November 18, 2008 Page 66
    Unofficial and Unapproved
    PRESENT: Nickoline Henner, Larissa Bodine, Judi Buckalew, Katharine DeAngelis,
    Melinda DeBadts, Kari Durham, Edward Magin, Clifford Parton, Ora
    Rothfuss III
    Lucinda Miner, Jacinda Lisanto, Jan McDorman and 16 guests
    ABSENT/EXCUSED: Robert Cahoon (7:07), Rob ert Magin
    CALL TO ORDER: Board President Nickoline Henne r called the meeting to order at
    7:00 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
    1a. APPROVAL OF Clifford Parton moved and Kari Du rham seconded the following
    AGENDA: motion. The vote was unanimou s. N. Henner, J. Buckalew,
    K. DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K. Durham, E. Ma gin, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss
    III voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    agenda of November 18, 2008.
    1c. BUILDING TOUR: June Muto, Clifford Parton and E dward Magin led the Board of Education
    on a tour of the High School. Mrs. Muto pointed ou t areas of the building
    that are under construction and where renovations will be taking place in
    the near future. The alternate emergency exit was pointed out for the west
    end of the building, and the current pool condition was discussed. The
    Board viewed sculpture work that was on display.
    2. PUBLIC ACCESS: No one spoke to the Board at this time.
    3. PRESENTATIONS: There were no presentations.
    1. ECONOMIC SUMMIT: A recent Economic Summit was h eld where approximately 180 people
    including elected officials from villages, counties , towns, and schools
    attended. Ways to work together more efficiently a s a taxing agency were
    discussed. Attendees were led through strategic planning sessions that
    showed areas where changes could be made, and the e ffect that change
    would make. Many good ideas were gathered as a res ult of the summit.
    Some things can be done in a different manner than in the past and by
    sharing services and working together, desired resu lts can be

    2. FOUR COUNTY: Cindy Miner and Robert Magin atte nded an interesting Four County
    General Membership meeting where the topic was “The Paperless Board
    Meeting”. Mrs. Miner described how this is done at Wayne Central, and
    mentioned that the Board may want to consider this in the future.
    3. CURRICULUM COUNCIL: The Curriculum Council met and discussed vertical and horizontal
    questions between the buildings. Superintendent’s Conference Day was
    discussed. A representative from Everyday Math will be coming to our
    District to train new teachers. Continued progress was made on
    curriculum maps, CDEP, CEP, the mission, vision and belief statements.
    4. WELLNESS POLICY Judi Buckalew shared informatio n from a workshop she recently attended
    CONFERENCE: titled “From Policy to Practice: Improving Student Wellness”. An overview
    of components and review of federal law where polic y comes from was
    discussed at the conference. An anticipated 2009 legislation dealing with
    school lunch regulations was mentioned.

    November 18, 2008 Page 68
    UPDATE: facilities in honor of a pers
    on, will be referred to the Policy Committee for
    consideration. The Board will be supplied with budget consideration data
    at the December Board meeting. Mrs. Miner has bee n discussing budget
    topics (staff reduction, closing FHE) at grade level meetings. She
    recommends that a Focus Group for the public be hel d to study the
    proposed closing of FHE. The Focus group will be w eighing the pros and
    cons of closing FHE and the pros and cons of switch ing the grade levels
    housed at Leavenworth and NRE. It was decided to r eplace the Board of
    Education regular meeting on January 13, 2008 with a Focus Group
    meeting for the public on that night. There was di scussion on mid year
    cuts and things that we can do to get through the y ear: stop spending,
    freeze hiring, no scrimmage or non league sporting events, etc. Mrs. Miner
    doesn’t want to recommend staff cuts. The Capital Project is moving along
    on schedule with no problems. Larger Architects drawing to be posted in
    the High School will be requested of SEI Design Gro up. Minutes from
    Capital Project meetings will be included in upcoming Board packets.
    5c. BUSINESS Mrs. Miner included the Business Ad ministrator’s information in the
    ADMINISTRATOR’S Superintendent’s update.
    Before approval of the Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2008, a correction
    was made to #4d. Curriculum/Staff Development.
    6a. MEETING MINUTES Robert Cahoon moved and Edward Magin seconded the following
    OCTOBER 28, 2008 motion. The vote was unanimo us. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K.
    DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III
    voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    corrected Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2008.
    7. CONSENT AGENDA moved and Ora Rothfuss I II seconded the following
    motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner , J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon,
    K. DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K. Durham, E. Magin, C. Parton, O.
    Rothfuss III voted yes.
    7a. WARRANTS: Be it resolved that the Board of Edu cation, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and purs uant to Education Law, approves the
    following Warrants:
    1. #0022 $89,734.00
    2. #0024 $519,685.31
    7b. DISTRICT FINANCIAL Be it resolved that the Boa rd of Education, upon recommendation of the
    REPORTS Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    Treasurer’s Report for September, 2008.

    November 18, 2008 Page 69
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    Extra Classroom Activity Report for September, 2008.
    7c. BASIC FINANCIAL Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    STATEMENTS Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, accepts the
    Basic Financial Statements and Management Letter, the Single Audit
    Report and the Extraclassroom Activity Funds for the year ending June
    30, 2008.
    7d. RECOMMENDATIONS Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    FROM CSE AND CPSE: Superintendent of Schools an d pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    recommendations from the Committee on Special Educa
    tion dated
    September 19, 2008, October 2, 2008, October 9, 2008, October 10, 2008,
    October 16, 2008, October 21, 2008, October 23, 2008, October 27, 2008,
    October 30, 2008 and November 5, 2008 and the Commi ttee on
    PresSchool Special Education dated November 4, 2008 and instructs the
    Superintendent to implement the recommendations on behalf of the
    following individuals identified by student number:
    11498 10918 11405 10731 10830 12155 11156
    11714 11721 11652 12152
    10592 08021 07287 12160 10662 08415 06830 10452 06434 09737 07865
    12158 10301 09386 12166 09421 12142 09805 10480 11679 10444 12154
    11677 12163 12162 12157 11340 11275 09996 11119 11223 11578 11181
    7e. SUBSTITUTES: Be it resolved that the Board of
    Education, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educati on Law, approves the
    individuals named on the substitute list s, which are on file with the
    District Clerk.
    7f. RETURN OF TAXES Be it resolved that the Board
    of Education, upon recommendation of the
    TO THE COUNTY: Superintendent of Schools and pu rsuant to Education Law, approves the
    return of 2008 unpaid school taxes to Wayne County for collection of
    The North Rose-Wolcott Central School District Boar
    d acting by and
    BE A CO-APPLICANT through its Superintendent duly au
    thorized and do herein declare:
    , the New York State Department of State has released an application
    LOCAL GOVERNMENT for the Local Government Efficiency Program which allows Boards of
    Cooperative Educational Services to apply as a lead
    agency for funding to support
    a pilot project that involves transformative change
    , has great potential to produce
    cost savings, and can serve as a model for other municipalities.
    , North Rose­Wolcott Central School District is a Co­Applicant to
    WFL BOCES application to the Local Government Efficiency Program Grant.
    , the Wayne­Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational
    Services (WFL BOCES) is the Lead Applicant and all Co­Applicants shall submit
    with the application a formal resolution of the governing body showing support of
    this grant application. The purpose of this resolution is to provide official support

    November 18, 2008 Page 70
    of this governing body of this co­applicant for the
    application and the proposed
    project and to state the following:
    I. Authorization to Apply for the Grant: The North Rose­Wolcott Central
    School District designates that the Wayne­Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative
    Educational Services (WFL BOCES) is the lead applicant with Mr. Keith Henry,
    Associate Superintendent for Administration, WFL BOCES as the Lead Applicant
    Contact Person we hereby authorize Mr. Henry to submit an application to the
    Local Government Efficiency Grant Program for the 2008­2009 program year.
    The North Rose­Wolcott Central School District also authorizes WFL BOCES
    and Mr. Henry to execute all financial and/or administrative processes relating to
    the grant program.
    II. Project Title and Description: The Consolidated Maintenance
    Program will provide component school districts and local municipalities with
    services and equipment from a shared facility which provides shared maintenance
    equipment and services which will lower our costs of maintenance.
    III. Funding Request: We authorize WFL BOCES to apply for up to $1,000,000
    of funding from the Local Government Efficiency Program.
    IV. Local Share Information: WFL BOCES will be responsible for the 10%
    matching share or the entire grant amount from local shares.
    V. Co­Applicant Information: North Rose­Wolcott Central School District is an
    authorized co­applicant to WFL BOCES application to the Local Government
    Efficiency Grant Program for the Consolidated Maintenance Program. We agree
    to work with other WFL BOCES Component School Districts and local
    municipalities which are also co­applicants to this grant.
    that a school board meeting was held
    on November 18, 2008, wherein a quorum was present and a majority of the
    quorum voted to provide authorization for WFL BOCES to apply for the Local
    Government Efficiency Grant Program with the North Rose­Wolcott Central
    School District as a Co­Applicant. Therefore, this document is to serve as the
    formal resolution of the North Rose­Wolcott Central School District Board of
    7h1. RESIGNATION ­ Be it resolved that the Board o
    f Education, upon recommendation of the
    KAREN HEIT Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, accepts the letter of
    resignation from Karen Heit as Clerk/Typist at the North Rose Bus Garage,
    effective with the close of business on November 11, 2008.
    7h2. RESIGNATION – Be it resolved that the Board
    of Education, upon recommendation of the
    WENDY HARTER Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, accepts the letter of
    resignation from Wendy Harter as Food Service Helper at North Rose Elementary
    school, contingent upon her appointment as Baker at North Rose Elementary
    school, effective with the close of business on November 18, 2008.
    7h3. RESIGNATION ­ Be it resolved that the Board o
    f Education, upon recommendation of the
    BONNIE FAHRER Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, accepts the resignation
    from Bonnie Fahrer as School Monitor at North Rose Elementary school,
    contingent upon her appointment as Food Service Helper at North Rose
    Elementary school, effective with the close of business on November 18, 2008.
    7h4. ABOLISH CLERK/TYPIST Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the

    November 18, 2008 Page 71
    PART­TIME POSITION Superintendent of Schools
    and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    AT THE BUS GARAGE abolishment of the Clerk/Typist part­time position at the Bus Garage, effective
    November 19, 2008.
    7h5. CREATION OF SENIOR Be it resolved that the Bo
    ard of Education, upon the recommendation of the
    BUS DRIVER POSITION Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    AT THE BUS GARAGE: creation of a Senior Bus Driver position at the Bus Garage, a 10 month position,
    approximately 3 hrs. per day, 5 days per week, effective on or about December 1,
    2008. The salary will be negotiated.
    7h6. APPOINT BAKER: Be
    it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    WENDY HARTER Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the 26 week
    promotional and probationary appointment of Wendy Harter as Baker at North
    Rose Elementary, conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80­1.11 and Part 87, for 5 hrs./day, $9.75/hr. for a
    total annual salary of up to $9,068.00 prorated to $6,582.00 effective November
    19, 2008.
    7h7. APPOINT FOOD Be it resolved that the Board of
    Education, upon recommendation of the
    SERVICE HELPER: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the 26 week
    BONNIE FAHRER probationary appointment of Bonnie Fahrer as a Food Service Helper at North
    Rose Elementary, conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80­1.11 and Part 87, for 5 hrs./day, $8.75/hr. for a
    total annual salary of up to $8,138.00 prorated to $5,907.00 effective November
    19, 2008.
    7h8. APPOINT CURRICULUM Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    COUNCIL LEAD Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, appoints the
    TEACHER: following individual to serve on Curriculum Council and as Lead Teacher for
    Science, grades 6­8 effective November 19, 2008 through the remainder of the
    2008­09 school year.
    Joanne Dickens Science, Grades 6­8 $1,500 prorated to $1,125.00
    7h9. 2008­2009 HIGH SCHOOL Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    CO­CURRICULAR Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    APPOINTMENT: following Co­Curricular appointment:
    Timothy Thomas Youth­to­Youth 2 5 $1,314.00
    7h10. NORTH ROSE Be it resolved that the Board of
    Education, upon recommendation of the
    ELEMENTARY Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    CO­ CURRICULAR following Co­Curricular appointments:
    : Name
    Amy Plowe Odyssey of the Mind Coordinator 1 2
    Caitlyn Hart Odyssey of the Mind Coach 1 1 $555.00
    Emily Seneca Odyssey of the Mind Coach 1 1 $555.00

    November 18, 2008 Page 72
    Erik Pentycofe Odyssey of the Mind Coach
    1 1 $555.00
    7h11. PERMANENT Be it resolved that the Board of E
    ducation, upon recommendation of the
    APPOINTMENT: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    permanent appointment of Anthony Pursati as Senior
    Custodian, effective
    3, 2008.
    7h12. TRANSITION OF Be it resolved that the Board o
    f Education, upon recommendation of the
    SALARY AND Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    BENEFITS: agreement to transition the salary and benefits for Elena LaPlaca from the North
    ELENA LAPLACA Rose­Wolcott Confidential Employees’ Unit to the North Rose­Wolcott Service
    Employees’ Unit.
    7h13. COACHING Be it resolved that the Board of E
    ducation, upon recommendation of the
    APPOINTMENTS: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the following
    coaching appointments for winter 2008, conditional upon a criminal history
    record check according to Commissioners Regulation §80­1.11 and Part 87, and
    successful completion of all required First Aid/CPR and Child Abuse courses as
    Roberta Kidd Girls JV Cheerleading 1 1 $1,72
    Joe Cahoon Girls Basketball Volunteer
    Nick Wojieck Indoor Track Volunteer
    Ed Leisenring Boys Basketball Volunteer
    Jeff Drake Boys Swim Volunteer
    Kurt Laird Wrestling Volunteer
    7h14. ALPINE SKI TEAM:
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re
    commendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    participation of one North Rose ­ Wolcott student on the Sodus Central School
    District Alpine Ski Team for the 2008­09 school year at no cost to the district.
    8a. INFORMATION The following items were shared wit
    h the Board:
    Enrollment ­ November
    2008, Use of Facilities, Audit committee Meeting Minutes 10­21­08, State
    Comptroller letter, North Rose­Wolcott Central School District Employee
    Directory, Four County School Boards Association Membership Directory, FHE
    News ­ November 2008, NRE News ­ November 2008, MS Newsletter ­
    November 2008, HS Newsletter ­ The Cougar Times ­ Volume Two, November
    2008, Board to Board ­ October 2008, Forecast ­ November 2008, Finger Lakes
    Times article “NRW reviews summer program”, Finger Lakes Times article
    “NRW considers closing a school”, Letter to Board of Education, LexisNexis
    letter re: Account # for School Law Plus (a research website).
    9. PUBLIC No
    one spoke to the Board at this time.
    10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Ora Rothfuss III moved an
    d Clifford Parton seconded the following

    November 18, 2008 Page 73
    motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner, J. Bu
    ckalew, R. Cahoon, K.
    DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K. Durham, E. Magin, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III
    voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves
    Executive Session at 8:05 pm for the specific purpose of discussing the
    discipline of particular employees.
    OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at 8:45 pm.
    ADJOURNMENT Clifford Parton moved and Katharine DeAngelis seconded the following
    motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon,
    K. DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K. Durham, E. Magin, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss
    III voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    adjournment of the meeting at 9:01 pm.
    Jan McDorman, Clerk
    Board of Education

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