1.         Att. F)

Letter to the Board


September 21, 2007
"Know that although in the eternal scheme of things you are small, you are also unique and irreplaceable, as are all your fellow humans everywhere in the world."

--Margaret Laurence, Canadian novelist and short story writer

Board Agenda:

1. Audit Committee Meeting: The Audit Committee is scheduled to meet from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. with Kathy Barrett of Freed Maxick at the District Office. A light dinner will be provided.
2. Executive Session: There will be an executive session at 6:30 to discuss the indemnification documents with Wayne VanderByl. Wayne has prepared letters for each of us which he will review.
 3. Internship Discussion: Mr. Joe Siracuse will make a presentation on the proposed high school internship of Mrs. Nikki Miller. Nikki is currently coordinating our high school Model Schools Program. From the standpoint of the university, this leadership role would suffice for an internship, we have added additional components in staff supervision, student discipline and curriculum development to broaden her competencies. Nikki is part of our “Grow Your Own “ initiative we began a few years ago. Attached is a proposal prepared by Mr. Siracuse. You would actually approve the internship at our October meeting.


4. NYSSBA Annual Convention Voting Delegate Nomination: We will need to nominate our voting delegate to the NYSSBA Convention. At this time we have one board member attending the conference, Joyce Lyke. Luckily Joyce is interested in once again serving as your delegate. She will be asking you if there are any concerns about the proposals you received from NYSSBA.
5. Facilities Report: We had a kick off meeting with our architect and construction manager. We will report our next steps to you.
6. Upcoming Events: I will provide details of upcoming events
7. Governance Committee Report: Mr. Robusto will provide the report of the Governance Committee. If the Class Officers have been chosen I will request that one of them attend the meeting and give their report.

Board Letter:

1.    Maintenance, Transportation and Athletic Fields Tour: We were scheduled to tour these facilities before this board meeting. However, with the audit committee meeting and the requested executive session, we felt we needed to cancel this tour. Please mark your calendars, we have rescheduled the maintenance, transportation and athletics tour for November 1, prior to the board meeting. Also, just a reminder, on October 11, our meeting will start at 6:00 to accommodate a tour of the Ontario Primary Building; and the meeting of November 15 will begin at 6:00 for the Middle School Tour.


2.   CSEA Labor Relations Meeting: I have begun my monthly meetings with the CSEA leadership and Greg and Mark. We really have a good rapport with this group and a positive working relationship. We are going to be awarding service pins to our CSEA staff. Apparently we use to do this many years ago. It will be a nice way to recognize their efforts.
3.    Kindergartner/Bus Driver: The bus driver who left the kindergarten student on the bus the first week of school tendered his resignation at his meeting with Mr. Callahan, Mr. Prince and his union representative. Mr. Callahan worked hard on this and should be congratulated for his efforts. The district, therefore, will not be proceeding with disciplinary action.
4.    High School Student Matter: The district received notification late Thursday afternoon that he had been convicted of a charge of second degree rape. He is now listed as a level 2 sex offender. He has been sentenced to six years probation. One of the Judge’s conditions of probation is that he is to have no contact with girls under the age of 17. He also may not enter any school buildings without written permission from the superintendent. I do not intend to give such permission. To further complicate things he is a student with a disability enrolled in one of our 6:1:1 classes. We will be providing tutoring to the student instead of having him be here at school. The tutoring will occur at times when there are no females at the center. Mrs. Scheik has contacted our special education SED regional associate. She has agreed that this is a proper course of action. The CSE committee will meet next week. The boy’s mother has asked to meet with me to appeal my decision not to grant entrance to school.


5. Gullace Litigation: As you will recall, John Refermat, the attorney handling the Gullace litigation has gone to another firm. The town has chosen to stay with the John and signed an agreement with his new firm, Lacy and Katzen. I agree that we will go along with the Town’s decision. The hourly rate has dropped from $275 per hour to $250 per hour.


6. Four County Meeting:    Due to the lack of response for this week’s meeting, the Legislative Committee will be held prior to the October 18 general membership meeting.


7. Honduras Trip: I have attached the itinerary for the High School Spanish Trip to Honduras, Central America. The trip would occur over February break, 2008. Specific details will be available as the trip nears. Please review the attached information and let me know if you have any questions regarding specifics.


8. Mileage Reimbursement Reminder: Please remember that as board members, you are entitled to reimbursement for mileage to and from locations while attending to school business. The rate is 48.5 centers per mile. I am attaching a mileage reimbursement form for your convenience.


9. New Staff Welcome: We will be inviting the new staff to join us at October 25 Three Boards Meeting. This is something different from the usual Three Boards criteria, however, it might turn into a nice opportunity for our staff to be introduced into the community. If it works out, we may make a standing request to host the fall Three Boards meeting. We will ask the towns to invite their new staff for introductions as well (Walworth Recreation Director, Ontario Assessor). I intend to have our customary “welcome cake and coffee reception” so the meeting will be set up in two segments. Please let me know your thoughts on this if you have any concerns over this format. Of course, I intend to move the location of the meeting out of the board room, so we can all fit, and actually breath.


10. Fireworks at Homecoming: The high school class leadership has voted and they would like to have fireworks at homecoming again this year. This was started at last year’s homecoming (Saturday evening) events. Mr. Blankenburg was granted town board approval last year, which means he only needs to apply for a re-issuance of a permit from now on.


11. High School Gemini Classes: This week was the final registration deadline for Gemini Classes (FLCC College Credit Courses which are transferable to most NYS/SUNY colleges). Wayne High School enrolled record numbers of students and students enrolling in record number of classes. I am very pleased with this interest level. This serves several purposes: the kids that need the academic challenges are doing so by taking several college courses; kids that are unsure that they can do college work are finding out they actually can by taking their first class ever, and students are earning college credit while in high school at a fraction of the cost, which makes both students and parents very happy. I believe this is a definite win/win program. By the way, our students have been very successful in these programs as well.


12. Gunshots in Woods behind OP: On Friday afternoon at appx 1:15 staff and students were on the playground at OP. They reported that they heard what they thought sounded like gunshots. They decided to bring the students indoors at that time. Ted Hargarther and I went to OP and heard the shot sounds as well. We investigated and checked as far to the south as the new development past the Schreiber/Affronti properties. We found no sign of the person and heard the sounds still to the south. We believe it was someone quite a distance away from OP possibly sighting a gun. Mr. Atseff and Mr. LaRuche were at OP ready to lockdown the building if deemed necessary. OE was notified of the situation as well. The MS had students out running on the cross country path who were brought inside for the remainder of the afternoon PE classes.
13. Volleyball Team Overnight Trip Request: Attached is a request from Marc Blankenberg for an overnight trip for the girl’s varsity volleyball team. This was going to be in last week’s letter to you, but was inadvertently left out. They have completed all the appropriate paperwork and the trip was approved by me.


14. Upcoming Events:
9/21 – FE Back to School Bash -
9/25 – High School Open House
9/26 – Powerschool Parent Informational Meeting @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
9/27 – Board of Education Meeting (MT, Tran, Atletic Field Tour) @ DO – 6:00 p.m.
10/4 – OP Open House – 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
10/5 – Staff Training Day – No School for Students
Athletics ( Home Games Only):
9/21 – Boys V Football vs. Victor – 7:00 p.m.
9/21 – Girls V Tennis vs. Pal-Mac – 4:00 p.m.
9/21 – Boys JV & V Volleyball vs. Canandaigua – 5:30 & 7:00 p.m.
9/24 – Boys V Golf vs. Newark @ Brookwood CC – 4:15 p.m.
9/25 – Girls JV & V Volleyball vs. Newark – 5:00 & 6:30 p.m.
9/26 – Boys JV & V Soccer vs. Mynderse – 4:30 & 6:30 p.m.
9/26 – Girls JV Tennis vs. Pal-Mac – 4:00 p.m.
9/26 – Boys JV & V Volleyball vs. Victor – 5:30 & 7:00 p.m.
9/27 – Boys JV Football vs. Newark – 4:30 p.m.
9/27 – Boys JV Golf vs. Pal-Mac @ Brookwood CC – 4:15 p.m.

9. Attachments
        A) High School Spanish Trip to Honduras
        B) Four County General Membership Mtg Notice -10/18
        C) Mileage Reimbursement Form
        D ) Food Service Director Nique Wilson Newsletter
        E ) Girls Varsity Volleyball Overnight Trip Information
        F) Walworth Town Board Meeting Minutes – 8/30

                    Att. A)
Honduras 2008

Why:     Traveling abroad allows our students to immerse themselves in the Spanish
culture. It encourages a new way of thinking and seeing the world
through activities and exposure to a new place.   Whether they consciously
realize it or not, they develop a greater self-confidence, independence, and self-
reliance, a challenge on a personal level. Through this experience, we are
helping our students prepare for their future. They are able to build
international skills that make them more marketable for employment and are
also valued by colleges. These skills include cross-cultural communication
skills, analytical skills, teamwork, flexibility, and inspires a different view of the
world outside the U.S..
When: Thursday, February 14th to Thursday, February 21st , 2008
  We will be traveling with Delta Airlines. Details on flights will come once
we know the number of students traveling.
Who: Spanish 4 and 5 students. A minimum of 20 students are needed to maintain the
  present cost.
Chaperones: Depending on the number of interested students the following staff members will chaperone this trip: Jackie Senecal, Dave Senecal, Lisa Marlowe, Tracy DonVito, Donna Schumacher, Riley Wheaton, Russ Harris
Service Project: We will work with orphans through the Lisa Lopes Foundation
and HHK (Helping Honduras Kids). The students
will be required to communicate solely in Spanish with the
children, giving them the opportunity to use the skills that they
have been building for the last 5 years. Wayne students will
develop a 2 day activity schedule that we will implement with
the local orphans (grades k-6). Examples of these activities might
be: singing songs, teaching English, teaching them how to play
baseball, making crafts, etc. I will be in contact with people from
Hogar de Amor Orphanage to seek their approval for the
activities planned. By taking part in the planning process and
working with the children, our students will be able to earn
community service credits, a requirement for graduation. Our
contact is Eve Horowitz (board member) from HHK.
Details: We will be staying at the Palma Real Beach Resort
(www.grupopalmareal.com ), just 10 miles outside La Ceiba (one of
Honduras 3 metropolitan cities). There will be a 6:1 student/teacher ratio.
The number of chaperones will be determined by the number of students that
commit to the trip. The cost of this trip will be $1,899, which includes
roundtrip airfare, 3 buffet meals a day, hotel accommodations, transportation
and tours. The travel agent that we are working with is SueAnn Taft from
VIP Alpine Tours. SueAnn works with several Wayne Central groups.
Currently she is working on the Senior Class trip to New York City.
  Mrs. Wendy Mendola is working along with me to help make this trip
possible. We will be contacting businesses for donations to help with the cost
of the trip. We will also be taking part in other fundraisers.
Please see attached document for rules pertaining to eligibility.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Depart ROC in AM
Cuero Salado Wildlife refuge Tour
Copan Mayan Ruins Tour
Palma Real water Park / Beach day
Hogar de amor Orphanage
Hogar de amor Orphanage
Pico Bonito Cloud Forest-Canopy Zip Line
Arrive in ROC in PM




As you are traveling abroad, you are representing your family, school, community and your country. A key to a successful trip is your open-mindedness and willingness to accept new cultures and the occasional inconveniences of international travel. Keep your eyes and mind open and you will bring home something of lasting value that you will cherish forever.

1. Students must be in good academic/behavioral standing up to the time of
the trip. If you are failing 3 or more classes you will be ineligible for the trip.
Students must not accumulate the equivalent of 12 detentions between now and
the date of the trip. Each day of ISS is equal to 4 detentions and each day of OSS
is equal to 6 detentions.
2. Students must attend all scheduled tours and meals, unless special permission
has been obtained from your chaperone.
3. There is a general midnight curfew, unless there is a chaperoned activity
running past midnight. You must be in your hotel room from midnight until the
next morning. Respect other hotel guests by keeping noise to a minimum after
10 pm. Chaperones reserve the right to change the curfew time at any time
through out the trip.
4. Occupants of a room will be held responsible for any damages done in that
room. You will be responsible for phone calls made from your room and any
extra hotel expenses. Parents will be held ultimately responsible for any unpaid
5. People of the opposite sex will not be allowed in your room at any time. Persons
who are not students at our school or traveling with our group are not allowed in
your rooms for any reason. This is for your safety and the safety of your
roommates and is not negotiable.
6. Your attire is an important way of showing respect for your host culture. Keep
your attire neat. Latin Americans interpret a neat appearance as a sign of
respect. The judgment of the chaperone shall be final on all matters of dress.
7. No alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or smoking will be allowed at any time
during the trip.
8. Adaptability. You should be courteous and congenial at all times, even when
there are things you don’t like. Be open to new things; food, culture, activities,
9. Students must be in groups of three or four when you are not with your
chaperone. Students are never to go off on their own. Constantly be mindful of
your safety and well being.
10. Respect the local culture. The local people you meet are not “tourist attractions.”
This is their city and home. You should act like a guest. Monuments are made
for admiring, not climbing on. Toss gum wrappers in public wastebaskets or
place it in your pocket for the time being.
All school rules apply to this trip. If any student is in violation of these rules, they may be subject to being sent home.
In the event of being sent home, a collect call to the student’s parent/guardian will be made. The student will be sent home at the parents’ expense including the airline’s fee for airline personnel to escort your child home.




Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Club 86
Avenue E, Geneva, NY

5:30 – Registration/Conversation    5:45 -  Legislative Committee Meeting

6:30 – Dinner                          7:30 – Program

Deputy Secretary for Education
Office of New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer

In the position of Deputy Secretary for Education, Dr. Manuel Rivera is the administration’s senior education policy advisor. He is responsible for overseeing the implementation of Governor Spitzer’s education reform policy which includes increased funding with increased accountability, and a revised school aid formula. Rivera began his career as a teacher in the Rochester City School District in 1975, later serving as a school and district administrator, and ultimately as its Superintendent for two terms (1991-1994 and 2003 – 2007). Between stints in Rochester, Dr. Rivera served on the management team for Edison Schools. Both his Doctorate in Education Administration and his Master’s Degree in Education are from Harvard University. His Bachelor of Arts Degree in Urban Administration is from Brandeis U. In February of 2006 Manny Rivera was named National Superintendent of the Year by the American Association of School Administrators which followed his 2005 designation as New York State Superintendent of the year by the NYS Council of School Superintendents.

Please join us for this opportunity to meet and converse with Dr. Rivera and kick-off our 2007-2008 year!

This notice has been sent to all board members, superintendents, and district clerks/secretaries.

Four County School Boards Association
General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, October 18, 2006
Please make your reservations no later than October 14, 2007 by:
Ph: 315-332-7294   Fax: 315-332-7474   E-mail: 4countysba@edutech.org
NY Strip Steak-  $25.50    Eggplant Parmesan-$19.00    Club 86 Baked Chicken-$19.00

School District: __________________________________________________   Total Attending ____________
Name: ____________________________________     __________________________________________
  ____________________________________     __________________________________________

24 hour cancellation notice required
                        Att. B)
                        Att. C)
Ontario Center, NY 14520

NAME___________________________________________   MONTH OF__________________


               TOTAL: ______________________
Voucher on reverse side. Mileage claims should be filed monthly.
Mileage claims outside of the district are to and from school.
Distances between buildings

FE ---- 6.1 6.4 7.2 7.4
MS 6.1 ---- 0.3 1.1 1.3
HS 6.4 0.3 ---- 0.8 1.0
OE 7.2 1.1 0.8 ---- 0.2
OP 7.4 1.3 1.0 0.2 ----
BOCES Newark ---- ---- 22.2 ---- ----

Ontario Center, NY 14520

Please list mileage on the reverse side of this sheet and complete the following claim voucher for mileage, parking, toll charges, and meals.
I hereby claim ___________________________________ total miles
     ___________________________________ parking – attach receipts
   ___________________________________ toll charges - attach receipts
   ___________________________________ meals – attach receipts
Date ____________ Claimant’s Signature______________________________________
I hereby authorize this expense: _________________________________ ________________
          Authorized Signature      Date





Accounts Payable Number _________________________________________________
Account Number ________________________________________
Vendor Number ___________________________________________
_______________ X ______________ + _______________ = ____________________________
Miles       Rate Other Charges Total Reimburseable Expense
         _________________________________________ ______________
         Authorized Signature     Date

                        Att. D

Wayne Central School District
Office of the Food Service Director
PO Box 155
6076 Ontario Center Road
Ontario Center, NY 14520

Dear Staff and Administration:
Welcome back to Wayne Central School District. Your continued support in our breakfast and lunch programs is appreciated.
Meal Price Up-date:
The New York State Education Department meal regulations are very specific and require that school districts charge adults a minimum of the current free reimbursement rate plus the value of government commodities received per student. Therefore, breakfast this school year will be $1.46 plus tax. Lunch will cost $2.77 plus tax or $2.37 plus tax if you do not choose milk. This pricing does not affect the WRAPS and “Salads to Go” that we currently offer.
The Food Service Department is excited to provide you a convenient, easy and secure online prepayment service to deposit money into your school meal account at any time. This service also provides you with the ability to view your account balance through a web site called MyNutrikids.com. Please remember that your meal account is intended to be used as a DEBIT account not a CREDIT account. We allow minor charges as a convenience to you. Excessive charging is not acceptable. If you are new to the district, and do not have an account, please call 1041 or email me @ nwilson@wayne.k12.ny.us I will be happy to set one up for you.
To access these services:
1.   Simply go to the district web site at www.wayne.k12.ny.us  
2.   Click the Food Services link.  
3.   Click the MyNutrikids.com link. From this site you will create your account and add money to your school meal account. Required information is your name, your ID number (last six digits of your social security number) and your school’s ZIP code.
Things to know:
Ø Payments may be made through an existing Pay Pal account or with a major credit or debit card.
Ø In order to use the online prepayment service, a small convenience fee for each transaction will be assessed to cover the bank fees. The convenience fee is $1.75 per deposit transaction. Wayne Central School District will not profit from the use of this site.
We are very excited to offer these new services . However, if you choose not to take advantage of the online prepayment service you may continue to make advance payments via cash or check at the serving line.
If you have any questions about these new services, please feel free to contact my office at extension 1041.
Best Regards,
Nique Wilson
Food Service Director

                                                                           Att. E)




TO: Mr. Havens
FROM: Marc Blankenberg
DATE: September 12, 2007
RE: Request for Overnight Trip


I am requesting that the following overnight athletic trip be approved:
Girls Varsity Volleyball – to Burnt Hills Ballston Lake Cider Challenge Tournament 9/22/07
- Thirteen (13) girl volleyball players will attend. Each student will complete an
“Extended Field Trip Permission Form”.
- Chaperones: Coach Hosenfeld and Coach Bueso
- Transportation will be provided by WCS Transportation Department
- Lodging cost will be covered by the Wayne Central Volleyball Booster Club
- Depart: 9/21/07 – 3:30 p.m. – Return 9/22/07 following the tournament

               Att. F)

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30 AUGUST 2007
Presiding Supervisor Plant called the scheduled Town Board Special Meeting, with the intent to enter into Executive Session, held at the Walworth Town Hall, 3600 Lorraine Drive, to order at 6:00 PM.

Present:  Patti Marini   Councilwoman
 Suzi Hawkins-Mance    Councilwoman
 Daniel Keyes    Councilman

                                                       Susie Jacobs     Town Clerk
Jacqueline Van Lare    Interim Recreation Director
Absent: Thomas Yale   Councilman
Supervisor Plant stated that you could see who was present and therefore, did not proceed with a roll call.
Motion by Councilwoman Marini to enter into executive session to discuss matters of personnel.
Seconded by Councilwoman Hawkins-Mance and unanimously carried.
Time: 6:03 PM
Susie C. Jacobs, Town Clerk asked if the Board was going to need her to stay for any actions that would be taken after Executive Session. Each of the Council members stated that there was no need for her to stay, as no action would be taken. Councilwoman Marini stated that someone would let her know what time they adjourned. Susie exited the meeting and left the building.
On August 31, 2007 Supervisor Plant came into the Town Clerk’s office and handed Linda Kleeman, Deputy Town Clerk papers stating that these were the minutes from the “Special Meeting from last night.” Linda stamped them with a received date and placed them on the Town Clerk’s desk.
Following are the transcribed minutes from the Special Meeting on August 30, 2007 taken by Councilwoman Marini. The original is on file in the Town Clerk’s office. I would like to note that there was no recording device used for this meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Susie C. Jacobs
Town Clerk

Motion By CW Hawkins-Mance to end executive session for personnel and reconvene the Board Meeting, seconded by CM Keyes.
Vote: 4-0
CM Yale absent
It was moved by CW Hawkins-Mance that Jacqueline VanLare be provisionally appointed to the Civil Service position of Recreation Director effective August 31, 2007, as there is no present list of eligibles. Based on Mrs. VanLare’s experience as Assistant Recreation Director and her years of service with the Town of Walworth, she will be compensated in Grade 7, Step 2.
Seconded by CM Keyes.
Vote:  CM Keyes     Aye
            CW Hawkins-Mance Aye
             CW Marini     Aye
   S Plant     Aye 4-0
   CM Yale     Absent
It was moved by CW Hawkins-Mance that the vacancy in the position of Part-time Assistant Recreation Director be advertised through September 14, 2007 with applications being available at the Town Hall and the salary will be consistent with the Town’s Wage Schedule. Seconded CM Keyes.
Vote:  CW Hawkins-Mance  Aye
 CM Keyes    Aye
 S Plant      Aye
 CM Yale    Absent
 CW Marin    Aye 4-0
It was moved by CW Hawkins-Mance that interviews for the position of Animal Control will be held on September 19, 2007 beginning at 6:00 PM with appropriate notice to the media, for the top three applicants.
Seconded CM Keyes.
Vote:  S Plant      Aye
 CW Marini    Aye
 CM Yale    Absent
 CM Keyes    Aye
 CW Hawkins-Mance  Aye 6-0
It was moved by CM Keyes that the letter of Resignation of Jeff Emerling be accepted from the Parks Committee and the Supervisor be directed to send a letter to Mr. Emerling for his service to the community.
Seconded by CW Hawkins-Mance.
Vote:  CW Marini    Aye
 CW Hawkins-Mance  Aye
 CM Keyes    Aye
 CM Yale    Absent
 S Plant      Aye 4-0
It was moved by CM Keyes to adjourn the meeting at 7:41 PM. Seconded by CW Hawkins-Mance.
Vote:  CM Keyes    Aye
 S Plant      Aye
 CW Hawkins-Mance  Aye
 CW Marini    Aye
 CM Yale    Absent 4-0
Notes of the meeting submitted by CW Marini

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