1. ACE English (meeting A3B1D2) [17 students]
  2. English 12 (meeting B5C6E5) [26 students]
  3. ELA Lab.09 (meeting C1)

English 9 (Block 9.01, meeting A1C2E1 [26 students]; 9.06, meeting A6C5D6 [22 students] {with Mr. Daucher}; 9.07, meeting B3D1E2 [20 students]
Daily, students show knowledge of definitions and use of Global voc. (see list)

Global voc. (abbot, abdicate, absolutism, acid rain, the Acropolis, The Age of Enlightenment, imperialism, alloys, alluvial soil, ancestor worship, assimilation, autonomy, autocratic, balance of power, baptism, barter, biodiversity, bureaucracy, caliph, capital)

Through week, in order:
Day 1:
Students answer the questions on 53 of Elements of Lit. orally and in writing, at the teacher’s direction.
Day 2: Students take quiz on all vocabulary to date. Students fill out Lit Review Sheets after identifying what lit, that we have looked at, is significant enough to deserve the record.
Day 3: Students start The Pigman Project.


ACE English (meeting A3B1D2) [17 students]
Tragic Drama (1380-1381):
for Death of a Salesman (1877-1950)
Essay: after reading Miller's own comments on his play (1948-1951), explain how his creation, Willy Loman, shows his "indestructible will . . . to achieve his humanity." (1950) (You must provide at least six (6) quotations or examples from throughout the comments and play in your essay.). We need to set a due date.
Students contrast open form with closed form of poetry.
Students apply these technical terms and earlier literary approaches as appropriate to:
Open Form: e.e. cummings, “Buffalo Bill’s,” 978; W.C. Williams, “Dance,” 979; Crane, “Heart,” 981; Gildner, “First Practice,” 985; 991; 995.
Students define rhyme, meter, foot, iamb, trochee, anapest, dactyl, spondee, alliteration, consonance, assonance, personification, simile, metaphor; 901-924; 925-967.
Closed Form: Frost, “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” 1016; McKay, “America,” 1048; Yeats, “Sailing to Byzantium,” 1094; Browning, “My Last Duchess,” 751; Hamlet, II, ii, 476-533 (1612-1614).
Creative Writing (meeting A4C4E4) [11 students]
Students respond to the prompts in What If, pp. 3-7; pp. 10-12; 13-14 (teacher starts by stating the objective first; then the exercise; then the models).

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English 12 (meeting B5C6E5) [26 students]
Children’s Lit:
Students follow the assigned schedule of reading and of working with elementary students. Reports are due in the teacher’s hands at the start of C day each week. Teacher provides a prompt for a brief essay due next week on C day.

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ELA Lab.09 (meeting C1)
Students catch up or work ahead of English class. Students may work on other subjects, with teacher leading them into using ELA skills.

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