1. English 12 (meeting days BCE)
  2. ================================================
  3. ACE/AP English (meeting days ABD)
  4. ======================================
  5. ELA Lab.09 (meeting day B)

Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/27/03 (Days ABCDE)

English 12 (meeting days BCE)
  1. Working from the list of assignments in handout, students follow steps in Jobs and Career unit.
Standard 3.2, 4.1

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ACE/AP English (meeting days ABD)

Sequence of class work:
Before class,
Read Gomez, 163-166; be ready with oral answers to “Looking Back,” 166, #10 and 166, #1-9.
Read Galsworth, 167-171; be ready with oral answers to “Looking Back,” 171-172, # 1-10.
Read Fink, 205-211, asking how the past shapes a person.
After reading Manegold, write an essay responding to 158, “Writing Assignment” #2. You will be passing this essay among your classmates. We should finish this unit by November 07.

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English 9 (Block 9.02 meeting days ACD; 9.03 meeting ABD; 9.06 meeting ACD; 9.08 meeting BCE)
Students will continue viewing the Baz Luhrman production of Romeo and Juliet and showing their understanding of the play.
You will be reviewing at home and in class the latest vocabulary items from Global.
The essay on how DiCaprio portrays Romeo’s mood in his first scene is due at the start of day 1.
You will take a quiz on the first 12 Global voc. items on day 2.
Standards: 115, 116, 122, 123, 125, 322, 323, 324, 41, 422

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ELA Lab.09 (meeting day B)
You will split your time in making sure that you are succeeding with English 9 class work and in working with the New York State Drivers Manual. We may be able to use the Internet to test your work with the manual.

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