June 4, 2004
Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.
Board Meeting:

1. Board Meeting:  Please note the 7:00 Tour of the bus garage and maintenance facilities. The board meeting will follow immediately in the bus garage.


2. Board/Adminstrative Retreat - We need to pick a date for our Board/Administrative goal retreat. You will recall from an earlier letter that we had talked about delaying the meeting until October to better line up with the budget process. Some Board members liked that idea. Others prefer keeping the July date. After we decide which month it will occur, we need to settle on a date.


3. Third Quarter Achievement Report – Larry will be presenting his report on the academic achievement of our students for the third quarter.


4. Graduation – We will be briefly reminding people on the time, place and date. We also will want to make sure everyone can make the ceremony.
5. Social Studies Textbook Recommendations – Larry will be presenting two social studies textbooks for approval. The high school selection committee is represented by Andrew Struzik and the 5th grade selection committee is represented by Melanie Stevenson. They will provide an overview of the textbook selection process and rationale.
6. Financial Update – Greg will provide his monthly finance report.
7. Construction Uddate – Greg will outline the next steps in the process now that we have officially awarded al l the bids. There is a contractors meeting the day before the Board meeting which will give us a chance to meet the people.
8. Personnel Action - Mark has several personnel items which I recommend approval. Remember that at our next Board meeting I will be recommending several administrators for tenure. We will have an executive session at that time to review each person. If you have any questions or concerns about any of the administrators please do not hesitate to contact me.


9. Consensus Agenda – In the consensus agenda is the formal recommendation to have the construction change order threshold be at $10,000. We agreed to that informally at an earlier meeting but this makes it formal. Also note the letter from me on wages for non-represented people. We do this at this time each year. The amounts are the same as the union people.



1. OE Incident: Last Friday an employee at OE found a message written in the bathroom above the toilet saying “hear the boom.” Mr. Siracuse was informed of the finding at 2:00 p.m. He did not consider it a bomb threat but called me for advice. If we have a bomb threat our protocal is that we evacuate. We do not evaluate whether it is a valid bomb threat our not. The question then was whether it was a bomb threat. I agreed that it was not. It quite likely was referring to what goes on when you go to the bathroom (sorry). A staff member and her husband have taken issue with the decision not to evacuate and have made a couple phone calls. I talked with the husband Tuesday night. When I explained what the wording actually was he seemed relieved and very satisfied. His wife is not. She has met with Joe and will be meeting with me shortly. In reviewing our response the one unfortunate thing that did occur was that rooms were checked. Since there was no bomb threat that should not have been done. That created the question, “if there is no threat why are you checking rooms?”. You may hear more about this as the rumor mill kicks into action.


2. High School Student: A parent of a tenth grader has an issue with the suspension of his son for leaving school last Friday. The student had no written permission to leave school, and knowingly broke the rules and left anyway. The student went over to a friend’s house with several of his classmates. His argument was that his parents had told him it was ok. On Tuesday, the parents sent an email stating that they had in fact given the son permission, but neglected to write a note. They do not believe the student should be punished for their mistake. The high school was very explicit in notifying students that they were strictly not allowed to leave the school without a note.


3. Graduation Ceremonies: Attached is an invitation to the Class of 2004 Commencement Ceremonies at FLCC. Please let me or Peg Wachob know if you plan to attend. You will be seated on the stage with the district dignitaries.
4. Hiring: I have been receiving a flourish of recommendations from our building administrators for our new fall staff. We appear to be well ahead of the game this year. The administration has worked hard to get these positions filled quickly, allowing us to chose from a full pool of candidates.
5. District Garage Sale: The district held a garage sale on Wednesday. This is where we sell off surplus items. The sale netted $690.00. The items that remained were loaded up in a roll off today and taken away.
6. Transition Committee: High School and Middle School staff have met to prepare the 9th grade transition program. As you know, this has been identified as an area of concern and apparent hardship for our students. We have developed a plan consisting of a six week program with 4 teachers. They will be taught the skills they need to be successful as 9th graders. For our first year we are targeting students who are failing 2 or more subjects.
7. Events –

6/4 – Freewill 5th grade Banquet @ FE
6/7 – Middle School Awards Night @ PAC

6/7 – Four County Annual Meeting – Belhurst Castle
6/8 – HS Choral Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
6/9-11 – Grade 8 Science Assessment Testing
6/9 – Senior Banquet @ Webster Golf Club – 7:00 p.m.
6/10 – MS Chorus Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
6/10 – Wayne Technical/Career Center Student Recognition – Gananda HS, 7:00 p.m.
6/11 – Senior Picnic – HS Athletic Fields
6/23 – Board of Education Meeting @ DO – 7:30 p.m.
6/24 – 8th Grade Convocation @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
6/25 – Class of 2004 Graduation Ceremony – FLCC Performing Arts Center – 8:00 p.m.


8. Attachments:
a) Retirement Party Invitation
b) Tech Center Invitation
c) HS Graduation Invitation



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