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Name of Group: District Improvement Team Meeting Objective: To improve student academic achievement, communications and culture.
Date: 12-4-06    
Agenda Items
Action Required
Responsibility (Who)
1. 2007-08 budget overview Susan presented the budget overview for the 07-08 school year. Debbie Brown recommended that there be a reminder for departments and grade levels to look out for items that might be missed (e.g. repairing microscopes). Team leaders and department chairs will work with principals to identify items that may get missed. Principals
Team Leaders
Dept. Chairs
Prior to deadline for staff budgets – (Jan12)
2. PBIS Three HS students spoke to the changes that PBIS has caused in the HS. These students are on the HS PBIS Team.
The students shared their insights as to the impact of PBIS at the HS:
·   students know what the core values are, students are more respectful.
·   Students earn torch tickets as a reward. Tickets are drawn and students earn free …pizza, dance tickets, etc. These kinds of activities are intended to be “boosters” to keep interest and enthusiasm for PBIS alive, and are taking place in different ways in every building.
Students were asked what happens when students aren’t behaving in ways that support the core values. These students don’t see much evidence of that behavior. The students stated that students are “policing” each others’ behavior and that students talk about the videos that are being done to teach the values. Students like the videos.
Referral forms are formatted to support PBIS. They are categorized as “minor” and “major” and correlated to the 4 core values. Mr. Sergeant, Mr. Tingue, as well as principals and teachers, are following through.
Students were asked if their input is important in PBIS…and these students said yes.
2. PBIS (continued) PBIS is being implemented consistently K-12.
When asked what students would like to see next year…I’d like to see this follows seniors into the “real world.”
Students were asked if teachers are behaving in ways that support the core values. Students responded that they are.
How important is it the students sit on the PBIS Team…students said very important.
Students involved in the team’s work can have a greater impact on other students and it is important that students represent the student perspective as to what will benefit students and cause change/support.
All 3 students intend to continue on the Team.
3.  Student feedback - 40 Minute schedule The students said:
·   The 41 minute periods are good - Students can stay more focused for 40 minutes vs. 80
·   Not so good - Can’t always get work done
·   Mixed – some students think it’s great, some think it is too short…not always enough time in the fun classes.
Students were asked if we should stay with 40 minutes or go to 80 minute blocks again…stay with the 40…kids have made the change.
We thanked the students for their time and thoughts tonight!
4. Leadership Class Project Elizabeth Terry presented a PP presentation on the activities of the class. An observation of one committee member was that there is evidence of shifts in culture indicated in just what students are thinking/talking about.
Susan shared one of the Board’s personal goals is to develop distributed leadership…building responsibility and leadership capacity among community, students, staff
The committee discussed the work of the class as a great opportunity to develop life skills – research, expression of opinions opinions, surveys, developing projects, team work, etc.
5. Committee Attendance How do we want to address the attendance issue at DIT? Invite specific people to attend meetings to address specific agenda topics
Student engagement – how to target getting the “not so involved” students?
When student elections are held, can we have each class elect a DIT rep for grades 7-12?
Susan will remind unit presidents to remind reps that they need to have an alternate present
Counselors, Leadership Teacher
Principals and class advisors
Spring 2007
6.  Topics for next month’s meeting Include Attendance on the agenda again, as well as summer school Report on actions taken regarding attendance
Invite key people to be present for summer school discussion – Mary Zecher-Patton, Maureen Dunning, and Martha Adams
Members Present: Deborah Brown, Stephen Humbert, Roy Hyland, Rita Lesniak, John Robbins, Susan Salvaggio, Penny Shockley, Jeff Tume; Representatives: Al Autovino – IS, Gene Hoskins – HS; Advisory: none; Guests: Elizabeth Terry, Mike Cobb, Symone Sylvester, Crue LaRock, Rick Wigle
Members Absent: Julie Beckens, Kathy Bliek, Lynda Faulks, Priscilla Lawrence, Tim Padden, Donald Woodard, Julie Gelina, Nelson Kise

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