UnOfficial & UnApproved
    MAY 19, 2009 12:00 NOON – 9:00PM FOYER OF THE H IGH SCHOOL
    The meeting of the qualified voters of the North Ro se - Wolcott Central School District was held
    at the North Rose - Wolcott High School on May 19, 2009.
    Chairman, Nickoline Henner, called the meeting to order at 11:45 am. Elizabeth Cotten moved
    to dispense with the reading of the official meetin g notice. Sharon Roberts seconded the
    motion, and the vote was unanimous.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of the Superintendent of
    Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves withholding of the reading of the Legal Notice
    of the Budget Vote and Election of Board members on May 19, 2009.
    A copy of the Legal Notice and a list of appointed inspectors and clerks are on file in the District
    Clerk’s office. The inspectors checked the two voting machines at this time. The Chairman
    announced that voting would proceed and the polls w ere declared open promptly at 12:00 noon
    and that all duly qualified voters desiring to vote at any time until 9:00 pm were entitled to cast
    their vote.
    At 8:55 pm the Chairman announced that the polls wo uld close in five minutes.
    At 9:00pm the Chairman asked if all present had vot ed, and then declared the polls closed. The
    voting results were recorded and announced at this time. Copies of the results of the vote are on
    file in the District Clerk’s Office.
    The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 pm.
    Clerk of the Board of Education

    May 19, 2009 hqhsvcwhshshsvcwhshshcmWrR5hgsWshshshRGWshshshrgWqWzvyyyyyhshshzvyyyyyhshshcmh7TWrRcchc.vs.hTfWsvbbzsb.hshshchwkbvywh5y4vszhTmW[fTALLY SHEET
    May 19, 2009
    Machine #1-
    125453 -

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