30 social; 6:30 dinner; 7:45 business meeting
 8:15 - Guest Speaker, Dr. Katherine Keough, St. John Fisher College President
Dinner selections: Prime Rib, Almond & Raisin Dressed Chicken, Altantic Salmon
Please let Lori know if you are interested in attending
Athletics: (home games)
 5/15 – V Baseball vs. Victor – 4:15 p.m.
 5/15 – Boys’ JV Tennis vs. Marcus-Whitman – 4:15 p.m.
 5/15 – V Softball vs. Victor – 4:15 p.m.
5/15 – JV Baseball vs. Geneva – 4:15 p.m.
5/16 – JV Softball vs. Geneva – 4:15 p.m.
5/17 – Boys’ V Tennis vs. Victor – 4:15 p.m.
5/20 – JV Baseball vs. Waterloo – 4:15 p.m.
5/20 – JV Softball vs. Waterloo – 4:15 p.m.

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3.  Attachments:

1. Middle School Annapolis Trip itinerary
2. Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
3. Safety Committee Meeting Minutes

I expect to be home most all of this weekend mowing and seeding the lawn should you need me.



Wayne Central School District        

Michael Havens    Superintendent of Schools          Tel. (315) 524-0226

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Lory Morrin Principal                 Fax (315) 524-8575        
Holly Young            Assistant Principal        

Ronald Jones
Dean of Students
Marc Blankenberg Director of Athletics & Physical Education  Office (315) 524-0319
May 7, 2002
XXXXX County Line Road
Ontario, NY 14519
Dear Mr. XXXXXX:
This letter is to inform you that I am prohibiting you from attending any Wayne Central Interscholastic Sporting Events for the remainder of the 2002 school year. This action comes in response to your involvement in an altercation with a Wayne Central Student-Athlete following a Varsity Baseball contest at Wayne Central on May 6, 2002. Any attempt on your part to attend an athletic contest on school grounds could result in your arrest for trespassing.
Your behavior was totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated at Wayne Central. As adults we need to be supportive of our students in their endeavors regardless if they are successful or not. High School athletics are not a matter of life or death, they are just games.
Marc Blankenberg
Athletic Director
cc:  Dave Marean, Varsity Baseball Coach
 Lory Morrin, Principal

  Michael Havens, Superintendent
 State Police
 Wayne County Sheriff

TO:    Safety Committee Members:
Fred Prince - Transportation
Maureen Doyle – MS, PE
Tom Lucieer – OE, Maintenance
   Bob Pearles - DO, Administration              Darcy Petrosino – OP, Health Office
   Lori Sensenbach – OP, SCRIP
   Bob Magin – FE, Instructional
   Kathleen DeGoey – HS, Instructional
FROM:  Don Davis – Committee Chairperson (Dir. of Facilities)
RE:    Meeting Minutes

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DATE:    May 9, 2002

This is a summary of today’s Safety Committee meeting:
Student and staff accidents were insignificant.
Old Business

1. I have completed Right-to-Know refresher sessions for district staff. Also, blood borne pathogen training and the offer of pre-hep-B vaccination has been provided for all staff classified as “at risk” of exposure.


2. We discussed school bus safety and the use of SCRIP procedures. An accident involving a kindergarten bus was discussed. Fred noted that, although SCRIP was implemented, a parent (who witnessed the accident) was able to relay the incident to the principal sooner than Fred could complete all his communications to everyone on his list.

New Business:

1. A parent called me regarding her concern about the increased number of referrals regarding disciplinary action on our busses. She referenced a “Coaching the Driver” course available for school bus drivers and was going to drop off information as soon as it was available (I have not received it yet). Fred provided insights into much of the formal training currently provided for the drivers. In addition, there is a great deal of networking that goes on between drivers as well as other school staff to provide drivers additional training and support. Fred also pointed out that the use of disciplinary referrals (although reactive) is a necessary tool used to deal with student behavioral issues. The district also provides pro-active student instruction (such as character education, how to handle teasing and other social/peer pressures, anger management, etc.) and a “Good Bus Rides” recognition program that acknowledges good behavior. Fred went on to note problems trying to fill an unassigned monitor position (currently vacant). This person would serve to provide supervisory support on various bus runs as needed. At this time, the committee did not have any recommendations regarding this issue as there seem to be a number of efforts currently in place to deal with this situation. However, we will review the “Coaching the Driver” information when it becomes available.
2. The MS nurse expressed a concern over the use of solvent-based aerosol paints used in the tech shops. This came about after a couple of students reported having a headache after spray painting their projects. I brought this before the safety committee due to the other issues of flammability with the solvent based aerosol paints and the strict requirement for storage. Alternatives are latex based; however none are available in aerosol form as of yet. Committee members directed me to work with the MS principal and tech staff to resolve this issue.
3. Lori brought up a concern about contaminated food that was sparked due to an article she read in National Geographic. I asked if she would make a copy of this article for me. I would share it with Carol Fisher and work with her regarding any of those concerns that may be applied to our setting.
4. Bob Magin expressed concern regarding the small stones that get “kicked” onto the blacktop walk from the playground area. The stones act like marbles on the blacktop and can be hazardous. In the mean time, I will direct the FE custodian to sweep the stones back onto the playground on a daily basis. I will estimate the cost to convert the area from wash stone to the wood chip material that is used at OP to cushion falls in the play area. This will be for consideration in future O&M budgets. Bob will try to see if the FE parent group is interested in trying to raise funds for this project.

This will be the last safety committee meeting for this school year. I appreciate the efforts that all of you have made to participate. I realize how busy everyone’s schedule must be and how difficult it is to make the time to attend. I look forward to seeing each of you next year. I also wish to thank the administration and Board of Education for their support of safety in our district.

Xc: Michael Havens
Greg Atseff



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DATE: Tuesday, May 7, 2002 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: District Office

PRESENT:     Trustees Triou, Lyke, Ratcliffe, Mr. Havens, Mr. Switzer
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of March 26, 2002 were filed as presented.
Policy Review Service – Erie #1 BOCES: Mr. Triou shared a CD-ROM from Erie #1 BOCES with all of the revisions to date by the BOCES policy service for the committee’s use in review of those drafts. Clarifications were made on the sections of the new and old handbook that are included at this time.
Updated List –Required Policies: Mr. Triou shared a copy of an updated outline of policies and regulations required by statute that was sent by Erie #1 BOCES.
Update – Attendance Regulations Committee: Mrs. Lyke noted that she is serving as a member of this committee of staff members and a student to develop recommendations to comply with new state regulations on attendance in class by students and awarding credit for courses. The committee hopes to have a final report by the end of June.
Review of New §1000 (Bylaws) – Erie #1 BOCES Policy Update Service: Committee members devoted the remainder of the meeting to detailed review of existing policies with items re-codified in the BOCES policy update in new §1000 (Bylaws of the Board of Education).
As part of the review, updates to the following, existing policies were noted and referred for Board of Education review. Mr. Switzer to prepare for first reading at the May 14th school board meeting.
Policy 2237 – School Tax Collector – title and language updates
Policy 2350 – Board Meeting Procedures – revise to match current practice

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, May 30, 2002 @ 4:00 p.m. @ the District Office
Discussion of: Review §2000-§4000 (Erie #1) to existing handbook
● Discussion on: Feedback on §5300.1 to §5300.12 (Code of Conduct committee) (Existing Policy)
Status Report: Review of Needed Regulations (existing policy)
Status Report: Attendance Regulations Review Committee Input (existing policy)
ADJOURNMENT:     6:00 p.m.             Recorded by Jim Switzer

Att. 1

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