1. | Board Goal: I’ve listed below a draft charge to me (from you) on the Board goal of developing a plan for implementing elementary foreign language. Please review it and suggest any modifications. We will discuss it at our next Board meeting. |
1. | Program organization: Present at least two structures for delivering the program. Develop each structure in sufficient detail to make decisions about the other listed components. | |
2. | Research: Include published research as well as visits to benchmarking districts. Answers to questions in each of the other components may be at least partially answered through this research. | |
3. | Timeline: Begin with the acceptance of the plan and extend through the first classes’ high school career. | |
4. | Costs: Set up, implementation and sustaining expenses should be outlined. Include any savings that may be realized in other programs. | |
5. | Implications: Every change has positive and negative consequences. Apparent and unintended financial, educational and political consequences should be explored. | |
6. | Staffing: Discuss how much will be needed and how the staff will be organized over time. Also include the probable effect on other staff. | |
7. | Long term instructional changes: Consider what happens when these students reach middle school and high school. Include changes that will be necessary and possible in order for students to continue their studies. |
2. | March 21 Legislative Breakfast: Last night Joyce encouraged you to attend this breakfast. If you call Lori (524-1001) she can register you. It would be nice to have a good turn out for this event. |
3. | Eduspeak: Last night, at the Board meeting, I heard the following terms; differentiated instruction, ELA, performance benchmarks, GAPP, Pedagogy, learning stations, co-teach, ESL (pronounced ess.il), reading camp, Powerschool, RTI, Bridge program, electronic management system, unencumbered and accrued. Some terms may be quite familiar to you. Others are probably a puzzle. I even get confused with some. I’ve decided to put together a little dictionary of these terms, some of which are Wayne specific, to help with presentations. If you hear a strange term during one of the next few meetings, send me an email and I’ll include it. |
4. | Ginna Drill: We held our annual Ginna drill this morning. Evacuation times for each building are listed below. We measure evacuation times from when I say to Lori, “this is a Ginna drill”, through notifying buildings, calling bus drivers in, and loading buses to the time we receive a call from the building that it is all clear. We believe these were our best times ever district wide, and one of our smoothest overall. |
5. Second Quarter: We have the second quarter numbers for the honor roll. Just under 50% (49.94 %) of our students made the honor roll (high honor, honor or merit). Of that, 6.39% made the high honor roll, 23.34% made honor roll and 20.21% made the merit roll. I am attaching the breakdowns. As you heard last night our Freshman class is our highest achieving class, which I think we can attribute to the value of the Freshman Academy structure. |
6. | Next week’s Letter: I will be away next week, visiting the Carolinas so there will not be a Board letter. I will have my cell phone with me in case you need to get a hold of me. |
7. | NYSSBA Annual Convention: I have received the notification on the Annual Convention. It is again being held in NYC. The date is October 16-17, 2009. I am sharing the date early in case anyone wishes to plan ahead |
8. | Daytona 500: A former Wayne Central student and United States Marine Corp. member Derrick Ciani will again this year be holding the American flag on the in-field for the pre-race ceremonies at the Daytona 500 representing the United States Marine Corp. We are not sure if he will appear on TV, but for those interested, if you are watching I thought you could keep an eye out for him. He is currently stationed in Georgia, and will soon be deployed overseas. |
9. | Upcoming Events: |
10. | Attachments: |