This directory contains generation 2 of the Windows iBoss Security Agents (IBSA/iBoss Security Agent). NOTE: Only push updates via the ibsa-auto-updater.msi for agents of the same generation (i.e. gen2 agents should only be updated with gen2 agents via ibsa-auto-updater, gen3 with gen3, etc). A reboot is required when updating agents from an older generation to a newer generation which is not automatically performed by the msi installer. ibsa32.msi - installer for 32 bit systems. ibsa64.msi - installer for 64 bit systems. Orca.msi - Install this Microsoft tool so that you can edit the parameters of ibsa32.msi/ibsa64.msi. Orca is a Microsoft tool that allows you to modify MSI installer files. Install this onto your Windows computer in order to customize the ibsa installers to match your environment. Once installed on your system, you can right click on the ibsa32.msi/ibsa64.msi installer files and modify the parameters to match your network configuration (i.e. IP Address of iBoss, security key, etc). Release Notes --------------------------------------- Version 3.2.90 (01/15/2014) ---------------------------- * Defaulted USSL install parameter to 1. Some Windows 8 installations failed to communicate with iboss if USSL was set to 2. Version 1.11.5 (09/04/2012) ---------------------------- * Resolved. Fixes connection issues to Outlook while off network. OutsideIps parameter must contain the Outside IP Addresses of the network as well as the public IP Address(es) of the Outlook exchange server. Format of OutsideIps (, * Resolved. Fixes connection issues when connecting to SSL based VPN such as Juniper or Cisco VPN. OutsideIps parameter must contain the Outside IP Addresses of the network as well as the public IP Address(es) of the VPN server gateway. Format of OutsideIps (, Version 1.11.0 (08/30/2012) ---------------------------- * New. SSL Compatability option which allows mobile Outlook connections to function when traversing an encrypted connection. Forces the use of RC4 on TLS connections which is required to allow Outlook to connect. This may break SSL/HTTPs connections to few sites that do not support the RC4 algorithm. To enable compatability, edit the installer and adjust the parameter SSL_COMPATABILITY setting it to 1. This translates to the registry setting SSLCompat which if set to 1 enables SSL compatability. * Resolved. Google safe-search not being enforced properly on version 1.10.0 and above. * Resolved. Youtube safe search would not redirect properly when enforcing. Version 1.10.10 (08/27/2012) ---------------------------- * Resolved. Video playing lag fixed. * Feature. Significant increase in performance throughout. Version 1.9.60 (08/22/2012) ---------------------------- * Misc. optimizations and fixes throughout. * Resolved. Windows Updates were being blocked. Version 1.6.180 (07/19/2012) ---------------------------- * Mobile Client redirects accesses to when filtering policy has cleanvideosearch redirect enabled. Version 1.6.190 (07/22/2012) ---------------------------- * Resolved. Performing a search on Google images and then repeating with another search would cause windows to popup repeatedly from Google due to safe search enforcement interaction with Google. Version 1.8.115 (08/03/2012) ---------------------------- * Resolved. Windows Updates would fail on certain installations. * New. Auto-Updater can update mobile agent even while computer is being used by restricted user. Install ibsa-auto-updater.msi on computers you would like to have automatically updated. * New. Diagnostic info can be obtained from computer running agent by opening browser on that computer and navigating to