1. Subject: _Social Studies__
  2. Grade: 2
  3. Subject: Social Studies
  4. Unit: 1
  5. Grade: 2
  6. Subject: Social Studies
  7. Unit: 1
  8. Grade: 2
  9. Subject: Social Studies
  10. Unit: 1
  11. Grade: ___2____
  12. Subject: _Social Studies__
  13. Grade: 2
  14. Subject: Social Studies
  15. Unit: 2

Grade: ___2____
Subject: _Social Studies__
Essential Question #1
Why do we have rules in school and in the community?
Essential Question #2
How is life in the city different than your life in Lyons?
Essential Question #3
How do you read a map?
Essential Question #4
Essential Question #5


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Grade: 2

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Subject: Social Studies

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Unit: 1
Objective/Skill #1 The student will identify roles people perform at school and at home.
Objective/Skill #2 The student will follow school rules.
C, App., An, E
Objective/Skill #3 The student will summarize rules in the community.
K, Comp, An, E
Objective/Skill #4  
Objective/Skill #5  


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Grade: 2

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Subject: Social Studies

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Unit: 1
Objective/Skill #1 The student will recognize a neighborhood as a place where families live and work to meet their needs.
K, Comp., App., E
Objective/Skill #2 The student will identify people and places in their neighborhood.
K, Comp., App., An
Objective/Skill #3 The student will describe goods and services that people receive in a city.
K, Comp, An, E,
Objective/Skill #4 The student will identify the diversity of the people who live in a city.
K, Comp, An, E, S
Objective/Skill #5  


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Grade: 2

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Subject: Social Studies

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Unit: 1
Objective/Skill #1 The student will recognize how a map differs from a photo.
K, Comp., App., E, S, An
Objective/Skill #2 The student will identify the title and symbols on a map.
K, Comp., App., An
Objective/Skill #3 The student will describe goods and services that people receive in a city.
K, Comp, App, E,
Objective/Skill #4    
Objective/Skill #5  


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Grade: ___2____

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Subject: _Social Studies__
Essential Question #1
Where do people live?
Essential Question #2
How does the land change the way people live?
Essential Question #3
Where does our food come from?
Essential Question #4
Essential Question #5


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Grade: 2

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Subject: Social Studies

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Unit: 2
Objective/Skill #1 The student will identify and compare land forms and bodies of water
K, Comp., E, An.
Objective/Skill #2 The student will identify how people live in different locations
K, Comp, An,
Objective/Skill #3 The student will compare a map and a globe
K, Comp, App., An, E
Objective/Skill #4  
Objective/Skill #5  


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