Academic Intervention Services (A.I.S.) come in many forms. Students needing such services can be scheduled into classes that are set up to be completed in one and a half years (Earth Science Extended), or two years to complete (Course 1 Math – Extended).
Students can also be scheduled into classes that meet an extra period or two a week such as English 9 (4x) or English 10 (4x).
Students may also have the opportunity to participate in the “Fastbreak to Reading” program where students work to improve their decoding and reading comprehension skills.
Students may also be scheduled into more traditional extra help classes such as the following:
Students receive remedial support to improve their reading and writing skills in preparation for New York State Assessments in 8th Grade and the Regents Comprehensive Examination in English in High School. Academic intervention services are required in high school for students who receive a score of one (1) or two (2) on the 8th grade E.L.A. Assessment. Students may also be recommended by teachers for remedial help.
Students receive remedial support to improve their Math skills in preparation for New York State Assessments in 8th Grade and Regents Exams in High School. Academic intervention services are required in high school for students who receive a one (1) or two (2) on the 8th grade Math Assessment.
Students may also be recommended by teachers for remedial help.
Eligibility for Academic Intervention Services are determined by results of New York State assessments (scoring a 1 or 2), progress in required classes for graduation (report card grades) and teacher recommendations.
Special Education services also come in many forms that are determined in an Individualized Education Program (I.E.P.) set up by the student, parent/guardian and the Committee on Special Education. Services may include such accommodations as classroom or testing modifications that may help the student be more successful.
Students may also be scheduled into classes that are team-taught with a special education teacher “pushed in” to the classroom.
Students may also be scheduled into the following:
The resource room is part of our district special education program. It provides a support service for students who require extra help to be successful in high school. Most students who are scheduled into the resource room have a learning disability, although other students who are having difficulty may also enter this class. Students receive instruction in study and organizational skills, as well as assistance in all academic content areas.
Contact the School Psychologist for more information
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