1. K

Student Competency Goals:
1. Computer terminology & use

Identify basic computer components: monitor, keyboard, disk drive, printer

Discuss acceptable behavior guidelines for working near a computer
Demonstrate proper start-up/shut down procedure        
Use input devices (mouse, keyboard, remote control) and output devices (monitor, printer) to successfully operate a computer. (NETS)      
Use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities. (NETS)                          
Save a file to appropriate folder (network, harddrive)        
Demonstrate the ability to find and open a file.        

Explain the different locations of software (disk, CD-ROM, network)

Demonstrate proper care of diskettes, CD’s

Select appropriate software for a task
Interact with computer software.        
Explain the function of each piece of hardware        
Describe the difference between Save and Save As and know when to use each one    
Demonstrate creating a folder within a folder.                
Discuss common uses of technology in daily life and the advantages and disadvantages those uses provide. (NETS)                          

Demonstrate the ability to use information on a screen to operate a program

Identify computer system components: input, output, memory, processing device

Demonstrate proper care of hardware and software

Explain computer terms: network drive, c:\drive, a:\drive, file management
Apply strategies for identifying and solving routine hardware and software problems that occur during everyday use. (NETS)                          

Demonstrate and explain how/why to create a back-up file

Select appropriate hardware for a task

Demonstrate awareness of computer components & how they work


Student Competency Goals:
2. Social implications
K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Identify the computer as a tool for work & play

Demonstrate respect for the computer work of others

Communicate about technology using developmentally appropriate and accurate terminalogy. (NETS)    

Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, family members, and other when using technology in the classroom.                          

Explain the rights of an individual to ownership of his/her work

Demonstrate positive social and ethical behaviors when using technology. (NETS)                          

Practice responsible use of technology and software. (NETS)                          

Identify the ways technology has changed the lives of people        

Discuss basic issues related to responsible use of technology and information and describe personal consequences of inappropriate use (NETS)                          

Demonstrate proper computer lab etiquette            

Demonstrate knowledge of current changes in information technologies and the effect those changes have on the workplace and society. (NETS)                          

Explain the copyright law

Identify the ways technology has impacted society

Discuss privacy issues & reasons for security measures (passwords, key locks, copyright laws)

Exhibit legal and ethical behaviors when using information and technology and discuss consequences of misuse. (NETS)                          

Explain consequences of breaking copyright laws

Identify ways telecomputing promotes a global community

Identify the role of technology in a variety of careers/subject areas

Identify technological skills required for various careers

Demonstrate knowledge of current changes in information technoliges and the effect those changes have on the workplace and society. (NETS)                          


Student Competency Goals:
3. Keyboarding
K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Identify & demonstrate: keyboard letters, numbers, space bar, enter key

Identify & demonstrate: shift, delete and arrow keys

Identify & demonstrate: period, comma, apostrophe, quotation marks, question mark, and caps lock

Demonstrate correct hand position over right/left side of the keyboard and home row

Demonstrate proper reaches for key strokes

Demonstrate proper body position

Demonstrate proper finger position

Demonstrate “eyes on copy” instead of keyboard

Demonstrate proper touch typing techniques

Student Competency Goals:
4. Research Skills
K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Demonstrate use of library online catalog to find information

Demonstrate the ability to search for a given topic and print out information

Demonstrate the ability to follow a hypertext link from WWW or CD-ROM.

Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, compreshsiveness, and bias of electronic information sources. (NETS)          

Demonstrate the ability to use the Internet as a resource

Demonstrate the ability to efficiently search for information using a variety of CD-ROMs and the Internet

Demonstrate the ability to discriminate between reliable sources and opinion sources                

Demonstrate ability to use a search engine to perform a Boolean search.                

Demonstrate ability to use a search engine to perform a Boolean search.                          

Demonstrate the ability to retrieve information from a variety of sources (CD-ROMs, online-catalogs, Internet) to complete a specific task


Student Competency Goals:
5. Word Processing/Desktop Publishing
K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Define the term “word processing”

Enter ideas about a topic on the computer

Define word processing terms: cursor, load, save, print

Demonstrate proof reading techniques on the computer

Demonstrate proper spacing ( 2 spaces after period, 1 space after comma)

Demonstrate the use of the tab key to mark paragraphs in a document

Demonstrate “wrap around” procedure and proper use of enter key

Demonstrate ways to enhance text: bold, underline, italic, font

Demonstrate effective use of spell check

Insert meaningful pictures from clip art

Apply proper rules for spacing and indentation

Insert graphics from a variety of sources

Demonstrate the ability to cut, copy, and paste for editing

Demonstrate the ability to use a “wizard”

Demonstrate the commands for single and double spacing

Demonstrate effective use of grammar check

Demonstrate the ability to use text justification (left, center, right)

Use technology tools (multimedia, authoring, presentation, Web tools, digital cameras, and scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (NETS)          

Demonstrate the ability to create, format, edit/revise documents in all subject areas


Student Competency Goals:
6. Telecommunications
K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Define and identify telecommunication in the community

Gather information and communicate with other’s using telemcommunications, with support from teachers, family members, and student partners. (NETS)                          

Identify examples of telecommunication links (satellites, fax, telephone, modem, network)

Send and retrieve email in the district

Send and retrieve global email

Demonstrate the ability to use the Internet to gather information from various web sites

Use telecommunications efficiently and effectively to access remote information, communicate with others in support of direct and independent learning, and pursue personal interests. (NETS)            

Use telecommunications and online resources (e-mail, online discussions, Web environments) to participate in collaborative problem-solving activities for the purpose of developing solutions or products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (NETS)            

Explain the proper use of the Internet (not surfing or chat rooms)

Explain application procedure for Internet Driver’s license

Demonstrate the ability to gather and exchange information using email, Internet and other online services


Student Competency Goals:
7. Multimedia/Graphic Applications
K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Show awareness that computers produce pictures and pictures tell a story

Identify the difference between graphics and text

Use graphic organizer such as Kidspiration to organize information.                          

Use developmentally appropriate multimedia resources (interactive books, educational software, elementary multimedia encyclopedia) to support learning. (NETS)                          

Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support form teachers, family members, or student partners. (NETS)                          

Demonstrate the ability to add or create graphics and place text in a document

Use graphic organizer such as Inspiration to organize and display information.                          

Use software to create publications – e.g. newsletters, brochures, flyers, posters

Use meaningful selection of graphics appropriate to the document

Demonstrate the ability to apply borders, fonts, and text using publishing software

Use presentation software to create group slide shows (Kid Pix, PowerPoint)

Use presentation software to outline, create story board, or rough draft for multimedia presentation.                          

Use presentation software to create individual slide shows (PowerPoint, HyperStudio)

Demonstrate the ability to use digital camera to personalize presentations

Demonstrate the ability to use a scanner to personalize presentations

Demonstrate the ability to manipulate and import data using various sources to produce multimedia presentations


Student Competency Goals:
8. Databases
K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Define database terms: field, sort, arrange, file

Enter data into a pre-designed database

Demonstrate the ability to search & sort data using an existing database

Demonstrate the ability to use existing databases for desired information given 1 or 2 criteria (using “and” “or” when necessary)

Create and design project-specific databases

Demonstrate the ability to sort, search, and manipulate data for a specific task

Demonstrate the ability to create an integrated application (mail merge)

Student Competency Goals:
9. Spreadsheets

Define spreadsheet terms: row, column, cell

Demonstrate the ability to enter data from a subject area into a pre-designed spreadsheet

Create graphs using the chart wizard following a handmade visual (bar graph)

Demonstrate the ability to set-up a spreadsheet

Demonstate the ability to collect data and organize it.                          

Demonstrate the ability to incorporate the use of calculations

Use a spreadsheet to edit data and explain the results of the changes (averages, grades)

Demonstrate the ability to display data in a variety of charts and graphs

Demonstrate the ability to graph, calculate, sort, and interpret information independently for a specific task



Student Competency Goals:
10. Productivity Tools

Use technology resources (puzzles, logical thinking programs) for problem solving. (NETS)

Use technology resources (writing tools, digital camera, drawing tools) to communicate and illustrate thoughts, ideas, and stories. (NETS)  

Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity. (NETS)        

Use computer based instruction software to remdiate skill deficits, and facilitate learning throughout the curriculum. (NETS)        

Use technology resources (calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activites. (NETS)        

Determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tool and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems. (NETS)        

Apply productivity/multimedia tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, group collaboration, and learning throughout the curriculum. (NETS)                          

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  Introduced (basic components of skill practiced with teacher assistance)

Appendix 2