This directory contains generation 3 of the Windows iBoss Security Agents (IBSA/iBoss Security Agent). NOTE: Only push updates via the ibsa-auto-updater.msi for agents of the same generation (i.e. gen2 agents should only be updated with gen2 agents via ibsa-auto-updater, gen3 with gen3, etc). A reboot is required when updating agents from an older generation to a newer generation. A reboot can be performed by the installer by setting the property within the MSI package properties: PARAM_RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE = 1 This will cause the computer to reboot if the installer detects an upgrade has been performed from an older version. ibsa32-gen3.msi - installer for 32 bit systems. ibsa64-gen3.msi - installer for 64 bit systems. Orca.msi - Install this Microsoft tool so that you can edit the parameters of ibsa32.msi/ibsa64.msi. Orca is a Microsoft tool that allows you to modify MSI installer files. Install this onto your Windows computer in order to customize the ibsa installers to match your environment. Once installed on your system, you can right click on the ibsa32.msi/ibsa64.msi installer files and modify the parameters to match your network configuration (i.e. IP Address of iBoss, security key, etc). The generation 3 version of the iboss security agent includes the ability to perform on-premise SSL inspection (on premise HTTPs decoding). In addition, there are performance improvements over the gen2 agents. This agent requires .NET Framework 4.0. Release Notes --------------------------------------- Version 3.5.30 (05/30/2014) ---------------------------- * Resolved issue where videos from Google/Google docs would be delayed in playing as entire video would have to buffer before the video was shown. Security agent did not support inline video streaming with partial feeds. Added complications due to stream being encrypted. Version 3.2.90 (01/15/2014) ---------------------------- * Defaulted USSL install parameter to 1. Some Windows 8 installations failed to communicate with iboss if USSL was set to 2. Version 3.2.70 (09/29/2013) ---------------------------- * Gen 3 SSL performance improvements. Version 3.2.45 (09/17/2013) ---------------------------- * Performance improvements for the gen3 Windows agents. * Mac mobile agent bug fix involving early timeouts to gateway during communication which could affect filtering. Version 3.1.1 (05/21/2013) ---------------------------- * When attempting to obtain the outside network public IP, if a response that appears malformed is returned (do to a network that requires user login for example), the agent will use the default local setting to determine if the agent should fallback to a "local" status or "mobile" status. Version 3.1.0 (05/04/2013) ---------------------------- * Initial release.