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Question rose as to why some districts are changing from Novell to Microsoft.
| At this time Microsoft is growing faster than Novell. |
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Districts have virus protection for their technology, but need to be looking at spyware
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| and malware. Currently EduTech is reviewing three products to protect for spyware |
| and malware. Microsoft has a free product called Microsoft Security Essentials that looks to be promising |
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Need to keep track of operating system lifecycle and EduTech can help you with that.
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Maintaining brand integrity helps with the flow of your network.
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Don’t forget about the wires in the wall. Especially with older buildings in school
| districts. Wire does age. EduTech would be willing to come in and work with technology coordinators. |
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With the cost of laptops coming down, the question was raised whether EduTech and
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| school districts would look at student owned computers being used in the school setting. |
| Could this have budget ramifications for school districts? This is a district policy issue. Discussion needs to take place because constituents will start asking for it. Geneseo |
| already has student owned laptops on their network through the acceptable use policy. |
| Will need requirements and restrictions on the machine. |
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