1. Reading A: p 528-536
    2. Reading B pp 536-542
    3. Reading C pp 542-547
    4. Reading D pp 547-555

Name ___________________________________ Hist 204
Industry Comes to Age 1865-1900

Reading A: p 528-536

Reading A: p 528-536
1. What factors encouraged the growth of railroads in this time period?
2. What impact to the growth of railroads have on
 Transporation railroad owners railroad workers
Farmers Cities government

Reading B pp 536-542

Reading B pp 536-542
1. What were the “miracles of mechanization?”
2. What led to the development of trusts, monopolies and holding companies?
3. Summarize the business practices and philosophies of John D Rockefeller and discuss the impact on America.

Reading C pp 542-547

Reading C pp 542-547
1. Why was the “gospel of wealth” important to industrialization?
2. How did the government respond to the growing power of the trusts?
3. How was the new south different than the old south?

Reading D pp 547-555

Reading D pp 547-555
1. What changes took place in labor due to industrialization?
2. How did workers respond to these changes.
3. What was the response of the American general public and the government to the rise of labor unions?
4. Why are each of these important?

Samuel Gompers “closed shop” Knights of Labor
National Labor Union Haymarket Square

Factor Production            Where America Got them
During Industrialization
Business Leaders
Positive Government/legal support

Some additional terms……
Andrew Carnegie Work ethic laissez faire Morrill Tariff
Alexander Graham Bell Thomas Edison Pacific Railway Act
Corporation Bessemer Process Andrew Carnegie oil land grants
refrigerator railroad car Northrop automated loom monopoly
          Cornelius Vanderbilt

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