1. US History 203/204  Mr. Cook Community History Project

US History 203/204  Mr. Cook Community History Project

US History 203/204    Mr. Cook Community History Project

 GCC has recently added a Community History Project to their 203 and 204 requirements. This new component encourages students to participate in history in the own community. This sheet will provide a overview of the project. Specific materials for each option will be provided in class.
You have two options for this project. You will complete one of the options by the end of the course.
“Option A (Service Learning):
You can volunteer with a local historical society or museum for a minimum of 5 hours during the semester. During your service learning experience, you will keep a brief journal of your activities. At the completion of your work, you will write a 1-2 page reflective summary of your work experience. A separate information packet will be distributed early in the semester.”

Comments and suggestions: The Nunda Historical Society, the Friends of Nunda Cemeteries, and the Town of Nunda Bicentennial Committee are three local historical groups that you can volunteer for.

 The Historical Society has a variety of projects that you could work on including the organization and entry of data for the Societies website. You can also participate in the Societies monthly program and meeting, which will be the equivalent of 11/2 hrs of service learning.
 The Friends of Nunda Cemeteries has similar opportunities, but could also include cemetery research and physical conservation work.
 The Bicentennial Committee is planning for the Town’s Bicentennial in 2008. The Committee meets month for about 1 1/2 hours. There are also some addition opportunities available including typing manuscripts for publication.

See Mr. Cook for additional details and suggestions for service learning opportunities.
“Option B (Research Paper):
You can research and write a traditional college research paper of at least 6 pages on a topic related to Western New York State history from pre-colonial times to the Civil War. An informational sheet with specific details will be provided to you later in the semester.”
Comments and suggestions: This option has you conducting historical research and writing on a local history topics. There are a wide range of choices, and I encourage you to consider doing research on a Nunda topic. The Bicentennial Committee is looking for material for publication during 2008.
See Mr. Cook for additional details and suggestions for research topics and procedures.
You should choose an option early in course work. Don’t wait to the last minute!


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