1. 3. Attachments:
    1. Office of Human Resources

May 24, 2002
“Seize the day. Put no trust in the morrow.” (Carpe diem – latin)        - - Horace
Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.
Board Meeting:

1. Executive Session - There will be an executive session to discuss personnel matters including tenure recommendations.


2. Action Item Report – I do not believe I have anything pending to report at this meeting. Please let me know if there is something I may have overlooked.


3. Freewill in the News- Freewill was on the news last Thursday as a result of a project they are doing. We will take a few moments to view a tape of the news cast.


4. Reading Recovery Program - Staff from Ontario Primary will be presenting an update on the Reading Recovery Program and its progress. Mr. LaRuche will also be participating.


5. Graduation Ceremonies – I thought we might want to take a moment and discuss the Board’s role and attendance at the Wayne Central Commencement Exercises on June 21st at 8:00 p.m. at the Finger Lakes Performing Arts Center. I hope that you will all be able to participate. It is one of the highlights of the Board Member’s unappreciated and lonely jobs.


6. Coca-Cola Contract Update - I will provide an update on the Coca-Cola contract revisions and timelines.


7. Building Project Propositions –I have listed the three proposals and some positive and negatives from each below:


Proposal #1 – Proposition including all agreed upon items · Simple and easy to understand
· Other project components might carry pool
You may increase the risk of losing components you can’t afford to lose.
· In deciding about a pool it was said we should “let the public decide on the pool.” This does not appear to allow that.
· The pool appears to have already generated the most controversy.
Proposal #2 –
Proposition 1: Must do and should do
Proposition 2: Pool
· Allows community to make decision about pool on its own
· May allow the science wing supporters to work together.
· Gives greater credibility that the “should bes” are important
· Avoids complicated explanation of why somethings are “should do” and others are “must do”
· Pool may not be as likely to pass
Proposal #3 –
Proposition 1: “Must do”
Proposition 2: “Should do”
Proposition 3: “pool”
· Gives people greater choice
· May increase likelihood that “must do” get passed
May be confusing to explain why something is a “should do” or a “must do.” One person’s “should do” may be another’s “must do.”
· “Should do” may be interpreted as frivolous.
· Appears to give them something to vote no on.

Please take some time to add your own positive and negative comments to help in making a decision Wednesday.
I continue to recommend proposal two. I think it builds a nice coalition between the sports people and the academic parents to get the proposition passed. Yet it stays true to “letting the people decide” about a pool.
8.   Request to Solicit Proposals- As part of our bond refinancing discussion Greg will be requesting permission to solicit estimates for bond notes. This in no way binds us to anything but will help us in our decisions at our next Board meeting. Bonnie Brown of Fiscal advisors will meet with us at that June meeting to explain our options in refinancing.
9.   Policy - Second readings are presented for adoption.

1.   PE Class Size Comparisons - A Board member requested our estimates for class size in PE. Marc Blankenberg has put together the information below. Some adjustments may occur over the summer but these are pretty good estimates.
· Average class size
Elementary  20.5
Middle School  24
High School  29.5
· Average number of students seen each day
Elementary  117
Middle School  120
High School  109
· Average length of a period
Kindergarten  27.5
Elementary  40
Middle School  40
High School  50
Although concern has been expressed over the Elementary’s load, the numbers don’t seem to bear that concern out. They have the smallest classes for the shortest period of time and are average for the number of students seen. I certainly couldn’t recommend moving part of a high school or middle school staff member down.
Board members have apparently been informed by PE staff that with the elementary schedule we will no longer be able to offer our x-country skiing unit. There is no reason why that unit has to be cancelled. There have also been concerns expressed about some staff having to travel. It is true that a staff member will have to travel between OE and OP. In addition, two afternoons a week a PE person from Freewill will have to come to Ontario. This person gets additional time off for this, is paid mileage, and for 2/3 of the year is coaching a sport at the high that brings him to Ontario anyways.
Although the schedule isn’t perfect, we have to remember that we couldn’t make the cuts we made without there being some changes. Please contact me with any additional questions you have.
2.   Ginna Drill – As I am sure you have all seen in the news, there is heightened concern over continued terrorist attacks in the United States. With this state of affairs and the increased need for caution, I have decided that I will be calling a second emergency evacuation drill this year. This drill takes well under two hours for all the buildings/staff to complete, which seems a small investment for tremendous benefit. I will let you know how well we do with a second trial run this year.
3.   Events -
May 29 - Four County School Boards Meeting – Board Development Committee
   Phelps Hotel, Route 96, Phelps 5:30 social; 6:30 dinner; 7:30 meeting (planning for next year)
Dinner selections: Prime Rib, Baked Chicken, Vegetarian Lasagna
Please let Lori know if you are interested in attending
June 6 - Four County School Boards Annual Dinner and Business Meeting
   Belhurst Castle, Route 14 South, Geneva 5:30 social; 6:30 dinner; 7:45 business meeting
 8:15 - Guest Speaker, Dr. Katherine Keough, St. John Fisher College President
Dinner selections: Prime Rib, Almond & Raisin Dressed Chicken, Altantic Salmon
Please let Lori know if you are interested in attending
June 13 – WFL BOCES Technical Center – Student Recognition Ceremony
7:00 p.m. Marion Central High School Auditorium
June 24 – Four County School Bds - New & Nearly New Board Member Orientation
5:30 – Social Session 1 – 6:00   Dinner - 6:30  Session II – 7:30
Dinner selections: Top Round of Beef w/mushrooms; Chicken Picada; Tortellini Alfredo
Please let Lori know if you are interested in attending
Athletics: (home games)
 All Varsity and Junior Varsity Spring sports are done .

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3.  Attachments:
1.   Tenure Recommendation Information
2.   New and Nearly New Board Members Orientation
3.   Retirement Party Invitation
4.   Clark Patterson Meeting Minutes
5.   Attendance Meeting Minutes

Att, 1


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Office of Human Resources
To:    Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:    Bob Pearles, Director of Human Resources
Re:    Tenure Recommendations
Date:    May 23, 2002
The Board of Education will receive tenure recommendations as part of the Personnel Action, for the following teachers at their meeting of June 12, 2002.
Brian Bizzigotti    Deborah Bussard    Jay Crofford
Rebecca Fafinski    Tracy Harvey    Elizabeth Hennessy Carla Herbst    Brian Ingham    Lance Jason
Stephanie Mordaci  Dawn Pressimone    Emory Roethel  
Cynthia Rutan    Cynthia Freundshuh  Melanie Stevenson   Cathy Stohr      Krista Surowy    Lisa Twitchell

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