1. Data Gathering Techniques
  2. The SETT Framework
  3. The Student
  4. Developing a Continuum of Options
          1. Making Recommendations
  5. Technical Support Data
          1. Planning for the Future
          2. www.wati.org
          3. Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative
          4. Nebraska Educational Service Unit #3: Assistive Technology Team

The Assistive Technology Process
Selecting and implementing assistive technology requires a systematic decision-making process to determine a match between the student’s abilities and the features of a device. The chosen assistive technology must be a tool that is useful in the individual’s environment to perform tasks that the individual participates in. The individual and his/her personal and professional supporters must collaboratively seek to identify the needs and generate solutions that will facilitate the identified goals.

Elements of the decision-making process are as follows:
1. Starting the AT Process  
2. The AT Decision-Making Team

3. Strategies for Team Decision Making
4. Assessment for Assistive Technology
____ Gathering Information
____ The SETT Framework
____ Developing a Continuum of Options
5. Arranging a Trial Period for the recommended AT
6. Discussion and Recommendations for AT Systems  
7. Acquiring the recommended assistive technologies
8. Assistive technology in the IEP
9. Follow-up activities and On-Going Assessment

1. Starting the Assistive Technology Decision Process
The referral to an assistive technology process is generally the result of noted concern by an educational professional and/or a parent, or discussion within an existing team that deals with the needs of a student. This individual or team has noted an area of the student’s performance that he/she is unable to participate in due to his/her disability. The question being asked is:
What is it that we expect the student to be able to do
within the educational program that he/she isn't able to do
because of his/her disability?

The answer to this question should be specific. It should be based on concerns noted within the goals and objectives that have been established for the student. Areas that are often considered include:

handwriting • spelling
• reading • math
• written expression • communication
• mobility • recreation
• eating/positioning • listening
• seeing • self care

Whether this concern is identified in the IEP process, by an individual during instructional periods, or as a part of another teaming practice (ie., MFE-initial or reevaluation, IBMFE, IAT), there needs to be a conscious initiation of the assistive technology assessment and decision making. Any assistive technology decision-making requires the efforts of a dynamic team approach. The selection of devices or equipment should never be based on the recommendations of a single team member. All persons who are involved with the student in the educational program should have input on the selections being made.
The Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative (WATI) has an Assessment form that may assist a team in collecting data on the students abilities:   www.wati.org
2. Who should be on the AT Decision- Making Team?
A variety of service delivery models are available for team decision-making. The educational model generally reflects the regulations that are defined in IDEA. Within the model or approach that is utilized by a school district, collaboration is essential in processes for determining appropriate assistive technologies for a student.
In the collaborative model, each member of the team should contribute his/her own talents to make the process work. At various times throughout the process, the emphasis may be heavier on one member or another. Yet, when information is discussed, each member should be present so that a balance is created to focus on the purpose of the AT process.
Team members will change over time. The student/family will remain a constant. The entire process should strive to make the student/family an integral part of the system and empower them to make further decisions along the way. The educational team provides the resources and input on the environment and tasks that are needed for the student to reach new levels of achievement.
The recommended team members will vary with each unique student, depending on the student’s needs and abilities, and the levels of technology being considered. A team facilitator or leader should be designated who will be responsible for coordinating activities, maintaining time lines, and assuring that the process continues in a progressive manner.
Listed are potential team members and roles they may play in the process:
The Student: The student is the only constant on the team. Whenever possible, the student should be an active participant in the decision making process. The student’s opinion should be sought and respected. The student is the one who will benefit from the technology, and will or will not use it.
The Family: The parents or primary caregivers have the most knowledge about the student’s everyday life, preferences, and means to deal with his/her disability. Being a part of the team brings another perspective of the child’s life that may not be seen by the educational staff. Varying degrees of active family involvement are understandable and acceptable in the team process.
Classroom teachers: The classroom teacher is responsible for the student’s entire educational programming. They have an understanding of the student’s abilities and the opportunities for participation in the curriculum. The teacher will also be responsible for implementing educational strategies so that educational, functional, and social goals can be achieved. Both special and regular educators who are involved with the student should be on the team.
Aides/ Instructional Assistants: Teaching assistants work with the teachers to implement the curriculum and make learning possible. They may often be the primary facilitator for the use of assistive technology with a student in the classroom. They may be able to provide insight on the daily routine and schedule for the student during the school day.
School Psychologist: The psychologist is able to provide information on the student’s cognitive level of functioning and the specific learning styles.
Speech/Language Pathologist: Speech/Language Pathologists (SLP) can provide insight on the student’s present modes of communication, potential for speech development, and suggest ways to maximize the student’s communication ability throughout the day. They often can assist in the development of vocabulary and overlay design for augmentative communication systems.
Occupational Therapists: Occupational Therapists (OT) provide information on the fine motor skills of a student. They frequently focus on functional use of the upper extremities and can be instrumental in addressing special access needs. OT’s may also make consideration of the visual motor integration issues with a student.
Physical Therapists: The Physical Therapist (PT) is able to evaluate the seating and positioning issues with a student and make recommendations for strategies that increase the student’s access to the school environment and activities. They will facilitate the student’s comfort, proper development, and safety as well as mobility.
Supplemental Service Teachers: These teachers frequently serve as resource or related service providers regarding modifications and adaptations as it relates to the student’s visual or auditory needs and learning modalities.
Orientation and Mobility Specialists: These individuals examine a student with visual impairment’s ability to maneuver the environment for safe and efficient travel.
Audiologists: An audiologist tests hearing and recommends assistive listening systems that enhance the student’s listening skills.
School Nurse: The school nurse may have input on the medical needs and care of the student at school.
Physician: The physician addresses the medical issues and monitor medical complications. The physician is involved in the prescription of many seating and mobility devices, as well as funding procurement from third party sources (ie., Medicaid, health insurance).
Other Medical Personnel: Specialized medical personnel, such as Orthopedic Specialists or Optometrists, may provide specific information related to the student’s disability.
Low Vision Specialist: Low Vision Specialists provide a functional vision evaluation and information on optical aids that are appropriate.
Vocational Counselor/Case Manager: It is particularly important to involve the vocational counselors as the student is reaching the age when transition goals are to be established. They may provide insight and support on vocational options and skills.
School Administrators/Special Education Supervisors: Administrators will have various job responsibilities that involve the management of educational programs and fiscal issues. They may be instrumental in supporting the teaming process, scheduling of meeting times, and allotting staff time for technical training. The more involved the school administrator is throughout the process, the better the understanding of the student need will be when it is time to procure funding.
School Technology Contact: The school district technology staff may provide technical information and support as considerations are made. This person may later be responsible for technical assistance to maintain the equipment.
Assistive Technology Specialist: An AT Specialist may be able to serve as a resource for assistive technology device options, vendors, loan programs, and technical training. A specialist may also be able to assist the team in identification of the student’s abilities as they relate to the use of assistive technologies.
Assistive Technology Providers: Vendors and distributors of assistive technology equipment may assist in identifying specific features appropriate for a student. They may also provide demonstrations, training, or trial periods of some equipment.
Rehabilitation Engineer: These individuals provide information on customization for access to assistive technology devices and equipment.
3. Strategies for Team Decision Making
(Adapted from Penny Reed, Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative)
A. Establish team meetings at a time that is convenient for all team members. Notify members in writing of the meeting.
 * Date
 * Time
 * Location
B. Share roles and responsibilities during the meeting.
 * Facilitator
 * Time Keeper
 * Recorder
C. Present information in a written format where everyone can see it.
 * Chalkboard
 * Flip chart
 * Overhead projector
D. Use brainstorming rules.
 * Write all ideas down
 * Accept all suggestions
 * Generate as many ideas as possible
E. Prioritize suggestions and develop an action plan.
 * Summarize actions to be taken
 * Assign roles and responsibilities
F. Reach a consensus
 * Poll members
* Ask for support, even if they might have preferred another direction

G. Plan for the next meeting
 * Summarize and establish action plan
 * Define timeline and responsibilities of action plan
 * Schedule the next meeting, date, time, location

4. Assessment for Assistive Technology
Any educational assessment process must begin with a data collection system that provides information on the identified needs of a student. During an Assistive Technology assessment, information about the Student, the Environments, the Tasks, must be gathered and thoughtfully considered before any appropriate system of Tools can be proposed and acted upon. The SETT Framework, developed by Joy Zabala, is an organizational tool used by many teams across the country. It provides a foundation for teams to gather and organize information for good decision-making. The questions posed in the SETT Framework were developed as a guideline and a place to start. Teams may need to seek answers to other questions as the process proceeds.
Data Gathering Techniques
The SETT Framework of Decision-Making
Developing a Continuum of Options   
Data Gathering Techniques
When developing a system to collect information related to assistive technology, one needs to keep in mind the SETT framework, collecting information on the student’s abilities, the environments the student participates in, and the tasks which he/she is expected to perform. A variety of techniques may be utilized in obtaining this data.
*Observation: Observations of the student in natural settings will yield information on the student’s abilities to participate in various activities. It will also provide an opportunity to view the participation patterns of peers. Work samples offer support to compare the student’s performance with what is expected of others in the classroom.
*Interaction: Interacting with the student may provide an opportunity to elicit behaviors that might not typically be seen. Direct assessment involves an interactive process. When considering the assistive technology needs of a student, engage the student in tasks similar to what is required in the classroom, creating opportunities for the student to try assistive modifications that might be beneficial. A variety of assistive technology device may need to be available for this assessment period.
*Interviews: Asking specific questions of the student, family, or school personnel will generate information specific to the needs, abilities, interests, and participation patterns of the student.
*Record Review: Past history, medical, or specialized assessment information may be included in records that provide insight on the various aspects of the student.

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The SETT Framework
a.  Information on the Student  
b.  Information on the Environmen t
c.  Information on Tasks
d.  Selection of Tools

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The Student
What does the student need to do?
The answer to this question may initially be a general response, such as “to write” or “to talk”. Elaboration at this time is desirable, however, later in the tasks and environments section these issues will be explored more deeply. The goal at this time is to establish consensus about what the purpose of the assistive technology process will be.
What are the student’s special needs and current abilities?
This question should generate conversation about the barriers that keep the student from doing whatever needs to be done. It should also focus on the “abilities” that the student possesses. No matter how great the needs, everyone has abilities that can be built upon and enhanced.
Discussion should include all aspects of the student, providing a broad description of what we know and what we need to know. This is a time to consider data that was obtained using the assessment guide or other data gathering procedures. The team will review areas of:

· cognitive abilities
· motor abilities
· sensory abilities
· language abilities
· social/emotional abilities

The team should also determine if additional information on the student’s abilities is necessary and designate the person who should be responsible for obtaining this data.
The Environment
What is the instructional setting?
What is the physical arrangement?
The team should outline the environments in which the student functions as well as the physical characteristics of this setting (ie., the regular ed classroom for all subject matter; MH classroom with one-on-one instruction; cafeteria, playground, et cetera.)
What materials and equipment are currently available?
What supports are available?
Define the curriculum materials being used, adaptive techniques or equipment available to the class/student, and supports to the instructional program that currently exist. (ie., full time aide with student; alternate curriculum materials used with the student; peer tutoring; classroom Wolf device used with all students; IBM computer in classroom)
What are the attitudes and expectations?
Define the expectations that currently exist for the student in the educational settings. Determine if these expectations are realistic or enabling the student to perform at expected levels of independence. The attitudes and expectations of the people who are developing the environments have much to do with the learning opportunities that are offered to other student.
What are the concerns?
Note concerns in the educational setting that should be addressed. Further observation may need to be made of the environment. In order to focus on assistive technology tools that remove barriers, it is first necessary to address the environmental barriers that may exist.
The Tasks
What tasks occur which enable progress toward mastery of goals?
The purpose of this step is to determine what opportunities are present that enable the student to move toward the goals and objectives that are included in the IEP. If the answer is “none,” then assistive technology tools will not solve the problem!
What tasks are a part of being actively involved in the environments?
What is everyone else doing?
One place to begin when considering the tasks is to identify “what everyone else is doing.” Participation in the same activity does not always lead to the same results for all participants. Are there goals for the student that can be accomplished within the activities that are being done by other students?
What are the critical elements of the activity?
At this point, the team should list the elements of the activity that the student should be expected to perform. Further task analysis may be recommended to more clearly identify the task skills that are needed.  
The information that has been complied on the student, environments, and tasks should provide a clear picture of the educational expectations for the individual student and areas of need that should be addressed. This is the same type of informative data that would be reported in an MFE summary or the present level of performance statement on an IEP. It does well to remember at this point that, while the assistive technology assessment may be an “extension” of other teaming processes, it also is an integral part of ALL processes.
Specific Identification of Concerns/Needs
Expected outcomes are the areas of educational need defined by the assessment information obtained on the student, environments, and tasks. These are the basis for the goals and objective that will be established for the student. These should be very specific outcomes that the student will be expected to accomplish in the educational setting.

The Tools
Now that the team is satisfied with clearly defined needs and abilities of the student, consideration should progress to the assessment of Tools that may be applicable to assist the student in attaining the expected educational goals.
What system of no tech, low tech, and high tech tools should be considered to support the student in doing the identified tasks in these environments?
Unfortunately, the tools aspect of the assessment process is where many teams want to start! Without a clear understanding of the student, environments, and tasks, the process will not effectively generate the answers to the question posed here.
Additional data may need to be obtained to make a precise determination of the possible tools that are applicable. Available assistive technologies are ever changing and advancing. There is no one person who can know everything about every possible AT device and/or service. If the team feels they have exhausted their knowledge base and resources to make specific tool selections, they may need to seek input from other agencies or persons who have experience in the area of assistive technology being considered. Recognizing the limits and seeking further assistance is the responsibility of the team and required by IDEA when making assistive technology considerations which meets a student’s needs.
This section of the assessment process may also include brainstorming a continuum of assistive technology options and/or acquiring equipment for trial use.

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Developing a Continuum of Options
Keeping the required features of a system in mind, the team may find it helpful to brainstorm options that will assist the student in achieving the desired level of performance. This list should be recorded on a wall chart or board where all team-member can see it. Next, the list may be categorized, beginning with the simplest, least intrusive suggestions, and advancing to high tech alternatives. (Samples of continuum charts are included.) The team will now discuss the possible solutions and will select those that should be tried.
When developing a continuum of assistive technology solutions, it is likely that several options will be utilized. Consider the activity, the task requirements, and make decisions for each situation that will provide the most appropriate means of participation without changing the critical elements of the activity.
Sample continuums:

Alternative for Handwriting
Alternatives for Verbal Communication
Regular pencil or pen
Pencil grip, larger size
Word processor through keyboard
Computer with keyguard, support for arm
Computer with word prediction
Enlarged keyboard
Voice recognition software
Manual signs
Photograph cards
Picture symbols boards
Single message voice output device
Voice output device with multiple overlays
Dynamic display voice output device
Alternatives for Reading
Alternatives for Vision difficulties
Peer reading of materials
Highlighting key words
Tape recorded text material
Franklin text-to-speech device
Taking word processing program
Text enlargement on copy machine
Word cards written in larger form
Use of thick markers for text
Peer reading
Tape recorded text materials
Talking word processing
JAWS computer software

5. The Trial Period
The team may determine that a trial period should be implemented with certain assistive technologies and strategies. The team should consider what options are accessible for trial periods. Exploration of the tools that are systematically and programmatically available to all students should be made. Can these tools be used by the student and, if so, what additional accommodations are needed for the student to participate in the required tasks? What features could be added to these existing technologies?
Trial use of equipment may also be available through your local SERRC, or the SERRC personnel maybe able to provide sources of loaner equipment. The Ohio Resource Center for Low Incidence and Severely Handicapped (ORCLISH) has an extensive loan library of assistive technology equipment. Educators can obtain information and arrange three-week loans from ORCLISH through their local SERRC.
For every trial period, the team should determine the training needed for staff and families, the time frame for a fair trial, and the criteria for data collection that will be used in determining success. All team-member should understand the criteria so that it can be recognized for decision-making.
What strategies might be used to increase student performance?
No-tech strategies, including modifications and adaptations to the educational program, should also be considered as part of the Tools assessment. The team should be careful that they are not so caught up in the “high tech” devices, that they forget to note the obvious strategies that will provide the student with increased learning opportunities. These strategies may be considered in addition to AT devices, or individually to eliminate barriers that currently exist.
Assistive technology decision-making is a match between the student’s abilities, needs, and expectations with features that facilitate input and processing. The team must keep in mind that this may include both devices and services. A system of tools must work in combination to assist a student in moving forward.
6. Discussion of AT Systems and Recommendations
With data gathered, the team now has a clear picture of the student’s needs and abilities, the tasks required in different activities, and is formulating views on assistive technology options that may be considered for the student. During this phase of the process, the team must:
· define the features that need to be added to the student’s tool system,
· specify a continuum of no-tech, low tech, and high tech solutions and strategies,
· make recommendations for acquisition and implementation.
Criteria for Selection
There are several questions or criteria that the team may want to address as solutions are being considered. These involve the device, the manufacturer, and the student.
1. Is the design appropriate to meet the student’s needs/abilities?
2. Will the device stand up to portability and durability requirements?
3. What is the reliability of the device?
4. Does the device have expandable or upgrade capabilities?
5. Will the device place restrictions on the student’s other areas of functioning?
6. Is software support available?
7. Does the device have academic relevance?
8. Is repair easily accessible?
9. Is operation and programming easy to do?
10. Is the device compatible with other existing adaptive technologies?
1. Is the device reasonably priced?
2. Is training and technical support available?
3. Are loaners/rentals available during repair?
4. Is there an adequate warranty?
1. Are operational demands minimal?
2. Do the technological capabilities match the student’s needs/abilities?
3. Is the student satisfied with the device?
4. Are the parents satisfied with the device?
5. Will the technology prepare the student for future needs?
6. Does the device allow for independent use?
7. Is the system compatible with other technologies in the home/community?

Making Recommendations
A team consensus for all assistive technology recommendations should be obtained. If the process has efficiently progressed to this point, then no team participant should have to respond, “I don’t know enough to make that decision.” Everyone should understand the needs of the student, the applications of the suggested technologies, and feel comfortable in making a recommendation decision.
The team should keep in mind that modifications, strategies, and services are as important to the decision making process as the technology equipment that is being recommended. A brief sentence on how this will enable the student to more successfully participate in the educational program should be included. After a recommendation is made, the team must determine the steps to be completed in acquisition and implementation.
7. Acquisition of Assistive Technology
The team must determine the plan and actions that are necessary to obtain assistive technology devices that have been recommended.
1. Identify source of equipment and costs.
   a. Locate vendor or manufacturer
   b. Obtain a price quote in writing
2. Identify possible funding sources
a.  Refer to the funding section to determine appropriate sources
b. Determine person(s) who will seek funding sources
3. Order equipment
4. Plan for training as needed.
5. Set up equipment
6. Establish technical support system

8. Including Assistive Technology in the IEP
The IEP must include a description of assistive technology devices or services, or both, to be provided if such devices and/or services are required as part of the special education program. The assistive technology may be included in several sections of the IEP:
· Present Level of Performance
· Goals
· Objectives
· Services
· Additional Modifications
(See Ohio Model Policies and Procedures for Students with Disabilities)

Assistive Technology Consideration

Every IEP Team is now required to "consider" the child's need for Assistive Technology for every child in special education, as part of the new Special Factors requirement in IDEA '97. IDEA '97 states:
Consider whether the child requires assistive technology devices and services. (emphasis added) 
This requirement leaves us with several questions, such as: What does it mean to "consider"? How will every IEP team do that? What is the difference between consideration and assessment? The Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative has been working to try to answer these questions and to help Wisconsin school districts as they implement this requirement.
In thinking about "consideration" some things are pretty clear. One is that consideration is a brief process that can take place within every IEP meeting. The other is that in order to consider the need for assistive technology, at least one person on the IEP Team must have some knowledge about assistive technology. You cannot "consider" something about which you know nothing.
When considering a child's need for AT, there are only four general conclusions that can be reached.
1).  Current interventions (what ever they may be) are working and nothing new is needed, including AT. 
2).  AT is already being used (or there has been a trial with AT) so that we know that it does work. In that case the IEP Team should write the specific AT into the IEP to insure that it continues to be available for the child. 
3).  The IEP Team may conclude that new AT should be tried. In that case, the IEP Team will need to describe in the IEP the type of AT to be tried, including the features they think may help, such as "having the computer speak the text as the student writes." 
4). The IEP Team will find that they simply do not know enough to make a decision. In this case, they will need to gather more information. That could mean calling someone for help, or going to get some print, disk, or online resources to help them better "consider" what AT might be useful. It could also be an indication that they need to schedule (or refer for) an evaluation of the child's need for assistive technology. 
A worksheet to help IEP Teams insure that they address all of the Special Factors is included in the new IEP forms developed by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. (A similar question or worksheet is included in forms developed in other states.) The Special Factors worksheet requires the IEP Team to respond to several questions, including:
Does the student need assistive technology services or devices?
__Yes __No
If yes, specify particular device(s) that were considered.

The Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative has also developed a tool to further guide the IEP Team. It is called the AT Consideration Guide . The AT Consideration Guide leads the IEP Team through a series of questions designed to help them determine whether the student does or does not "need" assistive technology devices or services. Those questions are:
1.  What task is it that we want this student to do, that s/he is unable to do at a level that reflects his/her skills/abilities (writing, reading, communicating, seeing, hearing)? On the AT Consideration Guide, document by checking each relevant task. Please leave blank any tasks that are not relevant to the student's IEP. 
2.  Is the student currently able to complete tasks with special strategies or accommodations? If yes, describe in column A for each checked task. 
3.  Is there available assistive technology (either devices, tools, hardware, or software) that could be used to address this task? (If none are known, review the WATI AT Checklist .) If any assistive technology tools are currently being used (or were tried in the past, including recent assessment), describe in column B. 
4.  Would the use of assistive technology help the student perform this skill more easily or efficiently, in the least restrictive environment or perform successfully with less personal assistance? If yes, complete column C.
Column C can also be used to explain briefly why something is not going to be tried, even though it is being considered. For instance, the child may recently have begun receiving new direct intervention through therapy services and the IEP Team wants to wait and see what the outcome is or the student has made recent improvements and they feel nothing different is needed. Documenting what was discussed and why it is not being implemented is often important here for review in the future, if someone does not remember clearly what was "considered."
If it is decided to try assistive technology that has not previously been used by the student, column C provides the place to describe what will be tried. NOTE: It is important here to plan one or more formal trials. Only a well-designed trial will actually determine what assistive technology will work for a specific student. Only after successful trial use, should the permanent use of assistive technology be written into the IEP.
9. Follow Up and Ongoing Assessment
After implementation of assistive technology devices and equipment, data collection, follow up, and monitoring must take place at regular intervals. This is an area where school teams often fail. Problems may arise and remain unresolved as team members are caught up in the other aspects of the daily routines. When a team leader has been identified, this person should assume responsibility for assuring that the team meets regularly to address concerns, or assures that issues that require attention are examined. Tech support and troubleshooting concerns should not be a detriment to the student’s successful use of equipment in the classroom.
The first weeks after implementation of assistive technology equipment are generally the times when the majority of questions arise. This is the time to “work out the bugs” and make changes that will increase both the team’s and student’s levels of confidence. Training to staff and families may also be going on at this time. Questions be written down as they arise to be addressed later. Chances are, if one person has a question, others will benefit from the response.
A follow up meeting should be scheduled four weeks after initial implementation. At this time, the entire team should be present, bringing data collection records. Team members should address:
· successful solutions and activities that have occurred;
· solutions that did not work, with a discussion of “why”;
· possible problems and changes that are necessary.
Assessment for assistive technology is an ongoing process. When changes in the student’s abilities, and /or educational needs are noted, steps should be made to determine what additional information is needed, or changes to the implementation of assistive technology that should be considered.

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Technical Support Data
The maintenance of equipment in operational order is important. The team should establish a system designating the procedures that will be followed if technical issues occur. Local “troubleshooting” is always desirable and a necessary outcome. Many times a specialized service provider or technology coordinator can locate and correct problems that occur.
Information on warranty and service contacts should be maintained. This includes the results of service or technical support that has been provided over time.

Transitions occur frequently in schools--each time a new school year begins, a student changes classes or teachers, new staff is added, the student enters a new building, et cetera. When assistive technology is necessary for a student to achieve in the educational setting, transitions should be carefully planned out. The records that have been kept on the student are critical for new staff to review. This will enable the new staff to realize the abilities of the student, expectations in the educational program, and ways that the assistive technology facilitates expected participation by the student. In turn, the in-coming staff should examine the environment and tasks that are required in the new setting. Collaboration between “old” and “new” must take place.
Issues that should be addressed during transitions include those that have been identified in the SETT Framework:
The Student: current abilities, special needs.
The Environments: examine the transitioning environments and identify the instructional settings and physical arrangements; identify concerns to be addressed.
The Tasks: examine the task requirements that may differ in the new setting and how these vary from current expectations.
The Tools: Describe the assistive technology systems that are being utilized and how these enable the student to participate in the educational requirements. Determine the training that is necessary for the new staff. Provide information on technical support that is available.
The Assistive Technology process IS ongoing!!!

Planning for the Future
For many students, the utilization of assistive technology is a lifetime need. The educational process must prepare students for their future, with the inclusion of assistive technology if required. Goals that are established for the student should reflect the future vocational and/or daily living needs that each student may have. Increased independence is ultimately desirable. Educators must not wait for the “next team” to plan for the future and consider what skills the student must gain to reach his/her potential. The final question must be: “What is the student able to achieve with this assistive technology that will facilitate attainment of future aspirations?”
Assistive Technology Process Links


Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative
WATI is a statewide project to make assistive technology devices and services more available to children with disabilities in Wisconsin.
Joy Zabala’s Resources for Assistive Technology Education
The purpose of this page is to introduce educators to SETT Process and to provide resources for learning more about assistive technology devices and services in educational settings. It provides links to informational sites as well as sites which provide opportunities for you to participate in collegial discussions and research on assistive technology.

Nebraska Educational Service Unit #3: Assistive Technology Team
This site defines the services to be provided by the assistive technology team.
Assistive Technology Resource Manual
This manual by the Illinois State Board of Education includes basic information on the AT process as well as a Tour of Devices.

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