1. Old Business – None

Letter to the Board


September 28, 2007
“We make a living by what we get, But we make a life by what we give.” -Winston Churchill
Greetings from Wayne Central.
Board Letter:

1. NYSSBA: Some Board members could not find their NYSSBA booklets for the delegates meeting. The link to their web site is www.nyssba.org
2. Honduras Trip: Some of you expressed concern for the safety of our children during the Honduras trip. I have invited the Spanish club advisor to speak to the Board about the trip at our next meeting.


3. SRO: The selection process for the new SRO is now complete. Both Holly and Joe sat with the trooper’s interview team and helped make the selection. They are very pleased with the 11 year veteran who will be joining us in mid October following his training.


4. District Office: As you are aware, we having been looking at updating the district office to make it look as professional as the buildings. We have completed some preliminary plans which are being reviewed by Mr. Miller. We want to give the office a more open feel. We also need to get real offices for Lori and Amy. I have asked the ladies to pick the colors giving strict orders that non of the boys can be involved this time through. The colors should be better than the dirt on dirt that was chosen 15 years ago.


5. Camera pictures: We are investigating a report that one of our 8th grade boys has a naked picture of one of our 8th grade girls. It is rumored that the picture is being passed around via camera phones.


6. Fall Conference: I will be leaving for my Fall superintendent’s conference in Saratoga on Sunday. I will be back on Wednesday. I am taking Mr. Atseff with me. Mrs. Cox will be looking after the district while I am gone. I think this will be a good experience for both Kim and Greg. If you need anything while I’m gone please call Lori.
7.   NYSPRA: Amy submitted a District Newsletter and last year’s District Calendar to the New York State Public Relations Association annual awards competition that is sponsored through the NYSSBA. This week we learned that her (our) publications were award winners. Entries are displayed at the annual convention (this year in New York City). These will be displayed at the convention and are available for districts to peruse and pick up selections of interest. Congratulations to Amy on her fine work.
8. Upcoming Events:
10/4 – OP Open House – 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
10/5 – Staff Training Day – No School for Students
10/5 & 6 – Homecoming Events
10/8 – Schools Closed for Columbus Day Holiday
        Athletics ( Home Games Only):
10/1 – Girls V Soccer vs. Penn Yan – 6:30 p.m.
10/2 – Girls JV & V Volleyball vs. Waterloo – 5:00 & 6:30 p.m.
10/3 – Boys JV & V Volleyball vs. Sodus – 5:30 & 7:00 p.m.
10/4 – Girls JV & V Volleyball vs. Victor – 5:00 & 6:30 p.m.
10/5 – Boys V Football vs. Penn Yan – 7:00 p.m.
10/6 – Boys V Soccer vs. Victor – 7:00 p.m.
10/6 – Girls V Soccer vs. Pal-Mac – 5:00 p.m.
10/9 – Girls V Soccer vs. Waterloo – 6:30 p.m.
10/10 – Boys JV & V Volleyball vs. NR Wolcott – 5:30 & 7:00 p.m.
10/11 – Boys JV Football vs. Honeoye Falls – 7:00 p.m.
10/11 – Girls JV & V Volleyball vs. Geneva – 5:00 & 6:30 p.m.

9. Attachments
        A) Four County Presidents/Vice Presidents Meeting
        B) Tom Gentile E-Mail
        C) Green Schools Democrat & Chronicle Article
        D) Safety Committee Meeting Minutes –
        E) Ontario Town Board Meeting Minutes –
        F) NYSSBA – NYSPRA Publication Award for district publications


Att. A)



Thursday, October 4, 2007
Registration – 5:45 p.m.    Dinner & Meeting – 6:15 p.m.
Jack Loveless Conference Room
Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES
Newark, New York
Meet with your colleagues from other Four County districts to explore topics of interest.

The agenda is open. Discussion is driven by the issues that are important to you and your board that evening. (We will spend a few minutes planning future 2007-2008 Presidents'/Vice Presidents' dinners.)
If there are any specific issues you would like placed on an agenda, or any information you would like gathered in preparation for discussion, please, contact the Association office before October 17 so we can prepare and let others know
Please join us. Those who have participated in previous years have always found the evening enjoyable, filled with interesting conversation, and a thoughtful exchange of knowledge, experience, and ideas.
(This notice has been sent has been sent to Board Presidents, Vice Presidents, the Steering Committee and District Clerks/Secretaries)

Four County School Boards Association
Board Presidents’/ Vice Presidents’ Dinner & Roundtable Discussion
Thursday, October 4, 2007

Please make reservations no later than October 2, 2007 by:
Phone: 315/332-7294  Fax: 315/332-7474  E-mail: 4countysba@edutech.org   
Supper includes sandwich, salad, dessert and beverage - $11.00 Large $9.50 Small
Please indicate Sandwich preference – Turkey Waldorf   Roast Beef  Tuna   Veggie
SCHOOL DISTRICT: _________________________________________ TOTAL ATTENDING: ________
NAMES & Meal Choice:   _____________________________ ____________________________
   _____________ _____________________________ ____________________________

24 Hour Cancellation Notice Required

                      Att. B)
Thank you for your response, I will pass this on.

From: Gentile, Tom
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 9:44 AM
To: Smith, Lori
Subject: BOE meeting

I will be able to attend the BOE meeting on Oct. 11 at 7pm. I wish to thank Frank and the Board for this recognition.
Tom Gentile


Att. C)

                       Att. D)
TO: Safety Committee Members:
Chris Shaffer - Committee Co-Chairperson (MS Asst. Principal)

Fred Prince - Transportation
Maureen Doyle – MS PE
Tom Lucieer – OE Maintenance
Mark Callahan - DO Administration
Lori Sensenbach – OP SCRIP
Pamela Buddendeck– FE Instructional
Kim Smith – SRO
Mark Wyse - School Board Rep.
Pat Griswold – OE Nurse
Anna McGrath– HS Science
FROM: Bob Miller – Committee Co-Chairperson (Dir. of Facilities)
RE:                   Meeting Minutes

DATE: September 25, 2007
We welcomed new committee members, Pam Buddendec from Freewill Elementary and Anna Magreth from the high school.
Old Business
Summer projects included: a resurface of the playground at Ontario Primary, new playground surfaces for both Freewill and Ontario Elementary, and at Freewill the swings were reset and a new surface was installed around the swing area.
The valves for the heating system at the high school were replaced. All lighting at OE, FE, MS, HS, BG and MT were retrofitted with energy efficient ballasts. This not only saves energy but also increases the lighting by approximately 25%.
The card access system is on line and use of the system will begin later this week. Cards will be handed out in faculty meetings for each building and outside door keys will be collected at that time.
New Business
We discussed the very smooth opening of school and how nice the buildings look. The condition of the buildings are a reflection of the maintenance and custodial staff’s hard work this summer.
We had a middle school student who was hit by a car at the south entrance of the high school while riding his bike to school on September 12th. Fire rescue and ambulance responded and, fortunately, there were only minor injuries.
I received a call, concerning the speed limit in front of the Freewill building, from a resident who lives near Freewill Elementary. Mark Wyse will be looking into this and getting back to me with procedures that need to be followed in order to make any changes to speed limits.
Tom Lucieer brought up a concern that when all doors to the child care center are closed the Tot Spot cannot hear the fire bell. I will contact Simplex to look at the possibility of installing a bell closer to the center.
There was also a question about gunshots being heard behind the middle school. This was investigated by Ted Hargarther and Mr. Havens. The shots were found to be a safe distance away from the MS.
The Homeland Security Booklet hasn’t been distributed to the buildings yet because there is a procedure in the booklet that needs to be updated. Administrative council will be reviewing this on October 2nd and forwarding the draft to this committee in time for our next meeting.
Lori Sensenbach asked if a phone could be installed in the old gym at the primary building. I will be talking to Russ Harris to have one installed.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 30th at 8am. Hope to see you there…
Robert Miller
Director of Facilities
Wayne Central School District
Fax 315-524-1048

               Att. E)
SEPTEMBER 24, 2007

A regular meeting of the Ontario Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Joseph Molino at 7:00 PM in the Ontario Town Hall. Present were Supervisor Joseph Molino, Council members: Jason Ruffell, Lori Eaton-Smith, James Switzer, Stephen Tobin, Superintendent of Water Utilities Robert Wykle, Director of Recreation and Parks William Riddell, Justice Reginald Higgins (entered 7:14 p.m.), Justice Beth Howard (entered 7:23 p.m.), Attorney for the Town Alan Knauf and Town Clerk Cathy Herzog.
Fourteen residents and visitors were present at portions of the meeting.
Mr. Ruffell led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Revisions to the Agenda – Mrs. Smith asked to add an amendment to the town board minutes of 8/13/07 after approval of the 9/10/07 minutes to the agenda.
A motion was made by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to approve the agenda as revised.
Comments From the Public – None
Approval of Minutes – A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mrs. Smith, to approve the September 10, 2007 minutes as presented and approve an amendment to the 8/13/07 minutes under Approval of Claims, change the grand total from “$320,279.13” to “$287,979.32” (the paid before audit bills were added to the total twice).   5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Correspondence – None
Attorney for the Town Report – Mr. Knauf stated the closing for 2180 Lake Road will occur tomorrow, he will forward the key and closing documents to Mr. Wykle. Mr. Wykle stated he has notified the town’s insurance company of the purchase.
Mr. Knauf gave a brief report on the Landfill Closure Project and he stated he has paperwork for the Supervisor to execute for the Albright Farm Easement grant.
Old Business – None
New Business - A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to accept the Supervisor’s fiscal report for the month of September 2007 as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mrs. Smith, to authorize the Superintendent of Highways to post and advertise for a full time M.E.O./Laborer for a starting rate of $15.24 per hour, as requested by the Superintendent of Highways in memo #07-07. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to authorize and direct the Town Clerk to post and advertise an invitation for interested persons to submit a letter of interest and resume for consideration for appointment or reappointment to town advisory boards for 2008.
There was a discussion on the need for a resume’ and the date that the notice should be published. By consensus the board agreed that a resume’ would be optional and that the notice should go out after the 2008 budget is adopted.
On the motion the vote was 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to seek bids for the framing building materials necessary for the construction of the main building in the Community Center Project, and direct the Town Clerk to post and publish a letter notice to bidders, as requested by the Director of Recreation and Parks in memorandum #PR27-2007. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Reports by Town Board Members – Mr. Switzer reported on the Business Improvement District Hamlet of Ontario vision workshop. He stated the turn out was great and it was an excellent opportunity to network with good discussion and suggestions for future needs and opportunities.
He invited any interested persons to attend the next scheduled workshop on Saturday, November 10th at 10:00 a.m. at the Immanuel Church of Christ on Main Street.
(Judge Higgins entered the meeting 7:14 p.m.)
Mrs. Smith reported on the Library long range planning meeting she attended. She also noted the Garden Club had their annual show in the Ontario Town Hall last weekend and it was very nicely done.
Mrs. Smith and Mr. Tobin agreed with Mr. Switzer that the hamlet vision planning workshop was time well spent and that it is not too late for anyone who is interested to get involved.
Approval of Claims – A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to approve the abstract of claims for September 24, 2007 including vouchers # 2072 through # 2189 with a grand total of $222,708.49 and to authorize the Supervisor to issue payments for same. 5 Ayes
Comments from the Public – Mr. Craig Litt stated he has been working on a drainage issue in his neighborhood with the Watershed Management Advisory Council and he is concerned that the current policy does not include or give recourse for problems on private property.
(Judge Howard entered the meeting 7:23 p.m.)
There was a discussion on the issue. Mr. Wykle stated the Deputy Attorney for the Town is reviewing the town’s policy.
Executive Session - A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mrs. Smith, to move into an executive session at 7:30 p.m. to consider the appointment of a specific person. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Reconvene – 8:15 p.m.
Adjourn – A motion was made by Mr. Ruffell, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to adjourn at 8:16 p.m. for a budget workshop. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Herzog
Ontario Town Clerk
The above minutes will become official upon approval of the town board.

               Att. F)
September 14, 2007
Amy Gebhardt
Wayne Central Schools
PO Box 155
Ontario Center, New York 14520
Dear Colleague:
 Congratulations! On behalf of the New York School Public Relations Association [NYSPRA], it is my pleasure to inform you that your entry[ies] in the 28th Annual NYSPRA Communications Contest has been selected as an award winner. Of approximately 400 entries in a closely drawn judging by communications professionals and other National School PR Association chapters around the country, one-third of the entries received awards. You may be proud that your work has been so honored by your peers.
  This year, we will be awarding certificates at the annual luncheon on Friday, October 26 during the 2007 convention of the New York State School Boards Association. The luncheon will be held in the Sheraton Manhattan from 12:30-2:00 p.m. However, our accommodations in New York City are much smaller than previous years and it is our understanding that NYSSBA does have a waiting list for the luncheon. For those who are able to attend the luncheon, we will be handing out the awards at that time. In addition, for those unable to get a luncheon ticket, we invite you to our annual business meeting following the luncheon in the Sheraton Hotel & Towers (across the street from the Sheraton Manhattan) in the Riverside Ballroom from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. We will award certificates at the beginning of the business meeting for those who cannot attend the luncheon . Please let us know in advance if you will be attending, by calling or emailing Stephanie Gouss at ( 845-627-4705; sgouss@rboces.lhric.org)
 Enclosed is award information as it will appear on your award certificate[s]. Please review the information and respond immediately by fax [845 623-3980] or by e-mailing sgouss@rboces.lhric.org if any corrections are needed. Requests for changes must be typewritten and received no later than September 29, 2007. 
 During the NYSSBA Convention, the NYSPRA exhibit will feature award-winning publications as well as a Publications Exchange area in which winners are encouraged to display award-winning entries. To participate in the Publications Exchange, please refer to the enclosed directions.
 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by calling 845 627-4705 or by e-mailing sgouss@rboces.lhric.org. We look forward to honoring you on Friday, October 26 as, together, we celebrate outstanding achievement in school communications.
Stephanie Gouss, Coordinator
2007 NYSPRA Communications Contest

September 14, 2007
Amy Gebhardt
Wayne Central Schools
PO Box 155
Ontario Center, New York 14520
Dear Colleague:
 Congratulations! On behalf of the New York School Public Relations Association [NYSPRA], it is my pleasure to inform you that your entry[ies] in the 28th Annual NYSPRA Communications Contest has been selected as an award winner. Of approximately 400 entries in a closely drawn judging by communications professionals and other National School PR Association chapters around the country, one-third of the entries received awards. You may be proud that your work has been so honored by your peers.
  This year, we will be awarding certificates at the annual luncheon on Friday, October 26 during the 2007 convention of the New York State School Boards Association. The luncheon will be held in the Sheraton Manhattan from 12:30-2:00 p.m. However, our accommodations in New York City are much smaller than previous years and it is our understanding that NYSSBA does have a waiting list for the luncheon. For those who are able to attend the luncheon, we will be handing out the awards at that time. In addition, for those unable to get a luncheon ticket, we invite you to our annual business meeting following the luncheon in the Sheraton Hotel & Towers (across the street from the Sheraton Manhattan) in the Riverside Ballroom from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. We will award certificates at the beginning of the business meeting for those who cannot attend the luncheon . Please let us know in advance if you will be attending, by calling or emailing Stephanie Gouss at ( 845-627-4705; sgouss@rboces.lhric.org)
 Enclosed is award information as it will appear on your award certificate[s]. Please review the information and respond immediately by fax [845 623-3980] or by e-mailing sgouss@rboces.lhric.org if any corrections are needed. Requests for changes must be typewritten and received no later than September 29, 2007. 
 During the NYSSBA Convention, the NYSPRA exhibit will feature award-winning publications as well as a Publications Exchange area in which winners are encouraged to display award-winning entries. To participate in the Publications Exchange, please refer to the enclosed directions.
 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by calling 845 627-4705 or by e-mailing sgouss@rboces.lhric.org. We look forward to honoring you on Friday, October 26 as, together, we celebrate outstanding achievement in school communications.
Stephanie Gouss, Coordinator
2007 NYSPRA Communications Contest

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