September 23, 2008 Page 39
    SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 7:00 PM
    PRESENT: Nickoline Henner, Larissa Bodine, Robert Cahoon, Katharine
    DeAngelis, Kari Durham, Melinda DeBadts, Edward Magin, Clifford
    Parton, Ora Rothfuss III
    Lucinda Miner, Robert Magin, Jacinda Lisanto, Jan McDorman and 10
    ABSENT/EXCUSED: Judi Buckalew
    1. CALL TO ORDER: Board President Nickoline Hen ner called the meeting to order at
    7:02 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
    Mr. Thompson, Katharine DeAngelis and Kari Durham led the Board of
    Education on a tour through the North Rose Elementa ry school.
    Student work was viewed in the hallways while touri ng the school. The
    suspension center, boiler room and cafeteria were among some of the
    areas that were visited.
    1b. APPROVAL OF Clifford Parton moved and Me linda DeBadts seconded the following
    AGENDA: motion. The vote was unanim ous. N. Henner, R. Cahoon,
    K. DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Ma gin, C. Parton,
    O. Rothfuss III voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the agenda of September 23, 2008.
    2. PUBLIC ACCESS: No one spoke to the Board at this time.
    3a. PRESENTATIONS: There were no presentations.
    4a. POLICY COMMITTEE: The Policy Committee met and i s examining a policy on
    teacher/student web pages.
    4a. ADMINISTRATORS’ The Board thanked the administrator’s for the reports they provide.
    REPORTS: A question was asked if the administ rators felt that PBIS is making a
    difference in the buildings. Linda Haensch and Mic hele Sullivan
    responded that PBIS is making a difference, and they provided the
    Board with examples of events that have happened in their buildings
    that they feel are a result of the PBIS initiatives. There was a short
    discussion on different methods that administrators can use to evaluate
    4b. STUDENT BOE Larissa Bodine mentioned that the lockdown on September 19
    REPORT: scary for students, but that the tea chers made the students feel safe.
    She spoke about the Varsity Girls Soccer team. Lar issa has placed a box
    in the high school main office for students that wi sh to submit

    4c. CAPITAL PROJECT Plans for the Capital Project gr ound breaking ceremony were
    GROUND BREAKING discussed.
    4d. OTHER GOOD NEWS Open Houses have been occurrin g district wide, and have been
    OF THE DISTRICT: going very well. Presentat ions have been enjoyed by all.
    4e. OTHER: The turf at Marshall’s park in North Ro se has been laid on the fields
    and progress with the park is moving right along. It is looking great!
    Board of Education members are collecting back pac ks for needy
    students in Buffalo area schools.
    5a. SUPERINTENDENT’S Mrs. Miner presented the Board with a video explaining how
    UPDATE: Property Tax Cap legislation would jeopar dize the functions of many
    school districts. She spoke about the lockdown tha t occurred at the
    high school. Mrs. Miner mentioned that the lockdow n safety plan was
    developed last year, and a drill to practice the lo ckdown procedure was
    part of the opening day exercises. The situation t hat occurred served as
    a training tool and will allow us to address certai n areas of the plan that
    need refining.
    5b. BUSINESS Mr. Robert Magin mentioned that bus sing continues to improve. The
    ADMINISTRATOR’S elementary runs are leavin g the high school within 5 minutes of the
    UPDATE: planned time. He is pleased to repo rt on the improvement made in the
    timeliness of the Treasurer’s Reports. The number of calls received for
    school taxes has gone down. The procedure is runni ng smoother than it
    had the first few weeks of tax collection. It was suggested that a letter
    be included with the tax bills and in the District Newsletter next year
    reminding tax payers of the new collection process.
    6a. MEETING MINUTES Edward Magin moved and Clifford Parton seconded the following
    SEPTEMBER 9, 2008 motion. The vote was unani mous. N. Henner, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis,
    K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parton, O. Rothf uss III voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves
    the Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2008.
    Item #7h. was amended before approval of the Consent Agenda.
    7. CONSENT AGENDA Melinda DeBadts moved and Ora Rothfuss III seconded the following
    motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner , R. Cahoon,
    K. DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss

    September 23, 2008 Page 41
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educ ation Law,
    approves the Extra Classroom Activity Report for J une, 2008.
    7c. DISTRICT FINANCIAL Be it resolved tha
    t the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    REPORT – JULY 2008: the Superintendent of S chools and pursuant to Education Law,
    proves the Treasurer’s Report for July, 2008.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educ ation Law,
    approves the Extra Classroom Activity Report for J uly, 2008.
    7d. BOARD APPOINTMENTS: Be it resolved that the Boar
    d of Education, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educ ation Law,
    appoints the following individuals to serve in the stated positions for
    the 2008-09 school year, effective July 1, 2008:
    Reviewing Official for participation in the Federal Child Nutrition
    – Nancy Younglove
    Hearing Official for participation in the Federal Child Nutrition
    – Lucinda Miner
    Verification Official for participation in the Federal Child Nutrition
    – Robert Magin
    7e . REQUEST FOR NEW Be it resolved that the Board
    of Education, upon recommendation of
    TEXTBOOKS: the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the purchase and adoption of the fo llowing textbook series
    and its supporting materials: “Music! It’s Role and Importance in Our
    Lives” textbook, Glencoe/McGraw Hill Publishing Company, copyright
    7f. NYS EXTERNAL Be it resolved that the Bo ard of Education, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves awarding Sherry Mein-Garner a Ne w York State External
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
    DISTRICT: the Superintendent of Scho ols and pursuant to Education Law, accepts
    the donation of saltwater aquarium items valued at $6,330.43 to Mr.
    Thomas’ classroom at the High School fro m Mr. Edward Meyers.
    7h. GRANT AUTHORITY TO Be it resolved that th e Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    THE SUPERINTENDENT the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    TO APPROVE CAPITAL approves granting authority to Superintendent Lucinda Miner allowing
    PROJECT CHANGE her to approve Change Orders u p to the amount of $20,000.00, for the
    ORDERS: duration of the Capital Project for as much that the Change Order does
    not change the outward appearance of the Capital Pro ject.
    7i1. LIBRARY MEDIA Be it resolved that the Board
    of Education, upon recommendation of
    SPECIALIST - the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    ANGELIC DURHAM approves the three year pr obationary appointment of Angelic Durham,
    conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87 as follows:

    September 23, 2008 Page 42
    Certification: Library Media Specialist, Initial
    Control #: on file
    Special Subject Tenure Area: School Media Specialist (Library)
    Probationary Period: February 1, 2008 – January 31, 2011
    Salary: $44,200.00 Step G (as per NRWTA contract)
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation o
    SUBSTITUTE TEACHER- the Superintendent of S chools and pursuant to Education Law,
    BURNELL SAYERS approves the appointment of Burnell Sayers as a Long Term Substitute
    Teacher, conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87 as follows:
    Certification: Nursery, Kindergarten, Grades 1-6, permanent
    Control #: on file.
    Appointment Area: Elementary
    Start Date: approximately November 4, 2008 – Dece mber 16, 2008,
    the period of time determined by the absence of Jen nifer Marriott, to
    serve at the pleasure of the Board.
    Salary: $37,000 Step A
    7i3. MIDDLE SCHOOL Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    CO-CURRICULAR the Superintend
    ent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    APPOINTMENT: approves the following C o-Curricular appointment for the 2008-09
    school year:
    Crystal Weigand Yearbook 1 1
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
    CO-CURRICULAR the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    APPOINTMENT approves the following Co-Curric ular appointment corrections for the
    CORRECTIONS: 2008-09 school year:
    John Newman
    Stage Advisor
    Tim Pauldine
    Stage Advisor
    4 21
    John Newman Musical Stage Advisor 3 9 $1365.00
    Tim Pauldine Musical Stage Advisor 4 21 $1443.00
    7i5. 2008-09 AQUATICS Be it resolved that the Boar d of Education, upon recommendation of
    PROGRAM: the Superintendent of Schools and p ursuant to Education Law,
    approves the following individual as a Lifeguard for any swim program
    we offer for the 2008-09 school year:
    Callen Lange $7.15
    7i6. VOLUNTEER COACHES: Be it resolved that the Bo ard of Education, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the following individual as a volunteer coach for the fall 2008
    sports season.
    Boys Soccer
    Dwight Burry
    8a. INFORMATION The following items were s

    ITEMS: September 2008, The Advocate – Septe mber 2008, Use of Facilities,
    MS Newsletter – September 2008.
    RECOMMENDATION Vic Tomaselli from SEI and K evin Clark from Christa Corporation were
    TO AWARD BIDS FOR present and spoke to the Board about the bids received for the Capital
    CAPITAL PROJECT Project. There was a good ana lysis of the bids received, and good
    competition in all 5 contracts. There will be no n eed to take any deducts
    and everything planned for in the Capital project should be able to be
    done. All ten classrooms at the High School will b e built. It was
    recommended that the Board of Education award 3 of the 5 bids now:
    the general trades, electrical and roofing bids. T he HVAC and

    September 23, 2008 Page 44
    authorizes awarding a bid to the bidder deemed to
    be the lowest
    responsible meeting the bid specifications as follows:
    Northeastern Insulation Co., Inc. Contract 105- Roofing $833,300.00
    1240 Research Forest Capital Project
    Macedon, NY 14502
    9. PUBLIC No
    one spoke to the Board at this time.
    EXECUTIVE SESSION: Kari Durham moved and Clifford
    Parton seconded the following
    motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner, R. Ca hoon, K.
    DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parto n, O. Rothfuss
    III voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves Executive Session at 8:42 pm for the speci fic purpose of
    discussing matters leading to the appointment, employment,
    promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal, or removal of a
    particular employee or employees.
    OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at 9:30 pm.
    ADJOURNMENT Kari Durham moved and Clifford Parton seconded the following
    motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner, R. Caho on, K. DeAngelis,
    K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parton, O. Rothf uss III voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the adjournment of the meeting at 9:33 pm.
    Jan McDorman, Clerk
    Board of Education

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