Feature of the Month: Reading for Meaning

Hopefully, your child has read a book over the summer and enjoys reading. If not, it is time to get back into shape and help develop some motivation. What can you as a parent do to help your child? Encourage the technique of reading for meaning. What should your child select for this reading practice drill? We suggest magazine articles, newspaper editorials, a few pages in a favorite book or even a poem. For a suggested newspaper try the link www.bjpinchbeck.com/framesnews

Your child can give a review of the book!

Book Review

Q: "How long does this process take?"

A: (As few as 15 minutes) The activity can be done in the car on the way to practice, after dinner or before bedtime.

Q: "What does the coaching process look like?"

A: Follow the coaching guide below at practicing the Reading for Meaning Drill.

  1. Have your child select something they have not read or something that is not familiar to them.
  2. Have your child give you the selection a day before, if it is not available, select one for your child, a newspaper is a great choice.
  3. Read the work your child has selected before giving it to your child. Ask yourself the questions, "What is the meaning the author is conveying? Purpose? What are the key elements of the reading?"
  4. Give your child the reading selection that you have previewed, to read and answer the question: What is the meaning of this entry? What is the purpose or author’s message?
  5. Have your child write 2-3 sentences or answer the questions referenced above – then discuss her answer. Extra credit – have your child find the proof in the reading that supports her position.

The web has some relevant articles:



For an extra Challenge...

Add to your reading routine a word of the day.

You can get a new cool word every day by visiting York University's web site You can view the definition, view past words, and even submit a word yourself!

Have your child create a sentence using the word and encourage using the word at least 3 times throughout the day.

Have a contest! See who is the first to appropriately use the word that day in a a sentence!

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