1. 1920’s page 21
  2. 1920’s
  3. Period of Anti-Immigration
  4. Nativism (anti-foreigner feeling increased
  5. Red Scare
  6. The Russian Revolution concerned the U.S.
  7. Sacco-Vanzetti Trial
  8. Many foreigners had their civil rights violated
  9. Schenck vs the U.S.
  10. Consumerism
  11. Inventions and technology made more products available than ever before
  12. Automobiles
  13. Consumers buying goods meant more jobs
  14. The economy was good, BUT
  15. Installment Plans
  16. When people quit buying factories sold less, and thus laid off workers, or worse...
  17. A false sense of prosperity led factory owners into expanding too fast.
  18. Foreign Policy
  19. Disillusionment
  20. U.S. tried to negotiate treaties to avoid future military involvement
  21. Prohibition
  22. Prohibition was...
  23. Gangsters increased in power because they were the one’s who sold the only alcohol
  24. Government found out it was difficult to legislate morality
  25. 21st Amendment repealed Prohibition in 1933
  26. Changes in society during the 20’s
  27. Young people gained independence because of automobiles
  28. Harlem Renaissance
  29. Scopes Monkey Trial
  30. Sports and movie stars gain popularity

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