1. Our foreign policy changed when Pearl harbor was bombed
  2. Remember:
  3. A new threat to U.S. security immediately after World War II
  4. Our policy of involvement meant we would work in the world to stop the spreading of communism
  5. Containment
  6. U.S. emerged from World War II as the “leader of the free world”
  7. Truman Doctrine
  8. Marshall Plan
  9. Why did we spend money to help rebuild Europe?????
  10. 1. Help these countries rebuild and improve their economies so they would not be as likely to turn to communism
  11. 2. By improving their economies they could become trading partners with the U.S.
  12. We also helped rebuild Japan (NOT part of the Marshall Plan)
  13. Military Containment
  14. Germany
  15. We left our troops in West Germany to stop the Soviets from spreading their control
  16. U.S. military force occupied Japan following World War II
  17. Domestic Issues
  18. Slide 19
  19. 1. U.S. soldiers were not discharged all at once, but slowly over a couple of years. That way they did not flood the job market
  20. 2. G.I. Bill
  21. How did the
  22. 1. Home construction increased - money to build
  23. 2. Many went to college and vocational schools which delayed their entry into the work force and
  24. 3. Allowed new businesses to start and they would hire workers
  25. 4. Colleges, construction companies and transportation companies all benefited from people using their G.I. Bills
  26. Nuremberg Trials
  27. Unlike World War I, there was NOT an effort to return to conditions before the war.
  28. Slide 29
  29. Slide 30

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