1. - Dr. Albert Schweitzer

June 21, 2002
"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit."

- Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.
Board Meeting:

1. Executive Session - You need to complete my annual review during this time. I have enclosed a memo for you.


2. Retirement incentive - I presented the pros and cons at our last meeting. I recommend that we approve it targeted for Mr. Thomas Bird. I know this single target may be difficult for you to accept and respect your decision if you expand the incentive. I do suggest you not offer both the local and State incentive. This would lesson the cost to the district. I also recognize you may decide not to offer the incentive at all.


3. Retirement Recognition - Last night there was a nice dinner for Mr. Pearles. We have a plague to present to him at the Board Meeting.


4. Graduation - I will give a brief recap of tonight’s ceremony


5. July Retreat - Our retreat with the Board and administration will be held on July 9th at the Manor house. I will pass out and review the agenda for the day.


6. School Calendar Revision - We have been struggling with the January 3rd Staff development day. If we could find a different day, teachers could have a two-week holiday with their family. Administrative Council is recommending we add it to the end of the year. This will give a day for the teachers to complete data analysis of the final exams and begin thinking about how to modify instruction next year based on the results. We will also be giving teachers the option of completing the staff day at a different time of their choosing so long as it is outside the regular school day/year. This is one more way to emphasize teaching as a profession. I will be explaining this at the meeting and ask that you consider voting on the change at the next meeting.


7. Student Recognition - One of our high school students, John Britt, received a perfect 1600 score on his SAT. This is phenomenal. We will be recognizing him with a plague at out Board meeting.


8. Student questions - I don’t expect any but who knows what will show up.


9. Board Action Items – There are some personnel items submitted by Mr. Pearles for your review. This is Bob’s final report to you. I hope you manage to give him a hard time. CPSE actions are included for review and approval. Last month John DonVito presented his department’s request for a New Global Studies book. I recommend you approve that purchase. The May Treasurer’s report is submitted for approval as well.


10. Policy - Please see the enclosed policies which the committee is recommending for your consideration. Chairman John will present specific information.



1. Teacher Contact - I expect you will be receiving a letter from a substitute teacher who failed to get a permanent job at Wayne. She came to see me yesterday and was very displeased. She lives here in the district and included in the discussion many complaints about our district. I try to solve these issues before they get to the Board. I was not successful with this one. After meeting with the principals and listening to the person I am 100% confident they made the right decision.


2. Vacation - I am going to take some vacation time the first week in July to go college shopping with my son.


3. Parent Letter – Attached is an e-mail that a parent asked be shared with our Board and pertinent staff members. It is always nice to share some “good stuff!”


4. HR Internship – The HR internship committee sent me two candidates for consideration. I interviewed both and am pleased to announce that I will be recommending Abby Buddington to you at the July meeting. Abby is currently a first grade teacher at Spencerport who is in the Administration program at Brockport. Abby will be coming to the July Board meeting which will give you the opportunity to visit with her. She will be able to begin with Mr. Pearles on July 1st so the two of them will have three days together. I will be sending you a packet on her in my next letter.

4. Events -
July 12-14, 2002 OR September 20-22, 2002
New York State School Boards Association: “Academy for Public School Governance”
(previously New School Board Members Academy)
Albany Marriott, Albany,
Please let Lori know if you are interested in attending either of these sessions.
June 24 – Four County School Bds - New & Nearly New Board Member Orientation
5:30 – Social Session 1 – 6:00   Dinner - 6:30  Session II – 7:30
Dinner selections: Top Round of Beef w/mushrooms; Chicken Picada; Tortellini Alfredo
Please let Lori know if you are interested in attending
June 24 – 8th Grade Convocation – HS Performing Arts Center –
June 25 – MS/Ontario Recreation Collaborative Seabreeze Trip
July 9 (Tuesday) – Administrative/Board Retreat – Manor House – 8:00– 4:00
July 22 – Joint Committee Meeting on Leadership Development – Newark
July 26 – NYSSBA Summer Law Conference – Rochester
August 2 – Midstate Finance Consortium Meeting – Canandaigua
August 8 – WNY Education Law Conference – Cheektowaga

5. Attachments:


a. Letter re: Deborah Wood
b. Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
c. Memo to Board
d. NYSSBA Academy Information


Att. a

June 13, 2002
Board of Education, Mr. Havens, Mr. Armocida and Ms. Woodard:
I am sending this letter in hopes that in some way Mrs. Deborah Wood, 7th grade, Armstrong Middle School, is recognized for her incredible performance as a teacher.
My son has had a very difficult academic life a Wayne since we moved here 3 years ago. He has a slight disability in writing and reading which has made his performance poor. Carl is one of the children that is boarder line in even receiving services. He will "test out" of a program, but it shows on all other levels that additional support is needed. He has struggled with peer relationships and by this I mean not quite fitting in.
Deb Wood has gone above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to my son. She is always supportive   and encouraging to both my son and to my husband and I. Sometimes when your child continues to perform poorly it is easy to get discouraged. Deborah has even kept me "on track". I have never come across a teacher that cares so deeply about the "whole child". By this I mean academically, peer relationships and his personal self esteem issues. While many times this year I have received negative comments from various teachers and his teachers in the past, Mrs. Wood is honest about the situation at hand but is fully ready to offer some suggestions on what to try next. I cannot begin to express my gratitude for her. She is a huge asset to The Wayne Central School District, and has put my faith back into the teaching profession.
I could go on for pages about specific times (there have been so many) that Mrs. Wood has truly provided to our whole family, not just Carl, her insight. My hope for writing this letter is that she is recognized for her performance as a person and an outstanding teacher. She is an inspiration to say the least.
Jeffrey and Doreen Quartley
Jeffrey and Doreen Quartley

Att. b



DATE: Monday, June 17, 2002 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: District Office

PRESENT:   Trustees Triou, Lyke, Ratcliffe, Mr. Havens, Mr. Switzer
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of June 4, 2002 were filed as presented.
Policy 1230 – Public Comment: Committee reviewed input from first reading by Board of Education on June 12th and incorporated modifications to submit for second reading by the Board of Education on June 26th.
Update – Attendance Regulations Committee: Mrs. Lyke reported on continuing work by the staff committee and its intent to present a proposed policy for consideration by the administrative council and school board to reflect new state regulations.
Review of New §4000 (Administration) – Erie #1 BOCES Policy Update Service: Committee members devoted the remainder of the meeting to detailed review of existing policies with items re-codified in the BOCES policy update in new §4000 (Administration)
New Policy – Transfer Students – Course Credits: Mr. Havens presented a draft from Erie #1 BOCES Policy Service on this topic for review by the committee. He noted that there is no such policy in the policy handbook at this time and recommends it for adoption. Following discussion, committee agreed to forward to Board of Education for first reading on June 26th as an addition to our existing policy handbook and then incorporate it into the policy update process.
Guidelines for Release of Student Photographs & Names: Committee members discussed this topic referred from the June 12th Board of Education meeting. It was noted that a staff committee is working on updating standards for the district web page including permission and protocol in this area. This topic also relates to the “directory information” provisions in Policy 5500 (Student Records) and to Regulation 4524 re: computer and Internet use. Committee decided to address overall issue when web page standards are proposed.

● Monday, July 8, 2002 @ 4:00 p.m. @ the District Office
Discussion of: Review §8000 (Erie #1) to existing handbook
Discussion of: Pending First Readings
● Discussion on: Feedback on §5300.1 to §5300.12 (Code of Conduct committee) (Existing Policy)
● Discussion on: Guidelines for Release of Student Photos/Names & Standards for Web Page
Status Report: Review of Needed Regulations (existing policy)
Status Report: Attendance Regulations Review Committee Input (existing policy)
ADJOURNMENT:     5:50 p.m.            Recorded by Jim Switzer

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