June 12
    , 2007 Page
    Unofficial and Unapproved
    June 12, 2007 7:00PM HIGH SCHOOL ROOM #210
    A reception was held before the meeting by the Nort h Rose-Wolcott PTSA honoring Mrs. Miner. New
    Board members and the new Business Administrator were introduced. Special music was provided by
    Miss Stevens, Rachael Guthrie, Amanda Miller and E ric Thompson, and was enjoyed by those in
    PRESENT Robert Cahoon, Melinda DeBadts, Nickoline Henner, Mark Humbert
    Edward Magin, Clifford Parton, David Smith, Sandra Boerman, Terri
    Lucinda Miner, Gary Alger, Jan McDorman and approximately 25
    guests including Ora Rothfuss and Kathy DeAngelis.
    1. CALL TO ORDER Robert Cahoon called the meeting t o order at 7:12 pm and led the
    pledge of allegiance.
    1a. APPT. NOTE TAKER Nicki Henner moved and Cliff Par ton seconded the following motion.
    The vote was unanimous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. H enner, M.
    Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith, S. Boerman, T. Smith voted
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    appoints Jan McDorman as the note taker for this me eting.
    1b. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Nicki Henner moved and Cliff Parton seconded the following motion.
    The vote was unanimous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. H enner, M.
    Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith, S. Boerman, T. Smith voted
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the agenda of June 12, 2007.
    2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Paul Statsky reported that the PTSA will be honoring the transportation
    department with a reception to be held at the Bus G arage on June 15,
    2007 at 9am. Kudos were given to the transportatio n department for
    safely transporting the students of our District this year.
    Mr. Statsky thanked all who attended this evenings reception honoring
    Mrs. Miner, new Board members and the new Business Administrator.
    Project SAVE was discussed as well as a grant that will provide scanning
    machines for our District.
    3a. READING 1
    /STUDENT Linda Haensch and Anita Clark summarized
    student achievement and
    ACHIEVEMENT the past three years of the Read ing 1

    June 12
    , 2007 Page
    3b. STORM CHASERS Tim Thomas and three students reported on their recent Storm Chasing
    4a. FOUR COUNTY SBA Reservations have been placed for Board members and incumbents
    who will be attending the Four County SBA Dinner on June 19, 2007.
    4b. OTHER GOOD NEWS Mrs. Miner reported on the num erous ceremonies that have been a
    pleasure for her to attend around the District. Th e many events have
    included academic award ceremonies, musical concerts, art displays,
    the sports banquet, baccalaureate, NRE Memorial Day parade, and the
    Special Olympics to name a few. She was honored to attend the
    Stars of Tomorrow
    and watch so many of our NR-W High
    School students receive prestigious awards for their outstanding
    performances in this years musical production.
    Cougar Pride is Alive!
    4c. OTHER The School Board Annual Conference wil l be held in New York City
    SCHOOL BOARD on October 25 – 28, 2007. Rese rvations will be made for those who
    CONFERENCE wish to attend.
    EIGHTH GRADE Board Members and Administrator s are invited to attend the 8
    DINNER Dinner at the Middle School on June 2 0, 2007 at 6:30pm.
    5a. SUPERINTENDENT’S No report was given.
    5b. BUSINESS Mr. Alger reported that a recent audit took place. NR-W will be
    ADMIN.’S UPDATE receiving $133,000 in aid fro m the transportation of high cost resident
    students. Additional aid will be coming on summer handicapped
    Mr. Alger was pleased to announce that the audit f ound our CSE
    department well organized and in good shape.
    6a. MEETING MINUTES Mark Humbert moved and Ed Magi n seconded the following motion.
    May 22, 2007 The vote was unanimous. R. Ca hoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, M.
    Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith, S. Boerman, T. Smith voted
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approved the Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2007.
    7. CONSENT AGENDA Agenda item 11a. Appointment of School Business Administrator was
    amended prior to approval: Tenure Area corrected to School Business
    Cliff Parton moved and Sandra Boerman seconded the following
    motion. The vote was unanimous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBa dts, N. Henner,
    M. Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith, S. Boerma n, T. Smith voted

    June 12
    , 2007 Page
    7a. WARRANTS Be it resolved that the Board of Educ
    ation, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of School and pursuant to Education Law, approves
    the following Warrants:
    Warrant #64: $1,014,883.68 Warrant #65: $126,614.12
    7b. RECOMMENDATIONS Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the recommendations from the Committee on
    Education dated May 11, 2007, May 17, 2007, May 21, 2007, and May
    24, 2007, and the Committee on PreSchool Special Edu cation dated
    May 21, 2007 and May 23, and instruct the Superinte ndent to
    implement the recommendations on behalf of the following individuals
    identified by student number:
    06297 11419 10330 11563
    11283 11570 11492
    07463 11223 10130 09876 1
    1469 11440 10613
    06484 10180 10801 09872 11
    053 11412 10830
    10453 11111 11273 10317
    11152 11483 11652
    03526 11342 10283 07237 1
    1740 11484
    09998 10402 10501 10192 1
    1579 11536
    06972 10307 08210 08351 11
    721 10857
    7c. SUBSTITUTES Be it resolved that the Board of E ducation, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the individuals named on the substitute lists, which are on file
    with the District Clerk.
    7d. VOLUNTEER Be it resolved that the Board of Edu cation, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the individual named on the volunteer list which is on file
    with the District Clerk.
    7e. TREASURER’S REPORTS Be it resolved that the Bo ard of Education, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the Treasurer’s Extraclassroom Activity Reports for February,
    7f. APPROVAL OF POLICY Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves Policy 7000-Extended School Year (July/August) Services
    and/or programs.
    7g1. APPOINT GRANTS Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation
    ADMINISTRATOR of the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    DAVID MURPHY approves the
    appointment of David Murphy as Grants Administrator, at
    a total salary of $27,500 effective July 1, 2007 – J une 30, 2008.
    7g2. APPOINT HISTORY Be it resolved that the B oard of Education, upon recommendation of the
    GRANT DIRECTOR/ Superintendent of Sc hools and pursuant to Education Law, approves
    DISTRICT STAFF the appointment of Ja cinda Lisanto as the Teaching American History
    DEVELOPER: Grant Director and Distri ct Staff Developer, conditional upon a criminal
    JACINDA LISANTO history recor
    d check according to Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11

    June 12
    , 2007 Page
    and Part 87 for as per NRWTA Contract plus a $3,500.0
    0 stipend for
    Staff Developer, effective July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008. Memorandum
    of Understanding is on file with the District Clerk .
    7g3. APPOINT K-12 HOME Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    SCHOOL LIASON the Superintendent of School s and pursuant to Education Law,
    ROBERT CECCARELLI approves the appointment of Robert Ceccarelli as Home School Liaison
    at $40.00/hr. up to a maximum of $30,000 effective Ju ly 1, 2007 –
    June 30, 2008.
    7g4. APPOINT MATH Be it resolved that the Boa rd of Education, upon recommendation of
    TEACHER the Superintendent of Schoo ls and pursuant to Education Law,
    ERIN PITCHER approves the three year probat ionary appointment of Erin Pitcher,
    conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87 as follows:
    Certification: Initial Mathematics 7-12 Control #: 60454061
    Tenure Area: Mathematics 7-12
    Probationary Period: September 4, 2007 – September 3, 2010
    Salary: $35,500
    7g5. APPOINT LONG TERM Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    SUBSTITUTE Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves
    ANTHONY GIAMBRONE the appointment of Antho ny Giambrone as a long term substitute
    teacher, conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87 as follows:
    Certification: Initial Mathematics 7-12 Control #: 81952071
    Start Date: September 4, 2007 – June 30, 2008 to se rve at the pleasure
    of the Board
    Appointment Area: Math 7-12
    Salary: $35,000 with an additional $1,500 sign on bonus for Masters
    7g6. APPOINT ELEMENTARY Be it resolved that the Bo ard of Education, upon recommendation of the
    TEACHER Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves
    ANGEL SOUTHWICK the three year probationar y appointment of Angel Southwick,
    conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87 as follows:
    Certification: Provisional Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1-6
    Control #: 215921031
    Tenure Area: Elementary
    Probationary Period: September 4, 2007 –September 3, 2010
    Salary: $37,600 with an additional $1,500 sign on bonus for Masters
    7g7. APPOINT ELEMENTARY Be it resolved that the B oard of Education, upon recommendation of
    TEACHER the Superintendent of Scho ols and pursuant to Education Law,
    STACY DENISI approves the three year proba tionary appointment of Stacy Denisi,
    conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87 as follows:
    Certification: Provisional Pre K, Kindergarten & Grades 1-6
    Control #: 135290021

    June 12
    , 2007 Page
    Probationary Period: September 4, 2007-September 3,
    Salary: $41,000 with an additional $1,500 sign on bonus for Masters
    7g8. APPOINT ELEMENTARY Be it resolved that the Bo ard of Education, upon recommendation of the
    TEACHER Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves
    BRADLEY LEHMAN the three year probationary appointment of Bradley Lehman,
    conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87 as follows:
    Certification: Initial Childhood Educ. Grades 1-6
    Control #: 564568051
    Tenure Area: Elementary
    Probationary Period: September 4, 2007-September 3, 2010
    Salary: $35,000 with an additional $1,500 sign on bonus for Masters
    7g9. APPOINT ELEMENTARY Be it resolved that the Bo ard of Education, upon recommendation of the
    TEACHER Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves
    EMILY ESTABROOK the three year probationa ry appointment of Emily Estabrook,
    conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87 as follows:
    Certification: Pending
    Tenure Area: Elementary
    Probationary Period: September 4, 2007-September 3, 2010
    Salary: $35,000
    7g10. APPOINT LONG TERM Be it resolved that the B oard of Education, upon recommendation of the
    SUBSTITUTE Superintendent of Schoo ls and pursuant to Education Law, approves
    CAITLYN HART the appo
    intment of Caitlyn Hart as a long term substitute t eacher,
    conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87 as follows:
    Certification: Initial Childhood Education Grades 1-6
    Control #: 1919168
    Appointment Area: Elementary
    Start Date: September 4, 2007–June 30, 2008 to ser ve at the pleasure
    of the board
    Salary: $35,000
    7g11. APPOINT LONG TERM Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    SUBSTITUTE Superintendent of Scho ols and pursuant to Education Law, approves
    ANGEL SOUTHWICK the appointment of Angel Southwick as a long term substitute teacher,
    conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87 as follows:
    Certification: Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1-6 Control #: 215921031
    Appointment Area: Elementary
    Start Date: May 25, 2007- June 21, 2007 to serve at the pleasure of the
    Salary: Step 1A, $34,629 prorated for time worked
    7g12. PERMANENT Be it resolved that the Board of Edu cation, upon recommendation of
    APPOINTMENT the Superintendent of Schools a nd pursuant to Education Law,
    WENDY HARTER approves the permanent appoi ntment of Wendy D. Harter as a Food
    Service Helper, effective June 20, 2007.

    June 12
    , 2007 Page
    PERMANENT Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    APPOINTMENT the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    SANDRA BEACH approves the permanent appo intment of Sandra Beach as a Baker,
    effective June 20, 2007.
    PERMANENT Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    APPOINTMENT the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    KRIS LYMAN approves the permanent appoin tment of Kris Lyman as a Bus Driver,
    effective June 20, 2007.
    7g13. APPOINT 2007-2008 Be it resolved that the Boar d of Education, upon recommendation of
    CURRICULUM the Superintendent of School s and pursuant to Education Law,
    COUNCIL appoints the following individua ls to serve on the Curriculum Council
    and as Lead Teacher for the 2007-08 school year:
    Name Position Salary___
    Carol Quill K $1,500.00
    Katy Lumb 1 $1,500.00
    Sally Smith 2 $1,500.00
    Amy Plowe 3 $1,500.00
    Colleen Hill 4 $1,500.00
    April Emmert 5 $1,500.00
    Gail Mentis ELA 6-8 $1,500.00
    Melissa Minichello Math 6-8 $1,500.00
    Peter Treasure Science 6-8 $1,500.00
    Sue Malone Social Studies 6-8 $1,500.00
    OPEN Special Education K-12 $1,500.00
    MJ Gunderson Art, PE, Health, Music K-12 $1,500 .00
    Kim Borden LOTE, FACS, Tech. K-12 $1,500 .00
    Barb Packard Math 9-12 $1,500.00
    OPEN Science 9-12 $1,500.00
    Cathy Peterson ELA 9-12 $1,500.00
    Jacinda Lisanto Social Studies 9-12 $1,50 0.00
    7g14. APPOINT SUMMER Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    SCHOOL FOOD the Superintendent of Schoo ls and pursuant to Education Law,
    SERVICE PERSONNEL appoints the following
    individuals to provide food services for all
    summer education programs. The High School and Mi ddle School will
    run from July 9-August 17, 2007. North Rose Elemen tary School will
    run from July 9 – August 9, 2007.
    Location Position Hrs/Day
    Gail Groh
    HS Cook Manager 6 $10.50
    Linda Harper
    HS Cook 6 $11.30
    Lisa Putman
    HS Food Service Helper 6 $9.00
    Doris Moore
    MS Cook Manager 6 $10.60
    Charity Slyter
    MS Cook 6 $9.30
    Linda Scheid
    NRE Cook Manager 6 $10.55
    Elizabeth Ferguso
    n NRE Cook 6 $9.80
    Nena Barnes
    NRE Food Service Helper 6 $9.00
    Robin Sl
    yter NRE Cafeteria Monitor approx. 3 $9 .00
    7g15. APPOINT Be it resolved
    that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    SUMMER ESCAPE Superintendent of Sc hools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the

    June 12
    , 2007 Page
    ENRICHMENT following individuals to wor
    k in the Summer ESCAPE Enrichment
    PROGRAM: Program:
    The following emp
    loyees are Enrichment Workshop Teachers at
    the rate of $25.00
    Christopher Ackley
    Colleen Hill Susan Stanistreet
    Shannon Bailey Kri
    sti King Jeffrey Stone
    Scott Becker Mich
    elle Kline Timothy Stone
    Timothy Burns Bri
    an LaValley JoAnne Tomi
    Kelly Cole Cathy
    LaValley Katie Walsh
    Susan Dapolito Am
    anda Leffler Mark Williams
    Abigail Davies Am
    y Lynch Cynthia Wood
    Jerry DeCausemaker Tracy Migliore
    Avery Galek Laurie Navratil
    Marcy Gay Mong Phu
    The following empl
    oyees are recommended as Nurses at
    the rate of $25.00/
    Lisa Humbert
    Crystal Weigand
    The following indi
    vidual is recommended as Librarian at
    the rate of $25.00/
    Priscilla DeBan
    The following empl
    oyees are recommended as Program Assistants
    at the rate of $12.
    Matthew Confer Tyl
    er Interlichia
    Tiffany Green Sus
    an Lasher
    Paige Humbert Mark
    Nicole Leo Charle
    tte Miller
    Doug Seller
    The following indiv
    idual is recommended as a Program Assistant
    at the rate of $7.15
    James Humbert
    8. INFORMATION ITEMS: The following items were s hared with the Board:
    Legal News: New Language required i n Superintendent Contracts
    ine Hendrick Newsletter
    A School Budget Congratulations
    NRE Rec
    ognition Certificate received from NYS SED
    NRE Min
    i News
    Use of
    08 Coaching Appointments
    3-8 Test Results
    2007 Calendar
    9. PUBLIC No one spo
    ke to the Board.

    , 2007 Page

    June 12
    , 2007 Page
    EXECUTIVE SESSION Cliff Parton moved and Mindy
    DeBadts seconded the following motion.
    The vote was unanimous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, M.
    Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith, S. Boerman, T. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approved
    Executive Session at 8:50 p.m. for the purpose of d iscussing Personnel
    issues. Ora Rothfuss and Kathy DeAngelis were invi ted by the Board to join
    Executive Session.
    OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session a t 10:25 p.m.
    11c. APPOINT
    Mark Humbert moved and Cliff Parton seconded the fol
    lowing motion.
    DIRECTOR OF The vote was unanimous. R. Cahoon, M.
    DeBadts, N. Henner,
    CURRICULUM & M. Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parto n, D. Smith, S. Boerman, T. Smith voted
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upo n recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educat ion Law, approves
    the terms and conditions of employment with salary increase for 2007-08
    $90,000 for Dr. John Boronkay, Director of Curriculum and Instruction.
    The terms and conditions of employment are on file with the District Clerk.
    ADJOURNMENT Mark Humbert moved and Nicki Henner seconded the following motion:
    The vote was unanimous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. H enner, M. Humbert,
    E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith, S. Boerman, T. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    adjournment of the meeting at approximately 10:30 p.m.

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