1. Selected Areas of Review
  4. To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
          1. Line of Responsibility
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003    Revised: April …., 2008
  5. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003    Revised: April…., 2008
  6. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003    Revised: April ….., 2008
  7. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003 Revised: March 9, 2006   Revised: April …, 2008
  9. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. (NYCRR) §§ 801.1 and 100.2(o)(2)
    2. Adopted: September 10, 2003 Revised: March 9, 2006  Revised: April .., 2008
  10. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
        1. Administration
      1. A. Relationship with the Board of Education
      2. B. Educational Direction and Leadership
  11. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
        1. Administration
  12. Personnel
  13. Financial Management
    1. Contract Negotiations, Administration and Interpretation
  14. Community Relations
  15. Facilities Management
  16. Professional Performance
  17. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
  18. Administration
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003     Revised: April …, 2008


April 3, 2008 7:00 p.m. District Office Conference Room
7:00  Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

 Approval of Agenda/Approval of Minutes                 Att. 1
7:05  Public Comment
7:10  Board Member Comments
7:15  Board President Comments
7:20  Action Item
7:25  Superintendent’s Report                

1. Varsity Wrestling Team Recognition
2. Technology Presentation
Att. 2
3. Math Program Presentation
Att. 3    
4. Student Representative
5. Student Questions

8:20  Board Action
 1. Personnel Action                   Att. 4
 2. CSE/CPSE Action                    Att. 5
 3. Consent Agenda Items:                 Att. 6        1. Treasurer’s Report
   2. Approve Budget Transfers
   3. Accept Gifts to the District
   4. Add Extra-Classroom Signature Authorization
   5. Approve Health Contracts
   6. Textbook Adoption  
   7. Approve ASI and ASB Contracts                     
8:30  Policy                         Att. 7
8:35  Public Comment
8:45  Board Member Comments
8:55  Adjournment


Next Meeting Date: April 7, 2007 (Three Boards Mtg – Ontario Town Hall) 7:00 p.m.
District Mission Statement
Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally

                (arrived @ 7:24 p.m     
Att. 1
Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Thursday, March 20, 2008  TIME: 6:30p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting PLACE: District Office
PRESENT: Members Griswold, Lyke, Newman, Nicholson, Robusto, Schultz, Triou .), Wyse; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Siracuse, Armocida, Wright, Schiek, Atseff, Cox, Callahan, Green & Blankenberg
ABSENT: Mr. Johnson
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m. by Frank Robusto, Jr., School Board President

Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION, seconded by Mrs. Lyke, to enter into an executive session at 6:31 p.m. for discussion of matters pertaining to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a specific person. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Triou), Carried.

III. RECONVENE:7:00 p.m.

Mrs. Lyke offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Griswold, to approve the agenda for this evening’s meeting and the minutes of the meeting of March 6, 2008, each as presented. 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Triou), 1 Abstention (Mr. Wyse), Carried.




A. Mrs. Lyke reported on attendance at a recent forum in Rochester of the State Commission On Property Tax Relief; school boards and educational needs and issues were well represented.


B. Mrs. Lyke noted receipt by board members of state and federal C.
legislative position papers from the Four County School Boards Association. She added that substantial effort is made in preparation of these documents.


D. Mrs. Lyke invited feedback on the “Facts & Figures” handbook recently published by the Four County School Boards Association which is intended to serve as both a reference for school boards and as a resource for prospective new residents and families.


E. Mrs. Newman extended compliments to the students who performed in the district-wide concerts in observance of “Music in Our Schools” month. She is very proud of the students and their many talents.


F. Mrs. Lyke st
ated that she received many positive comments on the quality of the recent student musical production of “Brigadoon” and extended compliments to all parties involved.
A. Mr. Robusto extended condolences to the family of Karen Turano, cook manager for 25 years and food service worker for 3 years at the high school, on her untimely passing on March 13th.
B. Mr. Robusto congratulated second language students on their recent visit to Quebec and thanked to staff members who accompanied them.
C. Mr. Robusto extended compliments to staff and students at Ontario Elementary School who participated in the fund-raising efforts for the rain forests.
In response to a question at the prior meeting, Mr. Havens confirmed that postal increases are included in the proposed 2008-2009 budget.




Mr. Havens presented the progress report on the school improvement plan for the middle school for review and consideration by the Board of Education

Robert Armocida, principal, Kathy Le Manna, special education teacher/chairperson, and Susan Mack, district enrichment coordinator, presented audio, video and graphic examples of efforts by staff and students to meet the goals of a 10% increase in student mastery and 50% decrease of failures of disabled students on state exams in math and English-language arts. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
 (Mr. Triou entered the meeting @ 7:24 p.m.) 
They outlined teacher training and classroom strategies in differentiated instruction and creation of individual learning plans for students with disabilities. They also noted that the middle school has received state recognition as a high performance/gap closing school and as a top ten school by the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle. Announcement was made of receipt this day of an award for Outstanding Achievement in Writing among sixth graders by the Merry-Go-Round Youth Theatre, the second such award in the past three (3) years.
Mr. Havens noted that concern was expressed at the summer workshop on achievement and goals and objectives that the goal for a 50% decrease in failures of disabled students on state exams in math and English-language arts was perhaps too difficult and that the staff is cautiously optimistic they will achieve that goal.
School board members and Mr. Havens thanked the staff for their report and presentation.


Mr. Havens presented the final version of Draft #1 of proposed budget for the 2008-2009 school year for discussion and consideration by the Board of Education.
He noted that the proposed budget represents a 3.4% increase in expenditures and a decrease in the true value tax rate from $21.35 to $21.00 per thousand dollars of assessed value. School taxes on a home assessed at $200,000 in both 2007 and 2008 would decrease by $60.00.

Significant items in the proposal were summarized as follows:

Ø Replacement of a 1997 Ford dump truck for buildings and grounds
Ø Increases in the local facilities plan to address building need
Ø $20,000 for summer elementary and middle school enrichment institutes
Ø $30,000 for the high school summer school program formerly sponsored by Finger Lakes C.C.
Ø Addition of 1.0 FTE for a second internship coordinator for the model school’s program
Ø Addition of athletic teams (modified level) for boys’ and girls’ lacrosse
Ø Increase in salaries reflecting the addition of a 1.0 FTE staffing coordinator position in human resources and .50 FTE clerk/typist position in educational technology

Mrs. Lyke asked how the Board of Education would consider amendments to the proposed budget if it were adopted this evening and a drastic event occurred (e.g. state aid change)
Mr. Havens stated that the Board of Education could amend the total amount of the proposed budget. He does not anticipate any changes in state aid by the change of NYS Governor..
Mrs. Lyke clarified that the Board of Education adopts the amount of proposed expenditures for consideration by voters at the annual school election.
Mr. Triou asked if any future adjustments to the tax levy would effect any current reserve funds; the response was no.
Mr. Schultz noted that the tax rate could shift when the final property tax rolls are filed by the sole assessors of the six (6) component towns. Mr. Havens stated that the school district has consistently adjusted the final tax levy to maintain the tax rate proposed at the time of the annual school election.
Mr. Wyse noted that in some years the result of that approach was good, in others, not.
Mr. Triou asked if there is a way to communicate with residents about the difference between the increase in tax levy and decrease in the tax rate. Mr. Havens stated he plans to incorporate those topics in his budget presentations to community groups.
Mrs. Lyke offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Wyse, to adopt the proposed budget in a total amount of $40,920,580 as presented and recommended by the superintendent of schools. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Mr. Griswold asked if any additional information on tax levy or tax rates was available for neighboring districts. Mr. Havens stated that projected budget increases range from 3% to 12% and our projected tax rate is among the lowest four (4) or five (5) school districts. He added that comparison of variances in tax rate and tax levy must also include consider the assessed value of the property within each taxing jurisdiction.
On the question, the vote was 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson), Carried.
Mr. Havens thanked the Board of Education for support of the proposed budget.

Mr. Havens presented monthly financial reports for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mr. Atseff presented reports and information through February 29, 2008 as follows: (copies filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Revenue Status Report– General Fund: 77% of budgeted revenues have arrived to date.
Expense Status Report – General Fund: 53% of the general fund allocations spent to date; appropriations in good shape.

Mr. Nicholson asked for clarification of the report re: budgeted and actual status. Mr. Atseff noted that adjustments occur after approval of budget transfers by the Board of Education.
Mrs. Lyke asked about the payments in lieu of taxes (P.I.L.O.T.) which reflect more revenue than budgeted. Mr. Atseff noted that several agreements are included in this revenue appropriation and that adjustments occur based on assessed valuation and new construction.
Mr. Wyse noted that escalation clauses also could have an impact on revenue received for these agreements. Mr. Havens added that reductions in the tax rate per thousand of assessed valuation result in the amount of tax paid by the P.I.L.OT. agreements.
Mr. Triou noted that continued new construction at the Constellation Ginna Nuclear Power Station may impact their P.I.L.O.T. agreement.


Senior Jessica Orchard reported on current class and school events, including achievement by Julie Weidner and Kara Hann as valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively, of the Class of 2008, and the senior trip to New York City in April.




(1) Mary Kate Olds, 4281 Downs Road, Walworth, stated that she feels the student internship requirement is a good idea and asked about the status of the freshman academy. Mr. Havens and Mr. Siracuse, high school principal, provided details. Mr. Griswold asked Mary Kate if she still plans to pursue a law career; she plans a career as a court reporter.


XI. RECESS:    7:55 p.m.
XII. RECONVENE: 8:05 p.m.
(1) Adopt Session Day Calendar • 2008-2009 School Year
(2) Resolution to Adopt Salaries for District-Wide, Confidential Employees • 2008-2009
Mr. Havens presented the consensus agenda for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mr. Nicholson offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Triou, to approve/adopt the consensus agenda, as presented by the superintendent of schools, as follows:
(1) Adopt the session day calendar for the 2008-2009 school year (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
(2) Adopt a RESOLUTION to establish salaries for confidential, district-wide employees for 2008-2009, TO WIT:



BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education that salaries for confidential, district-wide employees are established for the 2008-09 school year, as follows:

Individual    Title        Salary

Michelle Scheik Director of Student Services $  103,148.
Mark Callahan Director of Human Resources
Kathleen Green Director of Educational Technology
James Switzer Census Director/Attendance Officer
& School District Clerk 33,399. (.50 FTE)
Robert Miller Director of Facilities 73,178.
Frederick Prince Director of Transportation 73,436.
Veronique Wilson Director of Food Service   55,881.
Lori Eaton-Smith Administrative Assistant   51,230.
Amy Gebhardt Public Information Specialist42,745.
Leora Stramonine School District Treasurer   50,586.


Mr. Havens noted that the session day calendar does align with the calendar for Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services but not with that of Monroe #1 Board of Cooperative Educational Services.
He added that the matter was discussed among the chief school officers of our B.O.C.E.S. region with the result to adopt the calendar as proposed to prevent loss of instruction time for local students who attend programs at B.O.C.E.S. centers..
Mrs. Newman noted that these calendar variances will require difficult decisions in those families if spouses work within the two different calendars. Mr. Havens noted that similar issues arise for parents and teachers in school districts in the eastern portion of the county/region who have spouses in their neighboring counties.
On the question, the consensus agenda was approved/adopted by a vote of 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson)
A. Susan Brown, 7518 Knickerbocker Road, Ontario, requested a copy of the session day calendar adopted this evening and suggested posting it on the district web site to aid in planning by families and organizations.
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Wyse, to adjourn the meeting at 8:14 p.m. 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson) Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
The foregoing minutes of the Board of
Education were submitted for review
& (approved as presented)(corrected
as noted) at the meeting of
April 3, 2008
School District Clerk



                     Att. 2    

Wayne Central School District
Office of Instruction
To: The Wayne Central Board of Education, Michael Havens
From: Kim Cox
Re: Technology Presentation
Date: March 27, 2008
Lori has sent, under separate over, a short video entitled “Paying Attention.” Please take a few minutes to view this informative and thought provoking clip about the impact of technology on our children in today’s world. Stuart Shoots, technology teacher will provide a brief review of the technology available to our Wayne Central staff and students. Further details will be presented at the April 3, 2008 Board of Education meeting.
If you have any questions about any of the information, please feel free to contact me ahead of time, or I will be happy to answer any of your questions during the presentation.



                         Att. 3
To:    Wayne Central School District Board of Education, Michael Havens
From:    The Elementary Math Committee
Date:   4-3-2008
Re:    Textbook/Program Proposal
                      Everyday Math  Wright Group Publishing
Committee Members: 
Betsy Hennessy, Lori Gilbert, Jill Ghysel, Linda Bellingham, Bill Thomson, Tiffany Cotsonas, Cindy Rutan, Shari Hurny, Jason Carter, Julie Wells, Patti Dombrowski, Shari Sohn, Jona Wright, Bob LaRuche, Michael Pullen, Kim Cox

Back to top

Selected Areas of Review


1.    Alignment to New York State and MST Standards
The Everyday Math Program is tailored to meet or surpass the NYS standards. Primarily aligned to National MST Standards, The Wright Group has included a document that articulates NYS standards and key ideas corresponding to those standards as well as the pages they can be found on.
2.    Program Design:
The Everyday Math series is divided into units of study based on Content Strands (Number and Numeration, Operations and Computation, Data and Chance, Measurement and Reference Frames, Geometry, Patterns Functions and Algebra). The strands are then subdivided into comprehensive chapters. Each chapter provides essential information, key vocabulary terms, opportunities for exploration, skills practice, guided inquiry, and problem solving. In addition, Multiple Learning Styles are accounted for activities for Auditory, Kinesthetic, Tactile and Visual learners are included in each chapter of the book. Formative and Summative observations and assessments are also key staples in the program.
3. Instructional Coherence:
In terms of Instructional Coherence Everyday Math uses a spiraled curriculum. Each chapter and each grade level is designed in the same fashion. The chapters are set up to build background knowledge, then further that background knowledge working with lesson objectives and key concepts, links to the past and links to the future are also found throughout the chapters. This offers instructional relevance on a consistent basis. (Essentially it is a teach, teach, review format to ensure the students foundation is very concrete)
· Readability – Grade level Specific
· Readiness level chapters are designed to support whole group, small group and individual activities
· Differentiation – Chapters allow for Readiness level through D.I., there are components geared toward Extra Practice, ELL, Enrichment, as well as Adjusting the activities to account for the learning styles
· Layout – the book is laid out in a clear and concise manner, information is clear, concise and to the point. Textbook is visually appealing also, but not overdone( This accounts for the students who may be overwhelmed with too much information on the page
4. Materials Component:
· Teacher Materials-Teacher’s Lesson guide, teacher lesson guide II, math Masters, assessment Handbook, Differentiation Handbook, Home connection Handbook, Grades 1-3(4-6) reference manual, Minute math +,transparencies, wall charts, grids , posters and manipulatives
· Technology With the purchase of the Everyday Math Program each building will have access to the Technology component that includes the text being accessible at home for students and parents, games that reinforce and coincide with the topics being covered in class, a teaching component that will allow for assessment design, planning and pacing tools as well as other components to assist in the implementation.
· Assessment – In addition to the assessment handbook there is assessment assistant CD that will give teachers the ability customize their assessments
5. Coherence with District Initiatives
· International Baccalaureate – Primary Years Program
o Instructional Rigor –Everyday Math Has been found to be very complimentary to PYP schools because of its rigor
· Elementary Goals -
o With Literacy and Numeracy still serving as our focal points of our school improvement plan, Everyday Math will give us a great chance at developing critical math thinkers
· Differentiated Instruction
o Differentiation will continue to be a focus for our teachers . Everyday Math has differentiation woven in to its instructional approach
6. Parent Component
Everyday math oriented in a very family friendly format. Although the approach is very different from the approach of a traditional math program, Everyday Math tries to accommodate the parents in a variety of ways. In addition to the Homs connection handbook, the technology component will allow for access via the web (This includes on-line access to the text for all students), there is also the ability to access EDM games via the web  
7. In-Service Training
· EDM offers a variety of (free included) workshops that aim to help teachers and administrators learn the various aspects of Everyday Math. The Trainings are provided by Teachers who are current users or former users of EDM.
· The trainings include:
o Initial Program Orientation
o Technology Training
o Experienced Training
o New York Specific issues
o Administrator Training
8. The cost
o Everyday Math - $100,000
o Investigations – $122,000
o Harcourt Brace - $ 161,000
Att. 4




To: Board of Education
From: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
(Prepared by Mark D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources)
Re: Personnel Action
Date: April 3, 2008
The following is submitted for your review and approval.

Back to top


Sharon Lee White, Math Teacher, assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, effective September 29, 2008. For the purpose of retirement.
Lisa Conner, School Counselor, assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a combination paid/unpaid FMLA leave of absence effective on or before April 4, 2008 through June 30, 2008. For the purpose of child rearing.  
Christine Uetz, Special Education Teacher, assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a paid FMLA leave of absence effective on or before May 7, 2008 through June 4, 2008. FMLA Leave of absence.  
Ashley Aman, Elementary Education Teacher, NYS Control No. TBD (Initial valid through 9/1/2013) assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a four month temporary appointment effective on or before April 12, 2008 through June 30, 2008 at $36,600 (base) pro-rated and credited with no service. Replacement for Sarah Stein (FMLA LOA). 

Back to top



Frank Carlesimo, Bus Driver, assigned to the Transportation Department, a permanent Civil Service appointment having served a successful probationary period, effective April 23, 2008 at current hourly rate.
Franklin Svatek, Bus Driver, assigned to the Transportation Department, a permanent Civil Service appointment having served a successful probationary period, effective March 4, 2008 at current hourly rate.

Stacy Wright, Bus Driver, assigned to the Transportation Department, a permanent Civil Service appointment having served a successful probationary period, effective March 4, 2008 at current hourly rate.


v Advisors: rate – varies per activity

  Name   Activity
  Kylie Sawyer   Musical Choreographer


WCS Years
Jessica Quick Girls JV Basketball


WCS Years
Jessica Quick Girls JV Basketball


WCS Years
Maureen Doyle Girls 7th Grade Basketball


WCS Years
Maureen Doyle Girls 7th Grade Basketball

Spring 2008 Season Length (3-10-08 to 6-6-08)

WCS Years
Kenneth Lumb Modified Track

Competition Payment

John Cotsonas B. Varsity Basketball $388.00
Jeff ugine B. JV Basketball $155.00
Bill Jordan G. Varsity Basketball $388.00
Jerssica Quick G. JV Basketball $155.00
Scott Freischlag Varsity Wrestling $388.00
Nikki Cheleni Varsity Cheerleading $388.00
Jay Marino Varsity Alpine Skiing $388.00
Todd Brockhuizen Varsity Bowling $388.00
Ted Hargarther Asst. Varsity Wrestling $155.00
Charlie Roods Varsity Indoor Track $388.00
Russ Watson Asst. Varsity Indoor Track $155.00

State Qualifier Competition Payment

Charlie Roods Varsity Indoor Track $388.00
Russ Watson Asst. Varsity Indoor Track $155.00
Scott Freischlag Varsity Wrestling $388.00
Ted Hargarther Asst. Varsity Wrestling $155.00

State Championship Competition Payment

Scott Freischlag Varsity Wrestling $388.00
Ted Hargarther Asst. Varsity Wrestling $155.00


First Name
Last Name
Diane Davis
Scott Paeplow
Jamie Loucks
Tyler Stevens
Mandy Ford
Sonya Gorski

                        Att. 5
Committee Recommendations for Board of Education Review (April 3, 2008)

Meeting Alt. ID# Age Committee Grade Reason Decision Disability Rec.

02/07/2008 96006 17:5 CSE 11 Initial
Classified Learning Disability Wayne Center High School Consultant Teacher
Consultant Teacher


Att. 6
Consensus Agenda

TO:    Board of Education
FROM:  Michael Havens
RE:    Consensus Agenda
DATE:  April 3, 2008  
The following items are being recommended for approval in a consensus agenda:
  Item #1   Tre asurer’s Report – February
  Item #2 Approve Budget Transfers
  Item #3   Accept Gifts to the District
  Item #4 Add Extra-Classroom Signature Authorization
  Item #5   Approve Health Contract with Webster Central School District
  Item #6   Approve Health Contract with Newark Central School District
  Item #7   Approve Health Contract with Rush-Henrietta Central School District
  Item #8   Adopt Math Textbook  
  Item #9   Approve ASI and ASB Contracts    

                     Item #1







                     Item #2
TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  April 3, 2008
RE:  Budget Transfers
In accordance with Policy #5330, please present the attached list of budget transfers to the Board of Education for their approval at their meeting on April 3, 2008
c: Helen Jensen, Clerk

                     Item #3
TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  April 3, 2008
RE:  Gifts to the District
I Recommend that the Board of Education, at their regular meeting to be held on Thursday, April 3, 2008, accept the following gifts:
1.   $1,900 from the Ontario PTA to cover the purchase of a Smart Board. The Smart Board will be placed in the Ontario Elementary library.
2.   $1,000 from Macro International Inc., Calverton, MD as a gift of appreciation for participation in the 2008 New York Youth Tobacco Survey. This gift will be used by the Middle School Health Department.
c:  Robert LaRuche
 Michael Pullen
 Bob Armocida
 Lee Stramonine
   Helen Jensen

                       Item #4

Back to top

To:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Gregory Atseff, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:  March 26, 2008
Re:  Extra Classroom Authorization for 2007/2008
At the re-organizational meeting in July, the board approves authorized signatures on Extra Classroom Activity Accounts. Two signatures are required for checks for high school and middle school. Currently there are only two persons approved for both buildings. This creates a problem if one of those persons is out and a check needs to be drawn. I am recommending adding a back up person for both buildings, so checks can still be drawn in a timely fashion if one of the authorized signers is absent. The back up people would only sign a check in the absence of one of the authorized signers. I am recommending adding Leora Stramonine for the high school and myself for the middle school. If approved the accounts would be structured as follows:
Authorized signatures on Extra Classroom Activity Accounts:
Middle School : Robert Armocida & Leora Stramonine – Backup: Gregory Atseff
High School: Joseph Siracuse & Kim Muir – Backup: Leora Stramonine
Please present the following resolution to the board of education at their April 3, 2008 meeting;
Be it resolved, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves adding Leora Stramonine as backup signature for the high school and Gregory Atseff as backup signature for the middle school Extra Classroom Activity Accounts.

                     Item #5
TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  April 3, 2008
RE:  Health Service Contract - Webster Central School District
Attached is the contract for health services for Wayne students attending a private or parochial school in the Webster Central School District for the 2007-2008 school year.

Approximately 54 Student(s) @ $401.02

The student(s) listed on the health service contract have been verified by the attendance office.


 Be it resolved, that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves the contract for health services with the Webster Central School District for the 2007-2008 school year, and hereby authorizes the Board President, Superintendent, and District Clerk to execute the contract.

                     Item #6
TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  April 3, 2008
RE:  Health Service Contract - Newark Central School District
Attached is the contract for health services for Wayne student(s) attending a private or parochial school in the Newark Central School District for the 2007-2008 school year.
The cost of the contract is:

Student(s) @
$ 227.22

The student(s) listed on the health service contract have been verified by the attendance office.


 Be it resolved, that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves the contract for health services with the Newark Central School District for the 2007-2008 school year, and hereby authorizes the School Superintendent and District Clerk to execute the contract.

                         Item #7
TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  April 3, 2008
RE:  Health Service Contract – Rush-Henrietta School District  
Attached is the contract for health services for Wayne students attending a private or parochial school in the Rush-Henrietta School District for the 2007-2008 school year.
The cost of the contract is:

2 Student(s) @ $ 140.09 = $ 280.18

3 Students @ $134.23 = $ 402.69The student(s) listed on the health service contract have been verified by the attendance office.


 Be it resolved, that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves the contract for health services with the Rush-Henrietta Central School District for the 2007-2008 school year, and hereby authorizes the Superintendent of Schools, Board President, and District Clerk to execute the contract.

                         Item #8

Wayne Central School District
Office of the Superintendent of Schools

TO:    Board of Education
FROM:    Michael Havens
RE:    Textbook Adoption
DATE:     April 3, 2008
I recommend adopting the Every Day Math Program as presented this evening and as recommended by the math textbook committee and Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Kim Cox.

                       Item #9

Wayne Central School District
Office of the Superintendent of Schools

TO:    Board of Education
FROM:    Michael Havens
RE:    Assistant Superintendent Contracts
DATE:     April 3, 2008
I recommend approval of the salary and benefit contracts for Kim Cox and Greg Atseff.
These were agreed upon earlier and are included in your board letter.

                            Att. 7

Policy Submitted for First Reading


4200 Line of Responsibility
4230 Administrative Authority during Absence of Superintendent of
4240 Administrative Latitude in Absence of Board of Education Policy
4250 Evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools
4270 Evaluation of the Professional Staff
4310 Superintendent of Schools - Duties & Responsibilities
4320 Relationships between the Board of Education & Superintendent of      Schools
Policy Submitted for Single Reading
4211 Organizational Chart of Management Responsibility
 4/3/08 Board Meeting

Presented by Policy Committee for First Reading on April 3, 2008    
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Administrative Operations
The following principles shall govern the administrative operation of the school system:
a)   The superintendent of schools shall have specific responsibility for overseeing oversight of the district educational program.
b)   Responsibility shall flow from the Board of Education to the superintendent of schools, to building principals, to teachers.
c)   Each member of the staff shall be informed as to whom s/he  he or she is responsible and for what functions.
d)   Whenever possible, each member of the staff shall be made responsible to only one immediate supervisor for any one function.
e)   Each staff member shall be informed as to whom s/he he or she can appeal in case of disagreement with an immediate superior  supervisor.
f)   Each staff member shall be informed as to whom s/he  he or she should report to obtain assistance in carrying out his/her  his or her functions.

Line of Responsibility

 Each employee in the school district shall be responsible to the Board of Education through the superintendent of schools.
 All personnel shall refer matters requiring administrative action to the administrative officer immediately in charge of the area in which the problem arises.
 Administrative officers shall refer such matters to the next higher authority when deemed necessary.
 All employees shall have the right to appeal any decision made by an administrative officer to the next higher authority and through appropriate successive steps to the Board of Education.


Adopted: September 10, 2003        Revised: April …., 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented by Policy Committee for First Reading on April 3, 2008    
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 The superintendent of schools is the chief executive officer of the school district. During his/her absence, the superintendent of schools shall designates an assistant superintendent to serve as acting superintendent of schools.
 The Board of Education shall review this designation in the event of a long-term absence of the superintendent of schools.

Adopted: September 10, 2003        Revised: April…., 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520



Presented by Policy Committee for First Reading on April 03, 2008    
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In cases in which action must be taken where the Board of Education has provided no guidelines for administrative action, the superintendent of schools shall have the power to act, but his/her decisions shall be subject to review by the Board of Education at its regular meeting.
It shall be the duty of the superintendent of schools to promptly inform the Board of Education of such action and the need for policy guidelines for it same .


Adopted: September 10, 2003        Revised: April ….., 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented by Policy Committee for First Reading on April 3, 2008    
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 The Board of Education recognizes that student growth  achievement , district progress and community satisfaction are all affected by the performance of the superintendent of schools. The superintendent of schools cannot function effectively without periodic feedback about his/her  his or her performance. Therefore, the Board of Education recognizes its responsibilities to evaluate the superintendent of schools.

 The evaluation of the superintendent of schools is a valuable tool for strengthening planning and communications, promoting professional leadership and development, improving accountability and ultimately enhancing the functioning of the entire school district. In addition, this evaluation process contributes to the development and maintenance of a constructive working partnership between the Board of Education and the superintendent of schools.

 During each year of the employment contract between the Board of Education and the superintendent of schools, the Board of Education and the superintendent of schools will meet to discuss a plan of performance and accountability for that school year. The President of the of the Board of Education will schedule dates for school board discussions to fulfill the terms of the employment contract with the superintendent of schools.
 The evaluation plan shall be based on written goals as identified in the school improvement plan and performance criteria mutually developed and agreed upon by the Board of Education and the superintendent of schools. It shall be reduced to writing in a form mutually developed and agreed upon by the Board of Education and the superintendent of schools. The President of the Board of Education will present and discuss this document with the superintendent of schools no later than the last business day of the school year (June 30th).

 Criteria upon which the performance appraisal will be based on the following  are noted as follows:

(a)   Keeps the Board of Education informed on the conditions of the district’s educational system
(b)   Assures preparation of agendas for school board meetings with supportive materials
(c)   Assists the Board of Education with developing the overall goals and long-range planning of the educational system
(d)   Maintains high standards of ethics, honesty and integrity in all professional matters and honors confidentiality where appropriate
(e)   Implements procedures to appropriately safeguard funds, physical assets and property of the school district
(f)   Delegates authority to staff appropriate to their positions
(g)   Maintains professional development
(h)   Encourages participation of appropriate staff members in professional growth materials
(i)   Coordinates a planned program of staff evaluation and improvement with administrative personnel
(j)   Assures preparation and administration of the annual budget in compliance with school board and state guidelines
(k)   Demonstrates ability to work well with individuals and groups

 8 New York Code of Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) §100.2(o)(2)
 Education Law § 3031 8 NYCRR §100.2(o)(1)

Adopted: September 10, 2003  Revised: March 9, 2006    Revised: April …, 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented by Policy Committee for First Reading on April 3, 2008    
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 Principles and criteria for annual evaluation of the professional staff should be drawn from and reflect a philosophy that insures the continuing existence of a learning environment for the academic, vocational, physical, cultural and social growth of all students. The evaluation process should produce an outcome which is positive  productive and emphasizes excellence in the teaching process. After each evaluation is made, a full written report will be submitted to the superintendent of schools.
 The purposes of the performance appraisals are to :
 (a) To improve the instructional program and personnel policies and procedures.
 (b) To assist the classroom teacher in improving and upgrading teaching performance.
   In-service programs may be developed as a result of the appraisals;
 (c) To assist the superintendent of schools, or his or her designee, in properly evaluating employees; and
 (d) To provide a formal procedure for communication between the teacher and the administrator regarding the instructional program and student progress.
 Teacher performance will be measured by clearly stated and commonly understood criteria that provide the superintendent of schools with an objective basis for making staff recommendations to the Board of Education.
 The procedures and guidelines for formal and informal observations and evaluations of teachers shall be based on NYS Education Law and those guidelines agreed to  upon with the employee organization representing the teaching staff and set forth in the collective bargaining agreement.



8 New York Code of Rules and Regulations

(NYCRR) §§ 801.1 and 100.2(o)(2)


Adopted: September 10, 2003  Revised: March 9, 2006  Revised: April .., 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented by Policy Committee for First Reading on April 3, 2008   4310    
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SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS - Duties & Responsibilities

General Job Statement:
The superintendent of schools is the chief administrative officer of the school district and is responsible for the general supervision, administration and coordination of the total school program and its various activities. While the superintendent of schools may delegate duties and responsibilities, he or she shall maintain final authority and accountability.
The superintendent of schools shall be directly responsible to the Board of Education. The Board of Education grants the superintendent of schools the necessary powers to discharge the duties prescribed by law and as set forth below.

A.   Relationship with the Board of Education

1.  serve as the executive officer for the Board of Education and be charged with the responsibility of implementing the policies of the Board of Education, shall attend and participate in all regular, special, and executive meetings of the Board of Education except portions of executive sessions held to discuss the superintendent's  his or her contract or performance
2.  develop a harmonious working relationship with the Board of Education, treat all school board members impartially and consult with the Board of Education when serious differences of opinion arise in an earnest effort to resolve such differences immediately
3.   keep informed on issues, needs, and operations of the school district   and serve as a resource person and advisor to the Board of Education. keep informed on issues, needs, and operation s of the school district and advise them on items requiring school board action based on thorough study and analysis
4.  provide appraisal of all school policies originating with the Board of Education, advise the Board of Education on the need for new and/or revised policies and suggest draft policies to satisfy those needs
5.  coordinate preparation of each Board of Education meeting agenda with the school board officers

B.   Educational Direction and Leadership

1.   enforce all provisions of law, rules and regulations and school board policy relating to the management of the schools and other educational, social and co-curricular  recreational activities. He or she shall develop administrative procedures to implement policies of the Board of Education. He or she shall also be available to interpret for the staff all school board policies and applicable laws, rules and regulations for the staff
Adopted: September 10, 2003            Revised: April …, 2008

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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented by Policy Committee for First Reading on April 3, 2008   4310    
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SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS - Duties & Responsibilities

2.   supervise, understand, and keep informed on all aspects of the instructional program. He or she shall review and update the educational program of the school district and keep the Board of Education informed of all changes in curriculum;
3.   encourage a positive approach to student behavior and discipline, enforce the compulsory attendance law, and supervise the performance of the school attendance officer (s);
4.   recommend all courses of study, curriculum guides and textbooks for use in the schools of the district for adoption by the Board of Education;
5.   direct the preparation of the annual school report card of student achievement data;

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1.   evaluate annually the performance of each administrator who reports directly to the superintendent of schools;
2.   coordinate with the administrative staff the evaluation of all instructional personnel, the development of job descriptions for new instructional positions, and the periodic review of existing job descriptions for instructional personnel;
3.   recommend personnel action to the Board of Education (i.e. appointments, assignments, transfers, leaves of absence, suspensions, terminations);
4.   coordinate the development of district staffing needs;
5.   encourage participation of appropriate staff members in long-range planning;
6.   communicate achievements and, when appropriate, concerns, of personnel to the Board of Education;
7.   coordinate updates to the district staff directory and staff handbooks or manuals of procedures;
Adopted: September 10, 2003            Revised: April …, 2008

Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
Presented by Policy Committee for First Reading on April 3, 2008   4310    
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SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS - Duties & Responsibilities


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Financial Management

1.   work closely with the administrative staff in the management and operation of the fiscal affairs of the school district;
2.   prepare and present to the Board of Education a preliminary annual budget in accordance with a budget development schedule established in conjunction with the Board of Education; he or she is responsible for ensuring that the budget, as adopted by the Board of Education and approved at the annual school election, is properly administered to ensure that regular reports on the status of the budget are made to the Board of Education;
3.   establish efficient procedures to maximize income, safeguard investments and provide effective controls for all expenditures of school funds in accordance with the adopted budget and ensure that all necessary bookkeeping and accounting records are maintained by the school district


Contract Negotiations, Administration and Interpretation

1.   monitor collective bargaining agreements to assure that contractual obligations are fairly administered;
2.   review recommendations for changes in policies, regulations and procedures resulting from collective bargaining;
3.   receive and process contractual and non-contractual grievances
4.   review completed collective bargaining agreements with appropriate personnel;


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Community Relations

1.   establish and maintain open communications with the community;
2.   seek the respect and support of the community in the conduct of school district operations;
3.   solicit and consider opinions and concerns of groups and individuals;
4.   work effectively with public and private agencies;
5.   coordinate public information efforts of the school district (e.g. newsletter, calendar);
Adopted: September 10, 2003            Revised: April …, 2008

Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented by Policy Committee for First Reading on March 3, 2008   4310    
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SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS - Duties & Responsibilities


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Facilities Management

1.   oversee the supervision of operations, maintenance, alterations and repair to buildings and grounds, insisting on competent and efficient performance;
2.   evaluate facility needs and recommend improvements, alterations and changes in the buildings, grounds and equipment of the school district to the Board of Education;

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Professional Performance

1.   defend principles and conviction in the face of pressure and partisan influence;
2.   earn respect and standing among professional colleagues
3.   devote time and energy effectively to the duties of superintendent of schools;
4.   exercise judgment in reaching decisions;
Management Functions
1.   coordinate and manage the school district so that it operates smoothly and efficiently;
2.   strive to coordinate the planning, organizational, decision-making, problem-solving and communication process to achieve effectiveness in all areas of the school district;
3.   determine whether schools should close due to emergency conditions (e.g. inclement weather, road conditions, building conditions) and make appropriate provision for emergency management planning
Adopted: September 10, 2003            Revised: April …, 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520



Presented by Policy Committee for First Reading on April 3, 2008    
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The Board of Education is accountable for all pursuits, achievements and duties of the school district. The specific role of the Board of Education is to deliberate and to establish policies for the organization.
The Board of Education delegates the necessary authority to the superintendent of schools who, acting as chief executive officer, is held accountable to the Board of Education for compliance with its policies.
(1)   With respect to school district goals and objectives, the Board of Education will establish broad guidelines to be observed in the development of further policy and action. The Board of Education reserves the right to issue either restrictive or general policy statements.
(2)   Generally,  With respect to school district management, the superintendent of schools will be empowered to assign and use resources; employ, promote, discipline and deploy staff; to translate policies of the Board of Education into action; to speak as agent of the Board of Education; to organize and delegate administrative responsibilities; and to exercise such other powers as are customary for chief executives.
(3)   The superintendent of schools may not perform, cause, or allow to be performed any act that is (a) unlawful, (b) in violation of commonly accepted business and professional ethics in violation of any contract into which the Board of Education has entered or (c) in violation of policies adopted by the Board of Education that limit his/her  his or her authority.
(4)   Should the superintendent of schools or his/her designee consider it unwise or impractical to comply with an explicit Board of Education policy, the superintendent of schools will inform the Board of Education of that determination. The Board of Education  which will decide whether such judgment was warranted.
(5)   When law or other authority calls for Board of Education approval of decisions that the Board of Education has delegated to the superintendent of schools, approval of the Board of Education will be routinely given  granted if those decisions have been made within the limits of policies of the Board of Education.
NYS Education Law §1711


Adopted: September 10, 2003          Revised: April …, 2008

Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520


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