1. Next Meeting: April 24, 2002 7:30 p.m. District Office Board Room
          1. A. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT
        1. (3) Establish annual appointments & designations for fire safety inspections
        2. (3) Approve annual appointments and designations for fire safety inspections of school facilities as required by §807 (a) of the NYS Education Law and Part 155.4 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
          1. B. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT
    1. RE:  Consensus Agenda
  2. April 10, 2002
  6. Presented for First Reading, April 10, 2002

DATE: April 10, 2002 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: District Office Board Room
6:30 Call to Order /Pledge of Allegiance
6:35 Executive Session
8:00 Approval of Agenda/Approval of MINUTES
Att. 1
8:05 Public Comment
8:10 Board Member Comments
8:15 Board President’s Comments
8:20 Action Item Report
8:25 Superintendent’s Report
1. Middle School Reading Program
2. Facilities Update
3. BOCES Lease
4. Board/Administration Summer Work Session
5. Student Questions
8:50 Items for Board Action:
1. Personnel Action
Att. 2
2. CSE Action
Att. 3
3. Budget Adoption
Att. 4
4. Consensus Agenda:
Att. 5
1) Award Bid
2) Approve Health Contracts
3) Accept Gifts to District
4) Approve Pouring Rights Resolution
5) Approve Staff Resolutions
9:00 POLICY                     Att. 6
9:05 Public Comment/Board Comments
9:10 Adjournment
Next Meeting: April 24, 2002 7:30 p.m. District Office Board Room

District Mission Statement
Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.
                       (Mr. Ratcliffe & Mr. Triou entered the meeting @ 6:35 p.m.)(Mr. Anderson entered the meeting @ 6:37 p.m.)          
Att. 1
Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Wednesday, March 27, 2002    TIME: 6:30 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting PLACE: District Office
PRESENT: Trustees Anderson (arrived @ 6:37 p.m.) Brunner, Griswold, Lyke, Ratcliffe (arrived @ 6:35 p.m.), Robusto, Triou (arrived @ 6:35 p.m.), Wyse; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Morrin, Shaffer, La Ruche, Siracuse, Saxby, Woodard, Atseff, Spring, Pearles
ABSENT: Trustee Johnson
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s file, this meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m. by Mark A. Wyse, School Board President
Mr. Robusto offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting,at 6:32 p.m., for an executive session on personnel matters pertaining to specific persons. 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 4 Absent (Mr. Anderson, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ratcliffe, Mr. Triou), Carried.
III. RECONVENE:7:40 p.m.
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to approve the agenda for this evening’s meeting. Mr. Wyse proposed addition of a recess prior to consideration of action items, consideration of wage rates for substitute personnel and discussion of distribution of meeting agenda items electronically and seating and safety issues raised at the district-wide musical performances. On the question, the proposed agenda was approved, as revised, by a vote of 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson), Carried.
Mr. Robusto offered a MOTION to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 13, 2002as presented. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Abstention (Mr. Griswold), 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson), Carried.

Mr. Wyse noted that school board meetings are meetings conducted in public, not public meetings. The Board of Education devotes a portion of the agenda to time for public comment and responses require the action of the total school board. The Board of Education encourages public participation and requests that each speaker provide their name, address, group(s) they represent (if any), and the topic(s) they wish to address.
A. Cathy Parks, 6236 Knickerbocker Road, Ontario, stated that she works as a paraprofessional at the middle school and asked why her request to attend a conference was denied by Mr. Spring. Mr. Wyse stated that Mr. Havens would follow-up on the issue.
B. Theresa Morris, 6172 Hollybush Lane, Ontario, asked if administrative personnel would face budget reductions similar to any made in programs in the effort to meet school board guidelines for tax levy increases. Mr. Havens outlined the criteria used by administrators for reductions in the proposed budget. The goal is to provide the best programs for our children in a budget that the community will support. He thanked her for expressing her concern.
A. Mr. Anderson noted that he attended the district-wide vocal concert last evening and it was a fabulous performance by our students. He noted that some steps are needed to address the seating problems that occurred with the packed house that was present.
A. Mr. Wyse noted that he attended both the instrumental and vocal district-wide concerts as part of Music in Our Schools Month and complimented the students and staff on an excellent job. He added that there is a need to address seating and safety issues.
B. Mr. Wyse extended condolences to the families of Bill Taillie (bus driver, 17 years), Bob Beach (former school custodian and long-time election machine custodian) and Marcella Banke (teacher aide, 18 years, Ontario Primary School) on their recent passing.
C. Mr. Wyse extended congratulations to junior Mike Patterson, and his parents, Todd and Chris Patterson, present this evening, on his statewide second place wrestling honors. Trustees joined wrestling coach Scott Freischlag and athletic director Marc Blankenberg in presentation of a plaque and a standing round of applause.
In response to a question raised at the last meeting, Mr. Havens noted that appropriate lighting is in place for display of the American flag at the transportation garage after dark. He stated that he appreciates having this brought to his attention.

Mr. Havens presented a report on the issue of exclusive pouring and vending rights and services for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
He noted that following preliminary discussions last December, the Board of Education authorized him to seek proposals from beverage companies for exclusive pouring and vending rights and services. He issued requests for proposals and received responses from two vendors, Coca-Cola & Pepsi-Cola.
He added that presence and use of vending machines in school has occurred for more than thirty (30) years. State law sets the times during the school day when soda machines are accessible to students. The pouring rights proposal is in addition to those existing machines and would provide an additional revenue source for the school district.
Mr. Havens reviewed products, fees, sales, commissions and payment structure under a pouring rights agreement. The vendor will recycle containers and return deposit fees to the school district. The proposed agreement would not change any existing agreements for distribution of receipts from vending machines now in place to student organizations or the school lunch fund.
The proposal from Coca-Cola was the most beneficial to the school district. The agreement would extend for ten (10) years with a payment schedule aligned with debt service payments for proposed capital improvement projects. The anticipated revenue of $207,000 from a 10-year agreement, for example, could pay for construction of an all-weather track with no increase in the property tax levy.
He will present the proposed agreement as an agenda item at the April 10th meeting. He invited comments and discussion from trustees.
Mr. Robusto asked about the proposed price increase for vending items under the agreement. Mr. Havens noted that the proposal includes an increase in price and size of beverage container (from l6 to 20 ounces) and the price is guaranteed at that level for the life of the agreement.
Mr. Robusto asked when and how annual payments from the vendor would occur. Mr. Havens stated the proposal is for an annual lump sum payment at dates as specified in the proposed contract.
Mr. Robusto asked if there are any minimum sales levels or contingencies in the proposed contract. Mr. Havens stated there were not; the vendor would assume any losses.
Mr. Robusto asked what the duration of the proposal is; Mr. Havens stated there is no specific deadline date but the intent is to decide on the issue prior to the end of the current school year. The vendor has a targeted number of agreements they wish to reach and they are still negotiating proposals.
Mr. Robusto asked Mr. Havens how this proposal compares to the agreement he reached in his former district. Mr. Havens stated it is less revenue and there are now more schools negotiating such agreements.
Mr. Robusto asked if a delay in decision on this proposal could result in a reduction of total revenues; Mr. Havens stated it could.
Mr. Griswold noted an item in the proposal about price increases; Mr. Havens stated he is seeking clarification of that prior to consideration of the final agreement.
Mr. Anderson asked if there is any opportunity or requirement in the proposed contract for the vendor to sponsor signage (e.g. scoreboard). Mr. Havens stated it is possible but is not included in the proposed agreement. He added that the agreement is sensitive to methods of promoting products and would not include large product banners or signage at machines.
Mr. Anderson asked for clarification of times during the school day when sale of the beverages is available. Mr. Havens noted that our machines are available before and after school hours only except in staff rooms not accessible to students. Mr. Anderson asked if this includes times when breakfast is sold to students; Mr. Havens stated yes.
Mr. Havens noted that due to support from the Board of Education, funding was provided in the 2001-2002-school budget for mentoring new teachers. He introduced Mrs. Marcia Standera, retired math teacher/chairperson from our high school, to make a report on the mentoring program that she organized and coordinated among retired teachers.
Mrs. Standera added her thanks for the support of trustees for this unique program. She noted that she served on a staff committee that proposed a single, experienced teacher to serve as a mentor to teachers throughout the school district in anticipation of a large number of new, inexperienced teachers.
Last fall, she suggested revising the program to enlist retired teachers, in varied subject areas and grade levels, to serve as mentors. This approach provided more direct assistance to more new teachers and expanded the expertise available from retirees. She shared information on how the program is organized, the ways mentors work with teachers, and the subjects/grades where mentors have worked this past year. More than two dozen retirees participated as mentors for 47 teachers this year.
She added that she recently participated in a visit to Albany to meet with state legislators and learned that Assemblyman Oaks and Senator Nozzolio are supportive of the mentoring concept and the potential of some state funding in the future.
Mrs. Standera read a letter from one of the new teachers who participated in the program, who was unable to attend this evening, and introduced Mrs. Elaine Leasure, a retired primary teacher from Freewill Elementary School, who reviewed the value of the program she has experienced while working this year as a mentor at Ontario Primary School.
Mrs. Leasure introduced Mrs. Cindy Coomber and Mrs. Janice Hyde, two teachers with whom she has worked this year, to share their reactions to the mentoring program. Comments emphasized the value of the support and resources for new teachers and the benefits derived for children in their classrooms. They noted that no amount of printed material or computerized resources could replace the personal touch and knowledge shared by mentors at all levels. Mrs. Leasure encouraged trustees to continue funding for the mentoring program in the proposed 2002-2003 school budget.
Mr. Wyse and Mr. Havens thanked the speakers for their presentation, which was acknowledged by a round of applause.
Mr. Havens noted that the School Report Cards issued by the NYS Education Department were issued to school districts last week and released to the news media today. He asked Mr. Spring, ass’t superintendent for instruction, to review the results for our students.
Mr. Spring began his remarks by noting that the mentoring program reviewed by Mrs. Standera is the most powerful way to train new teachers and has value for many years.
He reviewed a visual presentation on the results of the School Report Cards for our schools in English/language arts and math at the fourth and eighth grades, science in the fourth grade and on required Regents exams for graduation. The report also cited the district’s dropout rate, which achieved state standards. (copies filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Mr. Spring noted that the district meets or exceeds state guidelines and showed significant progress in many areas in comparison to schools of similar size, statewide. He noted that staff members have set targets to address specific student needs and are developing teaching strategies based detailed analysis of test results. He also explained that data for Regents exams is based on the freshman cohort of a graduating class.
Mr. Griswold asked how the secondary cohort reflects students who enter or leave the class after the freshman year. Mr. Spring provided an explanation. Students who move from the district are not counted.
Mr. Anderson asked if students who drop out of school are counted in the cohort. Mr. Spring stated they are and that the school district is committed to move students through the required exams in a timely fashion.
Mr. Wyse and Mr. Havens thanked Mr. Spring for his report and presentation.
Mr. Havens noted that the Board of Education has a business meeting scheduled on April 10th and a joint meeting of school trustees and Ontario and Walworth officials on Monday, April 29th. The Ontario Town Board wishes to re-schedule the joint meeting for Monday, May 20th.
Mr. Havens added that Wednesday, April 24th is the date set by Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES to consider resolutions for trustee candidates and the proposed BOCES administrative budget and suggested a business meeting on that date for them and any other business items.
Mr. Anderson offered a MOTION to amend the school board meeting schedule for 2001-2002 to schedule a business meeting on Wednesday, April 24th at 6:30 p.m. at the district office and re-schedule the joint meeting of school and town officials from Monday, April 29th to Monday, May 20th, at the Ontario Town Hall. 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson), Carried.
(1) Danielle Wilson, 2181 Ridge Road, Ontario, asked about transportation for students enrolled in the new visions program operated by Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES at Via Health at Newark. She noted that students who attend classes at the BOCES Trade and Technical Center in Williamson are provided transportation, and in fact are not allowed to drive to their classes, and asked if the students who drive to Newark would receive reimbursement for travel costs. Mr. Havens will seek further information.
(2) Danielle Wilson, supra, asked if Mr. Havens had surveyed students on their preference for Coca Cola or Pepsi Cola as part of the proposed pouring rights contract. Mr. Havens stated that students were not surveyed and the proposals were considered solely on potential revenue for capital improvements like a new all-weather track. He added that the receipts from existing soda machines that are paid to student organizations or the school lunch funds are not impacted by the proposed pouring rights contract.
(3) Denae‘ LoVerde, 7240 Byron Circle, Ontario, asked why the varsity club receives receipts from a vending machine at the high school and what use they make of the funds. She has observed persons other than varsity club members maintaining those machines. Mr. Havens stated that existing distribution of receipts from soda machines was determined several years ago and the proposed pouring rights contract would not change those arrangements.
(4) Danielle Wilson, supra, asked if it was possible to distribute receipts from the existing soda machines to a different student organization; Mr. Havens advised her to prepare a proposal for consideration by the high school principal and athletic director.
(5) Daniel McGary, 2088 Paddy Lane Road, Ontario, asked how a l0-year plan for payment of revenues from pouring rights would effect the timing for construction of a new all weather track. Mr. Havens explained how the debt service and revenues from pouring rights would occur and stated that use of a new track would occur as soon as it was completed.
(6) Whitney Wright, 2029 Woodgate Drive, Ontario, asked if budget reductions to meet school board guidelines for tax levy increases would impact art programs. Mr. Havens stated that no decisions are made at this time and outlined the criteria used for consideration of budget reductions. The emphasis is on maintaining programs for students.
Mr. Griswold offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting, @ 8:32 p.m., for an executive session on personnel matters pertaining to specific persons. 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson), Carried.
XII. RECESS:8:33 p.m.
XIII. RECONVENE:11:15 p.m.
Mr. Griswold offered a MOTION to table remaining agenda items with the exception of reports of the school district treasurer, appointments and designations for fire safety inspections and the resolution for notice of public hearing and call of the annual school election. 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson), Carried.
Mr. Havens presented items for review and consideration by the Board of Education as follows:
(1) Receive and file reports of the school district treasurer (a/o December 31, 2001)
(2) Adopt a resolution for notice of public hearing & call of the annual school election

(3) Establish annual appointments & designations for fire safety inspections
Mr. Anderson offered a MOTION, seconded by Mrs. Brunner, to approve/adopt items presented by the superintendent of schools, as follows:
(1) Receive and file the reports of the school district treasurer for the period ending December 31, 2001 (copies attached to these minutes in the minute book)


(2) Adopt a RESOLUTION for notice of public hearing and call of the annual school district election, TO WIT:
(May 21, 2002)
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education as follows:
Section 1: That, pursuant to §2004 (1) of the Education Law, as amended, the annual school election of the Wayne Central School District, Ontario Center, Wayne County, New York, shall be conducted in the lobby of the large gymnasium of James A. Beneway High School, located at 6200 Ontario Center Road, Ontario Center, New York, in said school district, on the 21st day of May, 2002, for the purpose of voting by voting machines upon the propositions hereinafter set forth. Polls for the purpose of voting shall be kept open between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m., local time.
Section 2: That, pursuant to §1707 (2) of the Education Law, the public hearing on the proposed school budget will occur on Tuesday, May 14, 2002, @ 7:00 p.m. at the district office in the north wing of James A. Beneway High School, in said school district.
Section 3: That the notice of said public hearing and annual school election, including the propositions to be voted upon, shall be in substantially the following form, TO WIT:
Wayne Central School District
Ontario Center, Wayne County, New York
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District, Wayne County, New York, that the annual election of said school district shall occur on the 21st day of May, 2002, in the lobby of the large gymnasium of James A. Beneway High School, located at 6200 Ontario Center Road, Ontario Center, Wayne County, New York, for the purpose of voting, by voting machine, upon the propositions hereinafter set forth.
(which may include separate propositions for special budgetary expenditures)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education be authorized to establish a reserve fund to be known as the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund 2002 for the purpose of financing the purchase of vehicles for student transportation as approved by voters of the district. The ultimate amount of such fund shall be $1,250,000. The probable term of such fund shall be three (3) years. The source from which the funds shall be obtained will be: the transfer of all of the balance of the current Bus Purchase Reserve Fund at the time of the establishment of the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund 2002; state aid received in 2001-2002 and any fiscal year thereafter on account of purchase of vehicles for student transportation; unencumbered fund balances in 2001-2002 and any fiscal year thereafter as designated by the Board of Education; budgetary appropriations as approved by voters; proceeds from the sale of used vehicles; insurance proceeds from damaged or destroyed vehicles and any other source approved by the voters, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Education be authorized to make an initial expenditure from such reserve fund for the authorized purpose of such fund in an amount not to exceed $360,000 in the 2002-2003 fiscal year.
Polls for the purpose of voting will be kept open between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m, local time.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, pursuant to §1707 (2) of the Education Law a public hearing on the proposed budget is scheduled for May 14, 2002 @ 7:00 p.m. at the district office in the north wing of James A. Beneway High School in said school district.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the petitions to nominate candidates for the office of school trustee must be filed with the school district clerk no later than 4:00 p.m., local time, on Monday, April 22, 2002,
Vacancies for school trustees are at large and will occur for three (3) terms of three (3) years each to succeed the following incumbents:

Donald M. Anderson
Richard A. Johnson
Tim Ratcliffe


Petitions to nominate a school trustee may be secured from the school district clerk at the district office located in James A. Beneway High School (north wing), at 6200 Ontario Center Road, Ontario Center, New York, 14520, Monday thru Friday, exclusive of legal holidays, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Such petition shall be signed by at least twenty-five (25)-qualified voters of the school district, shall state the name and residence address of the candidate, and the name and residence address of each signer.

Drawing for position of names of school trustee candidates on the school election ballot will occur on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 10:00 a.m., local time, in the district clerk's office, as required by law. Each candidate for school trustee, or proxy representative of same, may be present for this random drawing.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the election of school trustees is at large. The three-(3) candidates receiving the greatest number of votes cast for the three (3) offices shall be declared elected.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT a copy of the statement of the estimated amount of monies which will be required, for school purposes, for the ensuing 2002-2003 school year may be obtained by any taxpayer of the school district during the fourteen (14) days immediately preceding the annual school election, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., local time, at any of the schools of the district or at the district office.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT applications for absentee ballots may be sought by qualified voters of the school district from the school district clerk at his office beginning thirty (30) days prior to the May 21st school election.  
Such applications must be received by the district clerk at least seven (7) days before the election, if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or by 5:00 p.m. on the day before the election, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter.
A list of all persons to whom absentee ballots shall have been issued will be posted at the polling place on the date of the election.
DATED: March 27, 2002, Ontario Center New York      
4T: Weeks of April 1, 15, 29 & May 6, 2002

Ontario Center, Wayne County, New York
School District Clerk

Section 4: That the school district clerk be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to cause such notice of the public hearing and annual school election to be given in substantially the form hereinbefore prescribed by publishing the same four (4) times within the seven (7) weeks next preceding the public hearing (May 14, 2002) and the annual school election (May 21, 2002), the first publication to appear at least forty-five (45) days before each event, in the Wayne County Mail (Ontario-Walworth) and the The Times of Wayne County (Walworth-Macedon), the official district newspapers, each having a general circulation in said school district, and by giving such other notice as, in his discretion, may be deemed advisable.
Section 5: This RESOLUTION shall take effect immediately upon adoption .


(3) Approve annual appointments and designations for fire safety inspections of school facilities as required by §807 (a) of the NYS Education Law and Part 155.4 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)

On the question, the vote was 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson)

Mr. Wyse announced that a special Board of Education meeting would occur on Wednesday. April 3, 2002, @ 8 p.m. at the district office.

Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 11:25 p.m. 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson), Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
James E. Switzer, District Clerk
Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 TIME: 8:00 p.m.
TYPE: Special Meeting PLACE: District Office
PRESENT: Trustees Anderson (arrived @ 8:15 p.m.), Brunner, Griswold, Lyke, Robusto, Triou, Wyse; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Morrin, Armocida, Shaffer, La Ruche, Siracuse, Saxby, Woodard, Atseff, Spring, Pearles, Blankenberg, Davis, Prince & Green
ABSENT: Trustees Johnson & Ratcliffe
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s file, this meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 8:00 p.m. by Mark A. Wyse, School Board President
Mr. Robusto offered a MOTION to approve the agenda for this evening’s meetingas presented. 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mr. Anderson, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ratcliffe), Carried.

Mr. Wyse noted that school board meetings are meetings conducted in public, not public meetings. The Board of Education devotes a portion of the agenda to time for public comment and responses require the action of the total school board. The Board of Education encourages public participation and requests that each speaker provide their name, address, group(s) they represent (if any), and the topic(s) they wish to address.
A. Marian Wulfert, l340 Lake Road, Ontario, Michael Allen, 54 Creek Hill Lane, Penfield, and Craig Wert, 4752 Ontario Center Road, Walworth, directors of the Gilbert & Sullivan operetta “The Pirates of Penzance” at Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, introduced lead cast members, in costume, to share highlights of the show and invite trustees and the public to attend one of the three performances in the performing arts center at the high school on April 5th, 6th & 7th. Leads included Blair Germain, Zach Ruetz, Jill Davids, Adam TeWinkle and John Lawrence. Mrs. Wulfert noted that this marks the return of a musical production by middle school students and staff after a 32-year absence.
A. Mr. Robusto noted items about school activities published in today’s Gannett Rochester Newspapers and extended thanks to persons who prepare and submit those items.
A. Mr. Wyse extended birthday wishes to Mr. Havens.
Mr. Havens noted that he has asked Tom Sousa, K-12 Advisor, Music, to develop guidelines for addressing seating and capacity/safety issues raised after the district-wide concerts during Music in Our Schools Week. Mr. Sousa and music staff will explore options and report their results to him.
(Teacher, Registered Professional Nurse, Teacher Aide, Monitor, Typist, Receptionist, Bus Driver, Food Service Helper)
Mr. Havens presented wage rates for tutors and substitute personnel for the 2002-2003 school year for review and consideration by the Board of Education.

He stated that he appreciates the request by trustees for comparison of the original proposal (cf: Pg. 8560, Minutes of March 13th) to wage rates of nearby districts as was done in the collective bargaining process. Mr. Atseff and Mr. Pearles obtained that data and prepared the worksheet presented for consideration this evening.
Mr. Havens noted that a minimal dollar amount is needed to accomplish these changes.
Mr. Wyse noted three job titles (i.e. receptionist, typist and teacher aide) where a difference of fifrty cents or more exists between the proposed substitute rate and the average rate reflected by the comparison. He proposed amending those rates to bring them more in line with the average rates as in the other job titles surveyed. He added that taking action now will eliminate need for revision in the future. He also noted the variance of the tutor rate from that of the average.
Mr. Atseff noted that the proposed substitute rates are proportionate to the starting wage rates for job titles as determined by collective bargaining agreements. He noted that the survey data of neighboring districts also reflects such data. .
Mr. Wyse stated he feels the starting rates in those job titles are still less than in other districts.
Mr. Griswold asked for clarification of the dollar amount of these suggested revisions.
(Mr. Anderson entered the meeting @ 8:15 p.m.)
Mr. Havens noted that the hourly rate for tutors was revised this past year and should relate to the daily rate paid to substitute teachers. He suggested not revising this rate at this time.
Mr. Griswold asked if the district is experiencing difficulty in obtaining substitutes for these job titles. Mr. Havens stated that the most difficulty in obtaining substitutes is for registered professional nurses, tutors and, at certain times of the year, school bus drivers.
Mr. Robusto asked if substitutes are eligible for any benefits. Mr. Havens stated that they are not and that the proposed substitute wage rates are less than starting rates for those positions in the current collective bargaining agreements.
Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION to adjust the substitute wage rates for 2002-2003 for the positions of teacher aide, typist and receptionist to the stated average rates on the worksheet presented by the superintendent of schools.

Mr. Griswold asked if these proposed revisions would have limited financial impact. Mr. Havens stated that was correct; Mr. Wyse stated that it places the rates at the average and is fair to substitute positions overall.
On the question, the vote was 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ratcliffe), Carried.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to establish rates for tutors & substitute personnel (teacher, registered professional nurse, teacher aide, monitor, typist, receptionist, bus driver, food service helper) for 2002-2003, as presented by the superintendent of schools and as amended, supra. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ratcliffe), Carried. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)


Mr. Havens asked the pleasure of trustees on distribution of school board meeting materials by electronic or duplicated methods.
During discussion, note was made that the electronic method used in the past few months does reduce the delays in delivery of materials that have and can occur with the postal service, especially those items delivered outside of Ontario post office. Overall, the use of electronic methods is more efficient and uses less paper and postage and allows ample time for trustees to review materials prior to meetings.
Some trustees have experienced difficulty, however, in accessing and printing some data in the electronic format and, at times, arrive at meetings without having the opportunity to obtain and review all meeting materials. It appears that the size and nature of items (e.g. text, data, columnar) effect the ability to read and print some documents. Some trustees have experienced problems with compatibility of their computer and printer equipment to access and print the materials.
Mrs. Brunner suggested use of duplicated, paper copies of meeting materials for the remainder of the current school year to allow time for review and remedy of electronic distribution methods.
Mr. Anderson stated that some duplication of effort occurs when trustees attempt to access and print materials and end up requesting a printed set by school personnel before, or at times, at the start of meetings.
Mr. Wyse noted that with the potential of large reductions in the proposed budget for 2002-2003, he favors electronic distribution methods. His research shows that the cost to produce and distribute agenda materials for trustees is appx. $1,800. for one year. He also suggested having technology staff members provide assistance or training for trustees.
Mrs. Lyke suggested duplicating and distributing some of the larger reports or items separately or at meetings while continuing with the electronic means for text and basic agenda items prior to meetings. Mr. Triou concurred, noting that he would stop at the district office to pick up any printed items if needed.
By consensus, trustees agreed to have agenda items duplicated and mailed for the remainder of the 2001-2002 school year and allow time to address issues related to electronic distribution in the future.

Mr. Havens complimented the efforts of building and district administrators for their team effort and a “job well done” to meet guidelines set by the school board for the tax levy increase in the proposed 2002-2003 school budget. He noted that they have considered many difficult decisions and have remained focused on the Comprehensive District Educational Plan (CDEP) and what is best for students. He believes that the Board of Education should be very proud of the administrative team.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting,at 8:36 p.m., for an executive session on personnel matters pertaining to specific persons. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson , Mr. Ratcliffe), Carried .
XI. RECONVENE:9:55 p.m.
Mr. Anderson asked about details for spring school pictures at Ontario Elementary School. Mr. Siracuse provided details.
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:57 p.m. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ratcliffe) Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
(Closing Motions by)
(Robert E. Pearles, Jr., Clerk Pro Tem)
School District Clerk

Att. 2


To:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Robert E. Pearles, Jr., Director of Human Resources
Re:  Personnel Action
Date:  April 10, 2002
The following is submitted for your review and approval.
Recommendation for tenure:
 Name      Tenure Area    Tenure Date
 Deborah Phalen    Teaching Assistant  6/6/02
 Amy Allen – English Teacher assigned to James A. Beneway High School, effective March 26, 2002. For personal reasons.
 Lisa Reid - English Teacher (.4FTE) assigned to James A. Beneway High School, effective March 25, 2002 and contingent upon her appointment to another position.
Casey Sheehan – Elementary Teacher assigned to Freewill Elementary School, effective June 30, 2002. For personal reasons.
Leave of Absence:
 Mary Kate Pilletteri – Art Teacher assigned to James A. Beneway High School, an unpaid leave of absence, effective July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003. To continue her study of art and education.
Lisa Reid – English Teacher assigned to James A. Beneway High School, a temporary appointment effective March 26, 2002 through June 30, 2002, at current salary. Replacement for Amy Allen.
Addendum to the Appointment of Coaches for the Spring 2002 Season:


Kim Baker Modified Track

Addendum to the Annual Appointment of Substitute Teachers:
Amanda Ashton    Tina Bebernitz    Heather Bundschuh    Clark Kaiser
Matt Marino      Brian Miller    Dick Verstringhe
 Debra L. Hosier – Teacher Aide assigned to James A. Beneway High School, effective June 30, 2002. For personal reasons.
 Janice Rowley – Bus Driver assigned to the Transportation Department, effective March 28, 2002. For personal reasons.
Donna Wilson – Monitor assigned to the Transportation Department, effective March 22, 2002. Accepted another position.
Leave of Absence:
 Janice Baxter – Teacher Aide assigned to Ontario Primary School, an unpaid FMLA leave of absence, effective March 27, 2002 through June 30, 2002. For medical reasons.
 Elaine Cantwell – Food Service Helper assigned to James A. Beneway High School, effective February 11, 2002, at $6.65/hour. Replacement for Patty Kirkpatric.k
 Mary Heltzel – Monitor assigned to the Transportation Department, a temporary Civil Service appointment contingent upon fingerprint clearance, effective March 21, 2002 through June 30, 2002 at $7.25/hour. Replacement forDonna Wilson.
Kim A. Kramer – Teacher Aide assigned to James A. Beneway High School, a temporary Civil Service appointment contingent upon fingerprint clearance, effective March 20, 2002 through June 30, 2002 at $7.25/hour. Replacement for Barbara Walsh.
  Cynthia Marines – Network System Support Aide assigned to the Technology Department, a permanent Civil Service appointment having served a successful probationary period, effective May 14, 2002, at current salary.
 Thomas Panchyshyn – Mechanic assigned to the Transportation Department, a permanent Civil Service appointment having served a successful probationary period, effective April 14, 2002, at current salary.

Att. 3  

CSE Recommendations to the Board of Education

 Date:  4/10/02

  The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
  following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.

  Student: #   4688   Grade && Year:   08 (01-02)
  School:   Wayne Central Middle School   Time of Services:   5 periods/week
  Classification:   ED
  Recommended Placement :   Resource Room for small group   Triennial Due:   2001/05
  instruction & full participation in general
  education.   Last Program:   504 Accommodation Plan

  Reason for Placement/Services:   Small group support for strategy developement.

  Other Placement/Services Considered, but Not Selected:   Consultant Teacher

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   None
  Occupational Therapy:   None
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   1X/week at 30 minutes
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   None

  Student: #   5263   Grade && Year:   08 (01-02)
  School:   Wayne Central Middle School   Time of Services:   60%+
  Classification:   OHI
  Recommended Placement :   Eagle Ventures, 8:1:1/structured class   Triennial Due:   2005/01
  to meet social/emotional needs.
  Last Program:   Consultant Teacher

  Reason for Placement/Services:   Alternative approach for social/emotional needs.

  Other Placement/Services Considered, but Not Selected:   Resource Room

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   None
  Occupational Therapy:   None
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   1X/week at 30 minutes, individual
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   None

  Student: #   7607   Grade && Year:   03 (01-02)
  School:   Ontario Elementary   Time of Services:   2 hours/week
  Classification:   LD/listening comp.
  Recommended Placement :   Consultant Teacher for academic   Triennial Due:   2003/12
  Last Program:   Resource Room for small group
  instruction & full participation in
  general education.
  Reason for Placement/Services:   Needs in class support / test modifications.

  Other Placement/Services Considered, but Not Selected:   Resource Room

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   90 minutes/week, small group (in & out of special ed)
  Occupational Therapy:   None
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   None
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   None

  Page 1 of 3

 CSE Recommendations to the Board of Education

 Date:  4/10/02

  The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
  following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.

  Student: #   7865   Grade && Year:   08 (01-02)
  School:   Wayne Central Middle School   Time of Services:   1 period/day
  Classification:   SI
  Recommended Placement :   Resource Room for small group   Triennial Due:   2003/06
  instruction & full participation in general
  education.   Last Program:   Consultant Teacher

  Reason for Placement/Services:   Small group support for strategy developement.

  Other Placement/Services Considered, but Not Selected:   Consultant Teacher

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   2X/week at 40 minutes (small group)
  Occupational Therapy:   None
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   1X/week at 40 minutes (group)
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   None

  Student: #   96940   Grade && Year:   03 (01-02)
  School:   Freewill Elementary   Time of Services:   2 hours/week
  Classification:   LD/math calculation
  Recommended Placement :   Consultant Teacher for academic   Triennial Due:   2005/01
  Last Program:   Regular Education

  Reason for Placement/Services:   Needs in class support / test modifications.

  Other Placement/Services Considered, but Not Selected:   Resource Room

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   1 hour/month Consult
  Occupational Therapy:   None
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   None
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   None

  Student: #   97618   Grade && Year:   02 (01-02)
  School:   Ontario Primary   Time of Services:   2 hours/week
  Classification:   OHI
  Recommended Placement :   Consultant Teacher for support in   Triennial Due:   2004/06
  Last Program:   Regular Education

  Reason for Placement/Services:   Needs in class support / test modifications.

  Other Placement/Services Considered, but Not Selected:   Resource Room

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   3X30 minutes/week, small group
  Occupational Therapy:   1X30 minutes/week, small group
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   None
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   None

  Page 2 of 3

 CSE Recommendations to the Board of Education

 Date:  4/10/02

  The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
  following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.

  Student: #   97713   Grade && Year:   04 (01-02)
  School:   Freewill Elementary   Time of Services:   2 hours/week
  Classification:   ED
  Recommended Placement :   Consultant Teacher for support in core   Triennial Due:   2005/01
  Last Program:   Regular Education

  Reason for Placement/Services:   Needs in class support / test modifications.

  Other Placement/Services Considered, but Not Selected:   Resource Room

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   None
  Occupational Therapy:   None
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   30 minutes/week, individual
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   None

Page 3 of 3

Att. 5

Ontario Center, New York


TO:    Board of Education
FROM:  Michael Havens

RE:    Consensus Agenda
DATE:  April 5, 2002
The following items are recommended for approval as presented in a Consensus Agenda:
1.   Award BOCES Bid
2.   Approve Health Contract – West Irondequoit Central School District
3.   Approve Health Contract – Canandaigua Central School District
4.   Approve Health Contract – Gates-Chili Central School District
5.   Accept Gift to District
6.   Approve Pouring Rights Resolutions
7.   Approve Staff Reduction Resolutions

Consensus Agenda #1

TO:      Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:   Gregory J. Atseff
         Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:    April 10, 2002
RE:      Operation & Maintenance Cleaning Supplies - BOCES Bid
In addition to our own local Operation & Maintenance Cleaning Supply Bid, we also participated in the BOCES Cooperative Bid. The lowest responsible bidders for items we requested are identified as follows:

Bid Total
Eastern Maintenance Supply
107 Norris Drive – Suite G
Rochester, NY 14610
Rochester Midland Corp
282 Hollenbeck St.
Rochester, NY 14621
Dobmier Janitor Supply Inc.
254 Englewood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14223



Consensus Agenda #2

TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  April 10, 2002
RE:  Health Service Contract - West Irondequoit
Attached is the contract for health services for Wayne students attending a private or parochial school in the West Irondequoit School District for the 2001-2002 school year.
The cost of the contract is:
(1) students @ $280.29 = $280.29
The attendance officer has verified the students listed on the health service contract.


 Be it resolved, that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves the contract for health services with the West Irondequoit School District for the 2001-2002 school year, and hereby authorizes the Superintendent of Schools, Board President, and District Clerk to execute the contract.

Consensus Agenda #3

TO:  Michael Havens
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  April 10, 2002
RE:  Health Service Contract - Canandaigua City School District
Attached is the contract for health services for Wayne students attending a private or parochial school in the Canandaigua City School District for the 2001-2002 school year.
The cost of the contract is:
2 students @ $ 275.00 = $550.00
The attendance office has verified the students listed on the health service contract.


 Be it resolved, that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves the contract for health services with the Canandaigua City School District for the 2001-2002 school year, and hereby authorizes the Board President, Superintendent, and District Clerk to execute the contract.


Consensus Agenda #4

TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  April 10, 2002
RE:  Health Service Contract - Gates Chili Central School District
Attached is the contract for health services for Wayne students attending a private or parochial school in the Gates Chili Central School District for the 2001-2002 school year.
The cost of the contract is:
1 student @ $326.53 = $326.53
The attendance office has verified the student(s) listed on the health service contract.


 Be it resolved, that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves the contract for health services with the Gates Chili Central School District for the 2001-2002 school year, and hereby authorizes the Board President, Superintendent of Schools, and District Clerk to execute the contract.

Consensus Agenda #5

TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  April 10, 2002
RE:  Gifts to the District
Recommend that the Board of Education, at their regular business meeting to be held on Wednesday, April 10, 2002, accept the following gifts:
1.   A gift of $625.45 from the Genesee Valley Developmental Learning Group Literacy Grant to be used to purchase books for the Ontario Primary School. This gift resulted from a Grant application made by Marlena Dietrich.
2.   Gifts totaling $2,985.00 from the OE/OP PTA for:
a.   A Young Audience Performance
b.   RMSC Adventure Zone, Explorazone, Planetarium Movie – Caves for the 5th grade,
c.   A 4th Grade Field Trip to the Erie Canal
d.   A Martial Arts Instruction and Demonstration for the students at OE
e.   The Rochester Philharmonic Tiny Tots Concert at Wayne for Grades K, 1, and 2
c:  Lee Stramonine
   Helen Jensen    
    Bob LaRuche, Ontario Primary Principal
    Joe Siracuse, Ontario Elementary Principal


Consensus Agenda #6

TO:    Board of Education
FROM:  Michael Havens
RE:    Pouring Rights
DATE:  April 10, 2002
I recommend you approve the following resolution authorizing me to enter into a ten-year agreement with the Coca-Cola Bottling Company.


IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to enter the school district into a pouring rights agreement with the Rochester Coca-Cola Bottling Corporation.


Consensus Agenda #7

To:  Board of Education
From:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
Robert E. Pearles, Jr., Director of Human Resources
Re:  2002-2003 Budgetary Staff Reductions
Date:  April 10, 2002
We recommend that the Board of Education, at their regular business meeting to be held on Wednesday, April 10, 2002, accept the following staff reductions for the 2002-2003 school district budget as adopted.


RESOLVED : that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District for reasons of economy and efficiency hereby abolishes five (5) positions in the civil service classification of teacher aide, one (1) position in the civil service classification of maintenance person and one (1) position in the civil service classification of receptionist; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:   that the services of   Elise Cantwell, Dianne Provo, Eve Galek, Lizabeth Seitz   and Julie Crandall who are the least senior teacher aides, Kevin Halstead who is the least senior maintenance person and Shirley Bauer who is the least senior receptionist, in the title be discontinued effective June 30, 2002; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:   that Elise Cantwell, Dianne Provo, Eve Galek, Lizabeth Seitz   and Julie Crandall shall be placed on the preferred list of eligibles for recall to a similar position, Kevin Halstead shall be placed on the preferred list of eligibles for recall to a similar position, and Shirley Bauer shall be placed on the preferred list of eligibles for recall to a similar position, in accordance with the provisions of Section 80 of the Civil Service Law.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:   that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District for reasons of economy and efficiency hereby reduces the position of School District Clerk/Communications Director to School District Clerk; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:   that the services of James Switzer be reduced effective June 30, 2002.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District for reasons of economy and efficiency hereby abolishes one (1) position in the tenure area of Business; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED :  that the services of Jeannine Nowak who is least senior teacher in the tenure area be involuntarily decreased to a .5 FTE effective June 30, 2002; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that Jeannine Nowak shall be placed on the preferred list of eligibles for recall to a similar position in accordance with the provisions of Section 2510 (3) of the Education Law.

Att. 6


4000   District Mission Statement
4300   Curriculum Content
4311.1-R  Display of the American Flag Regulation
4322   Enrichment Program
4327-R  Home Bound Instruction Regulation
4331   Summer Schools
4720  District Programs

Back to top

April 10, 2002

Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee        4000  
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]        Page 1 of 2
Presented for First Reading, April 10, 2002


Based upon the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child physically, socially, emotionally  and culturally.

COMMENCEMENT [GOALS] OUTCOMES ● Adult Roles, Skills & Knowledge

[Wayne Central graduates will ...
1.  be effective communicators  3.be self-reliant individuals  5.possess daily living and general career skills]
2.  act as responsible citizens  4.be complex thinkers]
A citizen is a responsible, law-abiding member of society who:
● Has a strong sense of values;
● Knows right from wrong;
● Is aware of community news, issues and norms;
● Accepts diversity in ethnicity and belief;
● Has knowledge of government at all levels and issues relative to each;
● Associates with others in positive and productive ways.
A life-long learner is one who perseveres, is self-motivated, is innately curious, focused and:
● Is able to set goals;
● Adheres to deadlines/due-dates, has time management skills and abilities;
● Is a problem solver, can define problems, analyze information and task analyze/prioritize potential solutions
● Has the ability to select the best "tool/strategy" for the situation, and can enlist others in the process of evaluation and refocusing.
A leader is a problem solver with effective communication skills. S/he has an ability to motivate others and:
● Is a strong willed person with vision, beliefs and convictions to carry out each.
● Is able to recognize and effectively use all resources, such as material, time and human
● Is responsible and accountable for self and others.
A worker/wage earner is an individual who is trust worthy, moral and ethical, and who:
● Possesses basic job skills with a willingness to change, grow and develop new skills;
● Is a good communicator;
● Demonstrates leadership skills and initiative and the ability to work as a team player;
● Is responsible, reliable and respectful to others;
● Has the ability to make sound decisions.          (continued)

Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee        4000  
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]        Page 2 of 2
Presented for First Reading, April 10, 2002


A consumer is an individual who has knowledge of the global economy and:
● Utilizes and applies budgeting skills and credit awareness;
●Maintains long-terms personal financial planning (savings, banking, retirement);
●Understand one's rights, responsibilities and risks.
A counselor/teacher/mentor is an individual who is patient, self-confident, assertive leader who:
●Is a problem solver and can guide others to solve problems;
● Is an active listener;
● Is aware of issues, societal, family, religious differences and different customs;
● Has interpersonal skills and values others opinions.
A parent/family member is an individual who:
● Is nurturing and loving;
● Displays flexibility;
● Has high character and morals;
● Is accountable and consistent with respect to expectations and follow through;
● Becomes actively involved in their children and family's education and other pursuits.
A friend is an individual who shows great interest and respect for others, and who:
● Is non-judgmental and available when a time of need arises;
● Is unselfish, honest, supportive, caring and genuine;
● Is an open-minded listener who seeks to understand before being understood;
● Give him/herself to other without expectations of compensation or return of favor.


Cross-Reference: Policy 0210, Goals for Instructional Program

Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997        WAYNE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT
 Revised: April ….. 2002

Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee        4300
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]        Page l of 3
Presented for First Reading, April 10, 2002




The Board of Education believes that the content of the instructional curriculum in the district should be designed to prepare students to be productive workers and members of society as well as qualified to pursue further education if they so desire. The curriculum should be consistent with state requirements as well as community values. Broad instructional goals should be constant throughout the grades, with variety in learning objectives at each grade level.


Besides the locally-developed Commencement Outcomes, the [board] Board of Education supports the following [state] NYS Learning Standards as the basis for the curriculum in the district:
*   Understanding of the history of the United States and New York State
*   Understanding of the history of the world
*   Understanding of local, national and global geography
*   Understanding of the major concepts of economics and economic systems
*   Understanding of civics, citizenship, and government, including avenues of participation
*   Use of mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry and engineering design to pose questions and solve problems
*   Access to and management of information using appropriate technologies
*   Understanding and application of mathematics in real-world settings and solving problems through number systems and processes
*   Understanding and application of scientific concepts and principles in physical and living environments
*   Application of technological knowledge and skills to solve problems related to human and environmental needs
*   Understanding of connections among mathematics, science, and technology
*   Application of skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address real-life
 problems and make informed decisions
Use of reading, writing, speaking, and listening for
*   information and understanding
*   literary response and expression
*   critical analysis and evaluation
*   social interaction
*   Use of a language other than English for communication
*   Development of cross-cultural skills and understandings
*   Creation, performance, and participation in the arts
*   Knowledge and use of arts materials and resources
*   Response to and analysis of works of art
*   Understanding of the cultural contributions of the arts
*   Knowledge of career options and requirements
*   Application of academic knowledge and skills in workplace settings
*   Competence in the basic skills necessary for success in work
*   Acquisition of career-specific skills for those in career majors
*   Establishment and maintenance of physical fitness and personal health
*     Creation and maintenance of a safe and healthy environment
*     Management of personal and community resources]

Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee        4300
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]      Page 2 of 3
Presented for First Reading, April 10, 2002

1.  Personal Health and Fitness - Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health.
2.  A Safe and Healthy Environment - Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment
3.  Resource Management - Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.
1.  Analysis, Inquiry, and Design - Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions.
2.  Information Systems - Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies
3.  Mathematics - Students will understand mathematics and become mathematically confident by communicating and reasoning mathematically, by applying mathematics in real-world settings, and by solving problems through the integrated study of number systems, geometry, algebra, data analysis, probability, and trigonometry.
4.  Science - Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.
5.  Technology - Students will apply technological knowledge and skills to design, construct, use, and evaluate products and systems to satisfy human and environmental needs.
6.  Interconnectedness: Common Themes - Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.
7.  Interdisciplinary Problem Solving - Students will apply the knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address real-life problems and make informed decisions.
1.  Students will listen, speak, read and write for information and understanding - As listeners and readers, students will collect data, facts and ideas; discover relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and electronically produced texts. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language to acquire, interpret, apply, and transmit information.
2.  Language for Literary Response and Expression - Students will read and listen to oral, written, and electronically produced texts and performances from American and world literature; relate texts and performances to their own lives; and develop an understanding of the diverse social, historical, and cultural dimensions the texts and performances represent. As speakers and writers, students will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language for self-expression and artistic creation.
3.  Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation - Students will listen, speak, read and write for critical analysis and evaluation. As listeners and readers, students will analyze experiences, ideas, information, and issues presented by others using a variety of established criteria. As speaker and writers, they will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language to present, from a variety of perspectives, their opinions and judgements on experiences, ideas, information and issues.
4.  Language for Social Interaction - Students will listen, speak, read, and write for social interaction. Students will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language for effective social communication with a wide variety of people. As reader and listeners, they will use the social communications of others to enrich their understanding of people and their views.
1.   Communication Skills - Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication.
2.  Cultural Understanding - Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understandings.

Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee        4300
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]       Page 3 of 3
Presented for First Reading, April 10, 2002

1.  Creating, Performing, and Participating in the Arts - Students will actively engage in the processes that constitute creation and performance in the arts (dance, mucus, theatre, and visual arts) and participate in various roles in the arts.
2.  Knowing and Using arts materials and Resources - Students will be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and resources available for participation in the arts in various roles.
3.  Responding to and Analyzing Works of Art - Students will respond critically to a variety of works in the arts, connecting the individual work to other works and to other aspects of human endeavor and thought.
4.  Understanding the Cultural Contributions of the Arts - Students will develop an understanding of the personal and cultural forces that shape artistic communication and how the arts in turn shape the diverse cultures of past and present society.
1.  Career Development - Students will be knowledgeable about the world of work, explore career options, and relate personal skills, aptitudes, and abilities to future career decisions.
2.  Integrated Learning - Students will demonstrate how academic knowledge and skills are applied in the workplace and other settings.
3.  Universal Foundation Skills - Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for success in the workplace.
4.  Career Majors - Students who choose a career major will acquire the career-specific technical knowledge/skills necessary to progress toward gainful employment, career advancement, and success in post-secondary programs.
1.  History of the United State and New York - Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York.
2.  World History - Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.
3.  Geography - Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live - local, national and global - including the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earth’s surface.
4.  Economics - Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of how the United States and other societies develop economic systems and associated institutions to allocate scarce resources, how major decision-making units function in the United States and other national economies, and how an economy solves the scarcity problem through market and nonmarket mechanisms.
5.  Civics, Citizenship, and Government - Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the United States Constitution; the basic civil values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship including avenues of participation.

Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997        Wayne Central School District
 Revised: April …, 2002


Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee      
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]
Presented for First Reading, April 10, 2002

Back to top


Flags Displayed Out-of-Doors and on Movable Hoists Indoors

A United States Flag shall be displayed in front of every school building in the district every day that school is in session and at such other times as the Superintendent of Schools shall direct. Unless otherwise stated, the flags shall be flown at full-staff. The flags may also be displayed at night upon special occasions, at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools, when it is desired to produce a patriotic effect.
In addition to days when school is in session, the flags will be displayed on the following days: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Lincoln’s Birthday, Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Flag Day, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Pearl Harbor Day and Christmas Day. If any of these days (except Flag Day) falls on a Sunday, the flag shall be displayed on the next day. In addition, the flag shall be displayed on each general election day and each day appointed by the President of the United States or by the Governor of New York as a day of general thanksgiving or for displaying the flag.
Flags shall be flown at half-staff on Pearl Harbor Day, on days commemorating the death of a personage of great importance, and on days designated by the President or the Governor.

The flag will not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement. Appropriate lighting will be provided during periods when the flag remains on display during hours of darkness.

Hoisting of the Flag

The flag shall be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously.

[In half staffing the flag] When the flag is hoisted to half-staff, it first should be hoisted to the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-staff position. The flag shall be again raised to the peak before it is lowered for the day. The flag shall never be put at half-mast in the middle of the day. It must be put at half mast in the morning only.
Indoor Flags and Those Not on Movable Hoists
There shall be a United States flag in each assembly room of every school in the district. It is the duty of the teacher or other person in charge of each assembly room to ensure that the flag in the room is displayed from a staff standing at the audience's right as they face the stage. If the flag is placed on the platform, it should stand at the right of the speaker as he/she faces the audience and at the audience's left as they face the stage.
Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997        WAYNE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT
 Revised: April …, 2002

Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee      4322
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]
Presented for First Reading, April 10, 2002      

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The Board of Education believes that enrichment programs [traditionally viewed for the gifted and talented student] greatly benefit the entire school program and encourages programs that provide enrichment opportunities for all students. The Board of Education also encourages educational programs that challenge and promote the realization of individual potential in all students.
Further, the Board of Education recognizes that the allocation of resources toward appropriate enrichment programs [for students identified as gifted and talented] is necessary and must be done in a way that is educationally sound as well as cost-effective.
Consistent with district efforts to develop a continuum of learning experiences which address the special gifts and talents of students, the superintendent of schools, with input from appropriate school personnel, will develop a plan for enrichment programs [education of gifted and talented students]
The superintendent of schools will submit a status report to the Board of Education, on an annual basis, which will include:
(1)   the criteria for student participation in programs,
(2)   the status of ongoing programs,
(3)   recommendations for new programs
(4)   the identification and allocation of resources for all on-going and recommended programs
(5)   provisions for staff development to promote effective implementation of programs, and
(6)   provisions for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of students and programs
The Board of Education recognizes the value of community support for program success and encourages the use of community resources for special programs and periodic reporting of activities through the district newsletter.

  REVISED: April …, 2002        Ontario Center, New York l4520

Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee      4322
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]
Presented for First Reading, April 10, 2002      

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The Board of Education believes that enrichment programs [traditionally viewed for the gifted and talented student] greatly benefit the entire school program and encourages programs that provide enrichment opportunities for all students. The Board of Education also encourages educational programs that challenge and promote the realization of individual potential in all students.
Further, the Board of Education recognizes that the allocation of resources toward appropriate enrichment programs [for students identified as gifted and talented] is necessary and must be done in a way that is educationally sound as well as cost-effective.
Consistent with district efforts to develop a continuum of learning experiences which address the special gifts and talents of students, the superintendent of schools, with input from appropriate school personnel, will develop a plan for enrichment programs [education of gifted and talented students]
The superintendent of schools will submit a status report to the Board of Education, on an annual basis, which will include:
(7)   the criteria for student participation in programs,
(8)   the status of ongoing programs,
(9)   recommendations for new programs
(10)   the identification and allocation of resources for all on-going and recommended programs
(11)   provisions for staff development to promote effective implementation of programs, and
(12)   provisions for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of students and programs
The Board of Education recognizes the value of community support for program success and encourages the use of community resources for special programs and periodic reporting of activities through the district newsletter.

  REVISED: April …, 2002        Ontario Center, New York l4520

Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee      4327R
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]
Presented for First Reading, April 10, 2002      


1.   A written request for homebound instruction may be submitted to the building principal by the student’s family physician, the School Physician, [Director of Pupil Personnel Services], Director of Student Services or the Superintendent of Schools. The request will include the reason for the request and the expected duration for homebound instruction. The decision to provide homebound instruction rests with the district administration.
2.   The building principal is responsible for the following:
a)   assignment of a homebound instructor
b)   coordinating the homebound instructional program with classroom instruction
c)   ensuring the service begins in a timely manner
d)   ensuring all classroom assignments, materials, tests and other assessments are available to the homebound instructor
e)   sending report cards to the parents/guardians of students receiving homebound instruction
3.   The homebound instructor is responsible for the following:
a)   picking up all pertinent books, materials, and tests and assessments at the school office, and return all completed work to classroom teachers
b)   discussing the student’s progress and grading with the classroom teacher, who is responsible for assigning quarter and final grades, as well as recommending the student’s placement for the subsequent year
c)   submitting time cards on a weekly basis to the building principal, with a copy to the school nurse to serve as a record for student attendance purposes
d)   coordinating time of instruction with the parent or guardian of the student
e)   returning all instructional materials to the principal
f)   completing a report summarizing student progress in each subject/course
4.   For those students who are receiving homebound instruction services due to psychological problems, the [Director of Pupil Personnel Services] Director of Student Services will periodically investigate the need for continued services. A similar procedure will be followed by the School Physician for those students receiving such services due to medical reasons.
5.   Elementary students are to receive a minimum of one (1) hour of instruction per school day. Secondary students are to receive a minimum of two (2) hours of instruction school per day. Homebound instruction will not be provided during summer school.
6.   A parent or guardian must be present if homebound instruction is to be conducted in the home of the student.
7.   If travel outside of the district is necessary, the district will reimburse the teacher at the rate approved by the Board of Education. Such travel shall not exceed a one-way distance of 35 road miles by most direct route from the district office.

Regulation Approved:  2/11/98        WAYNE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT
     Revised:  April …, 2002

Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee      4331
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]

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Presented for First Reading, April 10, 2002



The Board of Education may operate and/or participate in a summer school program, under the administration of the Superintendent of Schools or designee. The summer school program may be designed to meet the needs of the students in remedial course work, extra credit and enrichment courses.

Included in this policy is district participation in a summer school program (.end here) [operated by a consortium of Wayne County Schools]

Ref:  Education Law §§3602; 4402 et seq.
8 NYCRR §§110 et. seq.; 200.1(jj)(kk)(ll); 200.4(c)(2),(d); 200.5(b); 200.6(j); 200.8
Matter of Kovalsky, 33 EDR 352 (1993)
Matter of Hannahs, 21 EDR 706 (1982)
Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997  WAYNE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT
 Revised: April …, 2002

Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee      4720
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]
Presented for First Reading, April 10, 2002


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The Board of Education believes that testing programs can provide a meaningful source of information about curriculum and overall student achievement.
In addition to the subject matter examinations given by the classroom teachers, the school district will administer standardized tests that measure achievement, ability, interests and vocational aptitudes.
The school district will establish and maintain a standardized basic testing program that can be used, communicated and interpreted by school personnel. Information will be disseminated to parents as appropriate and in accordance with law.
Testing results will be provided:

1.   as an assessment of the educational program of district curriculum. Student results will be reported in tested areas from year to year,

2.   in reports to the Board of Education (School Report Cards)
  [Comprehensive Assessment Report],
3.   as data for use by guidance counselor in an effort to promote student growth.

The district-testing program shall include those tests required by state law.
Ref:      8 NYCRR §§100.3(b)2; 100.4(d)1;100.5(a)4; 100.5(b)5; 100.5(c)5
Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997  WAYNE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT
Revised: :April …, 2002

Diane Beluke

Diane Beluke
Check to see who has to sign the contract. May need to add superintendent and delete others.

Diane Beluke
Check to see who has to sign the contract. May need to add superintendent and delete others.


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