Creative Writing
January Daily Writing Prompts
Directions: From now on, you must write daily. You can use the prompt provided for you for each day, or create your own. Remember to write the date and prompt (or topic) at the top of each page. Start a new page for each day. Your daily writing entries must be at least one paragraph in length. Have fun with these! Write from multiple perspectives and play with language. If you have questions about the content of your writing or the approach you want to take, please come see me! Happy writing!
January 2: Write about a time someone said no.
January 3: You’re standing in a doorway.
January 4: “A year after your death…” --Czeslaw Milosz
January 5: Write about a day moon.
Weekend assignment: Choose one: Write about bathing.
Once, when no one was looking…
January 8: It’s what I do in the middle of the night.
January 9: Write about a ceremony.
January 10: Write about a wound.
January 11: You are in a motel room.
January 12: Write about acceptable losses.
Weekend assignment: Choose one: After midnight. OR Write about a horizon.
January 15: (Even though you don’t have school!!) It’s Saturday afternoon. You’re not at home.
January 16: Write about a bed.
January 17: Write about a time you found out about something you weren’t supposed to know.
January 18: “It was noon and nothing is concluded.” --Donald Rawley
January 19: Remember a sound.
Weekend assignment: Choose one: Look out your window; write what you see.
Write about something you bough mail order.
January 22: In the meantime…
January 23: Write a love letter. To anyone.
January 24: Write about leaving.
January 25: Shadows
January 26: (No school – conference day – you still need to write!) Describe the contents of someone’s closet.
Weekend assignment: Choose one: Write about a used car.
Write about “the sky you were born under”
– Joy Harjo
January 29: The end of the day.
January 30: Write about a forbidden activity.
January 31: “The first time I wore ______________________.”
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