2000 3210



The basic principles of Administrative Organization and Operation are:

a) The Board of Cooperative Educational Services shall formulate and legislate educational policy.

b) Administrative regulations shall be developed by the District Superintendent or his/her designee in cooperation with affected or interested staff members or lay persons.

c) The central office staff shall provide overall leadership and assistance in planning and research.

d) A reasonable limit shall be placed upon the number of persons with whom an administrator shall be expected to work effectively.

e) Areas of responsibility for each individual shall be clearly defined.

f) There shall be full opportunity for complete freedom of communication between all levels in the BOCES staff.


2000 3220



The Board authorizes the District Superintendent to establish such permanent or temporary councils, cabinets, and committees as are necessary for proper administration of Board policies and for the improvement of the total BOCES program.

All councils, cabinets, and committees created by the District Superintendent shall be for the purpose of obtaining to a maximum degree the advice and counsel of administrative, supervisory and other personnel and to aid in communication. Functioning in an advisory capacity, such groups may make recommendations for submission to the Board through the District Superintendent. Such groups shall exercise no inherent authority. Authority for establishing policy remains with the Board and authority for implementing policy remains with the District Superintendent.

The membership, composition, and responsibilities of administrative councils, cabinets, and committees shall be defined by the District Superintendent and may be changed at his/her discretion.

NOTE: Refer also to Policies #3221-3222.


2000 3221



The District Superintendent may establish a Chief School Administrators’ Council to provide a means for appropriate and necessary communication to occur between and among the BOCES and the component school districts.

This council may be used to ascertain needs of school districts, discuss proposals for meeting such needs, provide information concerning legal requirements of school districts and other topics deemed appropriate by the District Superintendent.

It is the intent of this council to maintain and develop close cooperation among and between component school districts and to facilitate the communication process within the BOCES area.

Membership in the Chief School Administrators’ Council is limited to the officially appointed Chief School Administrators of the component school districts who shall meet at such times and places as designated by the District Superintendent of Schools.

Other personnel of the component school districts and BOCES may be requested to attend regularly or at specific meetings by the District Superintendent of Schools to facilitate the matters under consideration.


2000 3222



A Cabinet may be established by the District Superintendent of Schools to facilitate the administrative, instructional and organizational phases of the BOCES.

It shall meet at such times and places as determined by the District Superintendent.

Membership in the Cabinet shall be composed of those persons appointed by the District Superintendent of Schools and shall include those with whom the District Superintendent wishes to regularly consult on BOCES’ matters and who have major administrative responsibilities for BOCES services and programs.