English 10/10H
Capitalization Practice
Directions: Mark errors in capitalization using proofreading marks (3 lines under the first letter to capitalize, a slash through a letter that should be lower case). If a sentence is written correctly, write a C in the left margin.
1. The Florida department of tourism tries to interest people in visiting the State.
2. My Cousin Bob is a Lieutenant in the United States air force.
3. In Europe, what we call the French and Indian war is known as the Seven years’ war.
4. Mike said that He can’t make it.
5. Enslaved people used the north star to guide them.
6. My doctor suggested an addition to my diet: it is broiled chicken.
7. Have scientists found evidence of Life on mars?
8. One of my aunts is Pilar Wallace, m.d., and another is Rachel Kaplan, d.d.s.
9. My Mom wants to know where uncle Willie is planning to go after work.
10. The official Brazilian language is Portuguese, not Spanish.
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