The Learning Standards and

Alternate Performance Indicators for

Students with Severe Disabilities

Final Version

The University of the State of New York

The State Education Department

Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities





Regents of the University

CARL T. HAYDEN, Chancellor, A.B., J.D Elmira
LOUISE P. MATTEONI, Vice Chancellor, B.A., M.A., Ph.D Bayside
J. EDWARD MEYER, B.A., LL.B Chappaqua
G. CARLOS CARBALLADA, Chancellor Emeritus, B.S Rochester
DIANE O'NEILL McGIVERN, B.S.N., M.A., Ph.D Staten Island
SAUL B. COHEN, B.A., M.A., Ph.D New Rochelle
JAMES C. DAWSON, A.A., B.A., M.S., Ph.D Peru
ROBERT M. BENNETT, B.A., M.S Tonawanda
ROBERT M. JOHNSON, B.S., J.D Lloyd Harbor
PETER M. PRYOR, B.A., LL.B., J.D., LL.D Albany
HAROLD O. LEVY, B.S., M.A. (Oxon.), J.D New York
ENA L. FARLEY, B.A., M.A., Ph.D Brockport

President of the University and Commissioner of Education


Chief Operating Officer RICHARD II. CATE

Deputy Commissioner for Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with



Manager, Special Education Policy and Quality Assurance RITA D. LEVAY

Coordinator, Special Education Policy LAWRENCE T. WAITE

Associate, Special Education Policy ANDACE H. SHYER

The State Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, religion, geed, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or sexual orientation in its educational programs, services and activities. Portions of this publication can be made available in a variety of formats, including Braille, large print or audiotape, upon request. Inquiries concerning this policy of nondiscrimination should be directed to the Department's Office for Diversity, Ethics, and Access, Room 152, Education Building, Albany, NY 12234.


Table of Contents

Acknowledgment v
Foreword vii
Introduction 1
The Learning Standards and Alternate Performance Indicators 7
English/Language Arts 8
Health, Physical Education, and Family and Consumer Sciences 12
Mathematics, Science & Technology 18
Social Studies 30
Career Development and Occupational Studies 35
The Arts 41
Guidelines for Committees on Special Education 50

Checklist of Performance indicators and Recommended

Assessment for Each Standard 51




The Advisory Committee for the Standards and Students with Severe Disabilities



Dave Abeling

Pat Berry

Ellen Burus

Dana Chapman Susan ConstantMo Philip Cronlund Denise Fegueroa Jim Fogarty Barbara A. Frisenda Robert Guarino

Sue Lehr

John McKay Elizabeth Merrill Harold Mowl

Holly Nann

Nancy Needle Martin Nelson Bruce Nesbit Cheryl Saidel Richard Schonfeld Phyllis Schwartz Robert Seibold Jane F. Suddalby Bob Tobias

Maria Cruz Torres Ed Wilkens

Williamson Central School District

Center for Developmental Disabilities

Early Childhood Direction Center of the Capital Region

New York State School for the Deaf

United Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York State, Inc.

New York State School for the Deaf

Troy Resource Center for Independent Living

Eastern Suffolk #2 BOCES

Seaford Union Free School District

New York Institute for Special Education


Southern Westchester BOCES

Oneida/Herkimer/Madison BOCES

Rochester School for the Deaf


Board of Education of New York City

Levittown Public Schools

Gateway Youth and Family Services

Jamesville DeWitt Schools

Hillside Children's Center

Suffolk BOCES

New York State School for the Blind

Liverpool Central Schools

Board of Education of New York City

Buffalo City SETRC Training Specialist

Northeastern Regional Resource Center


New York State Education Department Staff

Bob Brennan

Roseanne DeFabio

Virginia Hammer

Jacqueline Marino

Anne Schiano

Lawrence Waite

Colleen Canorro

Pat Geary

Roger Hyndman

Barbara Nussbaum

Anthony Schilling

Connie CentreIlo

Mike Hacker

Jo Ann Larson

Mary Pillsworth

Candace Shyer




This document represents a two-year effort to establish alternate performance indicators, key ideas and sample tasks for students with severe disabilities, which are linked to the Learning Standards established for all students. On July 17, 1997, the Board of Regents endorsed these alternate performance indicators which were disseminated to constituents. Based on responses received from the public meetings and from individuals across the State, this document was refined.

This document is not a curriculum in and of itself but rather a framework for development of a curriculum. It articulates the learning standards established for all students in New York State and alternate performance indicators, key ideas and sample tasks for students with severe disabilities.






The mission of the New York State Education Department is to raise the knowledge, skills and opportunities of all the people in New York by providing leadership for a system that yields the best-educated people in the world. This has been accomplished in part by establishing a common set of learning standards for all students. The Board of Regents believes that special education must be increasingly focused on improving the performance of students with disabilities, including students with severe disabilities. These students must have access to high quality educational programs that enable them to achieve the learning standards established for all students. This same theme is a major focus of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 1997.

Currently, the educational achievements of students with disabilities fall far short of those of their nondisabled peers. Because many more school-age students receiving special education services are capable of completing the course work and State testing requirements for a diploma, the Department is striving to increase the number of students with disabilities who meet the learning standards at high levels of achievement and who exit secondary education with a high school diploma. However, not all students with disabilities will be able to obtain a high school diploma. Some students with disabilities will obtain an individualized education program (IEP) diploma based on achieving the educational goals specified in their current IEP. These educational goals are set by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) and must be linked to the Learning Standards and to appropriate performance indicators. Appropriate performance indicators for some of these students may be on the elementary or intermediate level. However, there is a small percentage of students within this group of students, students with severe disabilities, for whom even the elementary level of performance indicators are not appropriate. These students require alternate performance indicators appropriate to their abilities and needs.

In New York State approximately 11.1% (362,202) of all students are classified as students with disabilities. Of all students with disabilities, only two to three percent (fewer than 11,000) are students with severe disabilities. It is for these students that alternate performance indicators linked to the Learning Standards approved for all students have been designed. Students with severe disabilities have limited cognitive abilities combined with behavioral and/or physical limitations and require highly specialized education, social, psychological, and medical services in order to maximize their full potential for useful and meaningful participation in society and for self-fulfillment. Students with severe disabilities may experience severe speech, language, and/or perceptual-cognitive impairments, and evidence challenging behaviors that interfere with learning and socialization opportunities. These students may also have extremely fragile physiological conditions and may require personal care, physical/verbal supports and/or prompts and assistive technology devices.


Advisory Group on Standards for Students with Severe Disabilities

An advisory group was established by the Department to examine the Learning Standards relative to students with severe disabilities. This advisory group included parents, representatives of public and private schools, Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), the Commissioner's Advisory Panel for Special Education Services, Independent Living Centers, Early Childhood Direction Centers, Special Education Training and Resource Centers (SETRCs) and Department staff.

The advisory group concluded that all students, including students with severe disabilities, must be given the opportunity to achieve the Learning Standards, but that not all Standards are appropriate for all students with severe disabilities. For example, a CSE may recommend at an annual review meeting that a particular Learning Standard in Mathematics, Science and Technology (MS&T) is not appropriate for that student to be working on during that next school year. The CSE may recommend MS&T Learning Standard 3 concerning applying mathematics in real-world settings as appropriate for the student with a severe disability and may not recommend the MS&T Learning Standard 1 regarding the use of mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry and engineering design as appropriate for that student. In addition, a CSE may recommend that a student with a disability be exempted from the second language requirement. Therefore, the student would not have goals associated with the Learning Standards for Languages Other Than English on his/her IEP.

The advisory group also agreed that the key ideas, performance indicators and sample tasks do not necessarily reflect appropriate and/or functional expectations for all students with severe disabilities. The performance indicators on elementary, intermediate and commencement levels as written in the Standards documents are not sufficiently rudimentary for students with severe disabilities. The Committee on Special Education, with parental input, has a critical role in determining appropriate goals and objectives linked to the standards to ensure standards-based instruction for a student with a severe disability.

The Advisory Group's recommendation parallels recommendations from the National Center on Education Outcomes (NCEO). NCEO is funded by the US Department of Education to work with national policy-making groups and state departments of education on outcomes for students with disabilities. NCEO recommends that one set of standards be identified for all students. "What is important for some students to know is important for all students to know. The content standards of the skills and knowledge required for a trained and informed work force are useful for students at all ability levels." However, NCEO acknowledges that performance standards, which represent levels of student proficiency on content standards, will vary depending upon student abilities and interests.



The Standards

The Standards, as defined by the New York State Curriculum and Assessment Council, are "the knowledge, skills and understandings that individuals can and do habitually demonstrate over time as a consequence of instruction and experience." The Standards for students with severe disabilities are the same standards that have been approved by the Board of Regents for all students.

However, alternate performance indicators on a basic functional level of age 5 were developed to reflect appropriate educational outcomes for students with severe disabilities. Teachers will need to task analyze the alternate performance indicators and sample tasks to bring them to the cognitive level of a specific student with a severe disability. In addition to these alternate performance indicators, sample tasks associated with each of the alternate performance indicators were developed. Sample tasks clarify expectations for students with severe disabilities and provide guidance for special educators in implementing these alternate performance indicators. Sample tasks are intended to provide some examples of tasks that support attainment of the performance standards and are suggested ways students can demonstrate progress toward achieving the Standards. This draft document has been reviewed by the School Administrators Association of New York State, Boards of Cooperative Educational Services, public and private schools, educational administrators from the Office of Mental Health, District Superintendents Subcommittee on Special Education, Association of Special Education Administrators, Council of Administrators of Special Education, the Commissioner's Advisory Panel for Special Education Services, State Rehabilitation Advisory Council, State Independent Living Council, Special Education Training and Resource Centers (SETRCs) and Transition Site Coordinators.

The standards and performance indicators which follow will assist school personnel and families in understanding what students with severe disabilities need to know to attain the highest level of performance. IEPs linked to the standards provide the framework for IEP development across the years and across the curriculum, provide consistency when students move from school to school or school district to school district, strengthen system-wide use of standards-based instruction and assessment and promote inclusive special education services and collaboration among special and general educators. It is importantt for instruction to take place in school, community, home and work settings for students with severe disabilities.

The intent of the IDEA transition requirements for students who are age 14 or older is to provide individualized instruction and experiences to prepare all students for successful adult life opportunities in the community. The CSE must assure that the secondary educational program will incrementally prepare every student with a disability to live, learn and work upon exiting school. The provision of instruction and experiences, for example--participation in a work experience with a job coach, must be integral components of the student's secondary educational program. The alternate performance indicators, especially those for Career Development and Occupational Studies, provide the means to assess how individuals with severe disabilities demonstrate knowledge, skills, and understandings as a consequence of their instruction and experience. Accomplishment of Alternate Performance Indicators by these students will help to ensure successful transitions to adult experiences.



Committees on Special Education will need to decide when and which alternate performance indicators apply to a student with a severe disability and whether a student with a severe disability requires an alternate assessment. Criteria to assist a Committee on Special Education are included in Attachments A and B. These general parameters provide a starting point for CSE discussions about a student with a severe disability to determine whether the Learning Standards are appropriate and articulate clear and challenging expectations for the student when developing his/her individualized education program. In all instances, CSEs should make determinations based on individual student abilities and needs.

Assessing Students with Severe Disabilities

The Standards embedded in the seven standards documents are the basis for New York's new assessment system. Revisions to the statewide assessment program are being made to address accountability for student progress, which is integral to improving performance. A Committee on Special Education must make decisions about a student's participation in local and State examinations or in an alternate assessment based on the individual needs of and evaluative information concerning the student.

Students with severe disabilities have traditionally been exempted from the statewide assessment program. In order to link student performance with individualized education programs and high educational standards, an alternate assessment system must be designed and implemented for these students. The IDEA Amendments of 1997 require states to implement an alternate assessment system by the year 2000. The Department will engage the best thinkers in the field to develop an alternate assessment system based on the performance indicators included in this report.

Alternate assessment formats are necessary to allow students with even the most significant disabilities to demonstrate their mastery of skills and attainment of knowledge. Assessment tasks reflect "real world" integrated performance skills to assist with planning for long-term adult outcomes. The demands posed by these assessments include the full range of outcomes and abilities desired of students and create multiple strands of evidence showing students' abilities, their processes of learning and their achievements. An alternate assessment captures a student's growth or change over time and integrates curriculum content and instructional strategies. Such integration allows parents/caregivers, teachers and others to gain a rich understanding of what the student can do and his/her progress in reaching the standards and can be used at the local level to assist Committees on Special Education in making appropriate recommendations, designing programs and planning for a student's transition from one program to another.


The IDEA requires states to report data on the number of students with disabilities participating in regular and alternate assessments. Information on the numbers of students with disabilities who are participating in the standardized statewide assessment system, as well as the number of students with severe disabilities participating in an alternate assessment system, will be collected and shared by the State Education Department so that local constituents are aware of the extent that alternate assessment procedures are used in their district.



Next Steps:

The New York State Education Department will engage in the following activities endorsed by the Board of Regents:

Spring 1998

Conduct regional training for constituents on the alternate performance indicators for students with severe disabilities.


March 1998 to March 2000

Develop and pilot an alternate assessment system to measure the progress of students with severe disabilities in meeting the standards and alternate performance indicators.


March-June 2000

Provide information and training on an alternate assessment system.


July 2000

Implement a statewide alternate assessment system as required by IDEA.


June 2001

Collect data and report on the number and performance of students with severe disabilities participating in an alternate assessment.






























English/Language Arts

Standard 1—Language for Information and Understanding

Students will read, write, listen and speak for information and understanding.

Alternate Level Alternate Level

Listening and Reading Communicating and Writing


1. Listening and reading to acquire information and understanding involves collecting data, facts and ideas; discovering relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and using knowledge from oral, written and electronic sources.

2. Communicating and writing to acquire and transmit information requires asking questions, applying information from one context to another and presenting the information clearly.




This is evident, for example, when students:

transportation modes, etc. from publications.


This is evident, for example, when students:

choice at a meal or stating the name of the food.

completing a job task.

complete a personal identification card.

Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ). Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).

book and use information from the presentation/

book in school, home, community or work.



Standard 2—Language for Literacy, Response and Expression

Students will read, write, listen and speak for literacy response and expression.

Alternate Level Alternate Level

Listening and Reading Speaking and Writing

1. Listening and reading for literary response involves learning about imaginative texts in every medium, drawing personal experiences and knowledge to understand the text, and recognizing the social, historical and cultural features of the text.


This is evident, for example, when students:


2. Speaking and writing for literary response and expression involves reacting to the content and language of a text.


This is evident, for example, when students:

Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).


Standard 3—Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation

Students will read, write, listen and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.

Alternate Level

Communicating and Writing

1. During listening and reading activities, analysis and evaluation of experiences, ideas, information, and issues are used. This requires using evaluative criteria from a variety of perspectives and recognizing the difference in evaluations based on different sets of criteria.



This is evident, for example, when students:






Alternate Level

Listening and Reading

2. Speaking and writing for critical analysis and evaluation requires presenting opinions and judgments on experience, ideas, information and issues.


This is evident, for example, when students:


Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).









Standard 4—Language for Social Interaction

Students will read, write, listen and speak for social interaction


Alternate Level

Listening and Reading

1. Oral communication in formal and informal settings requires the ability to talk with people of different ages, genders, and cultures, to adapt presentations to different audiences, and to reflect on how talk varies in different situations.




Alternate Level

Communicating and Writing

2. Written communication for social interaction

requires using written messages to establish, maintain, and enhance personal relationships with others.


This is evident, for example, when students:

respond to their questions.

another teacher.


such as smiling.

deliver a message to another teacher.






Health, Physical Education, and Family and Consumer Sciences

Standard 1—Personal Health and Fitness

Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity and maintain personal health.

Alternate Level


Alternate Level

Health Education


Physical Education

1. Students will develop, demonstrate and practice positive health behaviors, skills and choicemaking.




1. Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. Students will improve cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and body composition.


This is evident for example when students:


This is evident, for example, when students:

Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ). Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).









Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity and maintain personal health.

Alternate Level

Family and Consumer Sciences








variety of everyday tasks.

This is evident, for example, when students:

properly, and using utensils safely.

toaster for food preparation.

balance of foods.

Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).



Standard 2—A Safe and Healthy Environment

Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.

Alternate Level

Health Education

1. Students will demonstrate personally and socially responsible behaviors. They will care for and respect themselves and others.


and community.

dangerous objects.

contribute to individual safety.

This is evident, for example, when students:

being bothered by another's behavior.


which ones are private.

others to touch them without approval.

behaviors of a peer.

personal property.

Alternate Level

Physical Education.

1. Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged in physical activity. They will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and communication. Students will be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experience for all participants.


variety of tasks.

be prevented.

This is evident, for example, when students:

Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).


















































Standard 3—Resource Management

Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.

Alternate Level

Health Education


Alternate Level

Physical Education

1. Students will know about and use valid health information, products and services. Students will advocate for healthy families and communities.

1. Students will be aware of and able to access opportunities available to them within their community to engage in physical activity.


This is evident, for exantple, when students:

emergency services.

intervention and is able to act accordingly.


This is evident, for example, when students:


Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).




Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.

Alternate Level

Family and Consumer Sciences










































Mathematics, Science and Technology

Standard I—Analysis, Inquiry, and Design

Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers and develop solutions.

Alternate Level

Mathematical Analysis


Alternate Level

Scientific Inquiry


1. Symbolic representation is used to communicate mathematically.


This is evident, for example, when students:

spoons, forks, knives, etc.

1. The central purpose of scientific inquiry is to develop explanations of natural phenomena in a continuing, creative process.


This is evident, for example, when students:





Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).












Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers and develop solutions.

Alternate Level

Engineering Design























































Standard 2—Information Systems

Students will access, generate, process and transfer information using appropriate technologies.

Alternate Level

Information Systems



























































Standard 3-- Mathematics

Students will understand mathematics and become mathematically confident by communicating and reasoning mathematically, by applying mathematics in real-world settings and by solving problems through the integrated study of number systems, geometry, algebra, data analysis, probability and trigonometry.

Alternate Level

Number and Numeration

Alternate Level



  1. Students use number sense and numeration to communicate mathematically and use numbers in the development of concrete mathematical ideas.


  • Use single digit whole numbers to identify locations, quantify groups of objects, and measure distances.
  • Use concrete materials to model numbers and number relationships for whole numbers and simple fractions.
  • Relate counting to grouping using manipulatives.
  • Recognize the order of whole numbers up to 12 and commonly used simple fractions
  • Recognize coins and dollars and their value.

This is evident, for example, when students:

  • Identify their house and phone number.
  • Count out 4 apples into sets of 2 groups.
  • Divide a sandwich in half or a pizza into eighths.
  • Count out 5 pennies for a nickel.
  • Count and package up to 12 cookies into a bag.
  1. Students use mathematical operations to understand mathematics.


  • Add and subtract whole numbers under 12 using manipulatives or a calculator.

This is evident, for example, when students:

  • Use blocks to add 2 plus 2.
  • Use a calculator to subtract 1 from 10.
  • Count out 5 markers; give 2 to a friend and understand that 3 remain.
  • Count out appropriate utensils to set the table for 4 people.
  • Use calculator to add purchases made at the grocery store.

Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).


Students will understand mathematics and become mathematically confident by communicating and reasoning mathematically, by applying mathematics in real-world settings and by solving problems through the integrated study of number systems, geometry, algebra, data analysis, probability and trigonometry.


Alternate Level



Alternate Level


1. Students use measurement in real world situations.

  1. Students use mathematical patterns in a real-world situation.


  • Use appropriate standard and non-standard measurement tools in measurement activities.
  • Understand the simple attributes of length, weight, volume, time, and temperature.
  • Measure the length or volume of an object.
  • Collect and display simple data


  • Recognize and duplicate simple patterns.
  • Use a variety of manipulative materials and technologies to explore patterns.
  • Recognize simple patterns in nature, art, music, and literature.

This is evident, for example, when students, with teacher assistance:

  • Measure with paper clips, finger width or blocks.
  • Create a chart to display the results of a survey conducted among the classes in the school, or graph the amounts of survey responses by grade level.
  • Measure ingredients for baking using a 1-cup measurer, tablespoon and teaspoon.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the function of a clock and read/comprehend digital time.
  • Visit a grocery store and use a scale to weigh various quantities of fruit.
  • Use a clock to follow a schedule by the hour for the day.
  • Using a calendar, mark days completed and record weather and special events by using picture symbols.
  • Tell time by the half hour and hour using a manipulative clock.

This is evident, for example, when students:

  • Draw leaves, simple wallpaper patterns, or picture sequences to illustrate recurring patterns.
  • Use nuts, washers and bolts to duplicate and assembly a pattern.
  • Use templates to organize sets of materials for an assembly line process.
  • Listen to music or a story and repeat the common pattern in each (i.e., chorus of a song or phrase of a story.)
  • Sequence a group of pictures or events.

Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).




Standard 4--Science

Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.

Alternate Level

Physical Setting

  1. The Earth and celestial phenomena can be described by principles of relative motion and perspective.


Recognize patterns of daily, monthly and seasonal changes in their environment.

This is evident, for example, when students with assistance:

  • Conduct a long-term weather investigation, such as collecting wather data on rainfall.
  • Use a chart to keep track of daily weather using picture symbols to denote sunny, rainy and cloudy days.
  • Participate in seasonal activities related to the environment (plant a vegetable/flower garden, rake leaves, cut grass, shovel snow.)
  1. Many of the phenomena that we observe on Earth involve interactions among components of air, water, and land.


  • Observe the relationships among air, water and land on Earth.

This is evident, for example, when students:

  • Observe a puddle of water outdoors after a rainstorm and discuss where the water came from and where it may go.
  • Assemble rock and mineral collections based on characteristics such as color or texture.
  1. Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity.


  • Observe and describe properties of materials using apropriate tools.
  • Observe chemical and physical changes; including changes in states of matter.

This is evident, for example, when students:

  • Compare the appearance of materials when seen with and without the aid of a magnifying glass.
  • Investigate simple physical and chemical reactions and the chemistry of household products, e.g., freezing, meling, and evaporating; a comparison of new and rusty nails; the role of baking soda in cooking or materials before and after they are burned.
  • Make flavored ice pops and observe the change from liquid to solid.
  1. Energy exists in many forms, and when these forms change energy is conserved.


  • Observe a variety of forms of energy (e.g., heat, chemical, light) and the changes that occur in objects when they interact with those forms of energy.

This is evident, for example, when students:

  • Investigate the difference between wearing black materials versus white material in the sun.
  1. Energy and matter interact through forces that result in changes in motion.


  • Investigate the use of common orces (pushes and pulls) on objects, such as those caused by gravity, magnetism, and mechanical forces.

This is evident, for example, when students:

  • Use simple machines to perform tasks.
  • Observe and describe how an automatic garage door opens and closes.




Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).





Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.

Alternate Level

The Living Environment

1. Living things are both similar to and different from each other and nonliving things.


  • explore the characteristics of and differences between living and nonliving things.
  • identify simple life processes common to ail living things.

This is evident, for example, when students:

  • compare two animals for similarities and differences (lion and cat).
  • grow a plant and observe its changes from seed to plant.

2. Individual organisms and species change over time.


  • explore how living things change over their lifetime.
  • observe that differences within a species may give individuals an advantage in surviving.

This is evident, for example, when students:

s observe and state the difference between a baby and an adult.

  • Observe and discuss the colors of an insect that help it blend with its environment.
  1. The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development.


  • Observe the major stages in the life cycles of selected plants and animals.
  • Observe evidence of growth, repair, and maintenance, such as nails, hair and bone, and the healing of cuts and bruises.

This is evident, for example, when students:

  • Grow bean plants or buterflies; describe stages of development.
  • Trim finger nails and observe the growth of the nails over a month.


  • identify a few basic life functions of common living specimens (guppy, mealworm, gerbil).
  • identify some survival behaviors of common living specimens.
  • participate in activities that help promote good health and growth in humans.
  1. Organisms maintain a dynamic equilibrium that sustains life.


  • Identify a few basic life functions of common living specimens (guppy, mealworm, gerbil).
  • Identify some survival behaviors of common living specimens.
  • Participate in activities that help promote good health and growth in humans.

This is evident, for example, when students:

  • Observe a single organism over a period of weeks and describe such life functions as moving, eating, resting, and eliminating.\
  • Give examples of good health practices (brushing teeth, showering, resting.)
  1. Plants and animals depend on each other and their physical environment.


  • Participate in activities that demonstrate how plants and animals, including humans, depend upon each other and the nonliving environment.
  • Participate in activities that demonstrate the relationship of the sun as an energy source for living and nonliving cycles.

This is evident, for example, when student:

  • Investigate how humans depend on their environment (neighborhood), by observing and discussing the interactions that occur in carrying out their everyday lives.
  • Observe the effects of sunlight on growth for a plant or garden vegetable.
  1. Human decisions and activities have had a profound impact on the physical and living environment.


  • Participate in activities which show how humans have changed their environment and the effects of those changes.

This is evident, for example, when students:

  • Demonstrate recycling practices.

Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).




Standard 5--Technology

Students will apply technological knowledge and skills to design, construct, use and evaluate products and systems to satisfy human and environmental needs.

Alternate Level

Engineering Design

Alternate Level

Tools, Resources, and Technological Processes

  1. Engineering design is a repetitive process involving modeling and optimization, finding the best solution within given constraints which is used to develop technological solutions to problems within given constraints.


  • Recognize that an object or choice is not working properly.
  • Communicate how a defective simple object or device might be fixed.
  • Under supervision, manipulate components of a simple, malfunctioning device to improve its performance.
  • Tell how the device or object has been improved.
  • Design a structure or environment (e.g. a neighborhood) using modeling materials such as LEGO Duplo blocks, model vehicles, model structures, etc.)
  • Describe the design in words or drawings.

This is evident, for example, when students:

  • Select from among a group of familiar household appliances such as toasters, microwave ovens, and televisions, those which are not working properly.
  • Recognize that a flashlight needs new batteries.
  • Replace batteries in a toy.
  • Reassemble a ballpoint pen.
  • Install a tape cassette properly into a cassette player.
  • Explain how wheels added to a model car, improve its function.
  • Build a building from LEGO Duplo blocks, including doors and windows.
  • Construct a model of their community using models of objects typically found in a neighborhood.
  • Tell about the model they have constructed. Draw a picture showing its major components.
  1. Technological tools, materials and other resources should be selected on the basis of safety, cost, availability, appropriateness and environmental impact; technological processes change energy, information and material resources into more useful forms.


  • Use a variety of materials and energy sources to construct things.
  • Assemble components using a fastening process.
  • Process materials into more useful forms.
  • Understand the importance of safety and ease of use in selecting tools and resources for a specific purpose.
  • Develop basic skills in the use of hand tools.
  • Use simple manufacturing processes (e.g., assembly, multiple stages of production, quality control) to produce a product.

This is evident, for example, when students:

  • Use materials, joining them with the use of adhesives and mechanical fasteners to assemble a box or toy.
  • Develop skill with a variety of hand tools and use them to make or fix things.
  • Select the appropriate hand tool to assemble a toy.
  • Use the correct kitchen utensils, pans, adapted equipment and simple appliances, while cooking.
  • Glue wooden pieces together to make a toy.
  • Form clay into a desired shape.


Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).



Students will apply technological knowledge and skills to design, construct, use and evaluate products and systems to satisfy human and environmental needs.

Alternate Level

Computer Technology

1. Computers, as tools for design, modeling, information processing, communication, and system control, have greatly increased human productivity and knowledge.


This is evident, for example, when students:









Alternate Level

Technological Systems

1. Technological systems are designed to achieve specific results and produce outputs, such as products, structures, services, energy or other systems.


This is evident, for example, when students:












Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).



Students will apply technological knowledge and skills to design, construct, use and evaluate products and systems to satisfy human and environmental needs.



1. Technology can have positive and negative impacts on individuals, society and the environment. Humans have the capability and responsibility to constrain or promote technological development.


This is evident, for example, when students:

recycling bins.







1. Project management is essential to ensuring that technological endeavors are profitable and that products and systems are of high quality and built safely, on schedule and within budget.



This is evident, for example, when students:

object such as a clock or ballpoint pen.

activities and food needed for an outing.







Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).



Standard 6--Interconnectedness: Common Themes

Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

Alternate Level


Alternate Level

Magnitude and Scale


  • Models are simplified representatives of objects, structures, or systems used in analysis, explanation, interpretation or design.
  • Students:

  • Construct and operate models in order to discover attributes of the real thing.
  • Discover that a model of something is different than the real thing, but can be used to study the real thing.
  • Use different types of models, such as graphs, sketches, diagrams, dioramas and maps, to represent various aspects of the real world.
  • This is evident, for example, when students:

  • Compare toy cars with real automobiles in terms of size and function.
  • Model structures with building blocks
  • Describe the limitations of model cars, planes, or houses compared to real cars, planes or houses.
  • Use model vehicles or structures to illustrate how the real object functions.
  • Use an area map to travel from one location in the neighborhood to another.
  • The grouping of magnitudes of size, time, frequency and pressures or other units of measurement into a series of relative order provides a useful way to deal with the immense range and the changes in scale that affect the behavior and design of systems.
  • Students:

  • Provide examples of natural and manufactured things that belong to the same category, yet have very different sizes, weights, ages, speeds and other measurements.
  • Identify the biggest and the smallest values of a system when given information about its characteristics and behavior.
  • This is evident, for example, when students:

  • Compare the weight of small and large animals (turtle vs. elephant).
  • Compare the speed of bicycles, cars and planes.
  • Collect and compare data related to the height of the students in their class, identifying the tallest and the shortest.
  • Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

    ample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).











    Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

    Alternate Level

    Equilibrium and Stability

    1. Equilibrium is a state of stability due either to

    a lack of changes (static equilibrium) or a

    balance between opposing forces (dynamic equilibrium).


    are placed on the balance.

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    3. place a paper cup on one side of a balance and a glass

    cup on the other side and observe the change.



    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).


    Social Studies

    Standard 1

    Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York.

    Alternate Level

    Social Studies

    1. Students will study family, neighborhood, community, New York State and United States history, culture, values, beliefs and traditions and the important contribution of individuals and groups.











    This is evident, for example, when students:



    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ). Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).






























    Standard 2

    Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.

    Alternate Level

    Social Studies

    1. Students will study world history, cultures and

    1. civilizations and the important contribution of
    2. individuals and groups.


    and future time periods.

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    indicating activities and cross off days completed.

    find a photo of a world event in a newspaper or

    magazine and explain what it is about.

    s share a family tradition from a different


    autobiographies of world figures read to them

    and discuss their contributions to the world culture.

    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).



    Standard 3

    Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live—local, national, and global—including the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earth’s surface.

    Alternate Level

    Social Studies

    1. Students will study local, State, national and global geography. Geography can be divided into six essential elements: The world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical settings (including natural resources), human systems, environment and society and the use of geography.


    This is evident, for example, when students:

    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ). Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ). 32

    Standard 4

    Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of how the United States and other societies develop economic systems and associated institutions to allocate scarce resources, how major decision-making units function in the United States and other national economies, and how an economy solves the scarcity problem though market and non-market mechanisms.

    Alternate Level

    Social Studies

    1. Students will study major economic concepts.


    This is evident, for example, when students:

    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ). Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).







    Standard 5

    Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the United States and other nations; the United States Constitution; the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.

    Alternate Level

    Social Studies


    1. Students will study government, civic life and values and citizenship.




    This is evident, for example, when students:













    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).



    Career Development and Occupational Studies

    Standard 1

    Alternate Level

    Students will be knowledgeable about the world of work, explore career options and relate personal skills, aptitudes and abilities to future career decisions.


    1. Students will learn about the nature of the workplace, the value of work ethic, and the connection of work to the achievement of personal goals.


    This is evident, for example, when students:

    money that they have earned in the workplace.








    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1.).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).



    Standard 2—Integrated Learning

    Alternate Level

    Students will demonstrate how academic knowledge and skills are applied in the workplace and other settings.


    1. Integrated learning encourages students to use essential academic concepts, facts, and procedures in applications related to life skills and the world of work. This approach allows students to see the usefulness of what they are being taught and to understand their potential application in the world of work.


    This is evident, for example, when students.






























    Standard 3a—Universal Foundation Skills

    Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for success in the workplace.

    Alternate Level

    Basic Skills

    Alternate Level

    Thinking Skills


    1. Basic skills include the ability to read, write, listen, clearly communicate and perform arithmetical skills on a simple functional level.


    This is evident, for example, when students:

    2. Thinking skills lead to problem solving and allow the application of knowledge to new and unfamiliar situations.


    This is evident, for example, when students:




    Key ideas are identified by numbers(l).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets(l ).

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles(s ).



    Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for success in the workplace.

    Alternate Level

    Personal Qualities

    Alternate Level

    Interpersonal Qualities



    1. Personal qualities include appropriate daily living skills, social skills and positive behaviors for success in the workplace.


    This is evident, for example, when students:










    1. Positive interpersonal qualities lead to teamwork and cooperation in large and small groups in family, social and work situations.


    This is evident, for example, when students:


    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).







    Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for success in the workplace.

    Alternate Level


    Alternate Level

    Managing Information

    1. Technology is the process and product of human skill and ingenuity in designing and creating things from available resources to satisfy personal and societal needs and wants.


    This is evident, for example, when students:



    1. Information management focuses on the ability to access and use information obtained from other people, community resources and media.


    This is evident, for example, when students:


    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).




    Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for success in the workplace.

    Alternate Level

    Managing Resources

    Alternate Level


    1. Resources used for success in the workplace may include money, personnel, time and/or materials to carry out a planned activity.


    • Demonstrate an awareness of the knowledge, skills, abilities and resources needed to complete a task.

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    • Identify the resources to make a bed or take a shower.
    • Utilize resources provided in school or on the job to complete a simple task such as collating and stapling a 3-page flyer within a specified time frame.
    • Follow a personal schedule.


    1. Systems are designed to achieve specific results and produce outputs such as products, structures, services, energy or other sytems.


    • Demonstrate understanding of how a system operates and identify where to obtain information and resources within the system.

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    • Explain the daily schedule in the classroom and how they will complete a science experiment within the time constraints of the schedule.
    • Use the cafeteria system to order a meal.
    • Use the transportation system to get to school or a job.
    • Demonstrate that batteries, a light bulb and flashlight casing are needed to complete a lighting system.









    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).











    The Arts

    Standard 1—Creating, Performing and Participating in the Arts

    Students will actively engage in the processes that constitute creation and performance in the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts) and participate in various roles in the arts.

    Alternate Level


    Alternate Level



    1. Students will explore and perform dance forms in formal and informal contexts and will improvise, create and perform dances based on their own movement ideas.

    1. Students will explore and perform music in formal and informal contexts and will improvise, create and perform music based on their own ideas.



    This is evident, for example, when students:


    Key ideas are identified by numbers(l). Performance indicators are identified by bullets(o).

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles(,).








    This is evident, for example, when students:





    Students will actively engage in the processes that constitute creation and performance in the arts (dance, music, theatre and visual arts) and participate in various roles in the arts.

    Alternate Level


    Alternate Level

    Visual Arts

    1. Students will create and perform theater pieces as well as improvisational drama. They will use the basic elements of theater in their characterizations and improvisations. Students will engage in individual and group theatrical and theater-related tasks.


    • use creative drama to communicate ideas and feelings.
    • imitate experiences through pantomime, play making, dramatic play, story dramatization, story telling and role-playing.
    • use language, voice, gesture, movement and observation to express their experiences and communicate ideas and feelings.
    • use basic props, simple set pieces and costume
      pieces to establish place, time and character for the participants.
    • use in individual and group experiences some of
      the roles, processes and actions for performing
      and creating theater pieces and improvisational

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    • pantomime the action of a narrated story.
    • observe the habits of familiar animals and use voice, gesture, body movement to portray the animals to classmates.
    • act out a scene from a well-known fairy tale using

    basic props, simple set pieces and costume pieces.

    • Use puppets to dramatize an event: create the dialogue, voices and movement of the puppets to convey the story working in small groups.
    • Experience live and taped theater performances.


    1. Students will make works of art that explore different kinds of subject matter, topics, themes and metaphors. Students will understand and use sensory elements, organizational principles and expressive images to communicate their own ideas in works of art. Students will sue a variety of art materials processes, mediums and techniques, and use appropriate technologies for creating and exhibiting visual arts works.


    • Explore selected works of art in order to discover that these works were made by artists and to discover how they were made (the exploration may be both visual and tactile).
    • Demonstrate the basic skills in cutting, pasting, using clay and using a paint brush.
    • Create works of art based on their personal experiences (such as stories, pets, trips) and make art that tells something about that experience.
    • Explore selected symbols that are used in art, (such as the symbol for the sun or a tree) and discuss how the shape of the symbol may be different from one work to another but yet the symbol is still able to be identified or named.
    • Learn to name visual elements (such as shapes, textures and colors) through multi-sensory experiences.






    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ). 42

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).









    Standard 2—Knowing and Using Arts

    Students will be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and resources available for participation in the arts in various roles.

    Alternate Level


    Alternate Level



    2. Students, with assistance from staff, will access dance and dance-related material from libraries, resource centers, museums, studios and performance spaces. Students will be informed of various careers in dance and recreational opportunities to dance. Students will attend dance events and participate as appropriate within each setting.


    This is evident, for example, when students with staff assistance:

    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1). Performance indicators are identified by bullets(l ).

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles(s ).










    1. Students will use traditional instruments, electronic instruments and a variety of nontraditional sound sources to create and perform music. They will use various resources to expand their knowledge of listening experiences, performance opportunities and/or information about music. Students will identify opportunities to contribute to their communities' music institutions, including those embedded in other institutions (church choirs, industrial music ensembles, etc.). Students will know the vocations and avocations available to them in music.


    This is evident, for example, when students:

    active in local musical theater productions.


    Students will be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and resources available for participation in the arts in various roles.

    Alternate Level


    Alternate Level

    Visual Arts


    2. Students will learn about the basic tools, media and techniques involved in theatrical production. Students will learn about school, community and professional resources for theater experiences. Students will learn about the job opportunities available in all aspects of theater.


    This is evident, for example, when students:













    2. Students will know and use a variety of visual arts materials, techniques and processes. Students will know about resources and opportunities for participation in visual arts in the community (exhibitions, libraries, museums, galleries) and use appropriate materials (art reproductions, slides, print materials, electronic media). Students will be aware of vocational options available in the visual arts.


    This is evident, for example, when students with staff assistance:



    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ),

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).








    Standard 3—Responding to and Analyzing

    Works of Art

    Students will respond critically to a variety of works in the arts, connecting the individual work to other works and to other aspects of human endeavor and thought.

    Alternate Level


    Alternate Level


    1. Students will express their understanding of dances they see, do and learn about. Students will acquire the basic vocabulary to talk about a variety of dance forms.


    • Explore words and symbols (kinetic, visual, tactile, aural and olfactory) that describe movement.
    • Express to others their understanding of specific dance performances.

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    • Describe the patterns that they see in a video of a dance such as The March of the Wooden Soldiers.
    • Describe the bodily movement that they see in a dance and then imitate it.
    • Skip or hop to music and express that they are skipping and hopping.


    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).

    1. Students will demonstrate the capacity to listen to and comment on music.


    • Through listening, tell what they liked or disliked about specific musical works and performances.
    • Learn about the basic elements of music such as melody, rhythm, harmony, dynamics, timbre, form, style, etc.
    • Learn about the basic means by which the voice and instruments can alter pitch, loudness, duration and timbre.

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    • Listen to a musical composition and identify elements (such as rhythm, harmony, melody) that they liked and disliked.
    • Demonstrate with a rubber band how to raise and lower pitch.
    • Listen to a variety of music which sets a mood and tell what mood (happy, sad, mad) they are feeling.
    • Listen to a variety of music (rock, jazz, classical, country) and tell what they liked/disliked about it.







    Students will respond critically to a variety of works in the arts, connecting the individual work to other works and to other aspects of human endeavor and thought.

    Alternate Level


    Alternate Level

    Visual Arts

    3. Students will reflect on and discuss plays and theatrical performances, both live and recorded.


    • Discuss their understanding, interpretation, and evaluation of a theatrical performance.

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    • After viewing a taped or live theater performance, discuss how the music, dance and visual arts enhanced the performance.
    • After viewing a class or school play, discuss the characters, setting and story.

















    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).

    1. Students will reflect on works of art. Students will learn about the visual characteristics of the natural and man-made environment and the social, cultural, psychological and environmental dimensions of the visual arts. Students will learn about the ways in which a variety of ideas, themes and concepts are expressed through the visual arts.


    • Learn about the features of selected works of art, such as the subject matter and the overall feeling of the work.
    • Identify a work of art as distinguished from other kinds of objects and discuss where works of art can be found such as in the home, in school or in a museum.
    • Learn about art elements (such as shape, texture, color) that are found in works of art and what they might express in a work of art.
    • Explore a theme that is part of the student’s experience that is found in a work of art. Express that theme in another form such as movement or music or in composing a class story.

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    • Describe a work or art and tell what they think the work of art is about.\
    • Explore how lines might imply motion, color might convey emotion and size might suggest distance in selected works of art.
    • Explore how pattern can be found in a painting and in a familiar song.







    Students will respond critically to a variety of works in the arts, connecting the individual work to other works and to other aspects of human endeavor and thought.

    Alternate Level


    Alternate Level

    Visual Arts

    3. Students will reflect on and discuss plays and theatrical performances, both live and recorded.


    • Discuss their understanding, interpretation, and evaluation of a theatrical performance.

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    • After viewing a taped or live theater performance, discuss how the music, dance and visual arts enhanced the performance.
    • After viewing a class or school play, discuss the characters, setting and story.

















    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).

    1. Students will reflect on works of art. Students will learn about the visual characteristics of the natural and man-made environment and the social, cultural, psychological and environmental dimensions of the visual arts. Students will learn about the ways in which a variety of ideas, themes and concepts are expressed through the visual arts.


    • Learn about the features of selected works of art, such as the subject matter and the overall feeling of the work.
    • Identify a work of art as distinguished from other kinds of objects and discuss where works of art can be found such as in the home, in school or in a museum.
    • Learn about art elements (such as shape, texture, color) that are found in works of art and what they might express in a work of art.
    • Explore a theme that is part of the student’s experience that is found in a work of art. Express that theme in another form such as movement or music or in composing a class story.

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    • Describe a work or art and tell what they think the work of art is about.\
    • Explore how lines might imply motion, color might convey emotion and size might suggest distance in selected works of art.
    • Explore how pattern can be found in a painting and in a familiar song.



    Standard 4—Understanding the Cultural Dimensions and Contributions of the Arts

    Students will develop an understanding of the personal and cultural forces that shape artistic communication and how the arts in turn shape the diverse cultures of past and present society.

    Alternate Level


    Alternate Level


    1. Students will explore dances from many cultures and times. Students will recognize that dance is performed in many different cultural settings and serves many functions in diverse societies.


    • Explore basic dance movements that are typical of the major world cultures.
    • Explore the settings and circumstances in which dance is found in their lives and those of others, both past and present.

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    • Watch a dance of the Plains Indians
    • Discuss and learn about the role that dance plays in their community (weddings, proms, festivals).
    • Watch a dance performed from another country (Japan, Ireland, Africa).








    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).



    1. Students will develop a beginning performing and listening repertoire of music of various genres, styles and cultures that represent the peoples of the world and their manifestations in the United States. Students will learn about the cultural features of a variety of musical compositions and performances and the functions of music within the culture.


    • Will listen to and perform a basic repertoire of folk songs/dances and composed songs from the basic cultures that represent the peoples of the world.
    • Will listen to composers of well-known examples of classical concert music, folk and blues/jazz selections.

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    • Sing folk music common to a period of history in the United States.
    • Listen to and watch dances associated with some simple pieces of music such as the tango, march and waltz and learn about the countries and composers most associated with the selections.
    • Record on tape the folksongs sung in class and state the country of origin
    • Make a pin map which shows the country of origin of folksongs and recordings.






    Students will develop an understanding of the personal and cultural forces that shape artistic communication and how the arts in turn shape the diverse cultures of past and present

    Alternate Level


    Alternate Level

    Visual Arts

    1. Students will learn about past and present cultures as expressed through theater. They will learn how theater reflects the beliefs, issues and events of societies past and present.


    • Dramatize stories and folk tales from various cultures.
    • Engage in drama/theater activities including music, dance, and games which reflect other cultures and ethnic groups.

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    • Have a folk tale read to them in which animals play important roles; improvise being animals; learn about the "cultures" of animals and human beings.
    • Attend a community ethnic festival to learn about a particular culture’s music, dance and games.



    Key ideas are identified by numbers (1).

    Performance indicators are identified by bullets (l ).

    Sample tasks are identified by triangles (s ).


    1. Students will explore art and artifacts from various historical periods and world cultures to discover the roles that art plays in the lives of people of a given time and place and to understand how the time and place influence the visual characteristics of the art work. Students will explore art to understand the social, cultural and environmental dimensions of human society.


    • Look at and discuss a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional art works from different times and different cultures and learn that art tells us something about those people.
    • Look at art and artifacts from different cultures of the United States and discuss what they look like.
    • Make a work of art based on an image or a design that they see in a work of art from another period or another culture.

    This is evident, for example, when students:

    • Look at Native American art work and create an art work using that style/medium.
    • Look at and discuss art and artifacts from the Civil War, World War I and II and modern eras in United States.


    Attachment A

    Guidelines for Committees on Special Education Regarding Students with Severe Disabilities

    The following guidelines will be useful to Committees on Special Education (CSE) as they discuss the appropriateness of alternate performance indicators for individual students. The CSE should determine and verify that the student meets most of the following guidelines:






    The student demonstrates cognitive ability and adaptive
    behavior which prevents completion of the general
    education curriculum, even with program modifications
    and adaptations.


    The student's management needs are intensive and require a high degree of individualized attention and intervention.


    The student's current adaptive behavior requires extensive direct instruction in multiple settings to accomplish the application and transfer of skills.


    Excessive or extended absences, language differences, or
    social, cultural or environmental factors have not resulted in the student being unable to complete the course of study. Note: Excessive or extended absences do not apply to absences due to a child's disability.


    The student is unable to apply or use academic skills at a
    minimal competency level in natural settings (home,
    community or work site).


    The student requires intensive, frequent and individualized
    community-based instruction in order to acquire, maintain or generalize skills and to demonstrate performance (in settings such as revocational/vocational settings, work sites).


    Current and longitudinal student data across all settings in all relevant areas including progress and adaptive behavior have been reviewed and support the CSE's



    Based on the information documented above, a determination has been made by the CSE with parental opportunity for input regarding the appropriateness of Alternate Performance Indicators.



    ________________________________________ ____

    CSE Chairperson Date

