June 24, 2008 Page 148
    Unofficial and Unapproved
    JUNE 24, 2008 8:00 PM MIDDLE SCHOOL ROOM #
    PRESENT: Edward Magin, Judi Buckalew, Robert Cahoon, Katharine DeAngelis, Kari
    Durham, Melinda DeBadts, Nicki Henner, Cliff Parton, Ora Rothfuss III (8:35)
    Lucinda Miner, Robert Magin, Jan McDorman and 6 guests
    1. CALL TO ORDER: Ed Magin called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm and led the Pledge of
    A salary correction was made to the Agenda item #7i14. Co­Curricular
    appointments before approval.
    1a. APPROVAL OF Cliff Parton moved and Melinda DeBadts seconded the following motion.
    AGENDA: The vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis,
    K. Durham, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    agenda of June 24, 2008.
    2. PUBLIC ACCESS: Mrs. Nancy Snyder provided the Board with an overview of
    , that will take place after graduation on June 27, 2008 at Laker
    Hall, SUNY Oswego. The Board thanked Mrs. Snyder and all Project
    Graduation committee members who have contributed in making this a fun,
    safe evening for our graduates.
    3. PRESENTATION: There were no presentations.
    4a. BUDGET COMMITTEE The Budget Committee met and discussions focused on
    REPORT: recommendations for the 2007­2008 Fund Balance.
    4b. BUILDING AND GROUNDS The Building and Grounds Committee met with SEI and Christa
    COMMITTEE REPORT: Corporation and recommendations were made to hold off the bidding
    process until fall because of the economic situation. An alternate bidding
    schedule was discussed to protect the District’s budget from high bidders.
    A recommendation was made to delay Capital Project work at the
    Florentine Hendrick building for ease of management.
    A motion was made by Judi Buckalew and seconded by Robert Cahoon to
    accept the recommendations as presented.

    June 24, 2008 Page 149
    The vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R.
    Cahoon, K.
    DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III
    voted yes.
    4c. OTHER GOOD NEWS OF Many events have been enjoyable throughout the District: 8
    grade dinner,
    grade moving up ceremony, Festival of the Arts, MS
    /HS student
    Participation in the Strawberry Festival, to name a few.
    Mr. Magin mentioned that the new curtain liner is in place in the Auditorium
    of the High School and ready for graduation night.
    The Board is pleased to accept the 2008 High School Yearbook.
    Kari Durham and Nicki Henner attended a very worthwhile Board of
    Education seminar in Newark.
    4d. OTHER:
    5a. SUPERINTENDENT’S Mrs. Miner gave a report on the legislation for the “211” waiver for the
    UPDATE: employment of retirees. There was also a discussion on the property tax cap.
    5b. BUSINESS Mr. Magin reported that the firm of Ray Wager is at the District Office
    ADMINISTRATOR’S conducted the preliminary audit.
    5c. POLICY FIRST New policies were given to the board for a first reading. They are encouraged
    READING: to call the Superintendent with questions.
    6a. MEETING MINUTES Cliff Parton moved and Katharine DeAngelis seconded the following motion.
    JUNE 10, 2008 The vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis,
    K. Durham, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    Meeting Minutes of June 10, 2008 .
    7. CONSENT AGENDA Cliff Parton moved and Robert Cahoon seconded the following motion.
    The vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis,
    K. Durham, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III voted yes.
    7a. WARRANTS: Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of School and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    following Warrant:
    Warrant #0058 $109,718.57
    7a1. AUDITOR’S REPORT: The Auditor’s report was shared with the Board.
    7b. 2007­2008 FUND Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    BALANCE Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the

    June 24, 2008 Page 150
    RECOMMENDATION: transfer of up to $444,124 t
    o the Capital Reserve Account to be funded with
    surplus funds as of June 30, 2008.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    transfer of up to $300,000 to the Employee Benefit & Accrued Liability
    Reserve Account to be funded with surplus funds as of June 30, 2008.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    transfer of up to $100,000 to the Workers’ Compensation Reserve Account to
    be funded with surplus funds as of June 30, 2008.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    transfer of up to $994,925 to the Insurance Reserve Account to be funded with
    surplus funds as of June 30, 2008.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    transfer of up to $210,000 to the Insurance Reserve Account to be funded
    with excess funds from the Tax Certiorari Reserve Account, effective June
    30, 2008.
    7c. SUBSTITUTES: Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    individuals named on the substitute lists, which are on file with the District
    7d. RECOMMENDATIONS Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    FROM CSE AND CPSE: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    recommendations from the Committee on Special Education dated May 28,
    2008, June 3, 2008 and the Committee on Pre School Special Education dated
    June 3, 2008 and instructs the Superintendent to implement the
    recommendations on behalf of the following individuals identified by student
    11111 10233 10317 11732 11334 11335
    11577 11209 11013 12027 11231 12003
    7e. APPROVAL OF Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    “SCIENCE 21”: SCIENCE Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    FOR THE 21
    CENTURY “Science 21”: Science for the 21
    Century program as a replacement for the
    PROGRAM FOR current science program being used in Grades K­6. Author: Maria Gardner
    GRADES K­6 and Abby Bergman, Publishing Company
    Putnam/Northern Westchester
    , Copyright 2003; updated annually. The cost of the science program is
    70% reimbursable.
    7f1. LETTER OF Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    RESIGNATION: Superintendent of Schools and p

    AMANDA DASHNAU resignation of Amanda Dashnau, Teaching Assistant, effective August 27,
    2008, contingent upon her appointment as a Long Term Substitute Teacher for
    the 2008­09 school year.
    7f2. CREATION OF Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    1.0 FTE STAFF Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    DEVELOPER: creation of a 1.0 FTE Staff Developer position.
    7f3. CREATION OF 1.0 FTE Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    LIBRARY MEDIA Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves
    SPECIALIST: the creation of a 1.0 FTE Library Media Specialist position.
    7f4. CREATION OF 1.0 FTE Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    PHYSICAL EDUCATION Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the

    Probationary Period: August 28, 2008 – August 27, 2011
    Salary: $37,000 plus $1,500 one time sign on bonus for masters degree
    7i9. APPOINT 1.0 FTE Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    PHYSICAL EDUCATION Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    TEACHER: three year probationary appointment of Daniel Stadtmiller, conditional upon a
    DANIEL STADTMILLER criminal history record check according to Commissioners Regulation §80­
    1.11 and Part 87 as follows:
    Certification: Physcial Education, Initial Control #: on file
    Special Subject Tenure Area: Physical Education
    Probationary Period: August 28, 2008 – August 27, 2011
    Salary: $37,000
    7i10. APPOINT 1.0 FTE Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    SUMMER MAINTENANCE Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    WORKER: appointment of William Denk to the position of 1.0 FTE Summer Maintenance
    WILLIAM DENK Worker, conditional upon a criminal history record check, according to
    Commissioners Regulations §80­1.11 and Part 87, at $9.50/hour, 8 hrs./day,

    7i14. APPOINT 2008­2009 Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    CURRICULUM COUNCIL: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, appoints the
    following individuals to serve on the Curriculum Council and as Lead Teacher

    June 24, 2008 Page 154
    The following employees are recommended as Program Aides
    at the rate of $10.00/hr:
    Brandon Bentley Paige Humbert
    Andrea Ceccarelli Tyler Interlichia
    Bradley DeMass Nicole Leo
    Julia Green Douglas Sellers
    Tiffany Green Melissa Smith
    James Humbert Mallory Virts
    The following individual is recommended as a Program Assistant
    to continue the data entry position throughout the summer and into
    the next school year at the rate of $12.00/hr
    Susan Lasher
    7i16. SPECIAL EDUCATION Be it resolved that the Bo
    ard of Education, upon recommendation of the
    SUMMER SCHOOL Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, appoints the
    STAFF: following individuals to fill positions for Special Education Summer School:
    July 1, 2008 – August 14, 2008
    Cathy LaValley Teacher $25.00/hr. for 6 hrs./day
    Amy Plowe Teacher $25.00/hr. for 6 hrs. /day
    Tracy Keeton Teacher Aide $10.65/hr. for 6 hrs./day
    Melissa Gabel Teacher Aide $10.07/hr. for 6 hrs. / day
    Carol Hull Teacher Aide $10.07/hr. for 5.5 hrs./day
    Lynn Galens Teacher Aide $13.94/hr. for 5.5 hrs. /day
    Joyce Dziekonski Teacher Aide $10.65/hr.
    for 5.5 hrs. /day
    Megan Mann Speech Therapist $25.00/hr. up to 4.5 hrs. /day for 3 wks.
    Jaime Akerly Speech Therapist $25.00
    /hr. up to 4.5 hrs. /day for 3 wks.
    Peggy Wilson Nurse $25.00/hr. 6 hrs./day for 3 wks.
    Kathy Welkley Nurse $25.00/hr. 6 hrs./day for 3 wks.
    July 7, 2008 – August 7, 2008
    Kim Youngman Teacher Aide $10.07/hr. for 5 hrs./day
    *fills the needs of a specific student’s IEP
    July 7, 2008 – August 15, 2008
    Susan Nurse 1:1 LPN estimated $14.07/hr. for up to 8 hrs. /day
    *fills the needs of a specific student’s IEP
    7i17. APPOINT SUMMER Be it resolved that the Board
    of Education, upon recommendation of the
    TRANSPORTATION Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, appoints the
    PERSONNEL: following individuals as summer bus drivers, monitors, and substitute drivers
    effective July 1, 2008 through August 15, 2008, with number of hours per day
    varying from approximately 2 2/3 – 6 ¼ hrs. depending on the route and
    number of runs as follows:
    Staff Position Rate
    Staff Position Rate
    Barb Winter Bus Driver $21.15 Shannon Cahoon Monitor $9.50
    Ellie VanWaes Bus Driver $19.05 Val Tryon Monitor $17.27

    June 24, 2008 Page 155
    Joyce Rickles Bus Driver $18.53
    Robert Wilson Bus Driver $14.59
    Dave Burns Bus Driver $14.59
    Mickie Peck Bus Driver $15.68
    Don Rose, Jr. Bus Driver $15.68
    7i18. APPOINT SUMMER Be it resolved that the Board
    of Education, upon recommendation of the
    STUDENT WORKERS ­ Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    PAINT CREW following individuals to work from July 7, 2008 through August 29, 2008 as
    Student Workers on the Summer Paint Crew from 7:00 a.m. ­3:30 p.m. each
    Returning from previous year
    Rachael Fisher $7.40
    Marina Mumby $7.40
    Amelia Galek $7.40
    Kelly McDorman $7.15
    Katie Whitehouse $7.15
    7i19. APPOINT 2008­2009 Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    AQUATIC PROGRAM Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    following individuals as Water Safety Instructors and/or Lifeguards or
    Program Directors for any swim program we offer for the 2008­09 school
    Water Safety Instructor and Lifeguard
    Sarah Eisenmenger $10.00
    Crystal Shaner $9.50
    Keri Coleman $7.15
    Geoff Hall $7.65
    Sabrina Green $7.15
    8. INFORMATIONAL The following informational item
    s were shared with the Board: NYSSBA
    ITEMS: Letter, Rural Schools Association Letter,Enrollment – June 2008, Policy
    #6551 Family and Medical Leave Act Regulation Revision Information, Policy
    #6551 Family and Medical Leave Act Previous Policy, Regulation and Form
    Information, Policy #6480 Determination of Employment Status: Employee or
    Independent Contractor Regulation Revision Information, Policy #7420 Title
    IX and Gender Discrimination in School Athletic Programs Previous Policy
    Information, Thank you from First Baptist Church of Wolcott re: Building
    Use for recent Christian Event, The Muse
    , Schedule of Administrator’s
    Reports, Festival of the Arts brochures, Use of Facilities, Ticket for 8
    Dinner, The Advocate – June 2008, Extra Curricular Activities Handbook,
    NYSPHSAA Code of Ethics/Section V Student Athletes Code of Behavior,
    Florentine Hendrick Elementary Newsletter – June 2008, NYS Office of the
    State Comptroller Report of Examination Information


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