1. Board Agenda
  2. 1. Executive Session - This will be a hectic session as there are four things that need to be discussed. (1) Don, John, Bob and Greg will review the CSEA contract. You received highlights in one of my earlier letters. You will notice that CSEA contract ratification is listed under Board action items. Ratifying now will send a good message to our people and allow Bev to begin the new pay in January. I have enclosed a copy of the proposed contract. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Don, John, Greg or Bob. (2) Enclosed is a memo with my recommendations for the three confidential district office people who need their salaries adjusted. You will recall we discussed this last summer but wanted to wait until the CSEA contract was settled. The salaries are all in the mid range of the chart passed out to you previously. I think you know how valuable these three people are to our organization and without hesitation I recommend we make these adjustments. I suggest we do this right after the CSEA contract ratification. It will be a nice Christmas message. If you have any questions please give me a call. (3) You asked me to make a recommendation to you about Kim Saxby’s probationary appointment. I expect to be prepared to make a decision at this time. (4) Mark and Rick have asked for some time to discuss my contract.
  3. Letter to the Board

December 7, 2001
“Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice.”                  - - Benedict De Spinoza


Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Please note that on the night of our meeting there will be a community meeting in our performing Arts Center on Ginna beginning at 7:00 PM. It was organized by our Town Supervisor. I will be speaking from 7:00 to 7:25 and then come back for the beginning of our Board meeting. Given the tight schedule I ask that we begin Executive session right at 6:30.
Board Agenda

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1. Executive Session - This will be a hectic session as there are four things that need to be discussed. (1) Don, John, Bob and Greg will review the CSEA contract. You received highlights in one of my earlier letters. You will notice that CSEA contract ratification is listed under Board action items. Ratifying now will send a good message to our people and allow Bev to begin the new pay in January. I have enclosed a copy of the proposed contract. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Don, John, Greg or Bob. (2) Enclosed is a memo with my recommendations for the three confidential district office people who need their salaries adjusted. You will recall we discussed this last summer but wanted to wait until the CSEA contract was settled. The salaries are all in the mid range of the chart passed out to you previously. I think you know how valuable these three people are to our organization and without hesitation I recommend we make these adjustments. I suggest we do this right after the CSEA contract ratification. It will be a nice Christmas message. If you have any questions please give me a call. (3) You asked me to make a recommendation to you about Kim Saxby’s probationary appointment. I expect to be prepared to make a decision at this time. (4) Mark and Rick have asked for some time to discuss my contract.


2. SED Letter – Attached is a letter from the State Education Department regarding the Comprehensive District Education Plan submitted by Wayne Central for the 2001-02 school year. The letter was one of congratulations for submitting a plan that was “one of the best they have reviewed.” It further notes that they would like to use some of our formats for other districts. This is a very well deserved recognition for our staff and administrators. I had the pleasure of sharing this with the staff on Wednesday.


3. Budget Discussion – Greg will review the enrollment projections. Using our CDEP as our framework, we will need to discuss what our budget priorities should be. Mr. Spring has been working with our administration on the instructional priorities. He will be sharing the tentative results with the Board. The Board should be prepared to discuss any other instructional areas they see as priorities in meeting our CDEP goals.


4. Facilities Presentation – Clark- Patterson will present their findings and offer options for consideration regarding our facilities. This will be only the first of many discussions we will be having about this topic. Your Board President and Vice President would like you to consider January 16th as a work session to continue that discussion.


5. Board Action Items - There are a few personnel items, CSE/CPSE and consensus agenda items for your review and approval.


6. Policy – Policy Chairman John Triou has two job descriptions for your approval.


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Letter to the Board

1. Grade K-5 Social Studies Test – I am very pleased to inform you that our fifth graders achieved a 99% passing rate on the New York State Social Studies Test that was given in November (just before Thanksgiving). The three students who did not pass each missed by only one point! I am very proud of the efforts of the staff in preparing our students to be so successful and shared this information with all our staff at Wednesday’s conference day.


2. Bus Accident – There was a bus accident on Tuesday afternoon involving a mini-bus and a vehicle. Bus driver Pam Sawyer was on West Walworth Road with 6 students on her bus when she noticed a car heading in her direction at an excessive rate of speed as it approached the very sharp curve near Kutruff Road. She slowed the bus and tried to pull to the side of the road. As she anticipated, the car lost control and spun out on the curve. Despite her best efforts to avoid the danger, the car crashed into the driver’s side (seat) of the bus. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Police and ambulance responded and all involved were released without further medical care. The driver of the vehicle (a high school student at Wayne) was given a ticket for speed not prudent and failure to yield right away. Since Pam was not at fault in any way, drug testing was not conducted. In fact, Mr. Prince praised Pam for her alert and defensive driving. Pam has been out of work since the accident because of pain in her left hip, ribs, neck, shoulder and arms. She is under the care of her doctor to determine if she has any injuries other than the obvious bruising. I will update you if anything further develops.


3. Project SAVE Training – District employees were all required to attend the SAVE training on Wednesday to continue awareness of school safety measures, prevention strategies, and emergency situation responses. State Troopers Bridgett Lanphere and John DelGaudio did a nice job relating the presentation to the school and classroom setting. They have also offered to continue to assist us as we develop and fine-tune our school safety procedures.


4. Negotiations – The CSEA will vote on the proposed contract on December 17. We should have the results of the vote the following day. I remain hopeful that this contract will be ratified and we can all move forward. I do want to extend my sincere thanks to our negotiating team (Greg, Bob, John and Don) for “hanging in there” through the many, many long months.


5. Events:

12/10 – HS PTSA Meeting – High School – 7:00 p.m.
12/11 – OE Christmas Choral Concert – Performing Arts Center – 7:00 p.m.
12/12 – Board of Education Meeting – District Office Board Room
12/13 – 7th Grade Christmas Band & Chorus Concert – Performing Arts Center - 7:30 p.m.
12/13 – FE Team K Holiday program – call FE for details
12/16 – HS Holiday Concert – Performing Arts Center – 2:00 p.m.
12/ 18 – FE Team B Holiday program – “
12/18 – OE Christmas Band Concert – Performing Arts Center – 7:00 p.m.
12/19 – FE Team A Holiday program – “
12/20 – 6th Grade Christmas Band & Chorus Concert – Performing Arts Ctr – 7:30 p.m.
12/11 – Boys’ Freshman Basketball – 4:15 p.m.
12/12 – Girls JV & V Basketball – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
12/14 – Boys JV & V Basketball – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
12/15 – Boys’ Freshman Basketball – 11:00 a.m.
12/15 – Girls Freshman Basketball – noon
12/18 – Boys & Girls Bowling (Empire Lanes) – 4:15 p.m.
10. Correspondence:

1. Confidential Employee Information
2. Budget Status Report – 11/30/01
3. Resident Letter
4. Policy Committee Meeting Minutes – 12/6/01
5. Town of Ontario Board Meeting Minutes – 11/26/01


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