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Mrs. Rothfuss, information sheet for classroom / resources
Regents Earth Science


  This site allows work to be downloaded to any computer. If homework was left at school or lost, second copies can be printed out for your youth. Please note this is a work in progress, not every item appears.
1. Go to www.nrwcs.org
2. Click on Educational Resources
3. Click on Docushare
4. Click on High School
5. Click on Science Department
6. Click on Mrs. Rothfuss
7. Choose the appropriate assignment.
7. Many of the worksheets given for homework will be posted here.


provides class teacher announcements and assigned grades. You can check out your youth’s grade. The following things can be identified: Assignments which were not turned in, work quality, your student’s attendance. This resource also allows you to leave messages for me. I attempt to update the site each weekend.
 I do not put assignments or lesson plans in a dvance on this source. This site is only used for grading, attendance and communication. Please note, this site is not instantaneous. I only update once a week on this resource. If you have a message you’d like an immediate reply to please telephone me, e-mail me to my normal account hrothfuss@nrwcs.org or leave a written message in my school mailbox.
 Your youth has received their own personal start keys and we’ve initiated him/her to the program. Enclosed is the parents’ personal code. This allows you as the parent to access your youth’s grade information whenever you access the site. The parents’ code is different from the student’s code. Please remember this site is used solely for attendance, grades and comments. Lesson plans and upcoming homework are not posted here.

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You may contact me at any time at hrothfuss@nrwcs.org . I check this site once a day. If there is a time sensitive issue please call the school at 594-3100 and leave a message.

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