3. Att. 4
    1. RE:  Consensus Agenda
  4. Consensus Agenda #3
  5. To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
  6. Academic Policy – Code of Conduct – New Policy Handbook §7310, pp. 14-16
    1. Presented for Second & Final Reading on September 10, 2003
    2. Added Text in Bold Face Type




DATE: September 10, 2003
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: District Office Board Room
7:15 Call to Order /Pledge of Allegiance
7:15 Executive Session
7:30 Approval of Agenda/Approval of MINUTES
Att. 1
7:35 Public Comment
7:40 Board Member Comments
7:45 Board President’s Comments
7:50 Action Item Report
7:55 Superintendent’s Report
1. Opening Day Report
2. Math A Update
3. Teacher Center Update
4. Student Questions
8:30 Items for Board Action:
1. CSE/ CPSE  Annual Reviews/Placements
Att. 2
2. CSE/ CPSE Action
Att. 3
3. Consensus Agenda:
Att. 4
1. Treasurer’s Report – July, 2003
2. Budget Transfers
3. School Lunch Prices
8:50 Policy                        Att. 5
8:50 Public Comment/Board Comments
Next Meeting: 7:30 p.m. District Office Board Room

District Mission Statement
Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.
Att. 1
Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 TIME: 7:00 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting PLACE: High School Cafeteria
PRESENT: Trustees Brunner, Diller, Griswold, Johnson, Lyke, Wyse; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Morrin, Shaffer, Saxby, Atseff, Spring, Callahan, Blankenburg
ABSENT: Trustees Ratcliffe, Robusto & Triou,
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. by Richard A. Johnson, School Board President
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting,at 7:01 p.m., for an executive session on personnel matters pertaining to specific personnel. 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mr. Ratcliffe, Mr. Robusto, Mr. Triou), Carried.
III. RECONVENE:8:20 p.m.
V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA & MINUTES (July 9 & 10, 2003)
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to approve the agenda for this evening’s meetingas presented and the minutes of the meetings of July 9 & 10, 2003 as presented. 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mr. Ratcliffe, Mr. Robusto, Mr. Triou), Carried.

A. Mr. Griswold noted that it appears that our facilities are in excellent shape and thanked all staff members who assisted addressing situations during the recent power outage in the northeastern states.
A. Mr. Johnson extended thanks to everyone involved for an excellent job during the recent power outage.
B. Mr. Johnson extended condolences to the families of Mary Lou Waterman, a long-time primary level teacher in district schools who passed at age 88, and Marcia Standera, retired math teacher, on the death of her husband, Bernard.
C. Mr. Johnson stated that the Board of Education looks forward to the start of the 2003-2004 school year and welcomed staff members as they resume or begin their duties for the new year.
Mr. Havens noted that the Commissioner of Education is issuing new rating scales for re-scoring of the June, 2003 Math A Regents exam based on recommendations of the independent state panel that studied that matter. The panel concluded that the June exam was significantly more difficult than the exam one year ago. Staff members will use the new scales to review exams of our students.
Mr. Havens announced receipt of grant funds for a teacher resource center ($60,000) and for microfilming of student records ($22,462) and congratulated Mr. Spring, assistant superintendent for instruction, and staff members who assisted, and Mr. Switzer, district clerk, respectively, for their efforts in writing the grant applications.
Mr. Havens noted that approval was granted by the Wayne County Board of Supervisors for Monroe Community College to offer courses in Wayne County, using the new satellite center at our high school. He thanked the Walworth and Ontario Town Supervisors for their support on this matter.
Mr. Blankenberg, director of athletics and physical education, noted that the fall season of interscholastic athletics is underway and presented a video with samples of varied teams at work. He also noted the successful “Meet the Coaches Night” event. Trustees extended congratulations to Mr. Blankenberg and his wife on the birth of their second child.
Mr. Blankenberg noted that the Diamond Boosters, for baseball and softball teams, have extended the offer of funds and services to create new dugouts for the varsity baseball and softball fields. He reviewed the scope of the proposal to replace the existing chain-link fence dugouts and re-location of the existing dugouts to the junior varsity fields. The boosters are very enthusiastic about the proposal and he asked consideration of the Board of Education to proceed with the project.
Mr. Havens noted that he appreciates the efforts and contributions of the Diamond Boosters and recommends proceeding with the project.
Mrs. Lyke asked if the proposed work requires compliance with any state requirements or guidelines. Mr. Havens stated that the open style of the structure and total cost of the project exempt it from state requirements for an architect’s seal and the state review process. He added that the proposal is for two (2) dugouts on both the baseball and softball fields to comply with Title IX requirements.
Mr. Wyse said he understands that the booster’s proposal is very similar to dugouts at Canandaigua City Schools and noted the excellent design of those facilities.
Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION to accept the donation of services and funds from the Diamond Boosters and to proceed with replacement of the dugouts for the varsity baseball and softball fields as recommended by the superintendent of schools.
Mr. Johnson stated that Mr. Blankenberg and the Diamond Boosters deserve specific recognition for initiating and proceeding with this project. Mr. Blankenberg noted that the credit is truly due to the booster group.
Mr. Griswold noted the volunteer time and donation of materials associated with this project.
Mr. Johnson noted that booster clubs do a great job for our students and school district.
On question, the vote was 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mr. Ratcliffe, Mr. Robusto, Mr. Triou), Carried.
Mr. Blankenberg presented a proposal from the cheerleading boosters to donate funds to support a coach for a junior varsity cheerleading team for 2003-2004 for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mr. Havens stated that he is generally hesitant to accept private funding for school programs since it could result in an expectation that the school budget would support it in future years or an expectation by the donors of an active role in management of the program. He stated that the cheerleading booster club has confirmed that their sole intent is to provide funds for more programs for our students.
Mrs. Lyke asked if purchase of uniforms is required; Mr. Blankenberg stated they are available.
Mr. Griswold asked what the estimated amount of the coaching stipend is. Mr. Blankenberg stated the squad would participate at home events, only, and that the stipend is less than $1,000.
Mr. Griswold noted that the intent and value of this donation is a wonderful contribution; since it is not an item included in our 2003-2004 budget, is it possible for us to include the expense. Mr. Havens stated it is.
By consensus, trustees accepted the donation from the cheerleading boosters, with thanks.
Mr. Havens noted that Mr. Blankenberg has obtained a grant totaling $218,000 through the “Lift America” program of the National School Fitness Foundation for creation of a fitness center and donation of state-of-the art fitness equipment.
Mr. Blankenberg presented a video to illustrate the existing weight and conditioning space at the high school and the nature of the proposed fitness facility. He outlined details of the grant that extends over three (3) years and includes 18 pieces of fitness equipment, curricula materials and training for staff members. The equipment included in the project is valued at more than $220,000 and is provided to the school district for during and after the grant period at no cost.
In return for the fitness equipment and supportive materials, we will provide a minimum of 100 sq. ft. of space for the fitness center and anonymous data from thirty-(30) students for their progress in fitness routines for a period of 90 weeks. The foundation uses this data as part of its continuing efforts at research and promotion of student fitness. Efforts by the students is recorded electronically on the equipment and provides daily updates for the students on their progress
Mr. Blankenberg noted that since the existing weight does not provide sufficient space, he is proposing use of one-half of the old gymnasium at the high school to house the fitness equipment and program until the conversion of existing technology shop space to the new fitness center, in 2005, as part of the 2002 capital facilities project.
Mr. Johnson asked if written permission from parents or guardians is required for any students who participate in the study prior to release of any data on their progress; Mr. Blankenberg stated it was. Mr. Havens clarified that data is anonymous and is protected by security codes.
Mrs. Lyke asked for clarification that all students could use the new equipment and monitor their progress and what selection process would occur to establish the group of thirty-(30) students from whom data collected for the study is based. Mr. Havens confirmed that all of our students would have access to the equipment and fitness program. Mr. Blankenberg reviewed the selection process and scheduling arrangements for the study group, which will meet for forty-(40) minute sessions, three (3) times per week.
Mrs. Lyke asked if the foundation is seeking specific fitness levels for students in their study. Mr. Blankenberg outlined the criteria established by the foundation.
Mr. Griswold asked who issues the grant; Mr. Blankenberg stated it is the “Progress on Physical Education” (PEP) grant from the National Student Fitness Foundation.
Mr. Griswold noted that the Board of Education conducted a detailed review of the required time for physical education established by the NYS Education Department and asked if that issue was monitored. Mr. Blankenberg stated that we have gained some ground on the issue.
Mr. Griswold asked about floor surface and room ventilation requirements for the proposed fitness area using the networked equipment and electronic monitoring systems. Mr. Blankenberg provided details on how the network is established. Mr. Havens noted that the floor surface is the same rubberized material planned for the 2002 capital facilities project.
Mr. Griswold offered a MOTION, seconded by Mrs. Lyke, to adopt a RESOLUTION to accept the grant from the National School Fitness Foundation, TO WIT:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education does hereby approve participation of the Wayne Central School District in the Progress in Physical Education grant of the National School Fitness Foundation, as recommended by the superintendent of schools, and authorizes use of school facilities and participation by students, provided any data collected for research by the named foundation is done so in a manner which protects the identity of any participants.
On the question, the RESOLUTION was adopted by a vote of 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mr. Ratcliffe, Mr. Robusto, Mr. Triou).
ACADEMIC PROGRESS REPORT · Fourth Quarter · 2002-2003 School Year
Mr. Havens asked Mr. Spring to reviewed the academic progress report for the fourth quarter of the 2002-2003 school year with the Board of Education. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Mr. Spring noted strong mastery and achievement rates by elementary, middle and high school students and continued efforts to increase math scores among local students. He noted the impressive passing rates and mastery by seniors in the final quarter of their senior year.
Mr. Havens noted that he and Mr. Spring plan to continue to prepare and present the academic reports at the conclusion of each quarter during the 2003-2004 school year.
Mr. Johnson thanked Mr. Spring for his report.
Mr. Havens introduced NYS Trooper Frank Ryan who will serve as school resource officer for our school district to the Board of Education. He stated that the program is funded by a three-year grant with an additional year also available.
Trooper Ryan expressed thanks to the school district for participating in the program and stated that he is pleased to serve in the role of school resource officer. He reviewed the varied assignments during his fifteen-(15) year career as a state trooper and stated he looks forward to meeting local students and staff and to fielding any questions trustees may have at any time.
Mr. Havens stated that Trooper Ryan will spend three (3) days each week at the high school, one and one-half (1.5) days at the middle school and one-half day (.50) among the elementary schools.
Mr. Johnson extended welcome to Trooper Ryan on behalf of the Board of Education. He noted his attendance at a seminar on the program at the state school boards’ convention and that he is excited about the potential benefits for our school district. He added that Trooper Ryan would find school board members actively attending school events and visiting schools.
Mr. Griswold asked Trooper Ryan if this is his first assignment as a school resource officer; he stated it is.
Mrs. Lyke asked Trooper Ryan if he remains assigned to his last station (Lyons) while working in our schools; he stated he is but has full-time duties as the school resource officer.
Mr. Griswold asked if Trooper Ryan expects to learn the names of our students; he stated that is his intent.
Mr. Havens distributed drawings of varied aspects of the 2002 capital facilities project for information of and review by trustees. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
He reviewed design elements of the project, including the connector road between the middle and high schools, expansion of the bus loop and revisions to the parking area, both at the south entry to the high school, areas inside the new science/technology/art wing that will connect “A” and “D” wings, the new all-weather track, press box and seating updates and the storm water detention areas.
Mrs. Lyke asked if the south parking lot would serve staff or students. Mr. Havens stated that the issue is under review; he add ed that efforts are underway to retain as many parking spaces in the new space as now available as requested by the school board president and vice-president. He added that the shift of the bus unloading to the south lot last year has had a positive effect on reduction of bus and vehicle congestion along Route 350 each morning.
Mr. Havens noted that the proposal field seating will include space for appx. 500 persons on both sides of the common press box unit and that a new draining system is planned as part of the management of surface and storm water from the site. He reported on the recent meeting of school personnel with the Town of Ontario Watershed Management Council and residents at homes along the drainage ditch at the north boundary of the Ontario Center campus.
Details of the necessary improvements to that area were reviewed along with suggestions for green-colored fencing along the school boundary to protect the area and reduce papers and items from migrating to neighboring properties. He noted the assistance of Bill Slocum, Ontario Town Superintendent of Highways, and Al Tyo, volunteer chairperson of the watershed management council, and willingness of school and town personnel to pursue this as a joint effort. The school portion of the project is an additional item in the capital facilities project that he believes is important to complete; work is scheduled to occur in 2004.
Mr. Johnson asked if any standing water would remain in the detention area and if it would contain substantial amounts of water as some do at local shopping malls. Mr. Havens noted standing water would collect only if a heavy rainfall occurs; otherwise, the detention structure is designed to handle water at a specific pace. Mr. Johnson asked if the area would have a fence enclosure; Mr. Havens stated it would.
Mr. Wyse noted that the water in the detention area is less than 12 inches and the structure is designed to collect the runoff from the roof and parking lot surfaces and release it through pipes into the drainage system. Mr. Havens noted the distinction between detention structures, which we will have, and retention structures, which are present at mall areas.
Mr. Griswold asked about security with the perimeter fences planned for the athletic fields and the nature of floor surfaces for the improvements to rest rooms in “A” wing at the high school. Mr. Havens provided details.
Mr. Havens noted that access and security improvements at the middle school and Freewill Elementary School are finalized as part of the capital project and local staff will make similar improvements at the entry/office area at Ontario Primary School.
He noted that final design plans are ready for submission to the NYS Education Department and for signature this evening by the school board president.
Mr. Griswold asked if auto sensor features are planned for rest room equipment and drinking fountains. Mr. Havens reviewed plans to incorporate those features.
Mrs. Brunner asked about crossing of students or adults in the proposed expanded bus loop at the south entry to the high school. Mr. Havens reviewed options under review.
Mr. Griswold noted discussion at a prior meeting about restrictions on students crossing bus traffic patterns to access to public schools; Mr. Havens will confirm that information.
Mrs. Lyke asked if proposed expansion of the bus loop at the south parking lot will accommodate the entire fleet of busses for the high school or if the shuttle to and from the middle school would continue. Mr. Atseff reviewed options under consideration
Mr. Havens asked Mr. Spring to present the recommendation for adoption of a new textbook for English/Language Arts in grades K to 5. 
Mr. Spring outlined the process used to preview and evaluate the new textbook. During the school year, the reading coordinator narrowed the selection to three (3) different reading series that address areas of early literacy development as outlined in the district’s reading grant. At the end of the school year, the literacy coaches and members of the benchmark writing team reviewed the three (3) series and recommended the MacMillen-McGraw-Hill series for adoption.
Mr. Spring noted that the recommended series meets the needs of both the new and experienced teacher and is aligned with statewide assessments for English/Language Arts. The series also builds upon the guided reading program in the district. He displayed some sample materials with the Board of Education.
Mr. Johnson asked if the proposed textbook addresses student comments at a school board meeting last spring suggesting more interesting items for language arts and if the series includes CD-ROM and related support materials. Mr. Spring noted the linkage of the proposed series to the existing accelerated reader program and the variety of supplemental materials available for purchase in future years.
Mrs. Lyke asked about design of the varied units in the series; Mr. Spring provided details.
Mrs. Diller asked how soon students would have access to the new materials after adoption and placement of orders. Mr. Spring noted that the total cost is $155,000 and purchase is planned over a period of time as the program is phased in to the curriculum. Plans are to begin to introduce the new series between October and mid-year of the current school year.
Mr. Havens stated that he concurs with the recommendation of the selection committee and thanked them for their diligent efforts.
Mr. Johnson offered a MOTION to adopt the motion to adopt the Mac Millen-McGraw-Hill reading series for Grades K to 5 as recommended by the superintendent of schools.
Mr. Griswold asked how often the district refreshes these materials; Mr. Havens stated that replacement is planned on a 6 to 7-year cycle.
On the question, the vote was 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mr. Ratcliffe, Mr. Robusto, Mr. Triou), Carried.
Mr. Havens asked Mr. Atseff to present the year-end financial report for review and information by the Board of Education.
Mr. Atseff shared copies of the analysis of year-end financial position as of June 30, 2003 (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting).
He stated that the district’s budget and financial goals were met, including the amount appropriated as fund balance to apply to the property tax levy. He noted that the information is subject to the annual independent audit, which is underway, and he will present final recommendations for distribution of unspent funds at a meeting in September.
He added that he is pleased with the favorable position of district finances in light of state level financial concerns this past year.
Mr. Johnson asked the pleasure of trustees for the date of a special meeting for a workshop session on detailed discussion of school finance. He asked trustees to provide him with potential dates.
 9:32 p.m.
XII. RECONVENE: 9:38 p.m.
Mr. Havens presented the following personnel changes, with conditions as they apply to specific personnel, for review and consideration by the Board of Education:


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Creation of a Position
Assistant Principal, 1.0 FTE, assigned to the high school, effective July 1, 2003 (replacement for teacher on special assignment as dean of students)


Jeffrey Pirozzolo, assistant principal, assigned to the high school, a three-year probationary appointment effective September 2, 2003 through September 1, 2006, at $66,000, prorated. (replacement for Ronald Jones, teacher on special assignment as dean of students, retired)

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Diane Di Gravio, science teacher, assigned to the middle school, effective August 4, 2003 (personal reasons)
Deborah Mackey, math teacher, assigned to the high school, effective August 20, 2003 (personal reasons)
Jessica Roethel, science teacher, assigned to the middle school, effective August 4, 2003. (personal reasons)
Donald Siracusa, English teacher, assigned to the high school, effective August 10, 2003 (personal reasons)
Tracy Collier, physical education teacher (.50 FTE), assigned to Ontario Primary and Ontario Elementary Schools, a part-time appointment effective September 1, 2003, at $16,750 (new position, re-instated 2002 budget reduction)
Jesse Crane, English teacher, assigned to the high school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $ 34,110 (replacement for Donald Siracusa, resigned)
Dan Davids, driver and traffic safety education teacher, assigned to the high school, a part-time temporary appointment effective July 7 through August 13, 2003 at $4,050 (summer school)
Jane DelGudico, Spanish teacher, assigned to the high school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $34,060 (shift from .80 FTE to 1.0 FTE)
Joshua Dougherty, special Education teacher (Eagle Ventures), assigned to the middle school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $33,500 (replacement for Debra Botsford, resigned)
Molly Doyle, science teacher, assigned to the middle school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $33,500 (replacement for Jessica Roethel, resigned)
Christina Entress, special education teacher (Eagle Ventures), assigned to the high school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $34,1000 (replacement for Thomas McDonald, resigned)
Kathy Felignu, speech therapis, assigned to the summer school program, a part-time, temporary appointment effective July 7 to August 13, 2003, at $2541.50.
Brian Grayson, math teacher, assigned to the high school, a two year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2005, at $42,448 (replacement for Brian Ingham, resigned)
Jennifer Green, math teacher (.80 FTE), assigned to the middle school, a part-time appointment effective September 1, 2003, at $26,800 (replacement for James Tiffin, shifted to 1.0 FTE)
Catherine (Kasha) Grisley, elementary education teacher, assigned to Ontario Primary School, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $34,750 (replacement for Kristin Hastings, resigned)
Debra Maier, library media specialist, assigned to Ontario Primary School, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $39,142 (replacement for Loreen Jorgensen, retired)
John Mc Cully, driver & traffic safety education teacher, assigned to the high school, a part-time temporary appointment effective July 7 through August 13, 2003 at $4,050. (summer school)
Elizabeth Miranda, instrumental music teacher, assigned to the middle school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $34,713 (replacement for Thomas Sousa, resigned)
Martin Molisani, health teacher, assigned to the middle school, a two year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2005, at $46,250 (replacement for Susan Roscoe, resigned)
Sarah Moran, elementary instrumental music teacher, assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a one and one half year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through February 28, 2005 at $39,410 (served as a temporary replacement for Barb De Paull from October 26, 2001 through June 30, 2003,, who resigned, who she replaces)
Scott Partridge, science teacher, assigned to the middle school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $34,750 (replacement for Diane DiGravio, resigned)
John Pilato, art teacher, assigned to the middle school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $35,963 (replacement for Larry Ruth, retired)
Martha Schillaci, special education teacher (Eagle Ventures), assigned to the high school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $37,964 (new position)
Thomas Siembor, social studies teacher, assigned to the high school, a three-year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $39,174 (served as .60 FTE social studies teacher from September 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003. replacement for Gregory Geesler, resigned, and position increased from .60 FTE to 1.0 FTE)
Paula Sipple, elementary education teacher, assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a temporary long term substitute appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $35,360. (replacement for Suellen Terranova, on leave of absence)
Gail Streeter, occupational education teacher, assigned to the high school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $42,900 (served as .50 FTE occupational educational teacher from September 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003, position increased from .50 FTE to 1.0 FTE, replacement for Jeannine Nowak, resigned)
James Tiffin, Jr., math teacher, assigned to the high school, a two and one half year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through February 28, 2006 at $34,060 (served as .80 FTE math teacher at the middle school from December 18, 2002 through June 30, 2003 and .20 FTE math teacher at the high school from January 17, 2002 through June 30, 2003; replacement for Teresa Cundra, resigned)
Jennifer Vaccarella, art teacher, assigned to the high school, a two year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2005, at $34,611 (served as a temporary replacement for Mary Kate Pilletteri from September 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003, who resigned, who she replaces)
Michael Walker, elementary instrumental music teacher, assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $35,360 (replacement for Corinn Africano-Pedrone, resigned)
Lorraine Willis, special education teacher, assigned to the middle school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, @ $34,060 (was temporary replacement for William Benschneider from April 3 through June 30, 2003 and replaces Amory Dunham, resigned)
Diane Wolcott, reading coordinator, assigned to the district office, a two-year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2005 (replacement for Julie Diffenderfer, returned to classroom teaching)
Appointment of Extra-Duty Positions · 2003-2004
(Assistant Elementary Principals, Coaches · September 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004)
(at rates provided in collective bargaining agreement)

See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Annual Appointment of Fall, Winter & Spring Coaching Personnel · 2003-2004:  
(at rates provided in collective bargaining agreement)
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Annual Appointment of Fall & Winter Athletic Event Supervisory Staff 2003-2004:  
(at rates provided in collective bargaining agreement)
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Summer Conditioning Program Supervisors
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting


Additional Per Diem Substitute Teachers • 2003– 2004 School Year
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Patti Grimshaw, food service worker, assigned to Ontario Elementary School, effective June 10, 2003 (personal reasons )
Joan Thayer, clerk/typist, .50 FTE, assigned to the district food service office, effective August 29, 2003 (personal reasons)

Laurie Anderson, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $10.20/hr.
Kathleen Beck, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $10.20/hr.


Colleen Boyce, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Elementary a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $9.45/hr.
Julie Brewer, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $8.30/hr.
Beth Burns, teacher aide (1:1), assigned the middle school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $10.20/hr.
Joyce-AnneCollier, teacher aide (1:1), .70 FTE assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $7.65/hr.
Kelly Damick, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Primary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $8.30/hr.

Sharon Doran, teaching assistant, assigned the high school, a six-month probationary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through March 1, 2004 at $12.07 per hour (new position, supplementary reading program)

Rachel Ford, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the middle school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $8.55/hr.
Dolores Fox, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Primary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $8.55/hr.


Kim Graham, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $8.30/hour.
Barrie Gurnett, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the middle school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $9.20/hr.
Deborah Hamman, school monitor, assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a part-time six month civil service probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through March 1, 2004 at $6.85/hr. (replacement for Janine Lubberts, appointed as food service worker)
Dale Hilfiker, custodian, assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a permanent civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 at $12.55 per hour. (re-instatement of title of position following budget cut in 2002)
Lois Kashmer, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $8.55/hr.
Dawn Kittleson, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $7.65/hr.
Kim Kramer, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $8.30/hour.

Mary Ann Kritall, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $10.20/hr.

Denise Kolb, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the middle school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $9.45/hr.
Tracey La Placa, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $8.30/hr.
Janine Lubberts, food service worker, assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective September 2, 2003 through March 2, 2004, at $8.85 per hour (replaces Patty Grimshaw, resigned)
Lisa Northrop, teacher aide (1:1) assigned to Ontario Primary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $8.55/hr.
Caryn Paz, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the middle school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $7.65/hr.
Laura Packer, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $8.30/hour.
Deb Pecoraro, teacher aide (1:1), .60 FTE assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a part-time, temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $10.20/hr.
Rita Prideaux, teacher aide (1:1), .50 FTE & teacher aide (.50 FTE classroom aide) assigned to Ontario Primary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $10.20/hr.


Cindy Reibert, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Primary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $10.20/hr.

Lauretta Rounds, clerk/typist, .50 FTE, assigned to the district facilities office, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective August 4, 2003 through February 4, 2004 at $8.80 per hour (replacement for Eileen Bonino, retired)
Lizabeth Seitz, typist, assigned to Ontario Primary School, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective July 7, 2003 through January 7, 2004 at $9.45 per hour. (replacement for Marilyn Hamman, retired)

Alicia Van Vliet, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the middle school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $7.65/hr.
Jayne Ver Schage, teacher Aide (1:1), assigned to the high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $9.20/hr.
Lindsay Wilbert, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $9.45/hr.

Veronique Wilson, food service supervisor, district office, a six-month probationary civil service appointment effective September 8, 2003 through March 3, 2004 at $39,000 (prorated). (replacement for Carol Fisher, retired)

Christina Lawrence, registered professional nurse, assigned to Ontario Primary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 or until the return, resignation, or other conclusion of Darcy Petrosino at a rate of $14.45 per hour (replacement for Darcy Petrosino, on leave of absence)

Karen Turano, cook manager, assigned to the high school, a one year unpaid leave of absence, effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 (personal reasons)
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to approve the personnel changes as recommended by the superintendent of schools. 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mr. Ratcliffe, Mr. Robusto, Mr. Triou), Carried.
Mr. Havens presented the following personnel changes, with conditions as they apply to specific personnel, for review and consideration by the Board of Education:

Adam Wyse, math teacher, assigned to the high school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $33,500 (replacement for Deborah Mackey, resigned)

Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to approve the personnel action as recommended by the superintendent of schools. 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mr. Ratcliffe, Mr. Robusto, Mr. Triou), 1 Abstention (Mr. Wyse), Carried.


(1) Reports of the School District Treasurer (A/O June 30, 2003)
(2) Approve Sheltering Agreement · American Red Cross (Wayne County Chapter)
(3) Adopt Resolution for Levy of 2003-2004 School Taxes
(4) Approve Budget Transfers
(5) Accept Gift to the School District (Hopeworks/First Presbyterian Church)
(6) Resolution for Non-Public Health Services Contract · Newark CSD · 2002-2003
(7) Award Bids for Transportation Gas (Cooperative Bid)
(8) Award Bids for Ice Cream, Bread, Milk & Meat Products, Snack/Specialty Items, Cheeses, Frozen, Canned & Packaged Foods, Juices & Paper Products for School Lunch Program (Cooperative Bid)
(9) Award Bids for Xerographic, Personal Computing and Fine Paper Products (Cooperative Bid)
(10) Award Bids for Computer Supplies
Mr. Havens presented the consensus agenda for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Griswold, to adopt/approve the consensus agenda, as presented by the superintendent of schools, as follows:
(1) Receive & file reports of the school district treasurer for the period ending June 30, 2003 (copies attached to these minutes in the minute book)


(2) Approve the sheltering agreement with the American Red Cross (Wayne County Chapter) for the 2003-2004 school year (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file),


(3) Adopt a RESOLUTION to establish tax rates for 2003-2004 FY , TO WIT:
WHEREAS, the amount authorized to be raised for school tax purposes for the 2003-2004 school year, for the current school year's budget, is a sum not to exceed $17,340,000.00
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education set and fix the equalized school tax rates for 2003-2004 by towns and confirm the extension of said taxes as they appear on the tax rolls of the component townships (see worksheet attached to these minutes in the minute book)
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the school tax warrant of the Board of Education, duly signed, shall be affixed to the 2003-2004 school tax rolls authorizing the collection of said school taxes begin on Thursday, September 04, 2003 with an effective period of said school tax warrant of 58 days, at the expiration of which the school tax collector shall make an accounting, in writing, to the Clerk of the Board of Education of the amount of paid and unpaid school taxes,
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Helen Jensen, School Tax Collector for the Wayne Central School District, be, and hereby is authorized and directed to give legal notice and to start collection of school taxes, beginning Thursday, September 04, 2003, in accordance with provisions of law, and to give notice that school tax collection will conclude on Friday, October 31, 2003, and to collect school taxes in the amount of $17,340,000.00 as set by the attached school tax warrant;
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that delinquent school tax penalties shall be fixed as follows:
2 per cent, payments made from October 3 to October 31, 2003
2 per cent, plus additional penalty, from October 31, 2003 on, as levied by the county treasurer in the re-levy in town/county taxes
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 2002-2003 school taxes will be collected at the district office of the Wayne Central School District, 6200 Ontario Center Road, Ontario Center, NY 14520, from September 4 to October 31, 2003. No taxes received or postmarked after October 31, 2003, shall be accepted by the school tax collector.


(4) Approve budget transfers pursuant to Policy 6150 (copy attached to these minutes in the minute book)


(5) Accept the gift of $1,000 to the school district for the Hopeworks program from the First Presbyterian Church of Ontario Center


(6) Adopt a RESOLUTION for non-public health services contract with the Newark CSD, TO WIT:


(Non-Public School Pupils, 2002-2003)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District hereby approves a contract with the Board of Education of Newark Central School District for health service charges, pursuant to §912 of the State Education Law, for pupils at non-public schools in the 2002-2003 school year, and authorize the President and Clerk of the Board of Education to execute said contract, pending approval of same by the Superintendent of Schools (copy of contract filed in clerk’s files)


(7) Award bids for transportation gas to the lowest responsible bidders, multiple bid award (cooperative bid) (copies of bids in clerk’s files)


(8) Award bids for ice cream, bread, milk & meat products, snack/specialty items, cheeses, frozen, canned & packaged foods, juices & paper products for school lunch program to the lowest responsible bidders, multiple bid award (cooperative bid) (copies of bids in clerk’s files)


(9) Award bids for xerographic, personal computing and fine paper products to the lowest responsible bidders, multiple bid award (cooperative bid) (copies of bids in clerk’s files)


(10) Award bids for computer supplies to the lowest responsible bidders, multiple bid award (copies of bids in clerk’s files)
On the question, the consensus agenda was adopted/approved by a vote of 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mr. Ratcliffe, Mr. Robusto, Mr. Triou).
First Reading · Updated Policy Handbook
On behalf of the policy committee and Mr. Triou, their chairperson, Mrs. Lyke presented the updated policy handbook for first reading and review by the Board of Education. She noted that the agenda also includes a copy of revisions to the academic standards portion of the Code of Conduct that are included in this first reading.
Mr. Havens noted that the trustees on the policy committee for ther past two years had worked tirelessly on this updated handbook. Mrs. Lyke noted the efforts by Mr. Switzer, district clerk, to coordinate the overall project. She added that the proposed handbook is available in CD-ROM format for trustees who wish to review it in the format.
Mr. Havens added that the policy committee has decided to have Mr. Switzer handle the regulations and exhibits for the policy handbook during 2003-2004. The subscription to a policy update service is also under review by the policy committee.
Mr. Johnson as for clarification on the academic standards; Mr. Blankenberg provided details.
By consensus, trustees approved first reading of the update policy handbook, as presented by the policy committee.
Mrs. Lyke noted that the next policy committee meeting is set for Thursday, September 11, 2003 @ 4 p.m. at the district office.
A. Mrs. Brunner noted the need to name voting delegates for the annual resolutions meeting of the NYS School Boards Association. Following discussion, Mr. Johnson named Mrs. Lyke as delegate and Mrs. Diller as alternate. He also reminded trustees to confirm their plans to attend workshops at the annual meeting, scheduled in Rochester this year, as soon as possible.
B. Mr. Wyse extended welcome to Mr. Pirizollo and Mrs. Wilson, present in the audience, who were named this evening as a new assistant principal at the high school and as food service supervisor, respectively.


Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:47 p.m. 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mr. Ratcliffe, Mr. Robusto, Mr. Triou), Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
The foregoing minutes of the Board of Education were submitted for review & (approved as presented)(correctedas noted) at the meeting of September 10, 2003
School District Clerk


Att. 2
2003-04 CSE/CPSE Annual Review Recommendations for the Board of Education
CSE 00-2968 Special Class 12:1:1/reduced class
Special Class 12:1:1/reduced class size School of the Holy Childhood-ODX
CSE 00-4019 Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class
Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class Norman Howard-ODX
CSE 00-4119 BOCES Special Class,12:1:1/small
BOCES Special Class,12:1:1/small grp BOCES/Newark High School-ODX
CSE 00-4126 BOCES 1 Special Class
BOCES 1 Special Class Center-based Monroe BOCES-East Ridge HS ODX
CSE 00-4301 Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class
Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class Norman Howard-ODX
CSE 00-5142 Monroe BOCES Special Class,
Monroe BOCES Special Class, Monroe BOCES-Harris Green-ODX
CSE 00-5296 Eagle Ventures, 12:1:1/reduced
Monroe BOCES 12+ Program at U of R Monroe BOCES–Dist Based UofR-ODX
CSE 00-6823 Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class
Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class Norman Howard-ODX
CSE 00-7122 Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class
Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class Norman Howard-ODX
CSE 00-7152 Monroe BOCES Special Class, 6:1:1 Monroe BOCES Special Class, 6:1:1
Monroe BOCES-Morgan MS ER-ODX
CSE 00-7494 Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class
Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class Norman Howard-ODX
CSE 00-7784 Eagle Ventures, 8:1:1/structured
START Special Class, 6:1:1/structured Monroe BOCES-Foreman Center-ODX
CSE 00-8461 Consultant Teacher Consultant Teacher   Bishop Kearney-ODX
CSE 00-8528 Monroe BOCES Special Class,
Monroe BOCES Special Class, Monroe BOCES-Creekside-ODX
CSE 00-9080 BOCES Special Class,
BOCES Special Class, 6:1:1/structured BOCES/Wayne Central HS-ODX
CSE 00-9295 Consultant Teacher Consultant Teacher for reading &   Bishop Kearney-ODX
CSE 00-96078 Monroe BOCES Special Class,
Monroe BOCES Special Class, 12:1:4 BOCES-Creekside-ODX
CSE 3344 Special Class 6:1:1/structured class
Special Class 6:1:1/structured class to Halpern Education Center-ODX
CSE 3688 Consultant Teacher for writing
Consultant Teacher for writing Charles Finney School-ODX
CSE 4028 Special Class 6:1:1/structured class
Special Class 6:1:1/structured class to Halpern Education Center-ODX
CSE 4513 Special Class 6:1:1/structured class
Special Class 6:1:1/structured class to Halpern Education Center-ODX
CSE 4570 BOCES 1 Special Class
BOCES 1 Special Class Center-based Monroe BOCES-East Ridge HS-ODX
CSE 4688 START Special Class, 6:1:1
START Special Class, 6:1:1 structured Monroe BOCES-Foreman Center-ODX
CSE 4695 Eagle Ventures, 8:1:1 BOCES Special Class, 6:1:1/structured   BOCES/Wayne Central HS-ODX
CSE 5054 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Charles Finney School-ODX
CSE 5646 Resource Room for small group
Resource Room for small group Charles Finney School-ODX
CSE 6125 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Charles Finney School-ODX
CSE 6742 Related Services Only* as per
Related Services Only* as per 4402,4,d. Hope Hall-ODX
CSE 7083 Special Class 6:1:1/structured class
Special Class 6:1:1/structured class to Halpern Education Center-ODX
CSE 7283 BOCES Special Class,
BOCES Special Class, 6:1:1/structured BOCES/Wayne Central HS-ODX
CSE 7733 Resource Room for small group
Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class Norman Howard-ODX
CSE 7955 START Special Class, 6:1:1
START Special Class, 6:1:1 structured Monroe BOCES-Foreman ctr ODX
CSE 8051 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic St. Joseph's School-ODX
CSE 8393 504 Accommodation Plan
START Special Class, 6:1:1 structured Monroe BOCES-Foreman Center-ODX
CSE 8517 Eagle Ventures, 8:1:1/structured
Special Class 6:1:1/structured class to Halpern Education Center-ODX
CSE 9085 Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class
Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class Norman Howard-ODX
CSE 96097 Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class
Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class Norman Howard-ODX
CSE 96342 Special Class 6:1:1/structured class
Special Class 6:1:1/structured class to Halpern Education Center-ODX
CSE 96357 Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class
Special Class, 12:1:1/reduced class Norman Howard-ODX
CSE 97239 BOCES Special Class,
BOCES Special Class, 6:1:1/structured BOCES/Midlakes Primary School-ODX
CSE 97616 504 Accommodation Plan
Special Class 6:1:1/structured class to Halpern Education Center-ODX
CSE 98217 Special Class, 6:1:1 Special Class, 6:1:1   Monroe BOCES-Alt HS Fairport-ODX
CSE 7345 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Ontario Elementary
CSE 7556 Special Class, 12:1:1/small group
Special Class, 12:1:1/small group Ontario Elementary
CSE 7602 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Special Class, 15:1/small group Ontario Elementary
CSE 7607 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Ontario Elementary
CSE 7732 Consultant Teacher for reading and
Consultant Teacher for reading and Ontario Elementary
CSE 7744 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for writing Ontario Elementary
CSE 7757 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Ontario Elementary
CSE 7829 Consultant Teacher for all
Special Class, 15:1 for ELA Ontario Elementary
CSE 7837 Resource Room/for small group
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Ontario Elementary
CSE 7924 Consultant Teacher for academics
Consultant Teacher for academics Ontario Elementary
CSE 8042 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Ontario Elementary
CSE 8059 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher for academic Ontario Elementary
CSE 8085 Special Class, 15:1:/small group
Special Class, 12:1:1/small group Ontario Elementary
CSE 8177 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for all academic Ontario Elementary
CSE 8224 504 Accommodation Plan to
Consultant Teacher for concept Ontario Elementary
CSE 8231 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Special Class, 15:1/small group Ontario Elementary
CSE 8268 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher for all academic Ontario Elementary
CSE 8352 Regular Education Consultant Teacher for academic   Ontario Elementary
CSE 8398 Resource Room for small group
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Ontario Elementary
CSE 8434 Consultant Teacher Consultant Teacher for academic   Ontario Elementary
CSE 8435 Consultant Teacher for reading and
Consultant Teacher for reading and Ontario Elementary
CSE 8542 Resource Room Consultant Teacher for Language Arts   Ontario Elementary
CSE 8683 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for all academic Ontario Elementary
CSE 8728 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Ontario Elementary
CSE 8793 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for Math & Ontario Elementary
CSE 8999 Resource Room for small group
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Ontario Elementary
CSE 9017 Consultant Teacher for Reading,
Special Class for Reading & Writing Ontario Elementary
CSE 9082 Consultant Teacher for writing
Consultant Teacher for writing Ontario Elementary
CSE 9159 Consultant Teacher for writing
Consultant Teacher for writing Ontario Elementary
CSE 9206 Special Class, 12:1:1/small group
Special Class, 12:1:1/small group Ontario Elementary
CSE 9253 Special Class, 12:1:1/small group
Special Class, 12:1:1/small group Ontario Elementary
CSE 96184 Special Class, 12:1:1/small group
Special Class, 12:1:1/small group Ontario Elementary
CSE 96222 Consultant Teacher for support in
Consultant Teacher for support in Ontario Elementary
CSE 96433 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Special Class, 15:1/small group Ontario Elementary
CSE 96450 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Special Class, 15:1/small group Ontario Elementary
CSE 96732 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Ontario Elementary
CSE 96831 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Ontario Elementary
CSE 96902 Special Class, 15:1 for ELA & Social
Special Class, 15:1 Ontario Elementary
CSE 96919 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Ontario Elementary
CSE 96991 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Ontario Elementary
CSE 97134 Resource Room for small group
Consultant Teacher for academic Ontario Elementary
CSE 97165 Related Services Only Consultant Teacher for educational   Ontario Elementary
CSE 97318 Special Class 15:1 for ELA and
Resource Room for small group Ontario Elementary
CSE 97319 Related Services Only Consultant Teacher for writing   Ontario Elementary
CSE 97340 Consultant Teacher for support in
Consultant Teacher for support in Ontario Elementary
CSE 97359 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for all academic Ontario Elementary
CSE 97389 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Ontario Elementary
CSE 97618 Consultant Teacher for support in
Consultant Teacher for support in Ontario Elementary
CSE 97638 Special Class, 15:1/minimal
Special Class, 15:1/minimal distractions Ontario Elementary
CSE 97661 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Ontario Elementary
CSE 97864 Special Class, 12:1:1/small group
Special Class, 12:1:1/small group Ontario Elementary
CSE 8178 Regular first grade with consultant
Resource Room for Language Arts & Ontario Primary
CSE 8351 Resource Room for Math 5Xwk at
Consultant Teacher for all academic Ontario Primary
CSE 9040 Consultant Teacher Resource Room for Language Arts &   Ontario Primary
CSE 9107 Consultant Teacher for written
Consultant Teacher for written Ontario Primary
CSE 9230 Related Services Only Consultant Teacher for academic   Ontario Primary
CSE 96990 Resource Room for small group
Resource Room for small group Ontario Primary
CSE 96995 Resource Room for small group
Resource Room for Language Arts & Ontario Primary
CSE 97000 Special Class 15:1 p.m.; Regular K
Consultant Teacher for ELA Ontario Primary
CSE 97227 Related Services Only Related Services Only   Ontario Primary
CSE 97255 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Ontario Primary
CSE 97256 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Consultant Teacher for academic Ontario Primary
CSE 97432 Special Class 15:1:1 Consultant Teacher for academic   Ontario Primary
CSE 97439 Special Class .5 / Regular Class .5
Consultant Teacher for all academic Ontario Primary
CSE 97446 Consultant Teacher Consultant Teacher for all academic   Ontario Primary
CSE 97455 SEIT Services Consultant Teacher & Special Class,   Ontario Primary
CSE 97731 Related Services Only Related Services Only   Ontario Primary
CSE 97814 Related Services Only Special Class 15:1   Ontario Primary
CSE 97923 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Consultant Teacher for all academic Ontario Primary
CSE 97977 Related Services Only Related Services Only   Ontario Primary
CSE 98019 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Ontario Primary
CSE 98021 Resource Room for Language Arts
Consultant Teacher for all academic Ontario Primary
CSE 98208 Integrated Special Class
Integrated Special Class (summer) to Ontario Primary
CSE 00-5644 Special Class, 12:1:1/small group
Special Class, 12:1:1/small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-5812 Special Class, 12:1:1/small group
Special Class, 12:1:1/small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-5921 Special Class, 12:1:1/small group
Special Class, 12:1:1/small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-6078 Resource Room for small group
Resource Room for small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-6102 Eagle Ventures, 8:1:1/structured
Special Class, 15:1 for ELA & Math Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-6142 Resource Room for small group
Consultant Teacher for ELA Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-6156 Consultant Teacher for writing
Consultant Teacher for writing support Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-6225 Consultant Teacher for ELA
Consultant Teacher for ELA Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-6464 Resource Room Special Class, 15:1 for LA & Math   Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-6844 Consultant Teacher for support in
Consultant Teacher for support in Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-6978 Resource Room for small group
Consultant Teacher for academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-7006 Consultant Teacher ELA & Social
Consultant Teacher in all academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-7578 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-7818 Consultant Teacher for support in all
Consultant Teacher for support in all Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-7984 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Special Class, 15:1/small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-8020 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-8187 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Special Class, 15:1/small group setting Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-8265 Special Class; 15:1/minimal
Special Class; 15:1/minimal distractions Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-8372 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Special Class, 15:1/small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-8699 Consultant Teacher Eagle Ventures Resource Room   Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-8863 Consultant Teacher Consultant Teacher for academic   Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 00-9343 Resource Room for small group
Consultant Teacher for ELA Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 5275 Consultant Teacher for academic
Special Class, 15:1 to ELA & Math Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 5577 Resource Room for small group
Consultant Teacher for math support Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 5682 Consultant Teacher for all academic
Consultant Teacher for all academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 5781 Consultant Teacher Consultant Teacher for ELA & Math   Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 5939 Resource Room for small group
Consultant Teacher for ELA and Social Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 6135 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 6174 Consultant Teacher Resource Room for small group   Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 6190 Special Class, 15:1 for ELA & Social
Special Class, 15:1 for ELA & Math Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 6410 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for Math & ELA Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 6572 Special Class, 15:1 for ELA &
Resource Room for reinforcement and Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 6583 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher in all academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 6606 Consultant Teacher Consultant Teacher for ELA   Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 6616 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 6725 Resource Room for small group
Resource Room for small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 6747 Consultant Teacher for all areas
Consultant Teacher for ELA; Science; Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 6754 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 6769 Consultant Teacher for ELA
Consultant Teacher for ELA Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 6885 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 7025 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 7081 Special Class, 15:1/minimal
Special Class, 15:1 for Language Arts Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 7280 Consultant Teacher for ELA &
Consultant Teacher for ELA & Social Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 7314 Consultant Teacher for writing
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 7562 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 7649 Consultant Teacher for support in all
Consultant Teacher for support in all Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 7793 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 7814 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 8006 Consultant Teacher service
Consultant Teacher for ELA Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 8028 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 8185 Consultant Teacher & full
Consultant Teacher for ELA Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 8197 Consultant Teacher for math
Consultant Teacher for math Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 8225 Consultant Teacher Resource Room for organizational   Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 8259 Resource Room for small group
Resource Room for small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 8278 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 8283 Consultant Teacher for writing
Consultant Teacher for ELA & Math Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 8330 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 8541 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Special Class, 15:1/small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 8718 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher in all academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 8719 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher in all academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 8730 Resource Room Consultant Teacher for ELA   Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 9081 Special Class 15:1 ELA; Social
Special Class 15:1 ELA; Math Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 9186 Resource Room for small group
Consultant Teacher for ELA, Math Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 9237 Consultant Teacher for support in all
Consultant Teacher for support in all Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96022 Resource Room for small group
Resource Room for small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96023 Resource Room for small group
Consultant Teacher for Math & ELA Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96041 Special Class, 15:1/structured class
Special Class, 15:1/structured class to Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96125 Special Class, 12:1:1/small group
Special Class, 12:1:1/small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96183 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Special Class, 15:1/small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96190 Special Class, 15:1/reduced class
Special Class, 15:1/reduced class size Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96231 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Special Class, 15:1/small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96240 Special Class 15:1/small group
Special Class 15:1/small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96241 Special Class, 15:1 small group
Special Class, 15:1 small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96272 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96324 504 Accommodation Plan
Consultant Teacher for writing support Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96389 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Special Class, 15:1/small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96408 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96552 Eagle Ventures, 8:1:1/reduced
Special Class, 15:1 for ELA & Social Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 96868 Consultant Teacher for Language
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97132 Resource Room for small group
Resource Room for small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97265 Resource Room for small group
Resource Room for small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97268 From Resource Room for small
Consultant Teacher for Language Arts Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97337 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Special Class, 15:1/small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97348 Special Class, 15:1/small group
Special Class, 15:1/small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97413 Special Class, 15:1 Special Class, 15:1   Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97464 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97630 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97646 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher for academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97647 Consultant Teacher for support in
Consultant Teacher for support in math Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97713 Consultant Teacher for support in
Special Class, 15:1 for ELA & Math Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97805 Consultant Teacher for academic
Consultant Teacher in all academic Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97865 Consultant Teacher in all academic
Consultant Teacher for ELA Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97870 Consultant Teacher for math
Consultant Teacher for math support Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97872 Consultant Teacher in ELA & Math
Consultant Teacher in ELA Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 97992 Special Class for ELA; Social
Special Class for ELA Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 98009 Resource Room for small group
Consultant Teacher for ELA Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 98015 Resource Room for small group
Resource Room for small group Wayne Central Middle School
CSE 98510 BOCES Special Class in Newark
Special Class 15:1 ELA; Math Wayne Central Middle School
Att. 3 Att. 3
CPSE Recommendations to the Board of Education
Date: 9/10/03
The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.
Student: # 97020 Grade && Year:   Preschool (03-04)
School: Roosevelt Children's Center
Time of Services: See Related Service
Classification: Preschool Child w/a Disability
Last Psychological: 12/4/01
Recommended Placement : EI   Last Program:
3x/week @ 30mins
Related Speech and/or Language:
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Student: # 97897 Grade && Year:   Preschool (03-04)
School: Bright Start Pediatric Svcs. @ Tot Spot
Time of Services: 2x/wk @ 60 mins.
Classification: Preschool Child w/a Disability   Last Psychological:
Recommended Placement : Last Program:
Related Speech and/or Language:
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: 2x/wk @ 30mins (1 ind, 1 group)
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Student: # 98391 Grade && Year:   Preschool (03-04)
School: Roosevelt Children's Center @ Williamson
Time of Services: 5x/wk @ half days (AM)
Classification: Preschool Child w/a Disability
Last Psychological: 7/24/03
Recommended Placement : Last Program:
Related Speech and/or Language:
2x/wk @ 30 mins (ind)
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Page 1 of 2
CPSE Recommendations to the Board of Education
Date: 9/10/03
The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.
Student: # 98536 Grade && Year:   Preschool (03-04)
School: Bright Start Pediatric Svcs. @ home
Time of Services: See related services
Classification: Preschool Child w/a Disability
Last Psychological: 6/27/03
Recommended Placement : Last Program:
2x/wk @ 30mins (ind)
Related Speech and/or Language:
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Student: # 98630 Grade && Year:   Preschool (03-04)
School: Roosevelt Children's Center @ Newark
Time of Services: 5x/wk @ half days (AM)
Classification: Preschool Child w/a Disability
Last Psychological: 7/30/03
Recommended Placement : Last Program:
3x/wk @ 30mins (1 ind, 2 small group)
Related Speech and/or Language:
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Page 2 of 2
CPSE Recommendations to the Board of Education
Date: 9/10/03
The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.
Student: # 5823 Grade && Year:   11 (03-04)
School: Wayne Central High School
Time of Services: 2-3X/week; 50 minutes/week
Classification: LD/listening comprehension
Last Psychological: 3/1/02
Recommended Placement : 504 Accommodation Plan
Last Program: 504 Accommodation Plan
Related Speech and/or Language:
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Student: # 97127 Grade && Year:   03 (03-04)
School: Freewill Elementary
Time of Services: 2 hours/week
Classification: SI Last Psychological:   5/30/03
Recommended Placement : Last Program:
Related Speech and/or Language:
90 minutes/week, small group (push in/pull out)
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Student: # 98506 Grade && Year:   12 (03-04)
School: BOCES/Midlakes-ODX
Time of Services: 100%
Classification: MD Last Psychological:   4/26/00
Recommended Placement : Last Program:
Related Speech and/or Language:
3X30 minutes/week, individual; 5X30 minutes/week, small
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: 1X30 minutes/week, individual
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Page 1 of 2
CPSE Recommendations to the Board of Education
Date: 9/10/03
The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.
Student: # 98593 Grade && Year:   01 (03-04)
School: Freewill Elementary
Time of Services: 4 hours/week
Classification: SI Last Psychological:   1/17/02
Recommended Placement : Last Program:
Related Speech and/or Language:
60 minutes/week, small group (push in/pull out)
Occupational Therapy:
1X30 minutes/week, small group
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Student: # 98608 Grade && Year:   06 (03-04)
School: Wayne Central Middle School
Time of Services: 1 period/day
Classification: OHI Last Psychological:   1/4/02
Recommended Placement : Last Program:
Related Speech and/or Language:
2X30 minutes/week, small group
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Student: # 98611 Grade && Year:   06 (03-04)
School: BOCES/Wayne Central Middle School-ODX
Time of Services: 100%
Classification: LD/written expression
Last Psychological: 1/7/02
Recommended Placement : Last Program:
Related Speech and/or Language:
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: 1X30 minutes, individual
Counseling: Part of program
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Page 2 of 2

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Att. 4

Ontario Center, New York


TO:    Board of Education
FROM:  Michael Havens

RE: Consensus Agenda

DATE:  September 10, 2003
The following items are recommended for approval as presented in a Consensus Agenda:

1. Accept July 2003 Treasurer’s Report


2. Approve Budget Transfers


3. Approve School Lunch Prices



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Consensus Agenda #3

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To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools

Fr:  Gregory Atseff, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:  September 5, 2003
Re:  School Lunch Prices
Currently the cost for a school lunch for our students is $1.60. It is my recommendation for the 2003/2004 school year, that the price remain $1.60.
The school lunch program had an operating loss of approximately $15,300 for the 2002/2003 school year. I am confident that with some changes, we can return the program to generating a profit.
At this time, we are estimating the fund balance at year-end in the school lunch fund will be approximately $59,000. We have a quality school lunch program. I feel that we can maintain that same level of quality at the $1.60 lunch cost, while keeping the school lunch fund in good financial shape.
Please let me know if you have any questions, or need additional information.

Att. 5

6200 Ontario Center Road · P.O. Box 155 · Ontario Center, New York l4520-0155


FOR:    Board of Education Members
FROM:   John Triou, Policy Committee Chairperson
TOPIC:  Second Reading, Adoption of Updated Policy Handbook
DATE:  September 10, 2003
At the Board of Education meeting on Wednesday, September 10, 2003, the policy committee will present the updated policy handbook for second reading and review.
This will include second and final reading of proposed changes to the academic standards portion of Policy 7310 (Code of Conduct), (pp. 14-16).
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me prior to the meeting by e-mail or telephone.

Thank you,

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Academic Policy – Code of Conduct – New Policy Handbook §7310, pp. 14-16

Revised from Athletic Director and Approved by Policy Committee, July 23, 2003

Presented for Second & Final Reading on September 10, 2003


Added Text in Bold Face Type

[Text in Brackets is Deleted]



A. Students who are failing one (1) or two (2) subjects at the end of a ten-week marking period are automatically placed on academic probation for participation in interscholastic athletic/extra-curricular activities for the subsequent five (5) weeks. At the end of the five-week probation period, the student will need to be passing (65%) all courses or be making satisfactory progress towards achieving a passing grade as determined by a school administrator. “Incompletes” will be considered as failing grades until a passing grade is earned.


B. A student on academic probation must complete an Academic Contract with a school administrator before they will be permitted to continue participation in interscholastic athletic/extra-curricular activities. Failure to complete the Academic Contract will result in suspension from all participation until the student earns passing grades in all subjects at the end of a ten-week marking period.


C. Students who are failing three (3) or more subjects at the end of a ten-week marking period are automatically ineligible to participate in any interscholastic athletic/extra-curricular activities until the end of the next ten-week marking period.


D. If a student drops a course, s/he will be considered as having a passing grade if passing at the time the course is dropped. The student will be considered as having a failing grade if failing at the time the course is dropped.


E. Students who fail one (1) or two (2) subjects in the fourth marking period shall be on academic probation for the following fall season for the first five-week marking period. Students who fail three (3) or more subjects in the fourth marking period shall be ineligible for the following ten-week marking period in the fall season, unless the student successfully completes and passes those course(s) failed in summer school.


F. A middle school student who fails one (1) or more subjects in the fourth marking period [of the eighth grade] will be given the opportunity to enter the high school with a clean slate except those students who [have already been selectively classified] are participating in a high school interscholastic athletic/extra-curricular activity.


G. [Delete this entire item: Summer school will be considered as an additional marking period, if necessary, and an academic contract will need to be completed.]


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