1. Rendering
    2. Linear Perspective
    3. Tile Making
    4. Landscape
    5. Robot Animal Brochures

Studio Art Fall 2009

 Welcome to Studio Art! This is a class for all students who are interested in learning about and experimenting with all kinds of art. Don’t worry if you don’t feel like you are the best artist in the world. Everyone can do well in this class as long as they are cooperative, respectful, inquisitive and interested in learning. We will be working in pencil, colored pencil, pen, marker, paint and lots of other media. The projects are structured to teach you the basics then build on those skills to create a more involved piece of art work. Sometimes we work alone, and sometimes we work in groups. The room is open every day except Wednesday for interested students to come in and work. The room is also open during lunch time if students need to catch up on a project.
 We also learn vocabulary and art history during class so there may be some tests. Most of the grade is based on participation and project work. Listed below are some of the projects we will be doing this semester.


Students will draw three simple shapes, cone, sphere and cylinder and render them using several different media. They will be asked to use pastel or charcoal, ball point pen, and pencil. (pg 221) We will discuss value, texture and form.

Linear Perspective

Students will review the basics of linear perspective and do exercises to show proficiency in one and two point perspective.

Tile Making
For the fall exhibition, every artist will be making a tile. These tiles will eventually be installed in the courtyard outside the foyer. The requirements are as follows:    

 - The tiles will be made from clay and be rolled out to be 6” X 6”.
 - The tiles will be high fired and students will paint the images on them using      acrylic paint.
 - Tiles will be sealed using polyurethane.
 - Subject matter should be one of the following: local history, flora, fauna, sports,    crops, activities, landmarks, historical figures. The idea is to have our community  reflected somehow in the tiles that decorate our courtyard. The imagery should be  simple and design like.
 - All tiles are to be made for a walkway for a courtyard.


 All students will do some observational landscape drawing. We will be working in a variety of media.

Robot Animal Brochures

 All students will create brochures that advertise robot animals that can be used for imaginary purposes.

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