Psychology 101 Review Sheet for Final Test
    The following list will be helpful in reviewing for Part I and II of the final test. Part I will consist of 25 multiple choice questions ( 2 pts each) Part II will be two full length answers (out of four choices) at 10 pts each, the take home (Part III) will consist of two of five possible choices at 15 points each.
    Be familiar with…..
    q   Parts of the Neuron and how they work :Dendrites, cell body, axon, myelin sheath, terminal branches, and synapse
    q   Nervous System terminology – peripheral , central, autonomic, somatic, sympathetic, and parasympathetic
    q   Four Lobes of the brain (one function each)
    q   Functions of motor cortex and sensory cortex
    q   Sensation and Perception including bottom-up and top down processing, abolute threashold, subliminal stimuli, difference threshold, sensory adaptation
    q   Summarize how light and sound energy is changed from external stimuli to brain cell activity
    q   Identify Gestalt principles and their importance to the perception of form
    q   Classical, operant, and observational/social learning - differences
    q   Classical Learning – CS UCS, CR, and UCR
    q   Operant Learning – positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement
    q   Memory Processing – Encoding – Effortful and Automatic Processing
    q   Storage – sensory, short term, long term implicit and explicit memories
    q   Retrieval – cues, priming, context effects
    q   Why forgetting occurs
    q   Ways to improve memory
    q   Thinking and Problem solving – concepts prototypes, algorithm, heuristics
    q   Barriers to successful problem solving and decision making
    q   Theories of language development
    q   Definition of intelligents – measurement methods
    q   Shaping the individual’s intelligence – nature v nurture
    q   Motivation – instinct, drivereduction theory, homeostatis, incentives, optimum arousal, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
    q   Two biological and one environmental factor that regulate hunger
    q   Theories of Motivation - James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, and Schacter Two Factor
    q   Identify the psychological and physiological basis to emotions
    q   Define “personality” and identify at least the major personality theories
    q   Define “psychological disorder” and identify and describe two major perspectives ( Medical and Bio-Psycho-Social)

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