DATE: November 20, 2002
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: Middle School Library
7:15 Call to Order /Pledge of Allegiance
7:15 Executive Session
7:30 Approval of Agenda/Approval of Minutes
Att. 1
7:35 Public Comment
7:40 Board Worksession:
1. Longwood Building Project Presentation and implications for our project.  Att. 2
2. Review Project Scope
3. Review and update timeline with the construction manager.       
4. Review building teams and roles               
5. Analyze Longwood’s “Ten Tips for Successful Construction.” Possible

for inclusion in our plan

6. Discuss other issues/concerns/questions the Board has about the project
7. Discussion of other projects that would be helpful in meeting this
year’s goals or future goals.
8:40 Public Comment/Board Comments
Next Meeting: December 11, 2002 7:30 p.m. Ontario Elementary School

District Mission Statement
Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.
Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Wednesday, November 6, 2002 TIME: 6:30 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting PLACE: Freewill Elementary School
PRESENT: Trustees Brunner, Diller, Griswold, Johnson, Lyke, Ratcliffe, Robusto, Triou, Wyse; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Young, Shaffer, Siracuse, Saxby, Woodard, Atseff, Spring, Buddington, Blankenberg
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s file, this meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m. by Richard A. Johnson, School Board President
Prior to start of the business meeting, trustees and school personnel conducted a tour of the building to fulfill the requirement of §1705 of the Education Law for annual building visits.
II. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Collective Bargaining)
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting,at 6:31 p.m., for an executive session on collective bargaining with the building administrators’ group. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.
III. RECONVENE:7:30 p.m.
V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA & MINUTES (October 9 & 24, 2002)
Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION to approve the agenda for this evening’s meetingand the minutes of the meetings of October 9 & 24, 2002 as presented. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.



Mr. Johnson stated that public comment is some of the most valuable time spent by trustees who appreciate input from speakers. While immediate responses are not always possible, follow-up will occur if needed. He asked speakers to confine their remarks to five (5) minutes. Persons wishing to speak should first be recognized by the school board president, then identify themselves, any organization they may be representing at the meeting, and the agenda topic

A. Patricia Yates, 4338 Ontario Center Road, Walworth, spoke as president of the Wayne Teachers' Association to acknowledge the contributions of time and effort by school board members throughout the school year. She noted the key role they play as representatives of the local community and in setting the vision for our schools.
A. Mr. Wyse noted he was pleased to assist this past weekend in the Zone 2 Area All State Music Conference at our high school. He recognized middle and high school music staff members, students and parents for their efforts to host students and teachers from 8 counties and noted how well they worked together. He stated that the concert presentation that concluded the festival was excellent as well.
B. Mr. Robusto stated that he found his attendance at the recent annual meeting/conference of the NYS School Boards Association worthwhile and informative. He enjoyed the opportunity to meet with school board members from throughout the state and learn about the issues they face.
A. Mr. Johnson extended thanks to many persons who wrote notes and made comments during School Board Recognition Week and in public comment this evening.
B. Mr. Johnson thanked trustees who were able to attend the state school boards association meeting and workshops in Syracuse. He attended the event for the first time this year and found it very informative.
Mr. Havens noted that statewide observance of School Board Recognition Week occurred between school board meeting. He presented framed Certificates of Appreciation and a school district tote bag to each school trustee in recognition of their service and contributions to the school district.
Mr. Havens introduced Thomas A. Cox, superintendent of schools of Gananda CSD, to make introduction of visiting trustees from his district. Mr. Cox introduced Gananda trustees present and noted that one of their goals for this year is to learn more about operation and meetings by visits to school boards in the region.
(Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
Mr. Havens reported that he presented testimony this afternoon at the public hearing conducted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on the re-licensing of the Ginna Nuclear Power Plant in the Town of Ontario. His remarks noted the role of Ginna Station as a good and safe corporate neighbor that provides a good tax base and standard of living for families and students in our school district. Our schools can offer a pleasant rural community with the benefits of a suburban school district. The nuclear power plant presently pays 21% of our school tax levy.
D. VISIT & PRESENTATION ● Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES (Building Project)
Mr. Havens welcomed Dr. Joseph Marinelli, district superintendent, Keith Henry, assistant superintendent for administration, Mrs. Bonnie Lindsay, director of special and alternative education, and Mrs. Jeanne Durfee, a BOCES school board member and past Wayne Central trustee, to review the BOCES referendum planned for December 17, 2002.
Dr. Marinelli thanked trustees for the opportunity to review the project this evening and for arranging to have Gananda trustees join the meeting. He stated that the proposal is to construct new space adjacent to the trade and technical school in Williamson to serve students in grades 7 to 12 with special learning needs presently taught in leased space at the Ontario Center campus of Wayne Central School District.
BOCES already owns the land and if this proposal is approved, would own rather than lease the newly created space. The $10.8 million proposal is the result of review and study by BOCES personnel and component district superintendents on the best alternative to space now leased in the four schools on the Ontario Center campus at Wayne Central when that lease expires in 2004. A proposal for additional space in the Sodus CSD was not successful and no other school district in Wayne County presently has plans to add space at the secondary level.
He noted that the proposal requires a referendum of all eligible voters in the 25 component districts in Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES. The special referendum is set for December 17th from noon to 9 p.m. Approval by a majority of voters of all component districts is required for passage of the proposal.
Dr. Marinelli noted that the proposed new space is important to residents in each of the 25 component districts. If new space is not provided for existing classrooms leased at Wayne Central, students in each of the districts will have fewer options of program sites, waiting lists will grow and travel distances to and from BOCES sites may increase.
Mrs. Lindsey reviewed the scope of the proposed new space and the nature of students and programs it would serve. BOCES presently serves nearly 400 children in five sites (Newark, Red Jacket, Marcus Whitman, Phelps-Clifton Springs & Wayne Central). Waiting lists presently exist for each of the programs and projections indicate that student enrollment in the programs will increase. The intent is to provide a site within Wayne County for students from Wayne County school districts.
The proposal for the Williamson site will link the new space with both the trade and technical center and the alternative high school programs now provided there. BOCES is also exploring options to add space at Marion CSD to serve primary and elementary students now attending classes in leased space on the Ontario Center campus.
Mrs. Lindsey noted that BOCES is pursuing a variety of approaches to communicate details of the proposed referendum to eligible voters in the 25 component districts. BOCES will mail a newsletter to all households with general information about the proposal and specific information and local voting information.
In addition, information will appear in the local news media, materials will be shared with BOCES and local district employees and local districts are encouraged to present the information to their communities through other existing communication channels.
Discussion on varied aspects of the proposed referendum is generally summarized as follows:
● The proposal is designed to serve 120 students for 8 to 10 years; easily expanded
● Use of the Williamson campus means BOCES will not need to seek new future locations
● If the referendum were not successful, BOCES would seek input from superintendents from component districts on options to pursue
● If the referendum is not successful and additional space is not available, waiting lists increase as fewer sites and seats are available and/or the needs of students change
● In order for local district trustees to promote and support the proposal in the community, it is necessary to have talking points provided as soon as possible  
● concern noted about the lack of information for local voters who approved a large, local capital project just last month
Mr. Henry shared information on proposed costs, state aid and bonding as well as estimated costs for each component district (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting). The estimated annual cost for Wayne Central’s share of the proposed new space is $28,000, an increase of $21,000 over the local share of the current lease with BOCES for space at the Ontario Center campus. This amount will appear in the BOCES services budget for 2003-2004.
Mrs. Durfee noted that the core philosophy is that students are the heart and soul of what BOCES does and to deliver quality services for students throughout the four-county region. The December 17th proposal provides essential facilities to accomplish this. If the proposal were not successful, each of the communities in the region would need to provide services for their children in the home district.
Mr. Havens thanked BOCES representatives for their visit and presentation.
Mr. Havens introduced Marc Blankenberg, director of athletics and physical education, for a report on the recently completed fall athletic season.
Mr. Blankenberg reviewed a powerpoint presentation and shared some photos of teams and activities of the fall season that extended from August to the first weekend in November. 299 athletic contests occurred in the fall season. The winter season begins after a one-week break.
In terms of participation, 275 high school students (32% of the student body) and 109 seventh and eighth graders (21%), participated in varsity, junior varsity and modified teams. He made special note of the support of referees, scorekeepers, bus drivers, buildings, grounds and custodial staff, event supervisors and others that was largely responsible for the successful season.
School spirit among students was also positive and events were enjoyed by a large number of spectators. Football booster volunteers finished work on the press box, which was unveiled as part of homecoming weekend, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Schmidt, owners of New York Pizzeria in Ontario, sponsor a weekly athlete recognition program in local newspapers. He also thanked local news media for generous weekly coverage of athletic programs and student achievement.
Mr. Johnson extended compliments to Mr. Blankenberg for his efforts to bring stability to our interscholastic athletic programs and for the excellent athletic programs represented this evening.
Mr. Havens thanked Mr. Blankenberg for his presentation and a great fall season.
Mr. Havens introduced Mr. Atseff, ass’t superintendent for business, for an update of the disrtrict’s financial position for the Board of Education.
Mr. Atseff reviewed the status of expense and revenue allocations through October 31, 2002 and noted significant factors.
He also noted that the annual school tax collection process ended on October 31st and the school tax collector will file reports of unpaid taxes with the Wayne County Treasurer and Director of Finance for the County of Monroe for re-levy with town and county taxes for 2003. The amount of unpaid taxes is a bit greater than last year. He will have forms for five (5) trustees to sign during the week of November 11th.
Mr. Atseff reviewed the logistical issues that arose and efforts made to better acquaint taxpayers with the district office location for school tax collection. He added special thanks to Helen Jensen and Shari Switzer in the business office for their roles in the transition from a separate tax collector and clerical assistant to the business office.
Mr. Havens also complimented Mrs. Jensen and Mrs. Switzer for their efforts spent and suggested letters thanking them on behalf of the Board of Education; by consensus, trustees asked that such recognition occur.
Mr. Havens noted that he and 8 trustees attended portions of the state school boards conference in Syracuse and suggested that they share highlights of workshops they attended. Mrs. Brunner stated she was unable to travel to Syracuse due to work commitments but she did represent the school board at the Parent University conducted that weekend by the high school’s PTSA.
Mr. Havens reviewed the ideas and information he obtained at the seminar he attended on correcting reading deficits by the end of second grade based on the work of Marie Clay and reading recovery.
Mr. Triou stated he attended sessions on policy-making and uses of technology in schools. He extended special thanks to Mrs. Hightower, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Switzer for their efforts to insure that our school board is well ahead of many other districts in the state in terms of policy-making and maintenance. He noted the numerous ideas he obtained to link students to technology at school and home, including local business sponsors for those services and to provide career information for students.
Mr. Wyse stated he attended workshops on developing administrators from local staff and on programs with the state police for school resource officers. Although he obtained many ideas, he was disappointed overall with the workshops and organization of the Syracuse event. Mrs. Brunner noted that Gananda and Marion have the resource officer program in place and suggested they may have insights to share.
Mr. Robusto also felt that the workshops and facilities were better last year; he attended workshops on new standards, including skits by students, and on capital facilities projects.
Mrs. Lyke stated that she also attended the workshop on developing local staff for administrative roles as well as a session on search of student lockers and autos  (with some possible policy implications) and serving as a delegate to the resolutions’ assembly.
Mrs. Diller noted that she also attended the workshop/skits on standards, where she was pleased to see excitement and insight among the students, and another on recruiting and re-training teachers. She noted the important theme of what would happen if students fail to meet the standards. She was alternate delegate for the resolution’s assembly.
Mr. Ratcliffe noted he attended workshops on building eco-friendly schools, grant opportunities for photo cells for schools  (and some options for our new science rooms) , uses of technology and web pages to communicate with the public and alternatives for teacher assessment and observation such as peer coaching, self assessment, and portfolios.
Mr. Griswold stated he did not feel any sessions had “wow” quality but agreed on the possibilities presented at the technology session described by Mr. Triou. He feels that our district needs to actively seek opportunities to have our students perform and staff share our top-notch schools at these events. He suggested this as a goal for NYS School Boards Association convention planned in Rochester in 2003.
Mr. Wyse noted that five years ago our district’s Dollars for Scholars program was featured at a seminar the state school boards’ association.
Mr. Griswold noted that the awards received by our district’s publications were another example of visibility for our schools and congratulated Mr. Switzer on those awards.
Mr. Johnson stated he attended workshops on the school resource officer, on scheduling and budgeting for building projects, the uses of technology and viewed numerous exhibits. He is disappointed in the small number of school resource officers available in schools. He met trustees from other districts in the publications exchange center who were impressed by our district calendar and “school bus” handbook and complimented Mr. Switzer on his fine work and the credit it brings to our school district.
Mr. Havens noted the many possible local applications of the information trustees obtained and suggested exploring them at a workshop session on meeting goals for 2002-2003 and as part of budget development for 2003-2004. By consensus, trustees agreed to conduct that discussion at the November 20th school board meeting.
Mr. Havens thanked Mrs. Saxby and her staff at Freewill Elementary School for hosting this evening’s meeting and for the excellent condition of the school.
(1) Rochelle Milke, 7285 Lakeside Road, Ontario, asked if the departure in 2004 of the classes for students with special needs from the Ontario Center campus would have a positive or negative impact on students now enrolled in those programs. Mr. Havens stated that our plan is to provide programs locally for resident students now attending those BOCES programs.
Mr. Havens made special note of the recent achievement by twin seniors Rhian and Cara Morgan of Walworth in vocal auditions in New York City that earned them another audition in Hollywood in January.
X. RECESS:8:58 p.m.
XI. RECONVENE:9:03 p.m.
Mr. Havens presented the following personnel changes for review and consideration by the Board of Education.



RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District that the position of literacy coach is hereby established to support the activities of the Reading for Results grant awarded to the school district, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said positions are hereby considered as extra-duty responsibilities of teaching staff members, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that seven (7) such literacy coach positions be created, effective September 1, 2002, at compensation established for team leaders in the current collective bargaining agreement with the Wayne Teachers' Association


Addendum to Annual Appointment of Team Leaders/Grade Level Chairpersons ● 2002-2003
(rates per collective bargaining agreement)

See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting


Addendum to Annual Appointment of Advisors, Supervisors, Scorers, Timekeepers ● 2002-2003
(rates per collective bargaining agreement)
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting

Annual Extra-Duty Appointment of Literacy Coaches ● 2002-2003

(rates per collective bargaining agreement)
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting

Addendum to the Annual Appointment of Coaches ● Winter & Spring 2002-2003

(rates per collective bargaining agreement)
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting

Addendum to the Fall Athletic Event Supervisory Staff ● 2002-2003

(rates per collective bargaining agreement)
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting


Annual Appointment of Winter Athletic Event Personnel ● 2002-2003
(rates per collective bargaining agreement)

See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting


Janice Hyde, elementary teacher, assigned to Ontario Primary School, an extension of a paid FMLA leave of absence effective October 13 through December 2, 2002 (medical reasons)


RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby abolishes the civil service position of typist, 12 months, in the transportation department, effective October 23, 2002, and
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby creates the civil service position of senior bus driver, 12 months, effective October 23, 2002

Michelle Saiers, bus driver, effective October 23, 2002 (contingent upon appointment as senior bus driver)
Michelle Saiers, senior bus driver, assigned to transportation, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective October 23, 2002 through April 23, 2003 @ $10.20/hour (new position)
Dawn Schmitt, bus driver, assigned to transportation, a temporary civil service appointment effective October 28, 2002 through June 30, 2003 @ $11.80/hour (replacement for Carm Heintzelman)
Richard Swarthout, bus driver, assigned to transportation, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective October 23, 2002 through April 23, 2003 @ $11.80/hour (replacement for Michelle Saiers, accepted new position).
Paula VanderBrook, senior typist, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a change in civil service title from typist, effective October 15, 2002
Coralie TeWinkle, computer technician, assigned to the technology department, a paid leave of absence effective November 4, 2002 through December 13, 2002 (medical)
He noted that the district was awarded a Reading for Results grant for $266,000 August 2002, to focus on early literacy. As a part of that grant, he is proposing the creation of seven (7) extra-duty positions of literacy coach as outlined in the resolution presented this evening.
Mr. Havens congratulated Mrs. Paula Vanderbrook of the Ontario Elementary School office on her promotion to senior typist based on a recent civil service exam. Her accomplishment is the second among staff members for whom promotional opportunities were provided.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Robusto, to adopt/approve the personnel changes as recommended by the superintendent of schools. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.
Mr. Havens presented the pupil placement recommendations of the Committees on Special Education and Pre-School Special Education for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Triou, adopt a RESOLUTION to approve pupil placements of the Committee on Special Education, TO WIT:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the recommendations of the Committee on Special Education and authorizes the Director of Student Services to arrange the recommended special programs and services.


C. DESIGNATE IMPARTIAL HEARING OFFICERS (§200.1(x) Regulations of the Commissioner of Education)


Mr. Havens presented the appointment of impartial hearing officers for review and consideration by the Board of Education. He noted that these individuals appear on the approved list of certified Impartial hearing officers from the NYS Education Department.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to approve the list of impartial hearing officers pursuant to §200.1(x) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education as recommended by the superintendent of schools. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)



(1) Reports of the School District Treasurer (A/O 9/30/02)
(2) Accept Gift to the School District (Stramonine School of Dance)
(3) Award Bids for Interscholastic Athletic Supplies & Equipment
(4) Designate 1982 GMC Plow Truck as Surplus Property
Mr. Havens presented the consensus agenda for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to approve the consensus agenda, as presented by the superintendent of schools, as follows:
(1) Receive & file reports of the school district treasurer for the period ending September 30, 2002 (copies attached to these minutes in the minute book)


(2) Accept a cash gift of $1,200 from the Sandy Stramonine School of Dance for use in the performing arts center at James A. Beneway High School


(3) Award bids for Interscholastic athletic supplies & equipment to Toth’s Sports, 71 Victor Heights Parkway, Victor, NY 14564, the lowest responsible bidder, in a total bid of $11,290.50 (copy of bids in clerk’s files)


(4) Declare a 1982 GMC Plow truck as surplus property pursuant to Policy 6900.
On the question, the vote was 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.

Mr. Triou presented the proposed charge for the policy committee for 2002-2003 for review and consideration by the Board of Education.

Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to approve the charge for the policy committee for the 2002-2003 school year. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
FIRST READING ● POLICY 8131(Protection Against Radioactive Iodine)
Mr. Triou presented the proposed policy 8131 for first reading and review by the Board of Education.
Mr. Triou noted a revision of “iodide” to “iodine” in the first line of the second paragraph. He noted that the policy committee developed this policy since no samples were available. Mr. Havens noted that the terms of the policy were implemented in September, 2002, in conjunction with town and county officials and it provides documentation for the process.
By consensus, first reading was approved.


Mr. Triou noted that the policy committee continues its work on the transition to the new policy handbook. The next policy committee meeting is set for Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 4 p.m. in the district office.
C. Mrs. Brunner stated she attended the Parent University program on Saturday, October 26, 2002, sponsored by the PTSA at James A. Beneway High School. She complimented the parent volunteers for their efforts and noted the timely message of the keynote speaker.
D. Mr. Ratcliffe extended compliments to Mr. Blankenberg for the program and speaker he arranged on athletics and academics. He felt the program was highly informative and opened parent’s eyes to the many requirements to participate in interscholastic athletics.
E. Mr. Griswold extended thanks to Mrs. Yates and the Wayne Teachers' Association for their comments and recognition of the role of school board members this evening. He noted that while trustees serve for terms of three (3) years, staff members participate in the educational process every day as a career and he feels they also deserve a tribute for their contributions and enthusiasm for our students and our schools.
F. Mr. Griswold stated that the school district owes its thanks to Mr. Blankenberg for his role as director of athletics and physical education; he added that we had nearly 300 athletic events this year and Mr. Blankenberg probably attended each one.
G. Mr. Griswold noted the common theme in Mr. Blankenberg’s report of support by many persons for our schools; he extended thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Schmidt at NY Pizzeria for their efforts in support and promotion of the “Athlete of the Week” program.
H. Mr. Griswold stated that it is important that each of our trustees is well-educated about the proposed capital expansion project by Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES prior to the December 17th referendum.
I. Mr. Triou thanked the Wayne Teachers' Association and Mr. Havens for their recognition of school trustees.
J. Mrs. Lyke noted the large amount of information obtained from both workshops and informal conversations among school board members at the recent NYSSBA convention.
K. Mr. Johnson thanked Mr. Wesley and members of the Gananda Board of Education for attending this evening’s meeting. Mr. Wesley thanked the school board for their hospitality,
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:16 p.m. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
The foregoing minutes of the Board of
Education were submitted for review
& (approved as presented)(corrected
as noted) at the meeting of
November 20, 2002
School District Clerk



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