1.                                  POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES                    Att. f
      1. Policy 5101 Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy, Grades K to 5

May 9, 2003


“If your plan is for one year, plant rice; If your plan is for ten years, plant trees;
If your plan is for a hundred years, educate children.” --- Confucius


Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.
Agenda Items:

1. Budget Hearing – As you know, this meeting was supposed to include our Budget hearing. With the change in the date for the actual vote, the budget hearing timeline is also being adjusted. The budget hearing/public forum will be held on May 21st.


2. Executive Session - Principals will update the Board on the process of our probationary staff including those being recommended for tenure and those not being asked back. You will note in the personnel section of the agenda that I am recommending tenure for several of our staff members. I will also be recommending Lory Morrin for tenure. You will recall we discussed Lory’s tenure in executive session earlier this year. Lory completed two years as an assistant high school principal, at my request went over to OE to become their principal and then when the high school principal left came over to that position, again at my request. I very much would like to give her tenure at this time. I feel she is part of our permanent team and has done a nice job at the high school. I feel this was a unique situation and feel comfortable that the situation would not present itself again anytime in the near future.

Greg will also bring you up to date on the discipline of one of our bus drivers. Larry will give the Board an update on the Human Resources Director Search process.

3. Budget Adoption – We will be reviewing the latest information we have regarding our aid situation. As I am stated in last week’s newsletter I am recommending that any increased funds be split 1/3 to restore programs, 1/3 to reduce taxes and 1/3 held in reserve until this fall when we really see the State aid numbers. I have new tax rate numbers from our surrounding school districts and will be sharing those numbers with you also.


4. Third Quarter Update – Larry Spring will provide an update on our student’s academic process for the third quarter. See the attached report. We also have preliminary data on the results of our 4th and 8th grade Sate ELA tests which we will share with you.


5. Items for Approval – Personnel Action is submitted for your approval. As you can see, we have begun our hiring process for the coming school year. Also included is CPSE action and the March Treasurer’s Report. I am recommending all these items be approved as presented.


6. Policy - Mr. Triou will provide a report on Thursday’s policy meeting


1. Budget Update - Where do I begin? The prediction is that the Governor will issue vetoes on lines of the budget he does not like and the legislature will override. What we don’t know is when this will happen and if it will happen before our vote. I learned today that the Governor is holding the legislature in Albany until this thing is settled. How or even if he can do that is unclear. Because we build our 1.3 million dollar reserve in our budget, what we can do is keep the budget number the same and shift some of the reserve from the expense side to the revenue side. This allows us to restore programs without changing the budget number. We will have to give our voters the best estimate of what the tax rate will be recognizing we won’t know until the budget is passed. I will give you a list of potential restorations at our meeting.


2. Legislature: I have enclosed letters I have written to Nozzolio and Oaks. Nozzolio supported the restoration of school aide. Oakes sided with the Governor and voted against it. It would be helpful for you to write a letter to each either expressing thanks or concern. I know some of you already have done so but if you haven’t the address is listed below.

Senator Michael Nozzolio
119 Falls Street
Seneca Falls, New York 13148
Assemblyman Robert Oaks
10 Leach Road
Lyons, New York 14489

3. Events:
May 10 - Wayne Booster Club Diamond Tournament @ Wayne HS – Baseball/Softball tourmament – games throughout day
May 10 – Baseball/Softball Booster Club Chicken BBQ at HS – afternoon
May 10 - Girls Basketball Team Car Wash @ HS – donations – 9-5
May 13 - OE Band Concert – HS Performing Arts Center – 7:00 p.m.
May 17 – Red Ribbon Car Wash – Ginegaw Park – 3:30 – 6:30 p.m.
May 21 – Board of Education Meeting/Public Hearing – 7:00 p.m.
May 27 – OE Choral Concert – PAC – 7:00 p.m.

Athletics: (home games) all start at 4:15 unless otherwise noted
5/10 – Diamond Tournament – all day
5/12 – Boys’ JV Tennis vs. Victor
5/13 – JV Baseball vs. Pal-Mac
5/13 – JV Softball vs. Pal-Mac
5/13 – V Track meet @Geneva
5/14 – Boys’ JV Tennis vs. Honeoye
5/15 – JV Baseball vs. Newark
5/15 – JV Softball vs. Newark
5/16 – Boys’ V Tennis vs. Geneva
5/17 - V League Championships – location TBD

4. Attachments:
a) Honor Roll Letters
b) High School Honor Roll List
c) Teacher Appreciation Week Letter
d) Senator Nozzolio Letter
e) Assemblyman Oaks Letter
f) Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
g) Newscope


Att. a

             May 5, 2003
Wayne High School
Congratulations on obtaining a third quarter grade point average of 95 or higher. You should be very proud to have earned a place on the Wayne Central High School High Honor Roll.
I wish you continued success and growth as you make your way through the final quarter of the school year. As you well know, hard work and earnest effort makes all things possible. Your achievement has come with a price – and that price is what builds the character and motivation you will need to continue your path to success. All things are within your reach.
Best wishes in all your future endeavors. Keep up the good work!
Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
xc: Board of Education
             May 5, 2003
Wayne High School
Congratulations on obtaining a third quarter grade point average of 90-95. You should be proud to have earned a place on the Wayne Central High School Honor Roll.
I wish you continued success and growth as you make your way through the final quarter of the school year. As you well know, hard work and earnest effort makes all things possible. Your achievement has come with a price – and that price is what builds the character and motivation you will need to continue your path to success.
Best wishes in all your future endeavors. Keep up the good work!
Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
xc: Board of Education
             May 5, 2003
Wayne High School
Congratulations on obtaining a third quarter grade point average of 85-90. You should be proud to have earned a place on the Wayne Central High School Merit Roll.
I wish you continued success and growth as you make your way through the final quarter of the school year. As you well know, hard work and earnest effort pays off in the personal achievement you have attained.
Best wishes in all your future endeavors. Keep up the good work!
Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
xc: Board of Education

Att. c


May 4-10, 2003

Congratulations to each of you for choosing a path that truly shapes the future. Thank you for doing it so well.

As you awake each morning and prepare for another day at “work,” you can easily lose sight of the important job you do each day. You can lose sight of how significantly you impact the lives of those around you, most importantly the students you teach each day.

An anonymous author wrote this story about a teacher she had:

A woman attended her 20-year high school reunion. There she encountered her freshman year art teacher. She told him that she decided to go to college as a result of his inspiration, and that she was an art professor, now, at a large state university.

At the end of the evening's festivities, the teacher searched out his former student, shook her hand and said, "Thank you for saying those nice things about my teaching. You've really made my day."

"You're welcome," said the woman as she hugged him, "But let me thank you--you've made my life!" 

Today, and each day, be assured that you do make a difference in the lives of those around you. Sometimes, maybe without even knowing it, you help a child or young adult along the path that shapes their future in a positive way.

On behalf of the Board of Education, the Administration, and the entire Wayne Central Community, thank you for all you do today and every day.
Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools

Att. d

May 6, 2003
Senator Michael Nozzolio
119 Falls Street
Seneca Falls, New York 13148
Dear Senator Nozollio:
As a follow up to my phone call to your office last week. I want to thank you for your
Stand on the legislative budget. I recognize that it was a difficult decision to oppose our Governor. As a lifelong Republican, I have some appreciation for the decision Senator Bruno and you made.
At Wayne Central, we will be using the anticipated increased revenue to help outset local property tax increases and to restore some educational programs. We also recognize that some state taxes and fees will be increased in order to pay for these restorations. While taxes are always a difficult issue, we believe that property taxes are the most regressive form of taxes. We appreciate the support you have shown towards this issue.
Again, I appreciate your support during this difficult budget year. You and your senate colleagues have shown great courage this year.
Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools

Att. e

             May 6, 2003
Assemblyman Robert Oaks
10 Leach Road
Lyons, New York 14489
Dear Assemblyman Oaks,
In am writing regarding the state budget recently passed by the legislature. The Legislature’s budget stands as one of the most significant efforts in years to benefit children – and it comes at a time when we really need the support.
I recognize that you did not support this budget initially. I ask that you stand with your school districts now and support this effort.
The restoration the legislature has made will allow us to avoid many of the layoffs of staff and elimination of programs. At Wayne we are committed to splitting the increases aid between restoration of programs and reducing the tax burden. As you are aware, property taxes are among the most regressive taxes we have in New York State.
I recognize that as a member of the minority it is sometimes difficult to make as large an impact as you would like. This is an opportunity to really have your vote count. Please stand with your Republican Senators and your local school districts in supporting this budget.
Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools

                                  POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES                     Att. f

DATE: Thursday, April 3, 2003 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: District Office

PRESENT:  Trustees Triou & Lyke; Mr. Switzer
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of March 20, 2003 were reviewed and filed.
Second Reading - Comprehensive Attendance Policy: First reading was conducted at the March 26, 2003 business meeting of the Board of Education Members of the staff/student/parent committee presented highlights of the revisions to the policies at that meeting.
Based on positive response to first reading, the committee approved presentation of the following three policies to the Board of Education for second reading at the April 9th business meeting. Mr. Switzer has worked with Ms. Young and Mr. Shaffer on final details. (Existing Policy Numbers, New Codification, TBD)


Policy 5101  Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy, Grades K to 5
Policy 5102  Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy, Grades 6 to 8

Policy 5103  Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy, Grades 9 to 12
The committee discussed noted that the revised policies on student attendance would be included in the final draft for Erie #1 Policy Review Service.  
Erie #1 BOCES Policy Update Progress: Committee members reviewed progress on editing of the final draft of policy revisions from the Erie #1 Policy Service. Mr. Switzer reported that editing for format, style, syntax and continuity is complete and updates to electronic copies of final draft will occur next. Mr. Triou offered to provide technical assistance in matching changes and revisions between initial and final drafts.
Timeline – Policy Review: Final review of the handbook with the Board of Education in May and production of the revised handbooks for adoption at the July, 2003 organizational meeting is on schedule. Local review and approval of regulations and exhibits will occur during the 2003-2004 school year.

Policy, Regulation & Exhibits 4514 – Computer Network Use : Mr. Triou noted that he and Mrs. Lyke will serve as trustee members of a staff committee established to review existing policy, regulations and exhibits on use of district computer networks by students and staff.
Policy Review – Impact on Student Prayer: Mr. Triou shared copies of a recent item from the On Board news magazine from NYS School Boards Association on requirements of local school boards to certify that their policies do not prevent or otherwise deny participation in protected prayer in the schools as provide by the constitution.
He noted that the school board president filed the required certification by March 15th. Committee members concurred with the suggestion by Mr. Triou that the policy committee conduct the required review of relevant policies as well as district handbooks for teachers, students and parents as part of the Erie #1 policy review. Mr. Switzer noted the scheduled policy discussion topic for April, 2003 from the Erie #1 policy services is school prayer.

Policy Committee Meeting Minutes · April 3, 2003 · Page Two



Annual Policy Reviews, Authorization, Required Annual Policy Review & Required District Policies: Mr. Triou noted the referral from the Board of Education to include authorization of revenue anticipation notes as an item on the annual organizational meeting in July. Mrs. Lyke suggested including authorizations for additional items, such as filing the protected prayer certification, at the same meeting. Mr. Switzer was asked to compile these items along with the listing of required annual policy reviews and required district policies as part of the policy review process. Listings of these items will be available for general reference and for orientation of new trustees and administrators.
Policy Update & Review Effort - 2003-2004:  Mr. Triou noted that past practice for the policy committee was to review one-third (three sections) of the total policy handbook each year over a three-year period. With the comprehensive review that has resulted from the current updates and the smaller number of sections in the new handbook, he suggested that the committee conduct a general review of a section every other month during the 2003-2004 school year. Committee members concurred.


NEXT MEETINGS:   Thursday, April 24th and Tuesday, April 29th @ 4 p.m. at the District Office
Follow-Up On: Editing of Draft of New Policy Handbook from Erie #1 Policy Review Service
Follow-Up On: First Reading (March 26th) on Revisions to Comprehensive Attendance Policy
Follow-Up On: Potential Policy on Student Privacy & Parental Access (NCLB)
Follow-Up On: Review of Relevant Policies & Publications Re: Protected Prayer
● Follow-Up On: Review/Revisions of §5300.1 to §5300.12 (Code of Conduct) (Existing Policy) (7310 New)
Status Report: Review of Needed Regulations (Existing Policy)
ADJOURNMENT:     6:30 p.m.            Recorded by Jim Switzer


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DATE: Thursday, April 24, 2003 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: District Office

PRESENT: Trustees Triou, Lyke & Diller; Mr. Switzer
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES : Minutes of the meeting of April 3, 2003 were reviewed and filed.
  Erie #1 BOCES Policy Update Progress: Committee members reviewed the process for presentation of final policy updates to Board of Education members during May and June. Adoption of the new policy handbook is scheduled for the 2003-2004 re-organizational meeting of the Board of Education on July 9th.
Mr. Switzer is completing final revisions and updates to the latest draft from Erie #1 Policy Service and will transmit them by CD-ROM by the end of April. Mr. Triou is providing technical assistance in comparing additions and revisions between initial and final drafts.
Policy Handbook – Web Page: Mr. Switzer is finalizing details with district tech support staff for access to both present and future policy handbook text on the web page.

Policy 5330.11 – Public Conduct on School Property – Weapons in Schools : Mr. Triou noted inquiries by trustees and speakers at recent Board of Education meetings on the possession of weapons in school by law enforcement personnel, including the new school resource officer. As clarification, the committee noted that existing Policy 5330.11 (Public Conduct on School Property) states as follows:

A. Prohibited Conduct
No person, either alone or with others, shall:
(10) Possess or use firearms or other weapons including air guns, pistols, rifles, shotguns, ammunition, explosives, box cutters, knives, gas canisters, pepper spray or other noxious spray in or on school property or at a school function, except in the case of law enforcement officers or except as specifically authorized by the school district.

Annual Review Policy 5300.1 etal – Code of Conduct: Mr. Triou noted that the staff committee conducting this annual review will provide recommendations for revisions to the Code of Conduct to this committee as needed.


NEXT MEETINGS:   Thursday, May 22nd, June 5th & 19th @ 4 p.m. at the District Office
Follow-Up On: Production Details of New Policy Handbook from Erie #1 Policy Review Service
Follow-Up On: Potential Policy on Student Privacy & Parental Access (NCLB)
Follow-Up On: Review of Relevant Policies & Publications Re: Protected Prayer
● Follow-Up On: Review/Revisions of §5300.1 to §5300.12 (Code of Conduct) (Existing Policy) (7310 New)
Status Report: Review of Needed Regulations (Existing Policy)
ADJOURNMENT:     5:45 p.m.            Recorded by Jim Switzer

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