1. ACE/AP English (Days BCE)

Mark Scher Week of 01/27/03 (Days CDEAB)


Mark Scher Week of 05/28/03 (Days EAB)


ACE/AP English (Days BCE)
Essay: after reading Miller's own comments on his play (1948-1951), explain how his creation, Willy Loman, shows his "indestructible will . . . to achieve his humanity." (1950); due Tuesday, 06/03, by 7 p.m.
On day 1, students read poems in class as needed. After that, students read as homework.
Students try to distinguish between prose, poetry, “the poetic,” using Forche, “The Colonel,” 986 and the reprinted excerpts from Thomas Mallon, Two Moons , NY: Pantheon, 2000 (in handout). Then contrast open form with closed form of poetry.
Students define rhyme, meter, foot, iamb, trochee, anapest, dactyl, spondee, alliteration, consonance, assonance, personification, simile, metaphor.
Students apply these technical terms and earlier literary approaches as appropriate to:
Open Form: e.e. cummings, “Buffalo Bill’s,” 978; W.C. Williams, “Dance,” 979; Crane, “Heart,” 981; Gildner, “First Practice,” 985.
Closed Form: Frost, “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” 1016; McKay, “America,” 1048; Yeats, “Sailing to Byzantium,” 1094; Browning, “My Last Duchess,” 751.
First day next week, we need to review for final exam.
Standards: 2, 3, 4
English 12 (Days ABD)
Children’s Lit. Unit:
  • Students follow schedule on door to work with children’s literature. They hand in reports on day following each activity.
  • Next D day, students review in elementary library for final, briefly. They especially consider what they can do with Children’s Literature.
  • Standard 1, 2, 3, 4
    English 9 (9.01 on days ACE; 9.03 on days ABD; 9.06 on days ACD); English 9x4 (days ABCD)
    Day 1: for break, review for final by recalling readings from Daybook. Otherwise, from handout draw real-life applications from Hughes, Dickinson, Wordsworth, also finding rhythm, rhyme, etc. Students draw, act, otherwise show understanding of content and form of these poems.
    Day 2; for break, review from Form of Literature for final exam by recalling readings. Otherwise, observe and brainstorm for essay on Frost’s “Fire and Ice” in handout: why does the speaker say that the ice would suffice?
    Essay is due at end of second day.(9.06 will have time in class to finish next week.)
    Standards: 1, 2, 3, 4.


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