1. Research Paper Requirements
    1. Part I – Before you write
    2. Part II – As you research and write
    3. Part III – Research paper formatting
    4. Part IV—Research paper sources
    5. Part V – Grading

Research Paper Requirements
There are several parts to this. Be sure to read the entire paper so you understand each part. Beside each part, write the date you completed the task. Yes, you will turn this paper in for a grade.

Part I – Before you write

Part I – Before you write
_____Turn in Research Paper Topic sheet to Mrs. Duprey.
_____Get Mrs. Duprey’s approval for your topic

Part II – As you research and write

Part II – As you research and write
_____ Take notes. Copious notes. Lots and lots of notes.
_____ Document, document, document!
_____ & _____ Set up two writing conferences with Mrs. Duprey

Part III – Research paper formatting

Part III – Research paper formatting
_____ Margins are 1” all the way around on all text pages
_____ Last name and page #’s are in header; top right corner
_____ Title page follows MLA format (see pg 525 in textbook)
_____ Imbedded (parenthetical) citations are included (pgs 508-511)
_____ overall length needs to be approx 5000 words (that’s 8-10 typed, double-spaced pages at size 12 font using Times New Roman) PS. Title and Works Cited pages do NOT count toward the 8-10 page requirement!

Part IV—Research paper sources

Part IV—Research paper sources
_____at least FIVE sources; two must be sources other than Internet
_____ Works Cited page in proper format included with rough draft (pgs 512-24; 534)

Part V – Grading

Part V – Grading
_____ Handed in rough draft
_____ Checked rubric before doing final draft; also talked with Mrs. D & read her comments
_____ Handed in final draft

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