1. February 11, ZOO2
    2. Certificate of Nomination

February 15, 2002
“Most of us believe in trying to make other people happy only if they can be happy in ways which we approve.”                   - - Robert C. Lynd


Greetings from Wayne Central School District.
Below are some items of interest.


1. Soccer camp – A board member asked about the summer soccer camp. There was concern about whether students were writing checks directly to our coach. There was an issue last year. Mr. Blankenberg has investigated the matter and finds that the camp is sponsored by and money being run through the Soccer Booster Club. It appears that everything is in order.


2. Salaries – Enclosed are the substitute rates proposed for next year. We discussed this in executive session. These numbers will be put in the budget after our next meeting. At the next meeting I will also be proposing the salary adjustments talked about in executive session; 3/5% increase which is the same as administrators except for Mr. Prince at $58,600 and Mr. Atseff at the same salary as Mr. Spring. Please call me if you have any questions.


3. Vacation – I am going on vacation next week. Michael and I will be visiting Jill in San Diego. Yes, I will have my cell phone.


4. Correspondence:

a. Mr. Barbehenn letter

b.   BOCES Annual Meeting Information

c.   Substitute Teacher Rates


Att. A

7736 Tamarack Lane
Ontario, New York 14519
February 11,2002
Dear Mr. Barbehenn,
Thank you for your letter of January 21,2002 and for your interest in school facilities. To my knowledge, A Wayne Central Schools’ Athletic Club has not been discussed by the School Facilities Committee, nor is it part of this Committee’s responsibility which is to survey and develop a 5 year Capital Facilities Plan. I am but one member of that 22
member Committee, and speak only as an interested citizen.
Currently the Towns of Ontario and Walworth use the school facilities for their recreational programs. This provides an opportunity for all residents to use a local facility for a program use fee only. Other towns have different arrangements. Some interested citizens are looking at other options being used by towns and schools in neighboring
I have very limited detailed knowledge of the current school tax situation. I do know, having served on the School Board, that the tax formula is very complex and often changeable, most often due to the State.
Please feel free to contact me in the future.
                  Jinny Loomis
             Jinny Loomis
cc: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
Richard Clark, Town of Ontario, Supervisor
Wayne Central School Board Members

Att. B


The BOCES Board has established Thursday, April 11, 2002 as the Annual Meeting date and has designated Wednesday, April 24, 2002 for a special public meeting of each component school board for the purpose of voting to elect BOCES board members and voting on the BOCES administrative budget.

· Mail to all component district board members budget information and print public notice of the time and location of the annual meeting in two newspapers, once each week for two weeks beginning March 25. Notice will include a summary of the administrative, capital and program budgets including salary and fringe of supervisors and administrators and detail information on the District Superintendent
· Comply with reasonable requests for additional information
· Present administrative, capital and program budgets at the Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 11  

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· BOCES Board Clerk mails certificate of nomination to component district boards by Tuesday, February 12


· Component district board nominations returned to BOCES Board Clerk by no later than 5:00 PM on Monday. March 25


· Ballot from BOCES mailed to component districts before Thursday I April 11  


· All component district nominations will be listed on the ballot ~ for:

( 1 ) A resident of a district where an incumbent sits on the Board whose term will not be ending for this election unless fewer than three nominations are received from unrepresented districts, or (2) If the person nominated is not a resident of a component school district of this BOCES; or (3) If the person is an employee of a school district in the supervisory district.

· Component district boards vote on Wednesday, April 24  


· The component district board can cast a maximum of one vote per vacant seat and may only cast one vote per candidate


· Results transmitted the next day (Thursday, April 25) to BOCES Board Clerk
· The three 2002 terms will be for 3 years each. BOCES board members whose terms will expire are: Clay Bishop, Lynn Gay, and Nancy Scher  


· Single component district vote cast regarding BOCES Administrative budget at the special meeting on Wednesday, April 24
· Results transmitted the next day (Thursday, April 25) to the BOCES Board Clerk
· Majority of component districts voting must be positive votes
· If defeated, submit previous year's administration budget separate from capital budget to the Commissioner for approval

WAYNE FINGER LAKES Board of Cooperative Educational Services



February 11, ZOO2


District Clerks
FROM: Carolyn Robinson, Board Clerk
SUBJECT: Nominations for BOCES Board Members
This communication is a notice that nominations for candidates for the BOCES Board must be received in my office by 5:00 PM on Monday, March 25. A nomination form is enclosed along with a communiqué from President Lynn Gay regarding the process.
After March 25, an official ballot will be sent to you for voting on BOCES Board candidates and the administrative budget. The date for such voting by your board has been established for Wednesday, April 24, 2002 and the results of the vote are to be reported to my office on the next day, April 25.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (315) 332-7284.



Certificate of Nomination  
Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Board Member
The ___________________Central School Board, at their meeting on ___________________
nominated ____________________________________, whose school district of residence is ______________________________ and resides at_______________________________, as a candidate for election to membership on the Board of Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES, for a three-year term commencing on July 1, 2002 and ending June 30, 2005.
________________________________________________ _________________________
Clerk, Board of Education

The above nomination was filed in the Board Clerk's office on ______________________

Att. c

DRAFT Proposed Substitute Rates DRAFT


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