2000 2210

Community Relations


The Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services and staff encourage public visitation of facilities, schools and programs within the limits placed by the requirements of the educational program. When visiting a school, visitors must sign in at the appropriate office.

Educational Law Section 2801

Penal Law Sections 140.10 and 240.35


2000 2220

Community Relations


Individuals or groups who wish to appear before the Board must request time on the agenda by contacting the Clerk of the Board at least one week in advance of the scheduled meeting. Furthermore, the Board reserves the right to determine the date and duration of such appearance. The Board reserves the right to exclude subjects or speakers with respect to matters for which executive sessions are usually held.


2000 2230

Community Relations



The use of school facilities shall be available for the community within the limits of the law and such usage shall not conflict with the instructional programs of Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES . The Board of Cooperative Education Services has a legal responsibility to conform with the State Education Law concerning "use of public school buildings". Specific regulations and procedures for use of facilities shall be as indicated in the Administrative Handbook.

The Board delegates to the District Superintendent the responsibility and authority to approve or deny applications for the use of BOCES facilities when such use would not conflict or interfere with BOCES programs and services and is permitted and/or authorized by law. The District Superintendent also maintains the authority to waive fees where appropriate.

The District Superintendent shall arrange for the utilization of the building through the administrative staff. The basic room use charge, if any, will be determined by the Board. Additional charges for custodial services or other costs is at the discretion of the District Superintendent.

Any organization using the BOCES facilities will furnish, at its own expense, comprehensive general liability insurance if not otherwise covered through the BOCES insurance umbrella. A certificate of such insurance with the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES named as an additional insured must be submitted prior to final approval and use of facilities. In high risk situations, the BOCES may require additional insurance.

Organizations using BOCES facilities are responsible for the proper care of the buildings, grounds and equipment, and will be assessed for any damages.

Observation of rules and regulations normally required of students using the facilities will also be expected of outside organizations. Any modification to these rules must be approved by the District Superintendent or his/her designee.


2000 2231

Community Relations




The Board of Cooperative Educational Services shall permit BOCES equipment to be borrowed by Board members and/or staff members only when such use is related to their BOCES responsibilities. Board members and employees will be expected to be familiar with the operation of any equipment they propose to borrow. Employees must secure prior written permission from their department supervisor.

Administrative controls shall be established to assure the responsibility for and return of all such equipment.

BOCES owned equipment, vehicles and property shall not be used for personal reasons or gain.

Education Law Section 414


2000 2240

Community Relations


The Board recognizes the need to develop a volunteer program to support BOCES’ programs and activities.

Volunteers are persons who are willing to donate their time and energies to assist BOCES personnel in implementing various phases of BOCES programs. Volunteers shall serve in that capacity without compensation or employee benefits except for liability protection under the BOCES’ insurance program.

Administrative regulations will be developed to implement the terms of this policy and to periodically inform the Board of the progress of the volunteer program.

Volunteer Protection Act of 1997,

42 United States Code (U.S.C.)

Section 14501 et seq.

Education Law Sections 3023 and 3028

Public Officers Law Section 18


Refer also to Policy #5360 -- Defense and Indemnification of Board Members and Employees.


2000 2250

Community Relations


Complaints by citizens and staff regarding any facet of the BOCES operation often can be handled more satisfactorily by the administrative officer in charge of the unit closest to the source of the complaint. In most instances, therefore, complaints will be made to the appropriate program supervisor or building principal and/or his/her assistant if the matter cannot be resolved by the teacher, coach, or other BOCES employee.

If the complaint and related concerns are not resolved at this level to the satisfaction of the complainant, the complaint may be carried to the District Superintendent and/or one of his/her assistants. Unresolved complaints at the building level must be reported to the District Superintendent by the building principal. The District Superintendent may require the statement of the complainant in writing.

If the complaint and related concerns are not resolved at the District Superintendent level to the satisfaction of the complainant, the complaint may be carried to the Board. Unresolved complaints at the District Superintendent level must be reported to the Board by the District Superintendent. The Board reserves the right to require prior written reports from appropriate parties.


2000 2261

Community Relations



Direct solicitation of charitable donations from children in the BOCES schools on school property during regular school hours shall not be permitted. It will be a violation of BOCES policy to ask school children directly to contribute money or goods for the benefit of a charity during the hours in which BOCES students are compelled to be on BOCES premises.

However, this policy does not prevent the following types of fund raising activities:

a) Fund raising activities which take place off BOCES premises, or outside of regular school hours during before-school or after-school extracurricular periods;

b) Arms-length transactions, where the purchaser receives a consideration for his/her donation. For example, the sale of goods or tickets for concerts or social events, where the proceeds go to charity, shall not be prohibited as the purchaser will receive consideration - the concert or social event - for the funds expended;

c) Indirect forms of charitable solicitation on BOCES premises that do not involve coercion, such as placing a bin or collection box in a hallway or other common area for the donation of food, clothing, other goods or money. However, a collection of charitable contributions of food, clothing, other goods or funds from students in the classroom or homeroom is prohibited.

The Board shall ultimately decide which organizations, groups, etc. can solicit charitable donations and for what purposes, as long as the activities comply with the terms of this policy and the Rules of the Board of Regents.

Regulations shall be developed by the administration to implement this policy.

8 New York Code of Rules and Regulations

(NYCRR) Section 19.6

New York State Constitution Article VIII, Section 1

Education Law Section 414