Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/16/02 (Days DEABC)
    English 12 (Days ABD)
    Days 1-2
    1. Each student presents a 3 minute news item. First warm up all students. Choose students randomly to present.
  1. Class notes positive attributes of each presentation and makes one suggestion for change.
  2. Students begin next oral presentation: explain something about yourself (4 minutes).
    End class w. stu. summary.
    Day 3
    1. Students read info at web sites for College Boards and other sites, teach class what the sites suggest colleges want in college app essays.
  3. Students examine sample essays by former students, ranking them by the informal rubric that they have devised.
  4. Students write 1college app in response to the generic list handed out by teacher or in response to actual colleges that they may apply to. (We will continue this project next week.)
  5. Standard 3.2, 4.1
    ACE/AP English (Days BCE)
    Days 1-2
    1. Final draft of Vermeer essay due through email by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, 09/17 or on floppy by 8 a.m. on 09/18.
  6. Students read info at web sites for College Boards and other sites, teach class what the sites suggest colleges want in college app essays.
  7. Students examine sample essays by former students, ranking them by the informal rubric that they have devised.
  8. Students write 2 college apps in response to the generic list handed out by teacher or in response to actual colleges that they may apply to. (We need to develop a set of deadlines for this project.)
  9. Students sign up for topics for research papers.
    Day 3:
    ACE meeting with Dr. Louise Paul of CCC.
    Standards: 113, 114, 116, 125, 126, 314, 32, 411
    English 9 (9.01 on Days ACE; 9.03 on Days ABD; 9.06 on days ACD)
    Daily, teacher reads aloud from Hainey’s trans. of Beowulf.
    By end of week, collect students’ notes on the reading for that last day
    Through week:
    Depending on time, start first 5 vocabs from Global.
    Continue using Daybook, pages 10 to 11: students respond to posted notes on bulletin board with their answers to these questions; share answers to any questions.
    Follow directions for p. 12 (15 minutes).
    Practice skills that they identify on Daybook 13, filling out chart on p. 13.
    Using pp. 14 and 15, students practice the skills from the earlier lessons.)
    Closure: students evaluate progress toward goal: did they use the tools from this week’s lessons more easily this time?
    Use first Global voc. if time permits, with students making flash cards, using their learning styles/multiple intelligences.
    Standards: 115, 116, 122, 123, 125, 322, 323, 324, 41, 422
    English 9x4 (Days ABCD)
    Daily, teacher reads aloud from Hainey’s trans. of Beowulf.
    By end of week, collect students’ notes on the reading for that last day.
    Teacher distributes DAYBOOK.
    Depending on time, review first 5 vocabs from Global
    Through week:
    Complete first composition. .
    Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. What kinds of problems do you solve best [state at least 2]? Describe how you do that (Due after 20 minutes.) Teacher collects papers.
    For goals: did writing become easier during the assignment? Why?
    Review strategy for SQ3R, asking what do you know, what do you not know or understand, what can you figure out?
    Using Daybook , page 10, students post notes on bulletin board with their answers to these questions; share answers to any questions. This shows an approach related to SQ3R.
    Students practice these skills with Daybook p. 11. Use p. 12 for closure: when done writing response to directions, they state how this strategy helped their understanding, compared with their first attempt.
    FOCUS: using graphic organizers effectively and pulling the lessons together.
    Using Daybook, students fill out chart on p. 13.
    Writers’ Workshop: depending on what teachers found in this week’s composition, class breaks into focus groups— teacher tutors for indiv. needs. (While waiting for teacher, students get closure to this reading/writing section: Using pp. 14 and 15, students practice the skills from the earlier lessons.)
    Standards: 115, 116, 122, 123, 125, 322, 323, 324, 41, 422


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