2000 1510



The business of the Board of Cooperative Educational Services shall be conducted in accordance with the authoritative principles of parliamentary procedure as found in the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order.

Commissioner's Decision Numbers8018 and 8873

General Construction Law Section 41


2000 1520




The Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services feels that reaching out to increase our knowledge and to interact with colleagues from other districts is an opportunity and a responsibility that is extremely valuable. The board expects its board members to attend various conferences and inservice training sessions locally, statewide and nationally.

  1. Members of the Board may attend the Annual Meeting, conferences and workshops of the New York State School Boards Association, the Annual Statewide Meeting of the BOCES Boards, GVSBI meetings, Rural Schools, and Four County School Boards Association and other New York State based conferences. Attendance at other meetings will be determined by the Board.
  2. A total of six Board members may attend the national meeting of the National School Boards Association, American Association of School Administrators, American Association of Educational Service Agencies or other appropriate national conferences. Approval of attendees will be by Board resolution.
  3. Approved expenses will be reimbursed as follows:

    1. Actual lodging costs(receipt required)
    2. Air coach fare, bus fare, or railroad coach fare (receipt required)
    3. Mileage as authorized under P373
    4. Conference registration fees (receipt required)
    5. Tools, taxi fares, local bus fares, parking fees (receipt required)
    6. Meals (receipt required)

  1. Exceptions to the above may be made by official Board action which must occur prior to the conference or event.
  2. Board members who attend statewide and/or national meetings will give an oral report to board members at their next regularly scheduled meeting and will submit a completed conference report form to the Board Clerk.

General Municipal Law Section 77-b and 77-c

Education Law Section 2118


2000 1530




Membership in the following associations or organizations may be maintained annually:

  1. New York State School Boards Association;
  2. Four County School Boards Association;
  3. National School Boards Association.

The Board may maintain membership in these organizations as authorized under Section 77-b of the General Municipal Law. Membership in other organizations may be approved.

Membership in School Boards Associations

The Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services believes that an effective school board invests in the education and development of its members

Memberships in school boards associations provide boards of education with a significant amount of assistance and practical information in regard to various matters affecting school boards, including school management, educational trends, and pending legislation. These memberships also offer school board members opportunities to exchange information, solve common problems, and pool resources for mutual exchange.

The Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services shall take advantage of the opportunities available through membership in local, regional, state and national school boards associations and participate as fully as possible in their activities.

Comptroller’s Opinion 81-255


2000 1540



The Board shall review the effectiveness of its internal operations at least once annually.

The Superintendent and others who work regularly with the Board may be asked to participate in this review and to suggest ways by which the Board can improve its functioning as a legislative body.


2000 1550



The Board and its staff shall assist each new member-elect to understand the Board's functions, policies and procedures before he/she takes office, by the following methods:

  1. The electee shall be given selected material on the job of being part of the Board, which material is supplied by the New York State School Boards Association, the National School Boards Association, and/or other professional organizations.
  2. The electee shall be sent agendas and invited to attend Board meetings in May and June.
  3. The Clerk shall supply material pertinent to meetings.
  4. The electee shall be invited to meet with the District Superintendent and other administrative personnel to discuss services they perform for the Board.
  5. A copy of the Board’s policies and by-laws shall be given each electee by the Clerk.
  6. The opportunity shall be provided for new Board members to attend orientation programs.
  7. The District Superintendent will arrange for briefing the new member on programs and procedures by various administrative staff.
  8. A special meeting or time at a regular meeting will be set by the Board for its own orientation of the new member.


2000 1560



Remuneration and Reimbursement

Each Board member serves the public in a trustee relationship, is elected by the component Board members, and serves without pay.

Each Board member is entitled to be reimbursed for all necessary expenses incurred in the official performance of his/her duties.

Travel Expenses and Travel Compensation

Members of the Board, approved for travel by Board action, shall be reimbursed for all necessary expenses incurred while on business for BOCES. If travel approval by the Board is not possible due to time constraints, the Board President or his/her designee shall be authorized to grant approval.

Requests for reimbursement must be submitted following the Board member’s return and must be accompanied by appropriate receipts. Sales tax exemption certificates should be used when appropriate within New York State.

Expenses to be reimbursed shall include but not be limited to travel and related expenses for BOCES purposes including, but not limited to, attendance at Board meetings, conferences and meetings approved by the Board; parking; tolls; mileage at the BOCES approved rate for the use of one’s private vehicle in traveling on official BOCES business; car rental; cab, bus, rail and/or air transportation; actual cost of meals; actual cost of lodging; and other necessary expenses which are proper in the performance of a member's official duties.

NOTE: Refer also to Policy #1520 -- Attendance by Board Members at Conferences, Conventions and Workshops.


2000 1570




The President of the Board, with the consent of the Board, may appoint committees of the Board to study and report to the Board on any matter. The President shall serve as an ex-officio member of all Board committees. All committee appointments shall expire June 30th of each year.

The charge to each committee, purpose and/or function shall be specified at the time of its creation.


2000 1571




The Board of Education may appoint committees to serve as advisory bodies. These committees shall be temporary and shall be dissolved upon the accomplishment of the purpose for which they were established. The charge to each advisory committee shall be specified at the time of its creation.

The Board delegates the appointment of committee members to the District Superintendent. The District Superintendent in turn annually provides the Board with a list of appointees.

Career Education Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee for Career Education in New York is required by Education Law and the Commissioner’s Regulations. It shall be the duty of such Advisory Committee for Career Education to advise the Board of Cooperative Educational Services on the development of and policy matters arising in the administration of career education, including the preparation of long range and annual program plans submitted to the Commissioner of Education, and to assist with an annual evaluation of career educational programs, services and activities provided by the school district or the Board of Cooperative Educational services.

The chairperson shall be recommended by the District Superintendent and appointed by the Board for a one year term.

Consultant committees for occupations may be appointed by the Advisory Committee. These committees assist in planning, development of new programs, and the evaluation and revision of existing programs.

Education Law Section 4601

8 New York Code of Rules and Regulations

(NYCRR) Section 141.1

Special Education Advisory Committee

The Special Education Advisory Committee shall consist of a representative group of individuals from various organizational levels in the BOCES component districts and community agencies. The primary purpose of this committee shall be to advise in the areas of curriculum and instruction for children with disabilities.

The chairperson shall be recommended by the District Superintendent and appointed by the Board for a one year term.

The following functions are recognized to be within the purview of the Special Education Advisory Committee:

  1. Providing advisory services in determining objectives and broad policies;
  2. Developing and proposing long-term goals;
  3. Assisting in program evaluation;
  4. Obtaining community and financial support;
  5. Soliciting support from community organizations and industries.

Consultants may be invited to assist the Committee when it is deemed necessary. These persons will meet with the Committee to give their opinion or to provide specific information. Payment for these services, if required, will be approved in advance by the BOCES administration.

Safety Committee

A Safety Committee shall make recommendations to the Board of Education for safe and economical utilization of buildings, grounds and equipment. The committee will also review District activities and make recommendations for the purpose of reducing accident experience throughout the entire organization.

Advisory Committee Members

Members of the above Advisory Committees may not be employed by BOCES or receive any form of remuneration therefrom.