March 24, 2009 Page 115
Unofficial and Unapproved
MARCH 24, 2009 7:00 PM HIGH SCHOOL RM. #210
PRESENT: Nickoline Henner, Larissa Bodine, Judi Buckalew, Robert Cahoon,
Katharine DeAngelis, Melinda DeBadts, Kari Durham, Edward Magin,
Clifford Parton, Ora Rothfuss III
Lucinda Miner, Robert Magin, Jacinda Lisanto , Jan McDorman
and 40 guests
CALL TO ORDER: Board President Nickoline Henne r called the meeting to order at
7:00 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
1a. APPROVAL OF Clifford Parton moved and Edward M agin seconded the following
AGENDA: motion. The vote was unanimou s. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon,
K. DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K Durham, E. Magi n, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III
voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
agenda of March 24, 2009.
2. PUBLIC ACCESS No one addressed the Board at th
is time.
3a. DIBELS REPORT: Linda Haensch and Neil Thompso n reported on grades K-5 elementary
LINDA HAENSCH & reading assessment tests a
nd data. The DIBELS, Dominie and Terranova
NEIL THOMPSON tests were described. Mrs.
Haensch and Mr. Thompson listed how many
students in each grade level are listed in three ca tegory areas: intensive,
benchmark and strategic. The current intervention methods which are in
place to help struggling learners were discussed.
ndicators of
kills (DIBELS) test is a
one on one test that is only one minute in length. The questions focus on
particular skills.
The Dominie assessment is an oral assessment based on fictional and
nonfictional reading books. Students are tested once a week and the data
is shared with every teacher. Every child’s needs are met. The
ntervention program (RTI) tracks what is happening with struggling
March 24, 2009 Page 116
The Terranova test is a national standards assessme
nt which measures
basic skills in reading and math in grades K-3.
Results from these tests determine
ervices and
when small groups are used.
3b. DRAFT #2 Mrs. Miner and Mr. Robert Magin pr esented Draft #2 of the 2009-2010
2009-2010 BUDGET – Budget to the Board, wh ich shows a
0.52% increase in tax levy. Mrs.
LUCINDA MINER & Miner mentioned that grant money is continually being sought out by our
ROBERT MAGIN: grant writers. The New York State budget is due on April 1
. Therefore,
revenues are uncertain at this time. A closer look at the Federal Fund and
grant money has shown that a couple of teacher’s sa laries will be funded
from Federal grant money next year. An explanation of Debt Service in the
General Fund budget was described (i.e. energy perf ormance, prior capital
project debt, etc.). Without Debt Service, the Gen eral Fund budget shows
a decrease of 1.28%. The tax levy and use of Rese rve Funds was discussed.
It was recommended that money received by the Distr ict through the
Federal stimulus program be saved, since the 2010-1 1 economy scenerio
looks even worse than next year’s.
4a. ADMINISTRATOR’S The Board thanked the Adminis trators for their reports. An explanation
REPORTS: of Differentiated Instruction was given by Jacinda Lisanto.
4b. STUDENT BOE No report was given.
4c. OTHER GOOD NEWS Judi Buckalew spoke about how m uch joy she received from reading to the
OF THE DISTRICT: Kindergarten classes and Fir st graders. It was a delightful interaction with
the students and a great experience.
Mrs. Haensch spoke about the closure of this year’ s reading incentive
program at Florentine Hendrick. The K-2 elementary students were
promised that if enough reading minutes were obtain ed during the reading
incentive program, Cubby (baby cougar mascot) would stay in a cave at
Florentine Hendrick! The staff has made Cubby a cav e complete with a
calendar, cot, pillow, books and lantern. Cubby wi ll celebrate his birthday
on April 1
while staying in his cave at the school.
4d. OTHER: Edward Magin, Clifford Parton and Robert Cahoon attended a Legislative
Breakfast on March 21st where Senator Nozzolio and Assemblyman Oaks
voiced their concerns about the State budget. More money is going to New
York City than in past years. It was mentioned tha t there has been a total
disregard for the Open Meeting Laws. Because of th is, they have no
information for upstate New York. With the
18% Federal mandates
required and the 15% of preschool money being budge ted this year by
school districts, all districts are facing financial difficulties. Edward
Magin also relayed information discussed at the meeting regarding a
possible new tier of the New York State Retirement System, Tier V.
Nickoline Henner has made telephone calls to the B oard Presidents of
Sodus, Red Creek, and Clyde-Savannah Central School Districts to find out
March 24, 2009 Page 117
if there is interest in setting up a meeting to dis
cuss sharing of services
between districts. A meeting will be set up with t he Red Creek and Clyde-
Savannah districts. Sodus is not interested in sharing additional services
at this time.
Select students from our school performed in a del ightful All County Music
Festival in Lyons last weekend.
Ora Rothfuss III reported on details from the Wayn e-Finger Lakes BOCES
Regional Budget Hearing on March 16
that he and Cindy Miner attended.
5a. SUPERINTENDENT’S Mrs. Miner relayed that the l ast couple of weeks have been very difficult
UPDATE: for Administrators. Meetings with employees have been occurring to talk
about the elimination of positions, and all employees involved including
those with changes in job duties, have been notified.
5b. BUSINESS Robert Magin was pleased to announce information on a new program
ADMINISTRATOR’S that Nancy Younglove has involv ed our District with, called the BackPack
UPDATE: Progra
m. The BackPack Program is a national program admini stered
through Feeding America and Food Link of Rochester. The Food Link of
Rochester will come once a month to our school dist rict and leave
nonperishable food items (i.e. granola bars, fruit cups, boxed macaroni
and cheese, canned tuna fish) with the school. Up to eight items will be
placed in a bag and discretely distributed to children on the last day before
the weekend or holiday vacation to take home in the ir backpack or book
bag. This program will assist eligible families, and the families will need
to grant permission in order for this to occur. Th e BackPack program will
start in approximately one month. Mr. Magin will r eport back to the
Board whether contributions may be made to this pro gram.
5c1. POLICY FIRST New and revised policies were given to the board for a first reading.
READING: They are encouraged to call the Superi ntendent with questions.
Before approval of the Meeting Minutes of March 10, 2009, a correction
was made to the Call to Order. Board Vice President Nickoline Henner
called the meeting to order at
6:05 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board President Nickoline Henner called the meeti ng to order at 6:05 pm
and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
6a. MEETING MINUTES Edward Magin moved and Melind a DeBadts seconded the following
MARCH 10, 2009 motion. The vote was una nimous. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon,
K. DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K Durham, E. Magi n, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III
voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
corrected Meeting Minutes of March 10, 2009.
7. CONSENT AGENDA Edward Magin moved and M
elinda DeBadts seconded the following
motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner , J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon,
March 24, 2009 Page 118
K. DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K Durham, E. Magin, C.
Parton, O. Rothfuss III
voted yes.
7a. WARRANTS: Be it resolved that the Board of Edu
cation, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and purs uant to Education Law, approves the
following Warrants:
#0044 $1,073,057.04
#0046 $ 203,435.84
7b. RECOMMENDATIONS Be it resolved that the Board
of Education, upon recommendation of the
FROM CSE AND CPSE: Superintendent of Schools an d pursuant to Education Law, approves the
recommendations from the Committee on Special Educa
tion dated March
5, 2009, March 10, 2009 and March 11, 2009, and the Committee on
PreSchool Special Education dated January 20, 2009, March 10, 2009,
and March 17, 2009, and instructs the Superintendent to implement the
recommendations on behalf of the following individuals identified by
student number:
09092 10253 11707 11804 09604 10202
09156 11738
06297 10323 12170 09543 12227
09946 07632
12183 11211 12219 11331
7c. SUBSTITUTES: Be it resolv
ed that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educati on Law, approves the
individuals named on the substitute list s, which are on file with the
District Clerk.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
request of Ms. Cindy Jackson that transportation for her child be provided
to attend Maranatha Christian School in the town of Lyons, New York for
the 2009-2010 school year, based on availability and bus routing,
according to school policy.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
request of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wells that transportat ion for their children
be provided to attend Maranatha Christian School in the town of Lyons,
New York for the 2009-2010 school year, based on av ailability and bus
routing, according to school policy.
7f1. LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Be it resolved that the Boar d of Education, upon recommendation of the
MICHELE BARTHOLOMEW Superintendent of School s and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
unpaid child rearing leave of Michele Bartholomew which will commence
immediately following her 6 week maternity leave beginning on or about
May 1, 2009 and ending June 30, 2009.
7f2. GOLF RANGE Be it resolved that the Board of E
ducation, upon recommendation of the
March 24, 2009 Page 119
VOLUNTEERS: Superintendent of Schools and
pursuant to Education Law, approves the
following individuals as volunteers for the golf range to provide field work
from April 1, 2009 – November 1, 2010:
Mr. James Dennis
Mrs. Heather Dennis
Mr. Walter Pitts
Mr. Jon LaValley
Mr. Matt LaValley
Mr. Chuck Dudas
Mr. Ed Theimann
Mr. Leon Amer
8. INFORMATIONAL The following informational items were shared with the Board:
ITEMS: Policy #3160 - School District Standards and Guidelines for Web Page
Publishing: Information, Regulation and Form, Policy #5673 Employee
Personal Identifying Information: Information and Regulation, Policy
#6120 Equal Employment Opportunity: Information and Old Policy,
Policy # 6551 Family and Medical Leave Act:, Inform ation, Regulation,
Forms, Old Policy, Old Regulation and Forms, Policy #7240: Student
Records: Access and Challenge: Information, Regulation and Forms, Old
Policy, Old Regulation and Forms, Policy # 7540: St udent Directory
Information:, Information, Old Policy, Capital Project Meeting Minutes
#00011 2/25/09, NRE Mini News, Special Edition - M arch 2009, Los
Pumas De North Rose-Wolcott - March 2009, Four Co unty School
Boards Association Facts & Figures Book 2008-2009, Use of Facilities,
Letter to Board of Education, The Advocate- March 2009, Finger Lakes
Times article “NR-W to Study Shared Services, Finger Lakes Times article
“Board hears capital project report”, Wayne County Star article “NR-W,
Municipalities Look at Shared Services”, Wayne County Star article “No
injuries in Bus Collision”, 2009-2010 Academic Calendar, Wayne County
Star and The Shopper ad -“NR-W School Board Petitions Available”,
Wayne County Star picture and caption “Blaze at NR-W High”.
9. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Ms. Nancy Kasper addresse
d the Board regarding the music program.
A letter that she wrote and read addressed her c oncern in regards to the
level and availability of instruction for students. She spoke about the
importance of instrumental music for grades 4-12, and mentioned that
music has been proven to aid in education. Ms. Kas per feels that some
individuals may opt to pay higher taxes vs. budget cuts. Mrs. Miner
responded that programs for students have not been affected by the
proposed budget cuts.
Katharine DeAngelis requested that an Exit Poll b e taken at the time of the
Budget Vote to determine if some tax payers would h ave opted for higher
taxes vs. budget cuts.
10a. ADDITIONS TO Edward Magin moved and Clifford Parton seconded the following motion.
AGENDA: The vote was unanimous. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K.
DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Part on, O. Rothfuss
III voted yes.
March 24, 2009 Page 120
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
additions to the agenda of March 24, 2009.
10b. PROPOSITION Kari Durham moved and Melinda DeBadts seconded the following motion.
LANGUAGE FOR The vote was unanimous. N. Hen ner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K.
MAY 19, 2009 BUDGET DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
following resolutions as they will be presented to voters on May 19 2009:
Shall the Board of Education of the North Rose-Wolc ott Central
School District be authorized to purchase seven 66-passenger
school buses at an estimated maximum cost of $97,000 each, for a
total aggregate estimated maximum cost of $679,000, with such
cost paid in part by an expenditure of $200,000 from the District’s
existing School Bus Capital Reserve fund, with the balance of such
cost to be raised by tax upon the taxable property of said District to
be levied and collected in annual installments as p rovided in
Section 416 of the Education Law, with such tax to be partially
offset by State aid available therefor, and in anti cipation of such
tax, by obligations of said District as may be nece ssary?
Shall the annual tax levied by the North Rose - Wol cott Central School
District for the operating budget of the Wolcott Civic Free Library be
increased by four thousand two hundred ten dollars ($4,210) to the total
sum of forty-four thousand two hundred and ten doll ars ($44,210)
10c. NOTICE OF PUBLIC Edward Magin moved an d Clifford Parton seconded the following motion.
HEARING AND CALL OF The vote was unanimous. N . Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K.
THE ANNUAL SCHOOL DeAngelis, K. Durh am, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss
VOTE MAY 2009 Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, hereby
approves and confirms the Notice of the Annual Budg et Hearing for May
12, 2009 and the Notice of the Annual District Meet ing and
Election/Budget Vote for May 19, 2009, as per attac hment #10c., which
will be published in the
Wayne County Star
March 24, 2009 Page 121
and May 13, 2009, and the
Finger Lakes Times
on April 1, April 15, May 6,
and May 13, 2009.
10d. APPOINT LONG TERM Ora Rothfuss III moved and Ka tharine DeAngelis seconded the following
SUB: KATHERINE motion. The vote was un animous. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K.
DICKENS N. Henner, J. Buckalew,
R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis, K. Durham, M.
DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
appointment of Katherine Dickens as a Long Term Sub stitute Teacher,
conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87 as follows:
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Wellness Management and Economics
Associate of Science in Mathematics and Science
Appointment Area: Science
Start Date: March 2, 2009 to serve at the pleasure of the Board, continuing
through approximately March 27, 2009
Salary: $37,000 Step A, prorated to time worked
10e. GOLF RANGE Melinda DeBadts moved and Ora Roth fuss III seconded the following
VOLUNTEER motion. he vote was unanimous. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K.
APPROVAL: DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K . Durham, E. Magin, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III
voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
following individual as a volunteer for the golf range to provide field work
from April 1, 2009 – November 1, 2010:
Mr. Tom Jeager
10f. COACHING Clifford Parton moved and Katharine D eAngelis seconded the following
APPOINTMENT motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K.
CORRECTION: DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III
voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educ ation Law, approves
the following coaching appointment for the 2008-2009 school year,
conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87, and successful
completion of all required First Aid/CPR and Child Abuse courses as
Rob Yarrow
Girls Varsity Softball
Rob Yarrow Girls Varsity Softball Volunteer
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Clifford Parton moved and Kari D
motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner, J. Bu ckalew, R. Cahoon, K.
DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parto n, O. Rothfuss III
voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves
Executive Session at 8:20 pm for the specific purpose of discussing a
personnel matter.
OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at 9:10 pm.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Robert Cahoon moved and Kari Durham seconded the following motion.
The vote was unanimous. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K.
DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parto n, O. Rothfuss III
voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves
Executive Session at 9:45 pm for the specific purpose of discussing
OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at 10:25 pm.
ADJOURNMENT Clifford Parton moved and Kari Durham s econded the following
motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner, J. Buck alew, R. Cahoon,
K. DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Pa rton, O. Rothfuss
III voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
adjournment of the meeting at 10:26pm.
Jan McDorman, Clerk
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